
Tuesday 8 January 2019


This update is more diffuse than the last, and adds a variety of events with a general focus on exhibitionism. It also makes a number of changes and fixes that have been planned for a while.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Patch Notes
Added platinum blond, strawberry blond, and light brown hair colours to the game's start, and the hairdresser.
Added snow white, soft pink, hot pink, teal, and crimson hair colours to the hairdresser.
You can now choose red eyes at the game's start.
Adjusted several existing colours for hair, clothes and eyes.
Added a scene caused by passing out on the tentacle plains, written by CreepingDawn.
Police will occasionally attempt to exploit and humiliate the PC if they suspect them of criminal activity. Written in collaboration with CreepingDawn.
On Android, you can now enable and disable images from the Settings page.
Added another event to cafe work. Appears only on rainy days.
You can now study in the school library while exposed if school is not in session. Doing so provides increased skill gains, and has a couple of unique events.
You can now run in the park to exercise physique and relieve stress.
You can run in the park while exposed at night. May have an exhibitionism requirement depending on how exposed you are.
Word will spread of your lewd antics in the park, attracting unsavoury types and increasing the likelihood of more dangerous events. Their attention will decay over time.

Balance Changes
Your attitude toward consensual sex is now chosen from an "Attitudes" menu in your bedroom, instead of after each consensual encounter.
Bluffing your way out of the fountain event when stealing from mansions will now only take two minutes upon failure, and ten upon success.
You can now leave the water at the beach naked with a high enough exhibitionism stat, and without requirement at night.
Lowered the exhibitionism required to leave the park toilets, and removed the exhibitionism requirement when slightly exposed.
Increased physique gains by up to 20% when exposed.
Sneaking out of the park toilets after stripping will no longer have a chance of immediately triggering an event.
Reduced the potency of many stress increasing effects outside of encounters.

Bug Fixes
Images should now work on Android 4.4 and later. If you're using 4.4 or later, and images did not work for you after the last update, let me know how it goes.
Fixed "<>" error messages when exposing yourself in the wrong changing room, and when winning the science fair.
Fixed an error message found when being given clothes on Domus Street.
Fixed an issue causing succubus/incubus characters to get stuck in endless tentacular rape in the tentacle plains.
Fixed an error during the collared walk with Whitney.
Closed a herm portal in the school library.
Eye colour on the sex sprite should now match the avatar.
The tie on the school shirt will now appear blue as intended.
Fixed a bug with the close up animation of a tentacle teasing your penis.
Fixed a bug causing Robin to be referred to as "The 0 boy/girl" when sleeping in their bed.
Female NPCs will no longer be described as wearing skirts in the pool.
Fixed a gamebreaking bug found when waking up in the shed with two students.
Restored the NPC relationship and breast size options to the cheat menu.
Fixed a bug causing Harper to attack you in your cell at the asylum.
Removed the large blank space that would appear during tentacle encounters.
Stripping while dancing is no longer incorrectly labeled as taking five minutes.
The blackmailer on Domus Street will no longer refer to your pussy if you do not have one.
Fixed an issue preventing the pills prescribed in the asylum from being available once per day as intended.
Fixed a bug causing status losses in the school changing rooms and at the lake to have a smaller effect than intended.
Fixed a bug that allowed leaving the water at the beach while exposed the turn after you stripped.
Fixed a border problem caused by one of the tear sprites.
Fixed a bug causing having your arms bound in the asylum to result in far more stress than intended.

Plan for the next couple of updates is to add female animals, expand the drain system beneath the town, add a new character and possibly another transformation.


  1. I'm giving you my first-born, it's already settled

    1. You're too kind! I'll give you a skulduggerous orphan in return.

  2. It just keeps on getting better!

  3. This week for me was wake-up, keep my phone on charge, eat something small, play till 0300, sleep and repeat. I reckon this game has nailed the addicting mechanics and has commercial potential once its fleshed out. Keep up the good work!

    1. That's fantastic to hear. I'll do my best!

  4. i heard that you will add a yandere character in an future or near update so i have 2 questions one about the events involving the yandere character and the other about robin 1. the event of meeting the yandere ¿will it be triggered depending on the school coolness or popularity or maybe on the first day or the second week ? and the robin question ¿does robin is a virgin or not? maybe it can depend if robin could not pay bailey's debt and you go to rescuing him/her robin is clearly abused in that moment and after that robin should have lost his virginity but if you get the event that robin comes into your room and says he can't pay bailey's debt and the next day you pay double for him. ¿maybe then robin is still a virgin?

    1. The yandere will be triggered regardless of stats, probably during the first or second week.

      Robin's virginity is intentionally ambiguous. It may be expanded on later.

  5. i forgot to say that i love your game and i see a lot of potential in it keep it up!

  6. i don't know if you already had an idea involving arousal both the pc and the npcs like and arousal multiplier of the amount of arousal you gain in a sex scene and maybe a check that will make the npcs arousal max as high as the pc because the npc arousal max is 500 and the pc is 10000 so the npc has orgasmns faster than the pc and depending on how high your sexual skills are the npc comes faster maybe the check or button makes the npc have an arousal max of 10000 and the slide could be like the events rate multiplier and instead of multiplying the rate of events it can multiply the amount of arousal gained

    1. PC and NPC arousal doesn't work the same way, hence the different numbers.

      A slider affecting the rate of arousal gain is an interesting idea, thanks. Something needs to be done to give high skill PCs more control over NPC orgasms, at least.

  7. Hm, regarding female animals (and females in general), will we be able to 'take control' of the situation when playing as a male? Such as being able to take the initiative and attempt penetration, oral, etc, rather than the others in encounter being the ones to do so? It would be nice to go on the offensive (sexually) in a world where literally everything tries to rape you.

    ... and just throwing this out there, but are we going to be able to get a pet for the orphanage? Having a dog in the player's room would be nice. I'm sure a dog would be a great source of comfort for a traumatized player. Or maybe the player could be a source of comfort for the dog? So many possibilities.

    Anyway: loving the game, and great update. Can't wait for the next one. :D

    1. You can already be assertive during encounters, but it requires high promiscuity/deviancy if the encounter is consensual. There are plans to extend this to female animals too.

      A pet dog is a fun idea. It's not part of the original plan, but maybe.

  8. I'm going to write my idea in the form of a poem just to be different, i already sent you an email long ago with a consolidated list of ideas...

    Oh Vrelnir, creator of Degrees Of Lewdity,
    prithee, listen, an idea I hath for thee,
    Could it be possible if thous't be merciful,
    to find thine character encountering another perhaps being pumped full?

    Not just the main character but other characters being sexual,
    I cannot help liking voyeur, for my tastes are 50 shades of unusual.
    Perhaps Whitney could be found to bully others too?
    or Bailey in an orphans room, no sims 2 but plenty of woo-hoo?

    I would be most happy were this to be arranged,
    if not so then take me to the asylum for i must be deranged!
    But i like your work and whatever direction it goes,
    naughty orphan shorties to even the most forceful of hoes!

    Comment from others may perhaps agree,
    a world so sexual and only sex with the MC?!
    So lets have some others, you know it makes sense.
    come now dear reader lets not sit on the fence...
    be ye FOR or AGAINST?


    1. Thank you for those words, they're kind,
      and on voyeurism we're of one mind.
      It would give an avenue for other themes,
      that won't fit the PC, I've considered dreams.

      All that said I must suggest,
      That keeping focus on the PC would be best.
      A little peek though, or two, or three,
      might be fun, leave it to me!

  9. Any plan to add oral animations soon?

  10. What are the tentacle plains?

    1. You can find them in the asylum. You need to do something naughty while hallucinating to find them.

  11. What determines assertiveness at the end of an encounter, anyway?

    1. Purple actions are considered assertive if the encounter is consensual.

  12. Please add choices for cock size at the start and/or ways to increase/shrink later on <3 Enjoying the game still.

    1. Dying of anticipation! Argh, I know it's not a priority but I hope this comes ASAP <3

  13. Neat. I appreciate the bugfixes most in this update. I am also happy to see that the police are getting something to do. Just a thought, but maybe you should be able to go to the police to make a complaint about Bailey for doing shady shit, then Bailey is forced to improve conditions in the orphanage and treat the other people better; but they somehow find out that you snitched, so while the others and Robin are extremely happy about their sudden turn of fortune, Bailey makes your life a living hell: coming into your room at night to beat you up, extorting even huger sums of money from you, pretty much normal Bailey, but angry and turning their attention from an entire orphanage to you alone. This could be like playing the game on "hard" mode.

    Anyhow any hints when you will add more parasite content to the game? plz plz plz gimme gimme gimme.

    Dear Santa,
    I have been ever so good this past year, the only thing I want is for Vrelnir to add more parasite stuff into his game already plz k thanks.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I've considered letting the PC go to the police about Bailey's extortion, but for nothing to come of it. Just as a worldbuilding thing.

      I hear you on parasites. There are so many things competing for attention though. I promise it will come, but I'm not sure when. Maybe I'll bring it forward.

  14. Great job as always. Ginger and strawberry blond should be the other way around though.

    1. I don't know if there's something wrong with my perception of colour, but I had such trouble working out which should be which.

  15. Hello again, Android's Issue Guy here.
    Soooooo, a question. From now on, there won't be animations on Android version?
    I mean, I'm just curious. By the way, the outfit's colors are now fixed, but there still no animations soooooo, that's why I asked you about them.

    1. I intend for animations to continue working on the Android version. Some devices lack support for the code used to animate and colour the images though.

      However, any device that can handle the colours should also be able to handle the animation. So it seems things aren't working right. Looking into it.

      Thanks a bunch.

    2. No! Thanks to you! You've take so much time reading these comments. So thanks again for taking time!
      I'll wait and enjoy :3 Thank you!

  16. The revised color for the regular Blond hair looks so much better, the shine looks much more natural, thank you very much for listening. All the other hair colors look great too, and having more freedom of choice is always fantastic (red eyes, ayy lmao). And thanks for fixing the school shirt's tie, too.

    Those pervert cops are hilarious, in a dark way. "We're molesting this kid in the name of public safety, nothing to see here, do carry on." Fun scene.

    I'd like to ask for more Doren content, when it's convenient. I understand you already plan more ambitious stuff regarding them in the future, so all I'd like to ask for right now is for different dialogue when they see the PC naked a second time and so on, simply because it's a little weird how every time Doren sees the PC naked, it's identical to the first time.
    Additionally, it'd be nice to be able to meet Whitney outside the school, too.

    Bug reports:

    There are a few typos when describring hair color at the Characteristics page. All hair colors with compound names don't have a space between them, so hair is described as being "platinumblond", "strawberryblond", "lightbrown", "snowhite", and so on.

    Also, the PC's hair description and the sprite's appearance don't seem to match:
    Chin-length is the exact same as ear-length.
    Meanwhile, shoulder-length sprite looks actually chin-length, and so does the upper chest-length hair.
    Nipple-length hair seems alright, though. Still, it stops right above the nipples, so it could actually be the upper chest-length sprite, if we follow the same logic as above.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug, or simply a stopgap measure to deal with a lack of sprites, which I'd understand, since I'm sure those are a bitch to make.

    Anyway, thanks for your time and hard work, xoxo

    1. I'm glad you like the changes!

      Maybe Doren could get a little love. Their major expansion isn't planned until after a few other characters. Whitney has an expansion planned too, with content for them outside of school.

      Thanks for the bug reports. I never thought to check the characteristics page when testing the new colours.

  17. Still patiently waiting for the glory hole...
    Oh, and female animals... please, no... at least make them optional, with the possibility of disabling them in the menu.

    1. Female animals will be optional for sure.

  18. Loving the game so far. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions when you can.

    My question is, lactation content. Yes or no? Constantly being told "you'd make a fine cow" makes me imagine a scene where the pc would get hooked up to some kind of breast pump so someone could sell that milk or something...

    1. Yes, it's planned. Before or with the farm content.

    2. Farm content? Oh man i'm loving the sound of that. are you working on that for next update or will it be an update just sometime in the future?

    3. Sometime in the future, though I'm looking forward to it.

  19. this game is amazing.

    is there any chance to see boobs on the image on top left corner?

  20. I really really enjoy your game since the first time i found it...
    and as always great work and thanks for the update:)

    I was wondering, if you're "already" able to have sex with your teachers and the principal at school. (i tried different approches and had only Doren comfort me verbally) Maybe i missed something...

    Anyway thanks again an keep up the great work!

    1. I'm glad to hear that, thanks and you're welcome!

      Only Leighton will have sex with you at the moment, and it takes some doing. Become very famous and they'll approach you at school.

    2. are the requirements for this event just fame? I tried getting this event over a few hours I was already a good few weeks in then spammed like 20 weeks by trying to get the event. Yes I am very famouse notorious slut etc etc.

    3. Just fame, but very high. Exhibitionism fame does not count. Becoming notorious in the four other categories will work, and additional fame beyond notorious will still count. So it's possible with just one type of fame.

  21. Haven't played your game in a while, but I'm looking forward to jumping back in. Just wanted to say thank you for adding a cheat menu. It really helps with replayability, especially since I've been playing since

  22. Hi ! Can you plan to add some visual changes on the character in the side bar/menu : like breast enlargement affect the render of the model.

    1. Hi! Displaying the character's breasts visually on the sidebar sprite is on the to-do list.

  23. would it be possible to add a "offer your mouth instead" option during the sex scenes?

    i think that'd be more fitting for a character who cares about their purity (or maybe for someone who wants to play as a bj addict)

    i thought i might be able to mod it in myself but the code looks rather complex

    1. It would be. It's one of those features on the to-do list that I never get round to. I'll have to make time for it.

  24. awesome game, i'm been playing it for some weeks and i was wondering if in the future there will be more ways to interact with robin, maybe even to make this interactions change his personality in some way, like if you keep him playing with him in his room he wold be normal or you could take him to partys and make him popular, things like that.

    but what i really would like to see is another way to get him out of trauma when Bailey starts to sell him out, like a way to taking him to the asylum and help to lower his trauma there

    1. Thank you!

      More ways to interact with Robin are planned. I've been thinking about how Robin's personality could develop as they become more aware of the world, but that's in the maybe pile.

  25. Почему есть операция по изменениюразмера груди, но нет операции, по изменению размера пениса? Двойные стандарты? XD
    Why is there surgery to change the size of the breast, but there is no surgery to change the size of the penis? Double standards? XD

    1. It's planned. It's one of those features that's been requested often enough that I've decided to put it in.

    2. I hope this will somehow affect the GIF-animation)

  26. Пожалуйста, сделайте описание основных атрибутов, таких как "Усталость", гиперссылками, чтобы при нажатии на них, можно было увидеть, за что отвечает тот или иной атрибут, ведь когда-то давно я спрашивал, от чего зависит увеличение красоты, и Вы ответили: - "... от усталости". По этому и хотелось бы видеть, за что отвечает конкретный атрибут. Спасибо.
    Please make a description of the main attributes, such as "Fatigue", with hyperlinks so that when you click on them, you can see what one attribute or another is responsible for, after all I had asked for a long time what an increase in beauty depends on and you answered : - "... from fatigue." Therefore, I would like to see what the specific attribute is responsible for. Thanks.

    1. This isn't a bad idea. I've played around with tooltips, but I'm not sure how well they work on Android.

      Beauty increases over time, more quickly if your trauma is low. If your trauma is very high it starts decreasing.

    2. ONLY trauma affects the beauty of the character?

    3. Yes, but high fatigue will increase trauma.

  27. i love this game,thanks so much for creating this masterpiece for us,i can only hope it gets even better in the future!

  28. Where is "lake ruin" exactly? Something in the forest or maybe in the see?

    1. At the lake in the forest. You have to swim away from the shore.

  29. so, there are tentacles and slimes, and talks of adding a parasite which turns your character into a mermaid which are all out of the realm of reality... i gotta ask, will there be any other kind of mythical creatures you can encounter? Such as... for example, dryad of the forest (who might have been pure, but was corrupted by the lewdity of the city when you meet her), Kappas in the lake, ACTUAL mermaids/mermen in the ocean (who might be intent on keeping you a mermaid, too.)... et cetera.

    Either way, even if none of this stuff is implimented or even considered, i am really looking forward to how the game continues to grow, please keep up the good work.

    1. There are more fantastical elements planned. There are no plans for kappas, but a dryad and mermaids are a maybe.

      Thanks for the kind words. I'll do my best.

  30. У Робина можно получить параметр "Dominance", но самого параметра, в графе "Social" - нет. Почему? Баг, или потом эта графа появится?
    You can get the parameter "Dominance" from Robin, but the parameter itself, in the column "Social" - no. Why? Bug, or will this graph appear later?

    1. It's unimplemented. I keep meaning to remove the + NPC Dominance label from Robin actions.

    2. То есть, Робин не может оказыват доминацию? А зачем ему параметр "Lust", ведь, сексуальных сцен с ним нет .. вроде как. Раньше играл до зимы, столкнулся только с одной сценой, на корабле, когда Робина похители. А вообще, сексуальные отношения с ним возможны?
      That is, Robin can not domination? And why does he need the parameter "Lust", because there are no sex scenes with him .. sort of. I used to play before winter, I ran into only one scene, on the ship, when Robin was kidnapped. But in general, sexual relations with him are possible?

    3. They are possible. Once Robin is your boy/girlfriend, you can ask to stay in their room when they say its time for bed. Or, if their lust is high enough, they might sneak to your room at night.

  31. ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
    И если "Да", то при каких условиях и каком колличестве розовых банок?)
    And if "Yes", then under what conditions and in what quantity of pink cans?)

    1. Two, but two are lost each time Robin cums.

    2. невероятно долго получать эти розовые банки, дожидаясь события, когда будет предложено погладить волосы. Есть какой-нибудь более быстрый способ получения расположения Робина?
      It is an incredibly long time to receive these pink cans, waiting for an event when it will be proposed to stroke the hair. Is there any faster way to get Robin's loyalty?

  32. Such a great game! Looking forward on the next update

  33. The game just keeps getting better. ARe there any plans for a tattoo system? Something where NPCs can comment on them or even give them. Such as Briar putting a whore marker on you that prevents you from working certain jobs like in the proper strip club.

    1. Bodywriting is planned, and I'm thinking tattoos would be cool as an extension of that system.

  34. Old minor issue, but shouldn't the gutter cleaning event get you wet if it's raining?

  35. eden is really nice and but wouldn't it be great if she had a hunting dog

  36. Yet another quality update. Is there any plan to make a "Pain-slut" trait in the future? like if the PC has tried to fight off rapists but gotten beaten for their trouble eventually they come to view pain as pleasurable? And maybe a futa/trap update to surprise those darn rapists/molesters ;)

    1. Thanks! There are plans for a masochist trait, as well as the ability to play as a futa.

      You can already be a trap, though the mechanics are limited at the moment.

    2. Literally just got off work to check the replies and you my friend are my hero :)

  37. Вероятность появления Витни заскриптована, или она всегда случайна?
    Is the probability of Whitney being scripted, or is she always random?

    1. Random, but the chance increases every day since the last time you met them. Indoors and outdoors meetings are tracked separately.

  38. Еще я хотел бы предложить покрасить гиперссылки в разные цвета, для удобного восприятия. Все гиперссылки передвижения и взаимодействия сливаются друг с другом, и по этой причине, иногда можно пропустить важные действия. Как например, открывшаяся новая опция путешествия с школьной компанией к горному озеру.
    Например графу "Travel" покрасить в один цвет, и все гиперссылки связаные с движением по локациям. И так далее.
    I would also like to offer to color hyperlinks in different colors for easy perception. All movement and interaction hyperlinks merge with each other, and for this reason, you can sometimes skip important activities. As for example, the newly opened travel option with a school company to a mountain lake.
    For example, the column "Travel" is painted in one color, and all the hyperlinks are related to the traffic on locations. And so on.

    1. I agree that this would be an improvement.

  39. не могли бы вы рассказать о редких событиях-встречах с ключевыми НПЦ, чтобы каждый раз не ломать голову над тем, как дальше продвинуться в отношениях с тем, или иным персонажем, ибо следующее место встречи может быть где угодно и когда угодно, в выходной день, или другой день недели.
    Could you tell us about rare events, meetings with key NPCs, so that every time you don’t rack your brains on how to move forward in relations with one or another character, because the next meeting place can be anywhere and anytime, on a day off or another day of the week.

    1. I've tried to design things so that you'll run into them through normal play. It's hard to avoid Whitney for instance, with the exception of the abduction event which I plan to change.

    2. Which is the abduction event?

    3. You can find it by lowering Whitney's dominance to 0, then passing out on a street.

  40. -Local mushrooms
    — 2/5 heartshrooms found.
    — 0/5 wolfshrooms found.
    where can i find them?

    1. Both in the forest. Heartshrooms close to town or near the lake, wolfshrooms further in.

  41. "Awareness" what is it and how to increase it?
    and what is it for?

    1. It represents your character's knowledge of sexual stuff, and also their connection to reality. I think.

    2. Anon is right. It rises when you enter an encounter, and when you're raped. Humans can only raise it so far, and tentacles can raise it the furthest. Many actions in the asylum will lower it.

      Higher awareness unlocks a new action during encounters, and is required for most actions during masturbation. Low awareness can make you temporarily "immune" to trauma.

  42. Would it be possible to add an Envelop action to the mouth?

  43. I think Cell phone's would be really neat addition; I mean it is sort of a shame because you and Robin are both poor kids and a lot of the other students end up filming your lewd stuff. And there is that one alleyway event where you need to call for an ambulance; It would be neat to do that without having to commit a crime.

    I figure like; sometime around October or November; so you have a pretty good grasp on the game and have paid your keep a few times. Robin comes in one night and is trying to work up the courage to ask Bailey (I guess they are sort of your guardian?) to sign a contract for her to get a smart phone you come along to help with negotiating. And Bailey just mentions Robin's current finical situation; that she only works part time; two days a week selling Lemonade and she likely couldn't afford it. And Bailey is like; 'Well Player Character you have missed X many payments' Assuming that you had beaten Bailey or avoided paying. Or. 'Well Player Character your rent is £900; do you think that you can really take on anything else?' Or whatever that your current weekly thing is.

    So; you somehow convenience Bailey to sign the contract for the two of you. Say like; £600 up front (for yours and Robin's phones) and then adds like; another £75-100 a month onto your current debt per month or maybe £25 a week. The price is obviously negotiable it doesn't need to be realistic and the extra price is just to open up more content. But it now allows up more social interactions. The reason I wanted it so early on in the game is because you loose access to a lot of your school stuff; and Whitney during winter break.

    So having this cell phone option before then gives you the ability to stay in touch with her and other characters. Hell maybe even Avery after the science fair. I can imagine Whitney demanding your cell phone number and be like; 'Dork; send nudes with today's paper in your hand.' or 'I want you to make a vine of a dog humping you.' And other really awful demands that will get spread around town and slightly raise your fame. Just being able to call and hang out during the Winter break could be nice content expansion too. 'Whatever I'm fucking bored and everyone else is gone. You are like; the last kid I want to hang out with' And you can totally contrast that with Robin who likes to send you like; random cat memes and other cute kiddy stuff while you are out and just make you giggle. I mean; you are in the middle of math class and she sends you a stupid text that makes you laugh out loud and get reprimanded. There are all sorts of options that it could get you in trouble or make things more interesting.

    There are a lot of problems that could be solved if you had a cell. But its super easy to think of work around without it being too silly. Obviously you wont take it swimming with you or it doesn't work in the forest because you are out of Cell service range. Hell; I've been to places where only half the town was covered! Or like; when you end up in the Compound, Asylum or Forest Compound; they just confiscate you stuff and maybe ad a lil sequence where you can try and get it back to save £300 for a new phone. I imagine Eden wouldn't have one because she seems to be back to nature and I imagine too deep to get reception.


  44. It also gives the option for the PC to do a little blackmail of their own or threaten to bring evidence to the cops. It doesn't need to be the same degree as when people take panty shots or film you without permission; but it gives an opportunity to round out the Player Character a little more now that they have the means to record video and audio. Maybe once a month or something Robin will end up bugging you for £35 to play a phone game. We already know she likes games and isn't exactly the best when it comes to making money. Obviously it wouldn't be as intense as other events and a good excuse to tease and play with her. Maybe some sort of favor; like wearing devil horns or puppy dog ears or an anal plug the next time you fool around.


    PS please forgive the double post; I didn't even know there was a character limit to these comments.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. This is something I'd like to add, but I'm not sure how it would work mechanically. A button in the sidebar that would open your phone? Or just incorporated as events that could happen as you walked through town?

  45. Hey Vrelnir, I'm having trouble with getting the game to work recently, and I haven't found any help online:
    Ever since updating my mac to Mojave (MacOS 10.14.2), trying to open Degrees of Lewdity hasn't been working. I used Inspect Element on the page, and it gave me these errors:
    [Error] Error: cookie error: unknown validation error during set
    (anonymous function) (Degrees of Lewdity
    j (Degrees of Lewdity
    (anonymous function) (Degrees of Lewdity
    [Error] Not allowed to load local resource: file:///Users/traybug/Desktop/untitled%20folder/RAADD%20Reborn/DOL/Degrees%20of%20Lewdity%
    [Error] Not allowed to request resource
    [Error] Cannot load file:///Users/[MyUsername]/Desktop/untitled%20folder/RAADD%20Reborn/DOL/Degrees%20of%20Lewdity% due to access control checks.

    I've tried looking up these "access control checks" online, but all that I'm finding seems to be focused on giving advice to the developer rather than the user; I can't make sense of any of the coding stuff they're talking about.

    I can get the game to work on Safari, but I don't know how to move my saves over, and I'd rather not have to start the game from the beginning. Any help would be much appreciated!

    1. The update may have defaulted your settings to block third-party cookies, that would throw up such an error.

  46. Доминация Витни влияет на что-то? Если у него будет 0 доминации, он перестанет тебя задирать? А если доминация будет максимальная? А параметр "Любовь", на что он влияет? Можно более подробно описать это? Пожалуйста.
    И главное, как эти параметры работают между собой? Есть какая-нибудь синергия между ними?
    Does Whitney Domination Affect Something? If he has 0 domination, will he stop bullying you? And if the domination will be the maximum? Parameter "Love Whitny", what does it affect? Can I describe it in more detail? Please.
    And most importantly, how do these parameters work together? Is there any synergy between them?

    1. High domination or becoming Whitney's boy/girlfriend, which results from high love, will incrase the rate of their encounters. High dominance also changes one of their events. They don't synergise directly.

    2. То есть, лучше иметь высокую доминацию? А снижение её ничего не изменит?
      That is, it is better to have high domination? And reducing it will not change anything?

    3. Better to have high domination if you want more Whitney. Low dominance enables an event that removes them from game, but only if you then pass out on a street and roll a "lewd" event.

    4. К сожалению, ничего не понял из того, что вы сказали. Даже мой переводчик не в силах это понять) Но всё равно спасибо. Я так понял, что Витни лучше быть "доминатором".
      Unfortunately, I did not understand anything of what you said. Even my translator cannot understand this) But thanks anyway. I understand that Whitney is better to be a "dominator"))

    5. Sorry, I'll try again. High dominance is good if you enjoy Whitney.

      Low dominance might remove them from the game.

  47. а по поводу того обновления, предложенного пользователем, про Стокгольмский синдром. В пещере волков лучше поддерживать мир, или напротив, кровавый беспредел?
    and about the update proposed by the user, about the Stockholm syndrome. In a cave of wolves is it better to maintain peace, or on the contrary, bloody chaos?

    1. Harmony if you just want an easy time there. Both harmony and ferocity if you want to be good at hunting.

  48. Hello! First and formemost, DoL is probably the best porn game i have seen in a long while, absolutely love it.
    Also, is there a planned content list that you have in mind? As in "in this version we will have this, in the next, that.." sort of thing. Would be nice to know what to expect next in the long run. Cheers!

    1. Hello, and thank you! I'm glad you like it.

      There's no planned content list yet, though I should write one up.

  49. Darker Skin or other skin tones when?

  50. Есть ли в игре действия, предполагаемые 6-й уровень Promiscuity и Exhibitionism (красный текст\максимальный уровень)?
    Are there any actions in the game that are supposed to be level 6 Promiscuity and Exhibitionism (red text \ maximum level)?

  51. will there be a Dab feature?

  52. Почему в игре, до сих пор, очень много скрытых параметров, например:
    1) Не показывает доверие стаи волков к вам
    2) Не Показывает уровень накопления Сердечек и Банок (Робина/Витни)
    3) Не показывает уровень спада Insomnia Nightmares и так далее.

    А также, у вас есть полоска заполнения, которая равна 100%, было бы неплохо видеть визуально, сколько процентов вам дают за то или иное действие, так например я выяснил, что волейбол лучше всего повышает телосложение, и затрачивает меньше всего усталости.
    Неплохо было бы показать это %.
    Why is there still a lot of hidden parameters in the game, for example:
    1) Does not show the trust of wolves to you
    2) Does not show the level of accumulation of Hearts and Cans (Robin / Whitney)
    3) Does not show the level of recession Insomnia Nightmares and so on.
    And also, you have a filling bar, which is 100%, it would be nice to see visually how much interest you are given for a particular action, for example, I found out that volleyball improves body build, and spends the least fatigue.
    It would be nice to show this in the %.

    1. Ах да, я забыл "Отношение к вам учителей и школьников", которое также скрыто и для этих параметров отсутствуют шкалы.
      Oh yeah, I forgot "The attitude of teachers and students to you," which is also hidden and there are no scales for these parameters.

    2. While it doesn't show the specific amount between each heart on the social page, I thought the gap between them would be small enough for it to not matter.

      Insomnia, nightmares etc. are tied to your trauma.

      I agree more mechanical information like that is always good, as long as it's presented properly. I'll try to spare the time to add a bar for your school reputations at some point.

  53. when will be the next update?

    1. Not sure whether to release a smaller update soonish, or a larger one at the end of the week.

    2. Personally, I'd like the latter. Thicc updates best updates.

  54. И еще, было бы неплохо показать на карте, куда направляется Ваш герой, при выделении локации. Да, в html это сделать проблемотично, но всё же - возможно добавить css анимацию, чтобы при выделении гиперссылки, на карте появлялись стрелочки с вашим будущим местоположением.
    And yet, it would be nice to show on the map where your hero is going, when allocating a location. Yes, in html it is problematic to make it, but still - it is possible to add css animation so that when selecting a hyperlink, arrows with your future location appear on the map.

    1. I know it's possible, but it'll require me to leave my comfort zone. It's planned.

    2. It is not necessary to leave the comfort zone, you can ask a familiar programmer, write for you a few lines in СSS on Sublime text

    3. I'm thinking that's what I'll need to do.

  55. Возможно Баг:

    You sit down next to Robin. "Hey," he says. "I heard the funniest joke."

    You have a pleasant chat with him while eating. "I'm going to wait in the classroom," he says when you're done. "I don't like being late." He hugs you.

    (Не появляется оповещений о том, что общение в школьной столовой за 20 минут, сняло стресс и травму, вместо этого, спад травмы гораздо меньше, чем если бы вы просто потратили 10 минут на обычное общение с приятелями) - Ошибка?
    Perhaps a bug:

    You sit down next to Robin. "Hey," he says. "I heard the funniest joke."

    You have a pleasant chat with him while eating. "I'm going to wait in the classroom," he says when you're done. "I don't like being late." He hugs you.

    (There are no alerts that communication in the school canteen in 20 minutes removed stress and trauma, instead, the decline in injury is much less than if you just spent 10 minutes on normal communication with your friends) - Error?

  56. Очень сильно раздражает то, что непонятно, сколько очков любви приносит поход с Робином в кино, (супергеройской фильм) и делание ему минета (2 часа времени), а сколько обычный поход в лес, дающий тоже любовь и такой же lust.
    Вы говорите, параметры везде одинаковые, но почему тогда поход в кино приносит (любовь, lust) и поход в лес приносит (love, lust), но одно занимает 0:30, а другое 2:00.
    По этому я и прошу сделать наглядную процентную планку, чтобы игрок видел, сколько он получит чего, в том или ином случае.
    It is very annoying that it is unclear how many points of love brings a trip with Robin to the cinema, (a superhero movie) and making him a blowjob (2 hours of time), and how much an ordinary trip to the forest, which also gives love and the same lust.
    You say, the parameters are the same everywhere, but why, then, going to the cinema brings (love, lust) and going to the forest brings (love, lust), but one takes 0:30, and the other 2:00.
    That's why I ask you to make a clear interest bar so that the player can see how much he will get something, in this or that case, having spent some amount of time.

  57. А также нет полоски, показывающей твою преступность. Еще не видно, как накапливается твоя Fame. А также непонятно, на что она вообще влияет, и стоит ли её повышать, или понижать. Неясно.
    And also there is no strip showing your crime. It’s not yet clear how your Fame accumulates. And also it is not clear what it affects at all, and whether it is worth raising it, or lowering it. It is not clear.

  58. Few ideas

    Add more areas(deserts, mountains, more underwater)
    Have more animals than just wolves attempt to take you with them
    More Sex options
    More animals
    I think spiders and scorpions would be cool.
    If I could get your email, I could try and use my creativity for both writing and ideas to help improve the game

    1. I must agree on the, more animals and giant insects front. It's rare to find a decent game, any game, that can cater to those things. I just hope that it wouldn't be a too large of a time sink for development...

    2. Thanks for the ideas. You can find my email on the Contact page of this blog.

      Adding new animals isn't too time intensive, but giving them unique mechanics is.

  59. Calm down, russian dude

  60. Раньше было описано, что если долго носить в себе волчью сперму (рот\зад), то вы будете превращаться в оборотня. Но я не превращаюсь, потому что имею черту "девственника". Было бы здорово, если бы можно было носить в себе хотябы 2 черты, ибо одна - это как-то мало.
    It was previously described that if you carry wolf sperm (mouth /ass) for a long time, you will turn into a werewolf. But I do not transform, because I have a quirk of "virgin". It would be great if at least 2 quirk could be carried in oneself, for one is somehow not enough.

    1. То есть, к примеру, почему я не могу быть одновременно и волком и девственником? Одно другому не мешает)
      I.e. for example, why can not I be both a wolf and a virgin? It does not interfere)

  61. Кстати, это лучший симулятор волка в истории! Вот серьёзно, во время охоты есть 2 ветви событий, от них идух еще две ветви событий. Вот это классный квет, по типу того, из 80-х Zorg, хотелось бы чего-то большего, в этом стиле и с большим кол-вом вариантов.
    By the way, this is the BEST wolf simulator in history! But seriously, during the hunt there are 2 branches of events, from them there are two more branches of events. This is a cool quest, like that from the 80s of Zorg, I would like something more, in this style and with a large number of options.


    1. "Give me your money and valuables," you say. "Then leave us to eat in peace."

      it was A-MA-ZING!

      incredibly cool invented, to attack the hunters, take away their deer, and then robbery XD
      It seems to me, or the author of this script is a genius?

    2. you have been speking back and forth with the author the entire time >Vrelnir

    3. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

      I'd originally planned to branch a third time, but reduced it to twice as it would have taken a while to make.

  62. Когда возникает надпись "Your bowels overflow with semen.", то графа "Pain:", залезает на строчку выше, избегая отступления в строку.
    When the inscription "Your bowels overflow with semen.",then the graph "Pain:", climbs to the line above, avoiding deviations into the line

    Visual bug. I can send a screenshot.

  63. When playing as a boy and you masturbate, shouldn't you also be able to use your ass? If anything it would make more sense than when playing a girl. I thought this was an option before but it's not showing up.
    Also, if you have breasts as a boy I feel like you should be able to play with those as well.

    1. You're able to, though. Maybe your Awareness isn't high enough?

    2. Yep, chest and ass play during masturbation are locked behind awareness. It's not a high requirement, knowledgeable characters start with it unlocked.

  64. I think that if you fight Bailey and don't pay them for a week, after choosing to take on Robin's debt, then Bailey should attack them too. You know, kidnapping, hitting, forced prostitution, the usual. If he can't get his cash from you, he'd get it from whoever's vulnerable, especially from the kid that little brat cares about.

    It's not that I think one shouldn't be able to fight off Bailey to keep Robin safe, but as it is now, the situation feels weird, as Bailey definitely is the kind of person to attack where it'd hurt the PC the most. I think it'd be real nice if keeping Robin relatively safe without paying Bailey was more of a struggle, with dedicated scenes.

    Also, when hanging around the orphanage we get to see kids on sweeping duty. I think it'd be a nice if we could do it too, together with various other chores, in a system of taks like Eden's cottage, such as cleaning bathrooms, mowing grass, cooking, laying mouse traps, that kind of thing. Stuff to contribute to the Little Orphan Annie feels, really.

    Maybe keeping things well-mantained could improve the general well-being of the orphanage, resulting in bonuses like sleeping better, or getting little gifts from happy orphans (as happy as one gets under Bailey, anyway), and even reducing the rent a bit, depending on how much you're working. Ideally, I'd love it if the orphanage became more than just a place to sleep and play with Robin, really.

    Thanks for reading, hope this isn't too outlandish, warm regards, love you, etc.

    1. Hey, thanks for the ideas. That's the sort of thing I think the orphanage needs to make it feel more "alive", which is something I want.

      As for Bailey extracting the money from Robin, I know that would make sense. I fear it might make things too difficult, but it's not off the cards.

    2. option to turn on and off maybe?

  65. I have been living with wolves for two weeks now and my ass is not drying out) but for some reason there are no signs that I’m becoming a wolf

  66. where can Deviancy be raised: 3rd, blue level?

    1. very strange. The script writes to you that "this does not increase the parameter," although it actually increases. Already level 4 (purple) O_o

    2. Oh no, my mistake. It turns out that new lines of action appear in sex with animals. What boosts Deviancy.

    3. Once you unlock Deviancy 3, new options appear during consensual encounters with animals that will boost it higher.

  67. You get messages at midnight for every "stage" in the wolf transformation you reach. You can only change one stage per night. It doesn't stack with other transformations, so if you're already becoming an angel it won't happen.

    You don't need to keep the cum inside you, feel free to wash it out. It only increases wolfiness as they ejaculate. You can also search the deeper parts of the forest for wolfshrooms to eat. Each wolfshroom counts as three wolf cumshots.

  68. А можно подробное описание всех трансформаций (причуд), и бафов, которые они дают, как например:
    Virgin - Your purity recovers faster. Your virginity might be worth something.
    Robin's protector - Robin is dependent on you. You need to be strong. Increases daily trauma decay.
    И если можно, хотелось бы увидеть принскрины со всеми видами трансформаций. Спасибо.
    And you can have a detailed description of all the transformations (quirks), and the buffs they give?, such as:
    Virgin - Your purity recovers faster. Your virginity might be worth something.
    Robin's protector - Robin is dependent on you. You need to be strong. Increases daily trauma decay.
    And if it is possible, I would like to see princens with all kinds of transformations. Thanks.

  69. The transformations do have information like that, but only once you reach the final stage. There's a wiki with the information:

  70. Food for thought, somewhere around here you can find that pregnancy plans are highly likely, my question is, your character can get wasted from drinks in the pub. Will that get in the way of preg plans?

    1. There are no plans for pregnancy to interact with alcohol.

  71. Remain a virgin (anal / oral virginity doesn't matter)

    But I am a virgin only in front (Dick) :DD
    The quirk "Virgin" is preserved, but I do not turn into an angel. What is strange. And I do not turn into a wolf, because the "Virgin" feature is preserved.

    that is, I cannot become an angel anymore, because onal and oral disturbances are damaged, but I also do not turn into a wolf, because There is a quirk "virgin", because I did not fuck anyone. Hm Bug Or a mechanic?

    1. You can still turn into an angel, even without your oral and anal virginities. At least, you're supposed to be able to.

  72. Было бы замечательно, если бы traits были бы видны пользователю, по мере разблокирования, как например Orgasm Addict или Cum Dump. И 1000 раз - слишком много для такой игры, где весь контент можно пощупать за 20 дней. Не правильное распределение игрового времени, как мне кажется
    It would be great if traits were visible to the user as they were unlocked, such as Orgasm Addict or Cum Dump. And 1000 times is too much for such a game, where all the content can be touched in 20 days. Not the correct allocation of playing time, I think

    1. Если бы не вики, я бы вообще не узнал о том, что есть какие-то скрытые traits. Нужно визуально показать их для пользователя, чтобы было понятно, какие действия их разблокируют. И ПОЛОСКИ СКИЛА! Добавьте полоски!
      If it were not for the wiki, I would not have known that there are any hidden traits. You need to visually show them to the user so that it is clear which actions will unlock them. AND LINES SKILL! Add the lines, like on the Awareness, Purity and ithers!

    2. I'm planning to rework those traits at some point. I wasn't sure people would find them due to their high requirements.

  73. Было бы здорово видеть эту игру, как большинство ММОРПГ. То есть, больше контента. Игроку нечего в ней делать, после 20-ти дней (если знаешь, как быстро получить всё возможное).
    Добавить больше праметров, которые нужно развивать, и тогда это столкнёт игрока с тем, что ему НУЖНО будет ходить в конкретные места, сталкиваясь с игровым контентом.
    It would be great to see this game like most MMORPGs. That is, more content. The player has nothing to do in it, after 20 days (if you know how to quickly get everything possible).
    Add more parameters that need to be developed, and then it will confront the player with the fact that he will need to go to specific places, facing gaming content in order to develop these traits.

    1. Current parameters need more development too. The main line of skulduggery isn't even half finished. Swimming has very little content.

  74. So, ummm, I just want to say I do appreciate the state of this game so far and keeping in touch with fans. I think you are doing well and don't overwork yourself. <3

    1. Thank you and you're welcome! I promise I'll look after myself.

  75. "Current parameters need more development too. The main line of skulduggery isn't even half finished. Swimming has very little content." - you say.
    Yes you are right. It is better to modify the existing content than add a new one.
    But as for me, you need more branching stories, where the player will choose options, like
    1 = 2,3,4
    (2) = 5,6,7
    (3) = 8.9,10
    (4) = 11,12,13
    (5) = 14,15,16
    And so on. Yes, you have to write a lot, but this will be an interesting interactive quest, and not just scripted events that the player goes through thousands of times, with the same situations.

    1. I agree it would be cool, but as you say it would take a long time. There are branching stories like that planned for the future.

  76. It is not entirely clear how to raise relations with secondary NPCs. The 50th day, I developed everything that is possible to the maximum, and decided to do the most useless - dancing, I came to this school, there is a red-headed guy-coach. I spent at trainings hours 5, and the next day I had the inscription "Charlie the dance coach has terrible of you.". I booted, spent the same day, but the inscription is still white ... no changes. What is it? and what does it affect? Bug?

    1. Possibly, but with minor NPCs I tried to get changes in their opinion across via the text. Charlie doesn't like it when you're too assertive.

      Charlie's opinion doesn't impact anything yet.

  77. Hi! I've only very recently found your game, and I want to say, it's AMAZING. I haven't been this enthralled with a porn game since... Like, original Corruption of Champions? Anyways... I love Whitney's character. There's a certain route I'm wondering if you might be interested in having an option to go down with her. I would personally like to be able to turn the tables on her! I like the Dom/Sub dynamic (it's my biggest kink), and I would love to be able to slowly flip the roles. Maybe after lowering her Dominance to a certain point, we could start to force her to do things for us? I figure we'd need some pretty decebt stats for this stuff, but I would very much enjoy working towards it!


    1. Thank you! That's great to hear.

      There's more to come for Whitney. The ability to turn the tables on them is something I'm considering.

    2. That's awesome to hear! I will wait patiently, and continue to explore the current build. Thanks for the reslonse. :D

  78. I was wondering if you would be able to do more with Robin and Whitney possibly being able to dominate them. i was also wondering if at somepoint you would implement a sex shop as well

    1. More Robin and Whitney is planned, as is a sex shop.

  79. seens like i am late to the party with this update, and all questions answered already i guess ill just leave a pun here:
    do you know why did the man die of the Actors performance?
    the performance was unbeLIVEable.

  80. ok so. Pitching an idea for a new encounter/situation/transformation. Rabbits/bunnies. There can be some in the park area which can get more and more friendly with you - as rabbits are timid creatures - and some bolder, lustier ones in the forest whose mating season just wont go away. You could encounter a whole group of mating rabbits, only to get pulled in. rabbits take a liking to ravaging humans, and find a way to drag you down, deep into their labyrinth like den... which you gotta find a way out lest you become a breeding station forever.

    With that could come a bunny transformation which could give you more allure -playboy bunnies are sexy- more fertility -for when pregnancies are implimented- and a arousal increase -must reproduce!-.


    1. I like it. A bunny transformation seems like the natural result of a bunny den, but I wouldn't want it to be acquired in quite the same way as the wolf transformation.

    2. in my opinion the stuck forever part doesnt fit with the game (yet) since there are not any endings yet but that depends on the author to decide if he likes the idea to keep it or change it up a bit... otherwise, with the wolves... their behavior is written to more fit with the game, but isnt too far away on how wolves behave irl (or i would imagine so) now how would a rabbit even 20 be strong enough to pull a human along? they dont work like a hive mind so they wouldnt be synchronized like some super ficial organism so as the things are going with the game this idea is farfetched...

    3. I mean stuck forever in the same vain you can get stuck with the wolves and eden forever in a sense. And yeah, i know they dont work in a hive mind, but they could all still pull you in. a bunch of something is still strong.

  81. i just have a question on the lore is just this town filled with rape, abnormal transformation, otherworldly creatures, lust driven animals and such. or is the rest of the world the same? if its just the town then one of the ending could be the MC just moving away for a better life...
    and if it isnt a norm on the world (the transformation and such) would there be a reasercher character that gives in time explanation for it and perhaps you could perhaps bring some speciments like the mushrooms which cause lust, and in return he could make something out of it like a strong aprodisiac, or while inspecting your wolf/angel/demon form, somehow enchanting them, reversing them or making them permanent... could be interesting...

    1. It's just the town.

      A research facility like that is planned, and you'll be able to help them.
