
Thursday 24 January 2019


This update adds the old sewers beneath the town, and a new character who lurks there. It also adds female animals, and makes other animal improvements.

!Robin has been working on a wiki. It already has a lot of information regarding characteristics, NPCs, their schedules, how to unlock various events, and more.

There's also this wiki, which has had a few contributors.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: There's a problem with the genital settings for Morgan and the black wolf when continuing old saves. Fix by visiting NPC Settings and manually selecting their genitals.
Edit2: Updated Android link with a version that fixes the gamebreaking errors some players experienced.

Patch Notes
Added hotkeys to most actions outside of encounters, courtesy of Ly. The attached key is shown before the option.
Eden and Whitney will now make unique comments upon taking your virginity.
Added female animals, controlled by a new slider in Settings. Let me know if you find male or female animals when you shouldn't.
Female animals on male PCs aren't fully represented by art yet, as it will require a different position.
Animals can now mount your front, as well as your rear end.
Animals can now give more involved oral, and receive anal, though it makes them angry.
The black wolf has its own gender toggle in NPC Settings, similar to other unique NPCs.
Added the old sewers, found beneath the current drain system. There's a chance the current will take you there when you are pushed by a torrent of water in the drain. You can also find your own way down with a C in History.
Added a unique character who lurks in the old sewers. They and their scenes were designed and written in collaboration with Sneed (Formerly Chuck)(That's really what he wanted to be credited by).
The old sewers are also home to a giant slime, written by CreepingDawn.
And a giant lizard, with a vore scene written by OfficialSeidon.
Five treasures can be found in the old sewers, together worth £600 at the museum. They respawn Sunday morning.
Added a breastfeeding toggle to the Settings page.

Balance Changes
Reduced the amount of fatigue gained from fatigue-increasing actions, especially dancing.
Increased the stress removed by eating lunch with Robin in the canteen.
Reduced stress gains outside encounters.
The police will no longer harass Robin at their stand more than once per day.
The chance of being hit by a torrent of water, or being attacked by a tentacle monster, in the drains is now based on the weather rather than allure. Rain is more dangerous.

Bug Fixes
Fixed some gender wonkiness during the science fair.
Fixed a bug causing the PC to be referred to as a "good girl" regardless of their apparent gender by Leighton and in the dungeon.
Fixed another bug with the close up animation for a tentacle teasing your penis.
Fixed another bug causing Harper to materialise as a futa rapist at inappropriate times.
Cleaning the gutters on Domus Street will now get your clothes wet if it's raining.
You can now attend Doctor Harper's appointments after escaping from the asylum.
Fixed a bug preventing the action to stop rubbing your penis against someone's clit from working, and a similar bug regarding ass frottage.
Fixed an error that could occur while your underwear was being pulled down.
Fixed a bug that prevented giving female NPCs oral properly.


  1. The waves don't think I'm sexy enough to sweep me away over and over again anymore?

  2. BASED sneedposter
    Please add names soon so I can name a character "janny" and get them raped over and over again :)

    1. There are no plans for names, but it's not off the cards.

  3. Yay! Downloading the update now, can't wait to try it out. Also, any plans for artwork involving 69ing animals (or anything)? I've noticed my male character has been 69ed by other male (and female) wolves at the Wolf Cave, so I was just wondering if there was going to be any art for that. Those were some great scenes.

    1. Yes, I'd like to include art for it at some pont.

  4. Yes, just yes. Always happy to see updates on one of my favorite games. When's the Whitney rework coming for easier interaction with them besides "perchance" encounters at school? ^.^

    1. I'm glad to hear it.

      Whitney will be getting more content sometime after the Avery update.

  5. breastfeeding? interesting. are you getting closer now to adding pregnancy to the game? is breastfeeding currently NPC only, or are female PCes able to lactate under certain conditions?

    1. PC lactation isn't in yet, but is planned. Will come long before pregnancy.

  6. Wait i didn't know there was breastfeeding in the game im curious about how do you make an npc breastfeed you.
    Great update by the way ¡keep it up i believe in you!

    1. Thank you! I won't let you down!

      Breastfeeding is limited to a single scene at the moment, with the new NPC. It'll be added to generic NPC encounters at some point.

  7. Female animals make it even more apparent that despite text about them wanting your cum, female attackers just kinda fuck off once they've had their fun. I feel like a method to reliably ensure ejaculation inside female attackers is in order, with or without the player's consent.

    1. I know what you mean. Some of the text even states that the animals are after your seed.

  8. Wow! This update looks fun. Can't wait to try it later tonight. The wait is always worth it. Question: Do you arrange all the suggestions you get from people or is it all just in a big text file? I became curious when it occurred to me that since there's so many things to do in game already, that the suggestions probably get both very specific and diverse.

    1. I'm glad. I hope you have fun.

      There's a 31-page document organised into sections. You're right though. The suggestions are varied in their scope.

    2. Played around for a bit and I'm loving the new content a lot. Well, I avoided the sewer dweller because I'm not some filthy human-fucker (emphasis on filthy). Will players with higher history have access to a sewer map? I suppose that's a lot of work. It could also be a partial map for A-grade history, then a full map for max history.

      The slime scene is hot, though I think it could do with some penetration on holes you're already not a virgin for.

      The giant lizard is my new favorite, though. Love the oral-play into consensual vore! Great work, OfficialSeidon! I do feel like the writing for letting it swallow you is a bit short, maybe something could be appended there before the character passing out.

      Last thing, seeing all the collaborative work has me inspired to perhaps write something myself. Thought of something to add to the aforementioned giant lizard swallowing scene. Assuming you'd be willing to hear me out, how would I get in touch to submit writing? In case it wasn't obvious, I'll probably write about vore, tentacles or slimes.

    3. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked those scenes. I am thinking of adding a sewer map, as we're currently developing a new system for the town map, and should be able to expand it to other locations.

      I'd certainly be willing to hear you out. You can send me an email, or dm on discord. I might set up a channel there for writers.

  9. I like the way development is going. As far as feedback goes, I feel like the single biggest balance issue currently in the game is that it's trivially easy to avoid paying Bailey (even after they start bringing in a second person to subdue you) as long as you have high English and Science. The high Science lets you survive the first turn of abuse, and then you can apologize and refrain from taking hostile actions until they cum. Not needing to worry about making money just throws off so many of the game's incentives.

    I don't think the Bailey fight necessarily needs to be made outright impossible, but maybe the orphanage should get even more dangerous with subsequent missed payments? Being attacked in your sleep just isn't actually that dangerous once you're able to fight off Bailey. I understand if you're reluctant to do this as long as there are so few options to sleep elsewhere, though.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Getting the balance right is difficult, but I have some things in mind.

      How have you found the additional NPC Bailey brings as backup? I was concerned that may have made things too difficult, but apologise is so powerful at the moment. It will be brought down a peg at some point, once the PC has more options during encounters.

    2. Oh, once the extra NPC is there, it's definitely hard. I only play small characters, so I can't speak to how well a larger one would fare, but I've found that raising Science so that you can barely survive 1 turn of abuse and English so that you can completely get rid of their anger with apology is the *only* way to win. Surviving 2 rounds of that would be impossible. But after their anger is gone, they can't do anything but bring themselves off, so as long as you don't anger them again, you'll win.

      Basically, I think this is a case of a super-difficult fight coming up against a super-overpowered player option. That's why, rather than making the fight more difficult, I think it might fit better with the rest of the game's design philosophy to just increase the post-fight danger, at least until those extra options you mentioned are added.

    3. You make a good point, thanks.

  10. When you're with morgan, and you pass out, you're swept out to sea, is that supposed to happen?

    1. It is, though something more fitting will be made in the future.

  11. Прочитал возможный квест с Робином и да, я его проходил, когда Робин был добавлен в игру. И это полностью подтверждает мои слова о том, что какие-то не-повторяющиеся события случаются только если вы будете тупить и делать дурацкие вещи.
    I read the possible quest with Robin and yes, I passed it when Robin was added to the game. And this fully confirms my words that some non-repetitive events happen only if you blunt and do stupid things.

    1. Если после того, как Робин пожаловался вам на высокую арендную плату, сразу зайти к Бейли и спросить: - "Что за хуйня?", то вы пропустите цепочку событий с похищением Робина.
      Жаль, что большинство событий происходят только если вы делаете бред или подвергаете себя опасности (глупо)
      If, after Robin complained to you of high rent, immediately go to Bailey and ask: “What the fuck is this?”, Then you will miss the chain of events with Robin’s abduction.
      It is a pity that most of the events only happen if you make delirium or endanger yourself (stupid)

    2. Making the best of bad situations is part of the game. It's the thinking behind Bailey's increasing payments, pushing you to take more risks. You can make good decisions and mitigate danger, but there should always be a chance of things going wrong.

      Originally there was no way to avoid Robin's abduction. Perhaps it's a bit too easy to dodge currently.

  12. Is the notice board even disabled in soft mode? I can't seem to trigger it no matter how high my fame is. I understand why it might be disabled, since it's a pretty rough event, but if it is there really needs to be another way to trigger consensual modeling/sex with the principal, since I think getting past the noticeboard event is the only way to get to those scenes.

    Also, I thick it would be cool if you could start asking the principal to repay you with favors instead of money once you've done enough with him. Like, you can ask him to find an excuse to let you ignore certain school rules. There could be basic nonsexual stuff like:

    Special permission to arrive late to classes, with and excuse like "this student has a sleeping disorder than sometimes causes them to fall asleep suddenly and without warning, so they should not be punished for arriving late to class"

    Letting you wear whatever you want to school ("this student is allergic to the materials used in the school uniform, so they are allowed to wear whatever clothing they prefer to school").

    Letting you visit the teachers in their offices after school for private tutoring, which raises your school stats much quicker ("this student is easily distracted by ambient noise, and so it is our duty as educators to provide them with a safe, quiet, personalized learning environment")

    And it could then escalate into sexy stuff with increasingly suspect "excuses" like:

    Being allowed to use whichever bathroom and changing room you like ("this student has expressed confusion about their gender identity, and should therefore be allowed to more freely explore and express their identity while at school")

    Being allowed to attend school naked ("this student has sensitive skin, and on some days the rubbing and abrasion caused by wearing clothing is too much for them to tolerate, so they are allowed to attend school wearing as little as they want").

    Being allowed to masturbate/have sex openly at school ("this student suffers from hyper-arousal disorder and must be allowed to seek sexual release wherever/whenever they wish for the sake of their health and well-being")

    Getting to demand that the teachers have sex with you during class or in their office after school ("as educators, we must always aid our students in any way we can, including helping this student manage their hyper-arousal disorder")

    Or even using school funds to buy you a 'sexual assistance dog', which could then be a new NPC available at home and at school ("as a safe, compassionate place of learning, we must of course provide our special needs students with whatever they need to grow and learn, including helping them acquire helper animals if they need them")

    You could even make alternate versions of those events for the 'getting blackmailed' path. Like the principal forcing you to accept rules that state you have to use the wrong changing room, or that you have to go to school naked, or that make daily masturbation mandatory, or forcing a 'helper dog' on you that's actually trained to ignore your commands and molest you in public places.

    I feel that an addition like this would add a lot more fun and depth to the school, as well as opening the door for a bunch of new sexy encounters.

    1. Agreed, I really hope this happens in future updates

    2. Thanks for the ideas. I laughed at those excuses. The school could definitely use more content like this.

      The notice board event shouldn't be disabled in soft mode, though the trigger conditions are harder to meet as one of the fame types is closed off. The conditions are very high.

  13. Thanks Vrelnir, very cool.

  14. You sir, are doing gods work. Bless you, I await further content with bated breath.

  15. Android ver wen

    1. Within 24 hours normally

    2. There's a wee problem with compatibility at the moment, so it may take a bit longer. It's coming.

  16. Wait, he(she, or they, i don't know) will add more positions for the protagonist? Because if this is true... So the game will be pretty much fun... The Dog Style position for Man is a little strange xD. Thanks For Reading. :)

    1. More animations to respresent different positions are planned.

    2. Now you are talking my language. <(•-•)>

  17. with the cheat menu you can avoid unwanted scenes. lets say that winter catches you masturbating but you absolutely dont want chasity belt so you open the cheat menu confirm and the triggered even is avoided or changed for another...

    1. on the streets you can outright triggere events and you dont need to travel left and right, just spam the cheat menu and the desired even will trigger eventually.

    2. Aye, using the cheat menu during events can cause problems. The game acts like you've freshly arrived on the previous page again.

  18. Is there anything added in for staying with the sewer NPC for a while, thinking along the lines of the stockholm trait you can get for the other two long term captivity events.

    1. No, the best that'll happen is a boost to one of your school skills. Or free collar removal.

  19. Nice, would love to if the next few updates where adding more thngs to do in school or at the orthanage and maybe some more exhibitionist stuff but this is great progress.

    Ps any plans for a boner system? So that if your a male and arousl is over half you get a semi that can e seen under some clothing and then if it's nearly full you gt ea hard on which is seen through all clothing, boasting your alure and adding to a chance to get raped?

    1. Next update will be more diffuse, and will include more "mundane" events at school and around town.

      No "hard" plans for a boner system, but it's something I'm considering.

    2. Thanks for the reply and I how you can use it and if you ever need any help just hit me up, I'm in your discord server if you need more info on how I feel it would work

  20. I tested a mod called Degrees of Endowment recently (
    It adds Penis sizes and a Wear & tear System for V & A. It really adds to the gameplay experience, any chance you'll add it to the main game?

  21. It would probably be way more trouble than it's worth, but is there any possibility of amputation/prosthetic limbs? Maybe the prosthetics could be better than your natural limbs at running, fighting, etc, but can be removed or even stolen, leaving you defenseless and much less mobile? There could even be different kinds of prosthetics, like a simple pegleg just to keep you going or a bionic arm like in MGSV that actually has additional functions on top of being able to do anything a natural arm can do. Of course, better prosthetics would cost more money and probably should be harder to remove, but basic prosthetics could be dirt cheap so you aren't stuck roleplaying as a human slug.

    1. No plans for amputations or prosthetics, though it could certainly lead to some fun content.

  22. i also have a suggestion about the orgasm system, for female PCs
    if a male is penetrating the female pc and finishes first right now that last "turn" is not taken into
    a count and the pcs lust is left unnafected, it would perhaps be better when the npcs ejaculates that a large amount of lust is filled, inside vagina/anal 20-25% inside mouth 15% on skin 8%
    if the bar is filled with the npcs ejaculation and the PC cums as well the npc could just take a picture of you, when in that state or take something from you while you are too busy to notice, or just lewdly comment. the percentage given when the npc orgasms could be affected whetever the PC is going along with it or outright resisting...

    1. Thanks for the suggestions. Something does need to change.

  23. Cool to hear an avery update is coming, I liked what we've seen of them so far. You are great at making each NPC seem unique with different dynamics and dispositions that shine through even in small interactions. It's rare to see a game that has more character variance than 'crazy rapist' and 'sex obsessed babe'. And very rare to see NPCs that try to slowly win over/take advantage of/groom/whatever the protagonist, rather than going from 0 to rape immediately.

    1. Thanks. I've tried to keep each unique NPC distinct in that way, and I'm glad you think it's been a success.

      I'm looking forward to making more Avery.

  24. I have a suggestion when you add the penis size in an update it would be pretty good to have a vagina size of how much you can get inside lets say that you have a 7 inch penis and the female npc you are fucking can get 4 inchs inside her you would have to get the option to push to get more inside her that would give you both a lot more pleasure and if you have an female character that can get max 3 inches and a male npc fucks you With a 12 inch mounstrous Dick it would give you a huge pleasure for both and a little pain for the character and to balance a little if you get fucked by a Dick that surpass your max size lets say 10 or 15 times your pussy Will get stretched by 1 inch.
    And of course the addition to more moan options like "¡that thing is huge! I wait it in me now!" or "its too tight!" and as well more reactions for npcs on encounters and to edit the important npcs size in the options and lastly the events that triggers depending on your size lets say for example if you get too aroused and you are in the street and you have a giant dick it would call the atention off everyone and the school examination test if you get aroused the girls Will have more reactions to the size like "¡its so small!" "its cute" "its so big"

    1. And more unique reactions for important npcs as well

    2. Thanks for the ideas. I'm not sure if I want to go with the whole orifice stretchiness thing. Maybe.

      Dialogue mentioning size will need to be a thing, should size be added.

  25. Hey, hey, will The Yandere be like this when talking to you? (image by @JTveemo) (its not about the looks of the character its about how they act, displayed by the character in the picture)

    1. Sometimes. They may be more shy, depending on relationship stats.

  26. Any plan to add player initiated rape/molestation?

    1. In small ways, like punishing the student who tries to blackmail you in English.

      A full system is in the maybe pile, for the distant future.

  27. Currently started playing through the new sewer stuff and in the first encounter with Morgan when I choose the hand option "stroke" it says "You timidly stroke the 0 boy's skin." I assume Morgan being referred to as "0 boy" is not intentional, for context this was done on a new playthrough with Morgan being set as a male and the PC being a female.

  28. Bug report: in the museum, once you sold the candlestick, "Ask about candlestick" seems to be an infinitely spammable action that takes no time and gives +Love with Winter every time.

  29. I think there should be a way to avoid being sent to the asylum, maybe just a little dialog where you are asked if you want to be admitted and can just say no to stay out of the asylum.

    1. I'll think about this. I know some people want to get passed around town with high trauma, and would rather not be sent to the asylum.

      The asylum will be fleshed out further in the future.

  30. Hi Crew. Leave your first comment. Thanks to your game, I have been enjoying a month recently. I appreciate that contribution.
    I have multiple npc and creative events, but I want content that can consume money. I hope that you will come up with an event that happens when you purchase an unexpected item in various costumes or accessory shops.
    If you are in the production team's plan, consider it. Thank you for distributing this game!

    1. I agree there isn't enough to spend money on yet, beyond keeping up with Bailey's demands. Sorry if I haven't understood.

      You're welcome!

  31. Just some suggestion idea if have plan to put yandere in the game

    I think Yandere should be a thing that hard to deal with.
    Alot unique interact can be happen with this kind of npc
    Like trait that tell you that you had been followed help keep off some molester and a chance to be rescue in some event
    50/50 whiteknight or get new Stockholm trait (well surely you will get kidnap if your yandere's mental status is unstable/out of control)if pass out,
    a clash with Whitney at school if that npc is a classmate
    ,kidnapping when sleeping at home or secretly increase pc arousal after long periods of sleeping if that npc live at/near orphanage or be a resourceful person,
    Co-response with your sexual fame by be more aggressive when overalls point exceed some certain level,
    Drug pc with powerful aphrodisiac sometimes if pc drink anything that yandere offer

    Aside from that I just found bug that if you serve drink at mansion and get molested,time will not advance but you still get payment

    1. Thanks for the ideas, and the bug report.

      Yandere should be coming the update after next.

  32. Great to see that you guys are continuing to push out new content for this game! I'd love to hear your opinion on two things, 1st would be adding sex toys to the shop(s) in the game? After masturbation was introduced I've been looking forward to expanding it further. Toys could also be used in many other ways, (On yourself, On others, by others on you.) I know this is probably a lot more work than it seems. <3

    I was also curious if it would be interesting for you guys to expand more on the skill system that is already in the game? I'm refering to the sexual ones like "Oral" "Vaginal" "Anal" etc. As an example a person with a low lvl (no experience) in vaginal play would struggle or not being able to fit an object or a abnormally big penis while someone with a lot of experience (high lvl) could take it with ease. Could be a cool way to progress your character and make certain encounters more interesting where some "enemies" would prefer someone who is "tight" while others prefer the oposite.
    Just throwing that idea out there! I know it could be annoying with a ton of different people suggesting different things for your game so stick with what you do best! <3

    1. Me again: Just noticed "Dark" posted a similar suggestion to mine earlier. I'm all for seeing size appear in the dialogue, But without the size having making a difference (you not being able to handle it, or having to struggle) it won't add much to the encounters I feel. But I might be wrong.

    2. Sex toys are planned, both for masturbation and use during encounters.

      Penis sizes are also planned, which does mean we need to decide how they'll influence encounters. I'm leaning toward having skill influence the range of sizes you can take well, at least for vaginal. The impact of sex skills is a bit simplistic at the moment.

      Thanks for your thoughts, don't be afraid to share them!

    3. not OP here, but are there plans for any kind of equipable toys like vibrators that you can wear around town, or are they going to only be usable in actual scenes? I think that wearables could make for some pretty great content, like trying to get home with your arms tied and a vibrator buzzing away between your legs, or maybe you could get a chastity belt fitted but "forget" to remove your toys, etc.

  33. in the cheat menu fatigue can go into negative numbers, same for awareness.

    1. Thanks. There's a few quirks like that with the cheat menu I need to fix.

  34. Playing as a male character and making Morgan female, the event that occurs later in the day with Morgan (where she asks you to lay down and take off your clothes), when you press your penis against Morgan's pussy, it says "you press your penis against the businesswoman's pussy".

  35. I like this game. One thing I would want added is the ability to quick select one of the preconfigured or custom clothing set when accessing the change menu in the wardrobe or the changing rooms on the beach or in the clubs. Only choising between them after sleeping make those sets less usefull than they could be.

    1. I agree this makes sense. It should be included as part of the clothing update.

  36. i also suggest putting automatic clothing replacements in the starting options or at least cheat menu

    1. Isn't the automatic replacement option activated in the clothes store already doing that?

    2. I kind of want to leave the option in the clothes shop, so new players have a reason to seek it out when their clothes are lost.

    3. makes sense, but would be nice in the cheat menu as a toggle.
      nwm its not that bothersome anyway.

  37. Are Morgan and Charlie the dance coach related? Charles/Charlene. It's similar to their name.

    And Korean Translation ongoing. Thank you for everything.

    1. Maybe they're related. Maybe it's a coincidence.

      I'm glad to hear the translation is going fine.

  38. are you able to pay off the "dept" from baily?

    1. No, but it caps at £2000 a week. Not including Robin's.

  39. at sea: the swarms of "eels" are pleasuring the character however the arrousal was maxed out from the squid and i presume from the the tentacles "sweet liquid" when they attacked so the arrousal was maxed out without an orgams being triggered.

    1. Strange. I'll look into it.

    2. i also encountered this, from Morgan into the sea, the hidden bar from the "sweet liquid" > aprodisiac bar, was at 15% filled decided to fill it up further by the tentacle encounters, so around 20% when i encountered the swarm also had squid on me as anon OP (was using cheat menu to skip past the sailors so the cheat menu may have caused this).

  40. The new numbered hotkeys don't seem to work in Firefox.
    Pressing the appropriate number key just brings up the Ctrl-F search bar at the bottom of the screen.

    1. What version of firefox are you using?

    2. Up to date Version 64.0.2
      Great game by the way, been a big fan for ages.

    3. Same thing here, same browser, numbers do not select the option.

    4. Cheers, and thanks for the kind words.

      Looking into it.

  41. About the pregnancy update, are there any plans for oviposition with the tentacles? Also, will internal parasites like spiders and eels ever be able to stay inside the player without a chastity belt?

  42. A Yandere student? Oooh so many possibilities, like if you are dating the Yandere, will there be a chance that she will rescue you from random rapists/molesters?

    Considering with the Yandere and Avery being love interests, I think the playing field is getting even more interesting.

    1. There will be a chance the yandere will try to rescue you from other people's attentions.

      I'm looking forward to developing them.

  43. Question about the Pregnancy update, does this mean that you will be adding condoms to the game and in consensual sex you need to tell the person to put the condom on if you don't want your female character to get pregnant?

    1. I haven't worked out the details yet, but possibly.

  44. I'm fairly new to all this so I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I've noticed now that animals can mount from the front that they'll do a lot of oral stuff at the same time, but the phrasing in the patch notes has me a little confused so I'll just flat out ask.

    Are there any plans, or is it currently possible, for multi-character scenes with animals instead of "X amount of beasts await their turn" and all that? Thanks! Just discovered this game a few days ago and it's really really good.

    1. It's not currently possible to engage with more than one animal at once. Sorry the patch notes are unclear, I just reread it and I see what you mean.

      There are plans to allow multiple animals to engage at once, and letting one mount each end sounds like a great way to do it.

      I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

    2. Heck yes, thanks for the response!

      Also, if you wanna get EXTRA degenerate, riding an animal would also open up the possibility of some good DP or even TP with the front-mounting. I'm sure you've had all these ideas before but I didn't see them mentioned here so hey figured I'd voice it!

    3. That's a good and degenerate idea, thanks.

      Don't be afraid to voice ideas!

  45. on my android I get an error message and will not allow me to save the game

    1. Thanks for letting me know. If it's no trouble, what Android version are you running?

  46. I noticed that by defying the laws of logic, if you encounter a NPC in the lake getting the lichen, you, being under water can't speak, yet the NPC is able to speak with no problem, and twirled around like they were on the ground.
    WUT. Pretty sure, that it is unfinished, that part, but it DOES seem really odd at the end.

    1. That's not right. Thanks for the heads up.

  47. How do you trigger the new giant slime event can't find it and i have slimes enabled?

    1. Try to unlock the safe in the sewers and run out of time. You need the Hallucinations trait.

  48. Is there anywhere else I can find Whitney? Or only at school?

  49. I think it would be awesome (and kind of realistic) to be able to bully Robin as a way to reduce trauma, kind of like the existing "Persecute Robin" option, except more fleshed-out. Give the player more mean ways to interact with Robin, allow them to be a kind of mini-Whitney themselves.

    I'd also love to see more things to do in the school playground and/or the orphanage. Playground equipment are great props for various events (both sexy and non), and the orphanage could badly use some activities, since the player spends a lot of time there.

    1. CEASE! Robin deserves protection, not bullying.

    2. Or how about Whitney, seeing how much Robin likes you and you protect them decides to bully Robin too?

      - Icarus

    3. I've thought about a bully characteristic similar to promiscuity. It would start with the sort of actions you can do to Robin already, and end with violence. It's in the maybe pile for the distant future.

      Robin is for protecting, though maybe Whitney would disagree.

    4. Original commenter here, can I just say how awesome it is that you give attentive and reasonable responses to every comment? Super cool.

    5. Thanks. I don't set out to respond to everything, it just sort of happens.

      I fear the occasional comment slips past my notice now and then.

  50. An idea I give out and look for feedback from others as well (feel free to comment guys and girls) is this:

    A Gym:

    * Can increase pain tolerance and body physique
    * Has a personal trainer called Alex who you can hire, gradually getting more and more in depth sex events.
    * Has a gym manager that handles joining fees, Personal Trainer rent etc etc.
    * Has miscellaneous people using the 5 facilities: Gym Floor, Locker room/s, Showers, Staff room & Toilets
    * Can eventually work at the gym as a personal trainer for a weekly/monthly rent.

    Possible events:

    * Sex events building up with Alex the personal trainer.
    * Joining fee event with gym manager.
    * Random gym users on the gym floor and locker rooms:

    1) Such as someone making a remark about your butt when squatting and you choose how to react, exhibitionist character can 'emphasise' certain parts of the squat and promiscuous can lead or be led to the locker room/ Toilet or showers.
    2) You can sometimes fail a lift a be pinned by the weight, in which case people may take advantage.
    3) Can be ambushed in the showers by 1 or more people.
    4) Sometimes your changing room needs maintenance or cleaning and you have to use the other one, i.e. male characters will have to use the female one and vice versa, with corresponding possible events. OR you can either brattily carry on in the changing room possibly getting molested by the maintenance/cleaner, or even voluntarily doing so.
    5) If you become a PT you may encourage your clients using sex.
    6) If you are a PT you can sometimes be forced or propositioned for sex.
    7) If you are a PT sometimes a PT colleague may ask you to workout their client because they are unable to do so, you can use promiscuity to steal this client from the other PT.
    8) If your are a PT, you can pay the gym rent (the license you pay to be able to train clients in that gym) by having sex with the gym manager.
    9) If you are a PT other staff member may proposition you in the staff room, or take you there.

    [Feel free to suggest other possible events everyone]

    I just thought I'd toss this in here for feedback. I know you have a LOT of people shouting in your ear right now but I think it's a good one and I think it would be so good that if there is anything you or anyone else here doesn't like then feel free to edit that part of the idea out. What do you think? Feel free to comment everyone else.

    - Icarus

    1. honestly, the way you wrote it itd be a shame not to try to get it into the game.

    2. Thanks for writing that up with such detail, I like the ideas. It's similar to what I have planned regarding somewhere for the player character to learn how to better defend themselves. I hadn't considered the option of becoming a personal trainer.

  51. Another idea I have, and this one is more personal to yourself Vrelnir, is with SO many different ideas besieging you from all sides, you could after every release put a vote out for what to work on next. Either new ideas or old areas. Could be focusing on just the top result or to avoid creative burnout perhaps the top 1-3 results to give a little change?

    Up to you, if you could work like that. i know it would help us know what is being worked on next but it may also help you to focus and avoid any burnout from being pulled in so many directions.

    - Icarus

    1. how would the voting work? for patreons...? just saying that you can comment as an annonymous numerous times, and you can have unlimited alt. accounts, so... ye...

    2. I've thought about it. It would give me a better idea of what people think, at least. I'm not sure how best to go about something like this though. Maybe.

  52. Percentage of beasts attracted to you that are male. > 100
    in the event where you follow a dog with several different outcomes> the one that has 3 dogs ambush you, the third was a female.

    1. I've had the same thing happen in the dolphin rape scene and with the dogs after the one scene where people are pouring that cream or whatever on you and scooping it off with strawberries.

  53. For that Voting thing, there is a website called that you could try. it checks ip's so that people cant vote multiple times unless you let them. here is an example Poll that i made This is just an example, you can choose not to do this as well if you find a better alternative

    1. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.

      Thanks for the example poll too.

  54. Don't know if it's planned part of the clothing overhaul, but some kind of UI indication of clothing status (such as how wet it is) would be nice. I was going to say the same thing for torn and displaced clothing, too, while we're at it. I know that's much more obvious now, but without knowing what clothing will literally look like after the overhaul, I might as well just recommend that for any change in clothing status/condition.

    Also, what's the likelihood of being able to scale the paperdoll image specifically? The reason I ask is because I'm running on 1440 displays and while I can adjust the browser zoom levels to increase the image size, this also increases everything else. No biggy if no chance, just dropping in a suggestion in case others might be in the same boat.

    Btw, great game. Can't wait for MOAR!

    1. Also, might want to check the female/male animal slider to see if there's something up with it if you get a chance. Every dog I've run into so far has been female despite the slider being very low (less than 10%) for females. Could just be bad RNG, so I'll continue to monitor.

    2. Nvm. I misread the's for males, so it's working pretty well it seems. My bad.

    3. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'm glad you like it!

      I'll look into scaling options for the paperdoll. Not sure if it'll be doable but no harm checking.

  55. The update came out when!? After how obsessive I get on checking for a new update everyday, this is surprising.

    Hey question, the latest day I've played is just after school ends, are there any events or story stuff after said day?

    1. Last update was on Thursday, so not too long ago.

      Nothing special happens after school ends. Just a break, then school continues. That's planned to change at some point. I'd quite like to put something small there for now, just as an acknowledgement.

  56. This is my first time downloading a game like this and for some reason, images won't load. What do I do?

    1. It says "your file was not found it may have been moved or deleted"

    2. i have not encountered this problem before but first lets make sure that you are doing this correctly.
      1) download WinRar for proper file extraction >
      2) download the game with images
      3) create a file where you want the game to be in.
      4) put the downloaded file which should be WinRar now, if its not right click on the file> open with> WinRar
      5) if you have the file in WinRar form, dont open anything in that form. if you have it opened simply close it. Then right click on the WinRar and click option Extract here

      your file should look like this:
      lewdity folder >
      degrees of lewdity (WinRar)
      Degrees of lewdity (folder) >
      img (folder with images)
      Degrees of lewdity (browser)

    3. some browsers like Microsoft Edge
      dont allow scripts which run this game so you need to allow it, possible problem that the browser that you are using doesnt allow you to load images.

    4. Thanks robo. In short, make sure you've extracted the file you download with a program like 7-zip or WinRar.

  57. You said that there were plans for sex toys, but are there plans for any kind of equipable toys like vibrators that you can wear around town, or are they going to only be usable in actual scenes? I think that wearables could make for some pretty great content, like trying to get home with your arms tied and a vibrator buzzing away between your legs, or maybe you could get a chastity belt fitted but "forget" to remove your toys, or just wear them to make school less boring, etc.

    1. The plans include wearables too. Including toys locked within your chastity belt.

  58. I have a few suggestions. Maybe a way to pass time without doing anything. And I doubt it but maybe a way to change your hairstyle at the hair dresser

  59. Would it be possible to add an option in character creation to choose your character's starting breast size? Perhaps hair length as well?

  60. Will it be possible to buy a speedo for boy in the future instead of just a pair of school swim shorts?

    1. It's planned, along with a bunch of other clothing options. The clothing system is being overhauled to make items easier to add.

  61. Daaaamn, it's getting just better every update, unfortunately Android's users can't enjoy of the animations (u,w,u) I hope one day the problem will be over, one day.

    Thank you for not leaving this project.

    1. Thank you!

      I believe the lack of animations is a compatibility issue with older devices. If it's no trouble, do you know what version of Android's OS you are running?

    2. It's 4.4.2 pwp I hope you find the problem soon, I don't want to stop playing this game because of my Android version.

      It would be phenomenal to keep playing and all, besides of the code errors I got below from this message, I really hope to play again.

      Again, thank you.

    3. Try a third party browser, such as firefox? If the system browser is out of date, third party ones might not be.

  62. Hold up...

    Error: <>: errors within widget contents (Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist; Error: macro <> does not exist)

    And a lot more of errors. Wha? What happened?

    “Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly”

    “Error [tw-user-script-0]: In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or immediately within another function...”

    (That's the "alert" I got after I initiate the game)
    ¿What does that means?
    I understand the game won't work right, but why all the code's errors?

    1. I have a feeling the code that allows the new hotkeys on desktop isn't being taken well on older Android devices. Not sure though. Looking into it.

      Sorry for the trouble.

  63. Could it be possible that when someone pulls out their phone instead of covering your face you look towards it and own up to it?

    1. Making peace signs and smiling for the camera is planned.

  64. Mannequin sequence gets triggered when passing out during dancing lessons. A lot of false and double genitals in school toilets.

  65. Thank you for this amazing little game Vrelnir. It's been a long time since I had a game which I loved playing again and again.
    I decided to play a nerd to see how having the students hating you would be like but so far, at most, I'm just avoided. Just wanted to ask if there is any plan for more bullying events?

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for the kind words.

      More bullying events are planned. Right now, each class has one event that gets much worse if you have low status.

  66. During encounters, you can rest every part of your body except your arms. Will there ever be a rest option for arms?

    1. Yep. The "cover your face" action was supposed to fill that role, but then I tied mechanics to it.

  67. You know, I was dismissive of the hotkeys when I first read the update but now, I'm loving them. Thanks

  68. На что влияет "Fame" и есть ли способы её понизить?
    What does "Fame" affect and are there ways to lower it?

    1. Your Fame changes the way NPCs react with you. For instance, when your Sex fame is notoriously high, you're known as the promiscuous town bicycle, and you'll be accosted by people harassing you over that fact.

      Also, having very high Overall Fame (the average between all your fames, I think) will trigger a scene with Leighton.

    2. Thanks Anon. Fame will impact more in the future.

      There are no ways to lower fame.


  69. How do you feel about consensual sex? Provides a bonus after consensual sex based on how assertive you were.
    I like making people feel good (increase submissiveness)
    I like being in control (increase defiance)
    It's naughty (decrease trauma)
    It's fun (decrease stress)
    The last two points reduce stress and trauma. What do the first 2 points do?
    increase submissiveness
    increase defiance
    If you select them after the fight ends, what will happen to the character? Will any hidden parameter go up or down?

    1. It makes your submissive/defiant "alignment" shift in one direction or the other. The moan or demand action is unlocked if it moves far enough in one direction. It also changes many of the PC's lines of dialogue outside encounters.

  70. In the event after the one where you get sent out of the club for no ID that introduces you to the pub, the NPC has no description, it reads - "Once escorted from the building, a bumps into you on the street. "

  71. Do you need any help with your work?

    1. I'm happy to accept help. There's an email on the contact page of this site if you'd like to get in touch. Or dm me on Discord.

    2. It is done, friend.


    Link above. (Sex with Robin)
    Judging by the fact that the member is brown, is it possible to conclude that Robin is black?

    1. Actually the colour of the member is a setting you decide. Nyet Problema if you like chocolate comrade. :-)

    2. I think colour is decided based on your settings when you first meet the NPC. Also dunno if it's possible yet but an option to choose skin tone for named NPC's would be neat.

    3. Skin tone behaves strangely with named NPCs at the moment. Improvements are planned, including the option to choose their tone.

  73. О, и да, я хотел сказать. В канализации очень неудобно запоминать все туннели, где вы были, а где нет. Было бы здорово, если бы в канализации была та же карта, что и в городе. И на охоте с волками. В общем, везде, где есть ветки, было бы замечательно увидеть карту, на которой вы двигаетесь. Сидеть карандашом и рисовать свое местоположение, как в старые времена, неудобно.
    Oh, and yes, I wanted to say. It is very inconvenient in the sewers to memorize all the tunnels, where you were and where not. It would be great if there was the same map in the canalization as in the city. And on the hunting with wolves. In general, wherever there are any branches, it would be great to see the map on which you move. For sitting with a pencil and drawing your location like old times is inconvenient.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I'm thinking about a map for the future.

  74. ok i'm seeing alot of people clamouring for penis sizes, butt where are the people who want ASS sizes in the game? more cushion for the pushin

    (i have no idea how this could be implimented nor what it would do, aside from maybe like, giving you a pain resistance whenever someone bends you over their knee for a spanking, or increase people who talk about your ass i dunno)

    1. I'm considering explicit and varying ass shapes, even if it's just for flavour.

  75. Howdy, here's an idea Surrounding the collars.

    Ok so, so far, as far as i am aware, there are only a smidge of events that give you collars, fewer that use leashes, and even fewer events that show people acknowledge the collars... my idea is to help with that. (along with adding more kidnapping/enslavement and public use events)

    What if, if you go around wearing a collar in public for a while, people could become more and more aware of it, until they start to suddenly put a leash on you as you're walking around town, or right after someone fucks you silly, or after you collapse in the street.

    So, after someone leashes you, i was thinking they could do one of two things (if you think of more i'd be very happy to see them implemented ) For one, they could probably leash and drag you to their homes, and put you up in their houses as a slave or something, in the basement or their bedrooms. of course, depending on whether they take you to a home on Domus street or a Mansion on Danube street, it would be easier or harder to free yourself, heck, maybe you could be sold from house to house if you are too defiant or if someone that visits takes a liking to you (like how someone takes an interest in you after fucking you in the naked apron, only to find you didnt belong to them and be disappointed.)... but, either way, it would be much easier to free yourself than freeing yourself from the Recurring characters like Eden and the Black wolf.

    The second applicable use i was thinking of, was they could drag you to the park or somewhere close by and just tie you up, and leave you for public use, wherein the dogs (and other wild animals) and joggers could take advantage of you, or, if you're lucky, a good samaritan could free you from your bindings maybe even Robin or someone else you know could find and save you, or, if you're super unlucky someone you know with not-so-good intentions could find you, an example being Whitney, who, depending on your relationship, could just take advantage of you then and there, untie you and bring you to her home so she could have her girlfriend/fucktoy for easy access, or start pimping you out to her friends and stuff like that. (heck it could even lead to that scene you have for zero dominance, she could find you chained up and the event could go from there)

    i personally really love the Collar, but, there are so few events that give you the collar, and even fewer events that acknowledge that you actually have one on. When you go around for weeks and weeks with the collar on and the only bad thing that happens, if it even counts as a bad thing, is that you have a little more allure... especially in this town full of 90% rapists, i think at the very least, 25% of them would think of something like this after hearing theres a super sexy, easy to grab and take advantage of individual running around. i think it'd be cool to provide an incentive to work to getting that collar off as quickly as possible. (or present yourself to the world as much as you can to get those events~)

    Anywho, thank you for taking the time to read the idea, take it as you will, i know i'll enjoy this game more either way! please keep up the hard work!

    1. op here. better yet, since the collar already has a leash attached to it, would be assailants could just grab and use that. completely forgot that a leash is attached to the collar while writing that up, whoops on my part.

    2. Walking around town with a collar and leash attached should cause more of a stir than it currently does. You've given a good outline of how that could be achieved.

      Being collared should have more of an impact during encounters too.

      Thanks for the ideas.

  76. is there a chance that this game would be pursuied due to legal reasons?
    if so do you have plans against it?

    1. No. I know the art is cute, but that's the chibi aesthetic.

      Perhaps a less caricatured version of the player character's appearance would help, but I'm limited by my inexperience.

  77. Hey there Vrelnir,
    So I recently downloaded Twine, partly so I could have a look at the back end of the game and see what made it tick (holy heck there's a lot), but mostly so I could edit, and occasionally, input some of my own scenes.

    And that got me wondering, is there some way I could contact you to send you some of the things I've made, for you consideration?

    I haven't made anything that complex (when I can get them to work anyway).
    The only things I've been able to get working are an edit to the bus that adds a chance for your clothing to be damaged/stripped when you get off (those damn doors ;D).
    And the other is adding a chance for the dog to catch you during the park exhibitionism event if you choose to run from the dog in the bushes (because there's only a couple of ways to raise your bestiality fame).

    Anyway, thanks for the update, and keep up the good work :)

    1. You're welcome! I'll do my best.

      You certainly can send me some of the things you've made. You can find my email on the Contact page of this blog, or dm me on Discord.

      Your clothes aren't even safe from bus doors now? How lewd. I considered adding a chance for the dog to catch you in the park there, but worried it would be too nasty.

  78. Holy damn, I'm so glad I randomly stumbled upon this game, amazing so far and possibly my favorite text game! Hopefully there will be some sex toys and strapons added at some point and then it would be perfect

    1. Thank you!

      Sex toys and strapons are planned.
