
Sunday 10 February 2019


This update adds a diffuse range of improvements. It includes collaborations with several people, with the goal of fleshing out the game world.

Next update will focus on a new character, another student who will possessively stalk the player character.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: Updated to, which fixes a few bugs. Notes at bottom of post.

Patch Notes
Added an autosave slot. The game autosaves when you sleep in the orphanage, Eden's cabin, the wolf cave, or the asylum.
Disabled saving on the starting screen.
Added a new option to the school library that can lead to masturbation and other things. How far you can take it depends on your english skill, with an A needed to unlock everything. Written and coded by Khan.
A more detailed break down of the slime and semen covering your body will now be revealed by the mirror.
Added an extra few lines to the end of the giant lizard scene in the old sewers, written by Scrumpy.
Characters with high exhibitionism can now choose if being exposed excites or embarrasses you. Chosen from the Attitudes page and defaults to embarrassed.
Bathing in the orphanage during the day may now result in harassment. Written and designed in collaboration with Jeno.
Added the ability to take penises into your mouth without waiting for the NPC to decide to do it.
Added "Deep Blue" to the colours available at the hairdresser.
Added an uncommon dance event to the brothel and strip club.
Eight hearts with Robin will now occasionally let you use their lap as a pillow while watching them play.
The security guard in the school library may now assault you if you get caught.
Added a couple of benign events to the exposed night runs in the park.
New characters can now choose their starting breast size, up to pert.
Added a new event to cafe work. Written and designed in collaboration with Brooms17.
Characters with high exhibitionism can now ask Mason if they can swim naked during their lesson.
Added a small event to swimming class. Written and designed in collaboration with Mega.
Added three antiques to the forest. One found near town, one near the lake, and one deeper in.
Added breasts to the sidebar sprite where appropriate. They only appear when topless.
Added an event to the streets and alleys, involving a mysterious stranger who offers you a chance to make some money.

Balance Changes
Harper is now easier to defeat in the asylum.
Increased the trauma threshold for release from the asylum.
Cumming inside a wolf will now count towards the wolf transformation.
Being swallowed by the giant lizard in the old sewers will cover you in a layer of slime.
Lowered the starting anger of the NPCs in the yacht fight during Robin's rescue.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an error that could appear while topless in the asylum, and while running through the park at night.
Fixed a bug causing events in the asylum to fire all of the time, or none of the time.
You will no longer be informed that your skill has improved if said skill is already maxed.
Fixed a bug causing time to stop at midnight when performing an action taking longer than an hour.
Wearing a chastity belt will no longer stop you from straddling a dick with your ass if you don't have an anal shield.
Fixed a bug causing the third animal in a succession to sometimes ignore the beast gender setting.
Removed hotkeys from the remaining changing rooms and wardrobes.
Fixed a bug allowing blackmailing Leighton twice, if the first time was to counter-blackmail their blackmail of you.
Fixed a bug causing frottage to count as penetration for the purposes of the "Penetrated others" stat.
Fixed a bug letting you repeatedly ask Winter about the candlestick.
Characters with flat chests should no longer have their nipples described as "flopping out" on occasion.
Made changes to Robin's dominance invisible for now.
Morgan should no longer be described as a businessman/woman during encounters.
Fixed a bug causing Avery, Morgan and the black wolf to be missing their genders and/or genitals on old saves until you visited the NPC Settings page.
Fixed a bug preventing the library guard's gender and genitals from loading properly.
Fixed a bug preventing some events triggering properly during exposed night runs in the park.
Fixed a bug causing dark blue eyes to appear as hazel.
Fixed a bug causing male characters who read Raul and Janet to permanently transform into girls. Afflicted characters should be immediately cured upon loading the new version.
Fixed a bug causing characters from old saves to become permanently emaciated. Afflicted characters should be cured upon loading the new version, but may receive a super buff body as a side effect.
Consider it a legit use of the cheat menu to change such characters' physiques back to normal.


  1. Possessive stalker, ooh. Can't wait to try it when it comes out eventually.

  2. yay! my first event is here! ^^

  3. For some reason, Dark Blue eyes appear as Hazel on sidebar and sex sprites. All other eyes (including Hazel) seem to be fine though.

  4. Awesome to see a thing I wrote get added, thanks Vrel :)
    @everyone, let me know what you think of it, please :) ?

  5. Awesome! Bug fixes, QOL, and fleshing out the world are worthy additions.

    Still, my #1 desire is to see pregnancy mechanics come in. Something similar to Violated Heroine, for example. VH uses a menstruation cycle to calculate daily preg chances. A simpler version would be like from Strive for Power. In that game, it's a flat % chance per each creampie (CP).

    1. Pregnancy can be turned off or on, like most other kinks in the game.
    2. A simple way to code this feature in the start: a flat ~15% chance of impregnation if you get CP'd that day. Addition CP's add +1% chance.
    3. Later, a menstruation cycle could be added. Different preg chances for each phase (5-10 days each): 1 % menstruating -> 50 % ovulating -> 20% post ovulation / luteal phase.
    3a. Players could take drugs to alter %'s. Or use the cheat console to set % for each phase.
    3b. Players could buy condoms to reduce % chance if they are the ones in control or having sex with a friendly named NPC. Condoms reduce ~90% of the risk of CP. Condoms can rip if the sex goes on too long or the player gets the tables turned on them. If the player gets condoms from a cheap source, they only work ~50% of the time. Premium condoms can cost a lot more or be rare.
    3c. Birth control pills are expensive or rare items. They reduce preg chance by 90% for 1 week. Not super realistic, but it may be more balanced and simpler to code this way.
    4. For ease of coding, the baby would have to be given up for adoption when born.
    4a. Potential game over / game complete status if the player wants to retire in the woods and raise the baby away from civilization.
    4b. Baby can be born in a hospital or at a named NPC’s home (Morgan, Eden, or one of the teachers).
    5. Later, if the coders have more time to implement this, the baby could be raised by the player. Perhaps the player would have to use their fake ID to hire a nanny or use a daycare to watch the baby while the player went to school or worked the streets. Maybe the baby could be left with a named NPC if they are the father.
    5a. Raising the baby is a hard to implement feature. The player would practically be playing two games at once. A much more reasonable feature would be for the player to give the baby up for adoption, hopefully in another city because the current city is full of rapists.
    6. Being preg for 40 in game weeks is really fucking long. Perhaps the time could be reduced to something shorter for game play balance reasons. (Maybe the player gets force-injected with a 'pregnancy accelerator' by a shady Gov agency?) I propose a 20-week gestation, with rare drugs available that speed or slow it down even more. Can also change the time with the console.
    6a. Morning sickness! Bloating! Muscle fatigue! The joys of motherhood abound.
    6b. New and improved art assets that show the gradually growing baby bump.
    7. I would personally never use an abortion clinic, and I think they defeat the point of enabling in game pregnancy… but I realize they fit the tone of this game’s universe.
    8. I guess monsters or wolves could be the father. Why not? If so, the baby could be the same race as the father, a half breed, or just a human, depending on how much work the coders want to do. Alternatively, the player could never get preg from monsters or feral animals. This is the easier but more boring solution.

    - D.Stu

    1. Thanks for taking the time to go into such detail. When thinking about how pregnancy could be added to DoL, VH is indeed the first game to come to mind.

      Getting the balance right is going to be difficult. It will probably come down to taste. Perhaps there should be several prenancy sliders, to control pregnancy duration and such.

  6. Oh, it brings me joy to see my writing and suggestion added to the game. Maybe I'll think of something else to write and submit, in time.

  7. Have one method for exporting save on Android s version ?

    1. I don't know how, I'm afraid.

      Installing the new update should keep your saves from old versions, but anything more complex than that is beyond me.

  8. Hello Vrelnir.
    Parasite update when?

    you said a couple updates ago that you would possibly add another transformation...

    are you still working on? are you planning to release it soon?

    do i need to sacrifice more goats to the dark gods for you to release it?

    cmon man i needs it.


    1. Parasite update doesn't have an ETA yet. I played around with the new transformation, but put it on hold as I had a bit of trouble. I could unthaw it at any time though.

    2. what sort of trouble did you run into?
      i haven't coded in like a decade so i dont think i could help you there. but is there anything i could help with in terms of ideas or writing block or even possibly submiting writing to the project??? Please let me know!

    3. It was a code problem.

      That said, if you want to submit writing to the project, feel free to email or dm me on discord.

  9. So Vrelnir, you have a 31 page document of ideas and suggestions? That's a rookie number. We gotta pump that number. Lucky for you, I already sent you a 22 page material. Good reading! <3

    1. Oh damn. Thanks a bunch.

      I fear this will have to wait until after I've slept.

    2. Hey my dude, have you received the pack? I can resend it if there's a problem. Also, can you email back a reply about your opinions when you have read the whole thing?

    3. Aye, I got it! Started reading through it but it's a lot to digest. You've done a thorough job.

  10. Oh boy, time to N U T

  11. >A small parachute floats down, carrying a little box.
    How very cute. Is it Willy Wonka taking those pictures behind the oak?

    1. Thanks for the chuckle.

      Pervert Willy Wonka would be terrifying.

  12. Hi Vrelman. Once, during the day, at the forest lake, I managed to trigger a sex scene with a random kid, while hanging out. And then I never saw that scene again.
    You see, when hanging out at the lake, an unpopular kid asks for a kiss 80% of the time, with the remaining 20% being split between building sandcastles and a dumb kid failing to impress the PC going inna woods.

    It feels like there's a problem with the randomness of lake events. For instance, even when I did trigger the sexual encounter, it triggered seven times or so, all in the same in-game afternoon.

    I don't know if there's some actual fuckery going on with the RNG, or if I simply haven't found out how to trigger sex scenes there (although I've done scientific experiments by testing the "Hang out" action with different outfits), but there must be some explanation.

    1. I'll take a look, in case something isn't working right. The only thing which should be influencing the events there is your status, which locks off the assault event and enables the kissing one.

    2. Oh, that's gotta be it. I've been keeping status high for a while. Thanks for the answer, and please consider a consensual and/or high Status alternative to that scene.

  13. Little heads up: Getting washed in the new Exhibitionism scene doesn't seem to actually count as a bath, that is, the player is still filthy after the scene.

  14. Female PC, male wolf encounter, envelop action is missing until they are about to penetrate on their own. That's either is a bug or renders envelop redundant in that encounter. Subsequent encounters with male wolves are the same. Haven't tested with male PC...yet.

    1. It's the same for male. You can move to penetrate but you can't actually do it. Have checked with both Deviancy and Promiscuity at 5.

  15. Always love your game (+ㅂ+)b

  16. hey im loving this game! thank you for putting efforts into this:)

  17. I would love to see some way to dictate your character’s kinks/fetishes.

    My idea would to have the player put a set number of points into different kinks (receiving/giving oral, revieving anal, etc), then the more points in a kink, the faster or slower lust would rise while enacting on different kinks.

    Also, dom Robin when.

    1. Kinks are planned, but I'm not sure if they should work like you suggest, or be picked up somehow through play.

      Not sure when dom Robin either.

    2. Building on that, but i have other f(l)avors to ask Vrel.

      Is there yet a consensual option to "ask" with your mouth?

      Like ask the NPC that you want to play with there toes? Or want to give oral instead off anal/vaginal penetration?

      This action would meant, you could get back a bit of control when try with strangers, or endear your relationship with an NPC?

      It would lessen my feel about the darkness of your works!

    3. There is a limited ability to ask NPCs to not do specific things at the moment. I am considering expanding it to give the PC more control during consensual encounters.

  18. Any chance of adding in a slider for npc body types? An "overweight to underweight" slider along the lines of the futa slider for instance would be sweet.

    Also it would be awesome if in the beach scene with the mom you could get the kids involved with high enough promiscuity...

    1. That's something I'll think about when I improve NPC attributes.

  19. It is a pity that the wiki does not have a detailed description of how to deal with certain events. For example, I have never met Eden.
    Alternatively, for some non-recurring events, you can issue a mini-quest so that the player can see all the content. Or give the quest to some task that will lead you to the event that was written. That the player could see ALL events, without passing by content.

    1. В прошлом апдейте была ссылка на вики, там все есть.

    2. Aye, I plan to signpost less easily-accessed content after the clothing update.

    3. Clothing Update, could this mean more options in appearances?

      Like what i have in mind is. Having more clothes to pick out from store: like instead of the beanie a Cap? Which lovers your alure under some lvl, but improves your beauty to the world!

      #nd. A new fancy pants (long) and shirt&tie:this allowed also as a school uniform! But buying this set would increase your earning at the caffe to 5+15$ and your tips! Also usefull in serving tables in the stripclub!

    4. It would be an elegant top:
      the "Tuxedo".

    5. Yep, there'll be a bunch of new clothes options with the clothing update, and more new clothes going forward from that point.

    6. I would appreciate Speedos,sandals, and flip-flops/slides as clothing options for boy characters.

    7. Or possibly some more lewd outfits like bunnysuits, maid outfits, string bikinis or others

  20. I just wanted to say again; thank you for keeping up with this, game is great fun and I appreciate every update.

  21. Add toys/vibrators and allow expose all day in the future '-')b some might like that

  22. Can i ask for cheats during "fights"? So i could win easily and go forward?

    1. Full cheats during fights would cause all sorts of bugs. But maybe I could include an option outside of the menu that would instantly win the fight.

  23. Male MC, Female Black Wolf - If you opt to just 'rest' and take no actions, I came across a bug where I suddenly was referred to as having a pussy? At least for the rest of the encounter. I opted to let the black wolf do whatever, but immediately after, not only did it say I had a pussy, one of my options for my arms became "Stop covering pussy" and after removing my hand from my "pussy", I still had the option to "cover" again. I kept the option for the rest of the encounter.

  24. i have a suggestion how a gangbang could be handled, with 6 people at a time only 3 people can (if male) can really get an acess to you, the rest are just standing around wanking off, in reality some people would be fine with that, but some people would rather wait their turn, so with the 6 people gangbang i would give a certainty of at least 3 people engaging at once the rest would either join with the 3 or wait their turn...

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I've been thinking about how to handle this myself.

    2. I wouldn't mind seeing some double penetrations at some point

  25. bug encounter: when going into the other genders changing room in school with them demanding that you strip if you do the model changes the position into cover mod, however the clothes are still in place.

  26. What do you need writing for? I would like to submit writing but not sure what parts it would be for.

    1. I could really use more random events that can happen on the streets. Both lewd and non-lewd. The player spends a lot of time there, and I don't think the ten or so we have currently are enough.

      I know that's not very specific.

    2. I might be interested in doing some writing for you. What criteria do you have? How do I account for varying genders or body shapes? Does it have to be for a certain lewdness, or does it have to be general enough for all player temperaments?

      -D. Stu

    3. I'm glad to hear that. There's code that generates NPCs according to the settings the player has chosen. It's quite simple to use. There's also a macro that outputs text based on the PC's various physical attributes. Email or dm me on discord if you want more info.

      The degree of lewdness is dependent on the content. If an action requires promiscuity 5 it can certainly be quite lewd.

  27. Female wolf sprites yet? Loving every new update... really makes me wonder what this game will be like in a year from now. It just keeps getting better and better every time. :)

    1. Not yet. We'll need to create a whole new position for them. Probably with the PC on their back.

      Thanks for the kind words!

  28. you are truly doing Gods work here m8 ! thanks i proundly support you just love this game!

  29. Hello!

    I was playing through and found three things shortly one after another that I thought I would be good to bring up here, along with an even when testing to make sure.

    After having got the message about Robin's console being taken away, I had ended up in the Asylum for over a week and as it happened, Robin was waiting at the orphanage to greet my character on their return, but after checking their room immediately, they were taken away not a minute after and sold to the docks. Apparently the chores Robin had to scurry off to do for Bailey on my character's return were a bit more physically intensive then expected and Bailey works really quickly.

    On going to rescue Robin, my character (who was only wearing towels from the Asylum and I was purposefully tempting fate) was raped and lost her clothing just outside the docks. I found I could still enter the Robin scene when naked and I don't know if that is intended or not, but taking Robin's place does still have dialogue where one of the characters on the yacht is still described as 'tearing off your clothes' even though my character was not wearing any at the moment.

    Reloading and testing you can still go from the orphanage to the docks starting naked and you do get the scene and the ripping off clothes dialogue still plays if you take Robin's place.

    3. The semen from the rape before the dock had stayed on my character after having been dipped in the ocean before the whale got her, after having been swallowed by a whale and washing ashore. Apparently that semen is very resilient.

    And the extra thing I found during testing is if you go to the oak by the spa naked to begin with you it still says you have to remove you clothes. =P

    1. I'm terrible at remembering to lock off actions if you're naked. That said, in these cases being able to turn up naked is arguably appropriate. I'll need to write alternative lines for such cases though.

      Thanks for the heads up!

  30. >Possessive student to player in next update


  31. how do i get the option to swim naked in the swim lesson?

    1. You need exhibition at 5 and be either naked or wearing school clothes, then walk into the pool room. If you change into the swimsuit or swim shorts you will not be given the option to swim naked.

    2. Thanks for answering Anon.

  32. You're right, that's not intended. Thanks for the heads up.

  33. When will we be able to play as gyaru or a black lola?
    Need my daily dose of chocolate, man.

    1. Not sure when, but it'll happen. I want tanning to be a thing eventually too.

    2. I would like to choose my PC's skintone at the start though.

      So i could be a black gal also!

  34. Does school start again? Or is it just disabled after it ends?

    1. I believe it restarts last I heard.

    2. Crash Test Dummy is correct.

    3. In that term the game is a 8less ��?

  35. With all the antiques there are now, it'd be really cool if we could see the ones we've donated displayed permanently at the museum, Animal Crossing-style. (With empty pedestals so we can tell how many we have yet to discover.) Heck, other similar mini-quests like bug catching could be added and displayed there too. I feel like it'd add some nice depth and long-term goals to the game.

    Also, unrelated, but the boobjob animation doesn't seem to function anymore, at least in consensual encounters. Not sure about non-consensual.

    1. I was thinking of something similar for the antiques. Long-term goals are something the game really needs.

      I don't remember a boobjob animation being a thing yet. Was it on the main body of the sprite?

  36. I might just be an idiot, but is it not going to be possible for the PC to be futa/herm/shemale? It seems a bit odd as you can set most of the npc's to be non-binary in some way if you want.

    1. I believe the concern is primarily bugs that could introduce, but I've heard it's planned.

    2. You can sort of already do that with a male character can't you?

    3. Hmm what about just making a toggle at character creation to determine what pronouns you want to use for your character?

    4. Aye, I'm considering that.

    5. Just don't give in to those people that want over 60+/- genders, all we need is 2.

  37. I might hold off until the clothing update.

    Fighting and losing your clothes is one thing but it completely sucks when you buy new stuff to only having to buy it again because a car just happened to drive *that* close to the sidewalk.

    Is there a way to boost a hidden Luck stat or is this world really just that crappy?

    Otherwise pretty solid game. Very nice on slow afternoons. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks!

      The clothing update will indeed introduce sturdier clothing. There's no luck stat or anything, but allure will make drive by clothing-destruction more frequent.

    2. Wait, so the cars wanna shag the PC, too?!

      The duck is wrong with this town?

      Looks like I will be attending the ordination to a priest/nun then if it will mean less cars chasing me down...

    3. If it's affected by allure, that means that the drivers are intentionally targeting you. L O R E

  38. Hell, I was just gonna say that that's typical driving in the US nowadays...between phones, egos, and lack of even the slightest hint of concern or respect for other drivers, it's a wonder people don't loose their clothes IRL too.

    1. That was meant for the conversation above me, btw. Hate typing on a phone.

    2. The U.S.? Try the world, people cant drive in general nowadays, as someone who travels for work, I can tell you it's bad everywhere almost, especially India, that was some scary driving lol

    3. I figure as much. You're sadly not the first to tell me it's like that everywhere else nowadays, either. At this rate, we'll be in Twisted Metal territory by next century.

    4. I knew mounting that explosive ice cream cone launcher and flamethrower on my car was a good investment for the future!

  39. 3 full days of searching and I cannot for the life of me find the new forest treasures. Are they just an extremely rare random event?

    1. They're pretty rare. Low allure makes them easier to find.

    2. tfw my character is too pretty to be a treasure hunter

  40. i just notice it now "You came 61 times. Tentacle monsters could learn a thing or two about endurance from you." the part with the tentacle monsters killed me HAHA :D!

  41. Might have to try and write up some random events now and contribute something

    1. That'd be cool. I'm setting up a channel for it on the Discord.

  42. I don't know how well they would work but here are my ideas:
    1)More color options for clothes or eyes
    2)Add more to Morgan's character or maybe have you play along with his delusions
    3)Maybe new hairstyles that you can change at hairdresser (ex. ponytails, twintails, buns, braids, etc.)
    4)Possibly an event where you can find your father who is in town for a while or something and you two somehow end up fucking whether that be rape or something

    1. also the ability to change eye color and fame somehow

    2. Thanks for the ideas. 1 and 2 are planned. 3 is in the works right now.

    3. Gotta be careful trying anything incest related, websites have been shutting games down for that lately

    4. Oh I didn't know that

  43. So if someone doesn't mind i'm curious about something. I had my character [female] go to the lake in the forest and a parasite attached itself to her genitalia. I know having parasites on the breasts can cause the chest to grow bigger, does the crotch parasite do anything? I ask only because i've been playing for the last 4 or 5 versions and this is new.

    1. Crotch parasites only increase arousal for now. They may do more when phallus growth is added.

    2. ok, thanks for your quick response

  44. Numbered hotkeys still not working correctly in my up-to-date Firefox.
    Nice to have the option to disable them though, thanks.
    I always thought they made the options look cluttered anyway.

    1. That's a shame. I made some changes I hoped would fix it.

      I've heard that disabling Quick Search in options might help. I haven't tested it though.

  45. Hey man. I know this probably isn't supposed to be the focus of the game, but what are your plans for the sprites? A lot of the clothes just disappear during scenes, and things like tights specifically just show up as shorts instead which saddens me. Will this be expanded on?
    And what are the chances of another pose being added? Some scenarios are hard to visualize with the character being on all fours, I think another one with her on her back would probably suffice to cover close to all possible scenarios without taking the workload to unintended proportions.

    1. It will be improved. Fixing the sprites so they don't vanish like that has been on the to-do list for a while. I need to make time for it.

      Another pose is planned. You're right that the current one doesn't cover all scenarios.

    2. Great to hear, and thanks for being so responsive. Must get a bit tiring to get literally hundreds of requests after every release lol

    3. You're welcome. I like the interaction.

  46. He did say that a major clothing update being worked on, so I'd guess that is being the goal to have every clothing item represented in all scenes eventually

    1. Whoops, meant this as a reply to the anon above, stupid phone lol

  47. As one person said in this forum:
    - "We need pedestals to the museum so that the player can track artifacts that he not finds, as well as come up with a similar pattern with NOT repetitive events so that the player can see those that he has not encountered."
    And that's a damn right thought.

    1. In addition, another important thing that I would like to see.
      1) More events !!! (of course)
      2) Update sprites !!! (so that the male character is more like a boy, not like a girl)
      3) Add a guide to places and events !!! so that the player can get information about that or another. (You can describe it on the wiki, but it’s better to make it more interactive, for example, ask a guy in a museum about places to visit in more detail (as the level of science increases, the number of inaccessible places on the map that require greater awareness increases) or from people who located are already open places, you can find out about the place of stay in more detail (for example, that the dance teacher does not like rough and confident behavior, but on the contrary, prefers softness and grace), and so on).
      Compliance with these 3 points will make the game great.
      (Sorry for the bad english)

    2. Hey, I like my girly boy character sprite lol

    3. Thanks for your thoughts. That's the plan for the museum.

      I want the clothing shop to serve as a guide to obscure places and events. Some clothing will be locked behind requirements, and will point you in the right direction.

  48. I feel like all the people saying the game needs more events are forgetting it's a game still in development lol, dont get impatient peeps, vrelnir is making fantastic game progress

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you think so. People are right though, the game does need more events.

    2. It helps to have a good portion of the planned game mechanics in game before going to crazy on events honestly, that way you dont have to go back and fix everything to accommodate new features and run into situations where added features break current events.

      I see it happen a lot, where someone adds something completely new gameplay speaking, and then it breaks a bunch of content because the scenes weren't written with that in mind. Not impossible to work that way, just makes extra work in my opinion

    3. Thanks for the advice. I've already had to fix events broken by new mechanics.

  49. Are there any plans to add more positive outcomes for having high allure? Currently it seems like having high allure just makes the game harder, which heavily discourages players from exploring more revealing clothing options.

    Also I just wanted to say this is an amazing game. The freedom and immense possibilities with the open world makes this a true gem. I'm really looking forward to future updates.

    1. There aren't many plans to add more positive outcomes for high allure specifically, but most allure-increasing effects, like dressing revealingly, also improve appearance. More benefits from high appearance are planned.

      Thank you for the kind words! I hope you enjoy what's in store.

  50. Hmm, so I was thinking, would it be possible to eventually transform swim class into general physical education class? Could open up more potential for events while still keeping swimming as something that happens. Just something that crossed my mind lol

    1. I second this. It is quite odd that they swim during the rainy days, maybe have them exercise in the school assembly with basketball or some when it's raining and on sunny days, they go to the pool.

    2. the pool could simply be inside the building for that to not matter, its very impractical for any school having a pool outside if it has one.

    3. Sexy dodgeball?

    4. A physical education class is planned, but will be separate from swimming class.

      There are five more classes planned, and you'll have some choice between which you take.

    5. Noice, school is my favorite part

    6. Well I guess, the school I went to is impractical, they had a pool outside.

  51. *gasp* a new update?! I can't wait to get into more sexy action. I have some ideas for you if you are interested.

    1. More harassment from Bailey/Love Hotel for love interests
    While at the orphanage, if you are dating Robin you two can get extremely intimate under Bailey's roof, maybe to make it more risky, they can catch you in on the action. To counter this problem I suggest a love hotel, where you can take Robin to and get intimate without any distractions, it will cost a room to rent and it should decrease your stress and trauma much more. If Whitney thinks that you are their bitch then they can drag you to the love hotel and have their way with you.

    2. Breasts growing/shrinking
    Now that we can set our characters breasts sizes at the start of the game, maybe we can have events that can grow or shrink our breast sizes. Like a tentacle that injects a hormoral gland that rapidly grows them or a rare event of eating a mushroom that will either grow or shrink them, however there is a limit on how big they can grow with these events so the hospital surgery isn't completely obsolete, like if you want Gigantic size then you have to have surgery.

    3. Improve ways to protect yourself
    For tall characters they can easily defend themselves from unwanted rapists while the tiny ones struggle and have to submit. Maybe add defense items that has a limited use to get away from the strong rapists easier, although these items are not cheap to get.

    4. Having your own pet
    Getting a rare random event where you find a kitty or a pup and you can secretly adopt it. Spending time with it will help you with your stress and trauma.

    5. More events with the businessman/woman
    Really wanna know more about this character seems like the type of person that likes to go for much younger individuals.

    1. 1. Maybe Bailey should become more oppressive if you keep defeating them and avoiding the debt, requiring you to sneak out with Robin for fun time.

      2. Parasites can grow your breasts already, though it takes a while. I like the idea of involving tentacles.

      3. Defence items like you suggest are planned. I also want skulduggery to provide some limited defensive options.

      4. A pet isn't planned, but it's been requested a bunch. I'll think about it.

      5. Avery will be the focus of the update after next, should all go to plan.

      Thanks for the ideas.

  52. Are futas herms added to the game yet?
    I've been out of the loop the past couple of updates.

    1. Futa herms aren't in yet I'm afraid.

      DP is planned.


    1. the link is safe
      its a sprite for a dolpin sex scene

    2. It looks like a sprite for a dolphin taking the PC from the front.

      Thanks mysterious Anon, would it be okay if I used this in the game?

  54. Love the new option in the library, gave me a chuckle when I realized what it was referencing, intended or not.

  55. How will I know if I hit the new dance event? Is it an auto triggering event or will a new option appear when it becomes available?

  56. Have you ever thought about adding anal double penetration? Maybe as something that's only available if you've got high enough promiscuity? I feel like girl (male) characters are missing out during gangbangs.


    1. what it that ? :D

    2. Should really say what the link is at least...

  58. I feel like max exhibitionism should allow you to walk around naked at Eden's home. also the number shortcuts don't seem to be working for any wardrobes. last update it wouldn't work at home but now it doesn't work anywhere like the beach and stuff. I also agree that high allure/appearance is pretty unbalanced at this point. there arrent many benefits to bribe very attractive.

    1. I disabled hotkeys in wardrobes as I didn't think they were useful there and just added clutter.

      I can put them back in if people want them.

  59. It would be cool if Robin ha another option for a job. There's plenty of depressing stuff in this game, but somehow, Robin selling lemonade at an empty, rainy beach seems to take the cake.

    1. I laughed. Maybe Robin shouldn't bother if the weather's bad.

  60. THE BEaST!Kll2xKQI!6w52y3XO9Wj4fm-VVB8aNdiEjPj_kExIQdXWhAni5Ts

    1. Wow, thanks Anon.

      What name would you like to be credited by should your work find its way into the game?

    2. Neat. For anyone wondering, btw, this is someone's run at making an animation for PC being top with a wolf/dog being bottom. Definitely has my vote to put in.

  61. It's still planned, though I'm not sure when it'll make it in.

  62. You said you use Piskel for all the art yeah? I've never used it but I'm sure I can figure it out, I can definitely co tribute some clothes assets for you.

    Do you have any othes already being made? And do you make the outfits in one cor and then use code to change them in game?

    1. Damn I type too fast lol, errors everywhere

      *do you have any outfits already being made, And do you make the outfits in one color and then use code to change them in game?

    2. I indeed use Piskel. I'd be very grateful for any assets you'd like to contribute

      I have nothing specific being made yet, though I do have a rain coat, jeans and a sweater from a while back. Perhaps more, I forget.

      The clothes are all in red by default, then coloured by code. If you look in img/upperclothes you'll find examples.

    3. Cool cool, I'll play around and make some this weekend! Should be fun, definitely need to make a virgin killer sweater lol

  63. I don't understand the slider to determine npc skin color because in my experience I doesn't change anything and also how do you find parasites do you swim without a top and rarely they will appears?

    1. NPC skin colour doesn't impact much right now.

      As for parasites, swimming in the drains topless can cause them. You can also make a top out of plants at the rocks near the beach, or in the lake, for a small chance of finding them.


    Virgin Killer sweater so far, thoughts? Frayed, torn and tattered are all done, I'll do the sex screen image next. Oh and the glasses I edited ages ago for personal preference, I love me some half frame specs lol

    1. That looks great.

      It might be my eyes deceiving me, but is the bottom of the garment in a different res?

    2. I used the 1x1 pen for some details, but I can change everything to 2x2 if you prefer, no problem!

  65. More Ideas:
    1)Add more to Avery or make him a love interest
    2)Add an ability to become an amatuer pornstar or become a camgirl
    3)Add a sugar daddy character
    4)Make you able to buy and take aphrodisiacs and maybe give a short boost to promiscuity
    5)Give the abilty to name yourself to personalize some scenes
    6)Ability to boost fame in cheat menu

    1. 1)3) More Avery is planned for the update after next.
      2)4) It's planned.
      5) This isn't planned, but I'll consider it.
      6) Alright.

  66. Will there ever be a way to have the chastity belt repaired when it is damaged but not completely destroyed?

    1. Also, what about an upgrade that increases the durability of the belt?

    2. You can kind of repair the belt already, by having it removed and getting a new one. A more elegant method is planned.

      There are no plans to add a durability upgrade, but more types of belts might be added in the future.

  67. I've noticed that chastity belts can be damaged or destroyed during the new library scene. It doesn't seem to be intentional, given the nature of the scene.


    1. That's a lot. Thank you mysterious contributor.

  69. Are you planning to translate to another languages?
    I can help with spanish if you want.

    1. I have no plans but I'm not against it. I know at least one person is working on a translation, though not to spanish.

  70. We need a force femming event. Maybe getting kidnapped and forced to take hormones for male characters. Kind of like the Eden relationship but with a different dynamic.
