
Tuesday 25 September 2018


This update adds some new art, makes a number of quality of life improvements, and adds more Whitney content inspired by feedback from the last update. Thanks for your patience.

Due to popular request, there is now a DoL Discord server.
Big thanks to DabbingPenguin for setting it up. Apologies to anyone who dislikes discord. I'll still be reading comments here and in the usual places as much as before.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Patch Notes
Added close up shots of the PC's genitals and ass during encounters.
Added progress bars to several stats in the Characteristics page.
Various events involving Whitney will now increase their lust.
Whitney will now hang out at the gates after school if they haven't bothered you during the day. They may make passing difficult.
You can now set your currently equipped clothing as a "casual" or "school" outfit at the wardrobe. It will be worn when selecting that outfit when waking up.
Becoming famous for sex, mostly achieved by having pictures taken of you in the act, now carries a more severe repercussion.

Balance Changes
Doubled the base rate of Whitney events once they declare you their boy/girlfriend, or if their dominance reaches max.
A higher lust increases the rate of Whitney events further.
Increased the stress reduction of passing out at the orphanage and being found by Bailey.
"Dress for school" and "Dress casually" options will now put on the starting underwear by default.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that caused your fatigue to rise if your sleep was interrupted while you had the insomnia trait.
Robin's dominance should now increase as intended if you accept defeat with grace.
Fixed a bug that could cause a blank screen at the beach party.
Closed a few herm portals on the bus, and a couple in the school.
Fixed some Robin gender confusion during the hospital scene.
Fixed some gender confusion in the teacher's introductions.
Fixed a bug causing hair to appear off to the side of the sprite.
Fixed a bug causing your mouth to become occupied by an invisible force if an NPC receiving a boobjob decided they'd rather fuck your mouth.
NPCs should no longer be able to lick your cheek while receiving oral. There may still be issues during encounters with multiple NPCs.
Fixed a bug preventing some types of fame from incrementing.
The sidebar stow/unstow button should no longer be covered and made unusable on Android.
Increased the maximum width needed for "narrow screen" mode to activate, in the hope of fixing some UI issues on Android.


  1. You're the hero this genre needed

    1. Thank you! I hope it's not too late.

    2. I completely agree with you on this! I really wish there were more games like this.

  2. discord eh? welcome to the salt mines MF.

    1. It'll be fine. We have a bot that deletes "bad words" and posts a big ass message displaying the deleted text for all to see.

    2. Love it, may actually have to go to it just to see the trolls getting outed.

  3. WOOooOoOo! \o/
    New update! I'll check the android thing right away! :D

      Now i can really appretiate the animation! Plus having the map really helps with navigation! AWESOME! c:

    2. Now i also can se my wolfy ears. Aww! This is the best day of the week and its monday still. C:

    3. That's really good news! I wasn't sure if it would.

      You've reminded me though, I wanted to make a map for the text only version. I forgot. Something for 0.1.16 I guess.

    4. Oh, i should spoke out sooner then :P
      Anyway i'll keep you informed if i find any bugs. Gotta grind a few stats since the save doesn't transfer from the Text-Only version to the Apk

    5. Thanks. I hope you have fun.

    6. Hey, Vrelnir i think i already found a minor bug. I went to mown the lawn at the mansions and the dog attacked me. Nothing unusual but here, check this message:

      You smack the dog with your hand. You kick the dog.
      You scream for help. You stop holding its penis between your cheeks. The petite man angles toward your anus.

      - - - - -

      There is no man in this scene. Just me and the dog.

    7. Oh another thing, the animation box (idle one ate the sidebar) is covering the money counter but thats a minor issue.

    8. Oh damn. Thanks for the heads up.

    9. That petite man is a sneaky one.

  4. Encountered this guy just walking around the streets.

    The lanky man lifts up your school shirt, exposing your midriff. He grasps your school skirt. He teases your quim without penetrating. He rubs his pussy against your thigh. He kisses you on the forehead.

    This isn't intended right?

    1. Anon, are you sure you didn't toggle the numbers of how many men have vaginas? If so, it might not be a bug

    2. I have that set to 0

    3. Guess the game has gone sentient, doesn't like you closing herm portals, and is now throwing pussy men at you.

  5. Great work as always Vrelnir. Can't wait to check it out later.
    Question, will the means to deal with Whitney permanently be apparent once I've gotten their dominance to zero?
    Also a request: Can you make the forgive option available for vore encounters? Wouldn't an angel be willing to forgive an animal just eating to survive?

    1. The means will be available, but not necessarily apparent.
      The forgive option being available during vore (and swarm) encounters makes sense.

    2. Surprisingly, now that I think about it.

  6. Is it possible to get a bra?

  7. GJ Vrelnir, this is coming along nicely.
    Eden seems to be an absolute madman, as soon as I enter the springs he will immediatly molest me, even if he was sleeping.
    Also what about displaying your chest size in the character window top left? It seems kind of odd to have moderate boobs and not see any topleft, but they do show up in sex.

    1. Thanks.
      I do want chest size to be displayed there. Will probably only be visible when naked or wearing specific skimpy outfits though, to avoid the trouble of modifying every garment that covers the chest.

  8. Just noticed the new clothing preset system lets me wear things I don't own, like after I sold my tights.

  9. Thanks for the new progress bars, it helps even more than I thought. Found out I was nearly out of slightly soiled when I saved last, which is a big relief. Its a ton of grinding and not knowing how much was left didn't help.

  10. Love the progress bars and clothes preset system! Several suggestions:

    - make it so you can change to presets anytime and not just in the morning;
    - maybe extend the number of presets a little
    - progress bars help alot but i would love to see a colour legend somewhere in the corner or under the protrait bc it's still confusing to see how far your char has gone ;)

    GJ and i'm looking forward to the following updates.

    1. It depends on the stat, but pink is max for the sexual stats, like promiscuity, and green for the others, like beauty or purity. I know that much at least.

    2. Thanks. These all seem like sound ideas.

  11. Finally hit promiscuity 5 for the first time, now to get purity down as far as I can. A slow process when trying to maintain control.

    1. Also, I didn't expect a level to top wild abandon in exhibitionism, but the bar is progressing as if there is, so it has me curious as to what could possibly be better.

    2. I believe you can reach the next tier, but the associated actions don't exist yet.

    3. What is the next tier? I got curious and searched the code, but can't find it. Took some serious grinding, but I finally have awareness and purity maxed. Since the bars disappeared, I'm going to assume those are permanent and won't go down over time like a few other stats. Either that or it isn't coded to keep the bars active at max.

    4. My mistake! I haven't added it yet.

      Awareness shouldn't decay, but you will still gain purity over time.

  12. Somehow, the MC seems to be too weak for 2 girls - full retaliating after 183 days in-game doesn't do anything useful, is this intended? I mean, abrupt increase of pain disables any action and the MC is helpless... I know, I selected small posture, but...

    1. More ways of defending yourself are planned. They won't be available from the get-go though, for the most part.

  13. And it seems that after having social status wiped out by past photos, the school switches full-of-rapist-on-the-corridors switch on on a quite large scale, making lessons unbearable on "socializing" level.

    1. They daydream option might be necessary until you can get your status back up.

    2. I patiently used learning mixed with socializing, wearing cool shades and the cap, so I'm "dorky" now ;)
      But whoa, the reaction to these photos was cruel, yet no help is offered, as if MC is left by himself to deal with that. I wonder, since the headmaster hid these photos, is he going to use them, or I am able to retaliate and get them back?
      I also would like an option to be able to defend in more forceful way towards bastards that try to "grab MC", maybe some sort of self defence lessons? :)

    3. Thanks for your thoughts. It's always nice to read.

      Self defence lessons or something similar is planned. Haven't worked out the details yet.

  14. OK, seriously, at this point I think you should really add "Slut Shaming" to the list of things you can disable in the setting. Some of the new changes to the "known for sex" thing just make the game kind of miserable to play for me. Like, I don't mind the PC being called a slut or people being more sexually interested in them because of their reputation, but the constant mockery and derision from NPCs just makes the game straight up unfun to play.

    The big event at school also has a huge negative gameplay impact. A single event that can drop your status at school from the highest possible to being shunned all at once basically makes a sex-positive playstyle completely unviable.

    It would be a different matter if you could lean into the event, using your new reputation to your advantage. After all, a girl who's known for putting out might not be respected by most people, but she sure as hell can be popular.

    TLDR: The new changes to the "known for sex" thing make certain playstles completely unviable, and also makes the game downright unpleasant to play for people who aren't into humiliation/public shaming. I really think you should add a "Slut Shaming" toggle to the content settings, so people who aren't comfortable with that type of content can turn off the worst examples of it.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts. I'd rather avoid a toggle if instead those situations could be improved some other way, without losing what I was originally going for. Maybe there should be a way for the PC to take ownership of the situation, at least if their fame comes from consensual sex.

      Is there anything else in the game you think goes too far to be enjoyable in the slut shaming department?

    2. I*m not sure I can exactly put my finger on it, but in the new update it seems like my character is just constantly being mocked or derided, especially at school. That might just be my luck with random events, but it's extremely off-putting to me as a player. Generally I'm fine with NPCs being more sexually interested or even more sexually aggressive towards the PC because of her reputation, but when they act mocking or derisive or cruel towards her for it it's just really off-putting to me, and it just seems to be constantly happening since the update. Again, that could have been because of rotten luck with random events, I don't know how that works in the game, but that's been my experience.

    3. There shouldn't be anything making NPCs nastier outside of your status plummeting. I might have broken something. That event should only happen once, so you can rebuild your status after the initial shock. A lot of school events are changed by having a low status.

    4. As a suggestion for the "taking ownership" thing, maybe have it tied to some stats. like the exhibitionism stat, and having it higher lets you avoid more of the downside from the "known for sex" thing.

      Also, I'd be more for uses of exhibition in various locations in general.

    5. *for more uses of exhibitionism

    6. That mocking and deriding is part of what I like about the game (humilliation fetish), so certainly wouldn't wish to see it changed, and a toggle would probably increase the amount of work considerably as the amount of dialog in the game expands. But more options based on promiscuity and exhibitionism seems like a fine compromise by comparison, since it makes proper use of the already established mechanics.
      Honestly, you shouldn't be playing adult games with non-consensual content if you really want to completely avoid uncomfortable scenes.

  15. Man, I don't want to burn out on this game, but I also want to download the new version every time there's an update!

    1. I'm happy to hear that, but sorry for the conundrum.

    2. That's why I take breaks and play other games every once in a while. I've even gotten into contributing to what remains of Free Cities, not really as bad as it sounds, just noting that the original dev went dark and hasn't been heard from in a long time so the only development is the modding community.

  16. 1) Are the default outfits supposed to replace your underwear after you've lost/sold them?

    2) Can you add some extra thick glasses that add +1 to all skill gains and add "your glasses make you look more vulnerable" to the allure? Mainly for me, I enjoy starting again from the beginning to make sure I don't miss any new content, but getting skullduggery back up to C or B is kind of a chore the 4th time around.

    1. 1) Tis a bug. Thanks.
      2) I'm thinking about something like that.

  17. A try to seduce as a experienced boy (S class) three girls in their bathroom gives almost empty set of options (only moan/kiss/etc. option, free feet and dick), is it a bug?

    1. Sounds like it, unless your arms are bound.

    2. No, MC was totally free at that moment.

  18. By the way, you're able to constantly re-enter and leave the school to raise Whitney's lust quickly. Not sure if this is intended or not.

    1. It works even if the school is closed.

    2. Thanks for the heads up. Whitney's presence at the gate is a bit wonky atm.

  19. Hey Vrel, what do you think about letting you bite as an attack (even when not sucking dick)? For one, the enemies seem to be doing it, also it feels kind of silly to have those sharp wolffangs and not try to use them.
    You could even have the bite function as a sort of grip with fangs, where it progresses from bite to twisting, much like a wolf does. I figure it might go nicely with the whole "being defiant" thing that is apparently part of being a wolfgirl/boy.

    1. You're right, it would make sense. I'll add something like that.

    2. What do you think about "wolfy" actions like biting somebody giving an increment to your wolf counter once you've reached max wolfgirl?
      This would make it so you don't need to regularly get into the forest to get gangraped by wolves, and you don't have to be Eden's pet (since finding wolfshrooms is a bit to scarce to rely on).

  20. this update for me certainly has changed things for my guy. i went from being totally popular. able to seduce everyone i can see if i want and avoid Whitney most of the time. now i got totally slut shamed as soon as i walk into school. got turned down by people in canteen which actually stunned me i wasnt expecting that. went out the front gates and Whitney had me go steal cigarettes and i had an encounter with a dog, then went home with robin after a very rough day. and bailey shipped my ass right back to Eden. grrrr this certainly was one very rough day.

    good update overall just a very bad day for my guy. keep up good work.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, and the story. I hope the changes weren't too brutal.

    2. oh no not to brutal. just a really bad day for my guy. he's already safe. but i do have a question. im running out of school days fast, but if he keep trying to make friends in school will i get over the slut reputation or is it a new feature. im ok with either way. he is after all pretty much slutty. hehe

    3. Keep trying and you'll get over the slut reputation.

  21. This game is more like a sandbox, there is a small space for maneuver, but there is no main purpose of the action. You can indicate to the player the goal to which he needs to move, or some magazine where the "secrets" are displayed, (interactive) with approximate targeting, so that the player can visit ALL unique meetings. I'm Russian, so sorry about the errors.

    1. I'd like more unlockable clothing and accessories tied to more obscure parts of the game, with hints of how to unlock them. Would both point the player in the right direction and reward them for exploring.

      It is a sandboxy game, but I'd still like some sort of narrative progress alongside the mechanical progress of your character's stats improving. There's a long way to go still. Thanks for your thoughts.

  22. Love the update and game. I'd love to see a cheat panel or some sort way to mess around with things so I dont have to keep using twine hacker. Don't want to offend you but in these types of games I like to edit things to my liking and have more fun and less grind. It'll also be more fun to explore and is especially important when making new characters. It is sandbox after all.

    Aside from that I'd love to see more clothes and as mentioned above seeing changes on the top left in regards to breast size. Good game! I check for updates way too often.

    1. I'm not offended by people editing things! A cheat panel is planned, though I'm not sure when to expect it.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  23. I spent more time playing this the monster hunter world this week. Thanks XD

  24. I thought I'd mention, For the new butt cam, the man is black but the dick is white. (The original view shows a black dick). I was also wondering if we will get the option to be black at some point. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the reminder.

      You'll be able to choose your character's skin tone in the future.

  25. Are moan and demand mutually exclusive. It sounds like it based on the stats they're tied to and it would make sense. I just didn't know if they were actually coded to be or if I could somehow have both.

    1. They are mutually exclusive.

    2. I see, I could always use the console to adjust my stats if I can figure out exactly what controls it. There was no dominance listed in the code, so I'm guessing its negative submissiveness.

  26. Entered the girl's toilet wearing a borrowed uniform, it acted as if I was cross dressing.

    1. A girl's uniform? I'll look into it.

    2. Yes, a girl's uniform. That was what raised the red flag that there might be a bug going on.

    3. A, yes, the borrowed clothes often disappear after wanking/seducing session in girl's toilet (being a boy), also sometimes the towel magically appears when borrowed clothes are destroyed during classes

    4. Towels are supposed to appear when clothes are destroyed in some situations, including events in classes. The rest is a bug though.

  27. Also. having issues with Eden spawning, just went through an entire week in the forest with no sign.

    1. Never mind, it was just a strangely long streak of randomization trouble, I've never had it take an entire week in game to spawn them.

    2. The snake seems to love me, though. I've been hit with that specific encounter every time I reload so far to try and trigger Eden.

    3. I think the snake encounter might need its numbers adjusting.

  28. I have wolf girl turned off, but just got the "scalp itches" message.

  29. Is there no permanent freedom from Eden? It would make sense at high to max love for sure.

  30. I'd like to ask - do the characteristics "in control" and "more submissive" cancelling themselves out? Or can these be leveled up independently?

    1. Being "in control" is independent of submissiveness. It's submissiveness and defiance that cancel each other out.

  31. The transformations, other than wolf girl, are not triggering and I do have the main setting turned on, only the wolf transformation is turned off.

  32. A small thing, could we ourselves have dark skin? I want to be a dark skinned loli!

  33. Saw someone mention they wanted a dark skinned PC, so i'm making a mod for the current, is it ok to post a link here when i'm done?

  34. When are you going to put out the Futa update?

    1. Not sure. I don't want to leave it too long.

    2. Gotta agree with the above anon on this one, seems like a waste of time on something that won't make much of a difference. Though if you do add futas, i sincerely hope it has something to do with an actual futa portal.

    3. I think with futa update they meant a futa playercharacter?

    4. Yes, I do mean futa/herm MC, but also futa/herm NPC and toggles for them in the settings. Also, what does he mean by "leave it too long", do you mean you might drop it?
      Herms are my thing man.

    5. also expensive gender reassignment surgery when you get around to it maybe?

    6. No plans to drop it, I just want it in sooner rather than later.

  35. a quick question

    there will be some event that Whitney invites you to her house or something like that?

  36. Whitney seems troubled, I want to tame her and bring out the sweet girl she hides inside herself.

    1. I think she's more interested in taming YOU.

  37. Just curios if we could get an option to help in aggressive combat such as a self defence teacher (dominance based sexline possible?) To help you get through encounters aggressively as with the current balance even with max science and physique some fights are impossible as you break down and cry in like 3 turns.

    1. More self defence options are planned.

      Dominant sex acts are a different issue and much more work. It's something that may be added, but I can't promise anything.

    2. What's so much work about dominant sex acts?

    3. A lot of the mechanics and text just don't make sense if the PC is in a dominant position.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. on the whitney hanging out at the gates. whitney seems to never leave after the random encounter you have with whitney at the gates. in fact you can go back into school and leave again and get another random encounter you can keep doing that for the entire 1500 hour. i tried it multiple times to be sure. the events seem to change to i think i got like 5 different ones. not sure wasnt really counting. i dont know if thats as intended but had my lust increase a few bars and dominance once.

  40. I once wrote:

    This game is more like a sandbox, there is a small space for maneuver, but there is no main purpose of the action. You can indicate to the player the goal to which he needs to move, or some magazine where the "secrets" are displayed, (interactive) with approximate targeting, so that the player can visit ALL unique meetings. I'm Russian, so sorry about the errors.

    I meant that there must be a library in the game, HOW AS IT HAVE DONE WITH ACCESSORIES (store in the forest). The same plan, but only with instructions for unique dialogues with the characters. Unique meetings and events that the player has not yet attended.
    Not all unique scenes were visited, but the players do not know what they were, and in which they did not. If there was a log of visiting these meetings, the player could better understand how much plot he looked at the game (at the moment).
    'm Russian, sorry for the errors.

    1. I disagree, i think the existence of something like a wiki would cause some people to methodically seek out everything in the game without exploring or trying to have fun with it, then get impatient for new content.

    2. I agree, i've recently discovered some soft part of a teacher, that was fun ;)

  41. When you have Plaything trait, molestation becoming rape don't affect control

    I also have some ideas

    Teacher should react differently based on your cool/delinquency/grade

    A cool terror excellent student is their worst nightmare, they should
    * try to discipline you
    * undermine you coolness

    A cool ideal excellent student is what they want
    * they should show you as exemple (that's uncool)
    * they may forgive some tardiness (but not too much, not to many time), and your fellow student may ressent this leniency
    * ask you to tutor some students after school ;)

    An excellent ideal student avoided by his peers
    * should be given his chance to socialise

    An uncool terror bad student should be left alone ;)

    A cool ideal bad student should be helped
    * be given some tutoring after class
    * could talk less in class, as teacher is constently behind him (thats a little uncool)

    I also feel that delinquency should drop
    * when you go willingly to detention (by 1)
    * when you've been wrongly accused (after all that's probalbly not the only one time) (only if you havent protested)

    You should also do some things to lower it
    * propose to tutor some student (but as that's you're idea, thats uncool)
    * do some chores around the school (some low risk but uncool as you are seen by your peers, some more risky, but the janitor or his dog may think that other things need cleaning)
    * help your teacher during week-end

    You could also pay (100000£) at the hospital to get a new face (reset fame, schoolboard, delinquency, fakeID, racket from orphanage... Yours lovers should reconise you though, but not initially)

    1. Thanks for the bug, and the ideas. You've given me something to think about.

  42. clothes presets you choose on Sunday before interacting with Bailey seem to use default presets and not the one you've set yourself. i'm playing as a crossdressing boy and my presets are girlish but when I talk to Bailey I'm wearing the original outfit, either casual or school.

  43. What are the exact steps to turn the PC into a wolf girl?

    1. There's a hidden value between 0 and 100 that decays by 1 each day(minimum of 0). You can increment the counter by 1 by eating/collecting wolfshrooms or getting cummed inside by wolves. You can increment it by 2 by getting knotted by a wolf. The transformation is in steps, I think it's 10 20 30? And anything past 30 is a buffer. Note that transformations might take some time to show up.

  44. .Vrenir. Here with a bug report!
    Been experimenting with a chastity belt for a while and while being attacked by multiple characters the option to straddle shows up. Which i haven't tried to see if it works but i think it doesn't suppose to show up at all. So yeah

  45. This is a great update, the pacing for the Whitney content feels much better now.

    Here's some feedback in case you're planning on doing another "general improvements to various systems" release. I'd recommend taking a close look at the arousal system. As things stand, its only significant effect is to take control away from the player for a few rounds when it maxes out during molestation, and there's not much the player can do to stop it from increasing. Some adjustments could make it so that arousal management becomes an important concern when deciding how lewd one should be.

    I'd say that the overall direction the arousal system should go in is to make arousal more persistent and more severe. Arousal ought to decrease more slowly on its own. High arousal ought to penalize randomized checks in general and increase your allure as your excitement shows itself through your behaviors. To mitigate this, arousal increases could be smaller to start, but increase as you become more lewd (whether through promiscuity, exhibitionism, total orgasms, or whatever measure ends up working best). The complete loss of agency during orgasm could also potentially be toned down somewhat.

    The ideal effect here would be that players would have more incentive to masturbate or have a consensual quickie in order to avoid trouble down the line. At the same time, arousal scaling with lewdness would make it so that grinding high promiscuity and exhibitionism isn't necessarily the best option - plus, if subjecting oneself to sky-high arousal gains is an opt-in thing, then you could make it so that multiple-orgasm perma-ahegao situations can be achieved through regular play by total sluts.

    1. I'm glad you like the update.

      Thanks for the interesting ideas. Arousal/orgasm doesn't work quite as well as I'd like and I do need to make some changes, but I'm torn on how exactly.

  46. Thanks again for the game! I just reached winter vacation... Is there any way to interact with/find my boyfriend, Whitney?

    1. You're welcome!

      Whitney goes away during Winter (No way to interact with him yet, sorry.)

  47. Hi! I saw wanking animation GIFs in this dark skin mod folders, but they're not used in the game, is it a bug or maybe a save from older version of the game (I believe I started from affects this?

    1. The assets are partly done, but as I did not originally set things up with them in mind I need to restructure the code. I've yet to get round to it. They're not meant to be available in-game.

    2. Thank you, I'll wait patiently.

  48. Well done!
    I'm afraid there's no such event yet, Eden's just teasing. There's something planned though, that may or may not be a wedding.

  49. Dark skinned player mod fixed a couple of missing frames, hopefully the last for this version.

  50. Whitney randomly grew a dick in the school hallway oral scene, this with zero futa chance, of course. Just a heads up.

  51. Tiny but slightly annoying bug: I've noticed a few places where it says "his" when it seems like it should be be "him."

    i.e. "I recognize his. He's got genitals, or whatever it is we say in this event."

  52. I'm not sure why, but no matter what I try, the images and animations don't show. I use Firefox, so I don't think that's the problem...I have no clue though. Help?

    1. That's strange. The img folder and html file need to be in the same place for the images to show up. If they are, you could try updating your archiver or using 7zip, that tends to fix this sort of issue.

  53. What does dominance do in relation to the other characters? I'm kinda hoping that dominance in terms for Whitney makes you more subservient to her and at max, you would be a willing slave to her. Also, thanks so much for the Android version!

    1. The dominance stat changes the NPC's attitude towards the PC. It doesn't impact a whole lot right now, but it does change one of Whitney's events if it gets high enough.

  54. I've been playing around with the transformations; and it sort of ended up like this.

    Wolf Girl: 3-7 days depending on how lucky I am with wolves and mushrooms(?)
    Angel Girl: 50 days depending on save scumming.
    Fallen Angel Girl: Pretty much lost virginity to robin on the same night.
    Demoness: 125 days! So it took about 75 days to drop from Max to Min purity.

    Getting the Succubus transformation was a lot harder then I thought it would be! And I was surprised that the transformation sort of just hits you all at once. I was unable to get it without getting Fallen Angel first; because dropping that much purity and staying sane was rough.

    I ended up adopting a really balanced play style; studying 4 times a day and trying to stay endeared with my classmates without becoming a delinquent and spending all of my time with Robin. To the point where I skipped the Whale event completely; which is fine by me; must protect best girl. I ignored skullduggery and swimming completely and prioritized dancing and seduction. I spent a lot of time at the Cafe before I had enough money to max my dancing; which took all of three days. After that I either danced on tables or went to the Brothel if I was feeling spicy. I think I only went to the strip club once? it was open way to late to be useful. I had to get home before 20:00 so I can try and bang Robin twice before ending the day.

    Weirdly enough I didn't get Cum dump, Orgasm Addict, Plaything, Fuck Toy or Stockholm Syndrome as I expected. I don't remember the other traits; I just ignored animal and vore encounters for the most part. I just have Meek, Robin's Protector and Succubus.

    It seems like an awful lot of work for it. I already have giant titties; most of my skills are at a useful level, my schooling is great, people in general like me. I was disappointment that nothing happened when I returned to the temple. I know that it is a secret and just the first iteration; and look forward to wherever it goes.

    An alternative way to get this transformation would be nice! The Angel progression feels natural; if a little drawn out. But like; getting the virginity test and chastity belts feels organic and you want to protect your purity; even if I never used the Forgive action.

    Like you go to Elk Street and get a tattoo or take part in a ritual or something; something that subtly pushes you towards becoming a Succubus and doesn't take till January to get. Or maybe factor in your Skullduggery and Delinquency or Whitney.

    1. Thanks for the story, the feedback and the ideas. I always like reading about how people play.

      I'd like to make improvements to the succubus transformation, and I agree it feels a little tacked on at the moment. It happens all at once if you're a fallen angel, otherwise it's progressive like the angel and wolf transformations.

    2. So just decreasing purity gets you the succubus transformation?

    3. Yes. It's more of a small secret at the moment and doesn't have much content associated with it.

    4. Do you become a succubus after you become a fallen angel or am I not playing the game right?

    5. You will if your purity hits rock bottom.

    6. Accidentally disable transformation sorry about that.

    7. So is there a trait for it?
      I have cute little horns but not much else.

    8. Only when the transformation is complete. The horns mean it's happening but unfinished.

    9. Oh! I forgot. I had to avoid bathing for like a week when my Stress/Trauma was nearly maxed out. That tentacle/slime event was murder on my recovery; it could easily undo a weeks worth of destressing. I didn't want to save scum a bunch; so instead I would just wait till Swimming class and hope the semen just washes off. I didn't try and go to the beach because I was afraid of swimmers/animals/monsters. That and it was out of the way; I wouldn't mind easier places to wash up; or at least get the semen out of my mouth or off my skin. I mean; If I'm cumflated and its streaming out of my holes; I don't think that some tissues would help. It certainly didn't make me feel too good about my attempts at being pure girl though.

      Same thing with the gangrape in the Brothel. I had to be really careful when it came to dancing and not getting stripped or groped. It certainly made my after school whoring sessions more tense. I was avoiding the washroom orgy, the beach/leash ones, and the cop spit roasting too. It was really interesting to think; 'is this event worth the stress?' instead of my usual not caring about the consequences. It's just really annoying to have crooked cops three times in one day.

      Being a good student and a popular kid cut off (or at least really reduced the chance) way more scenes than I had expected. I think that it is really neat to have a totally different experience as a delinquent fuck puppet compared to someone playing more normal. I mean; I did eventually get the terrarium event; but it was like; a super duper low chance and by that point in the game I didn't mind worms or tentacles invading my Succubus

    10. Thanks, that was nice to read. I'm happy you had some interesting decisions to make, and you've given me an idea of what might need tweaking. When I made that police scene I didn't anticipate it triggering that often. I'll have to do something about it.

      A tip for the bath slime/tentacle event: It can't happen if you're "in control". Though it was bugged until a couple of updates ago and could happen anyway. Of course if you're doing a no exhibitionism/promiscuity run that control state is hard to achieve.

  55. Love this game! I'm wondering, what actions cause purity to decrease? It seems that no matter what I do, I can't get it past 'not entirely pure'.

  56. I hope more clothing options are planned, like shoes, jackets, and more color options for the clothing already present. I know it's solely a matter of personal taste, but I find the colors of the clothing on the sprite to be really grating, they're just too strong. I like red, but wearing it in-game just makes my eyes bleed. And God knows that the beanie deserves a makeover, it's just hideous! Maybe some pastel options would be nice?
    As for shoes, those sad little black ones seem to fit with very little, indeed. I often just go with just socks. There simply seems to be a lack of options, really. No fuck me pumps for the brothel? No flip-flops for the beach?

    I apologize for the rambling and I understand that DoL is a work in progress. Love your game.

    1. I know the clothing options are very sparse right now. Clothing system is being overhauled, once that's done new items will be much easier to add.

      Happy to hear you like the game!

  57. Got a sudden max in stress at exactly the same time as I got the tentacle and vore based traits. That doesn't seem like it should be happening, especially with no message mentioning it. It wasn't the end of the day yet, so it could not have been the succubus trait, plus my purity still had the red status when it happened.

    1. That's bizarre. I'll look into it. Thanks.

  58. Thanks for the new release I have been really enjoying it!

  59. I don't get enough whitney events that help increase love so i'm stuck at 1 heart. Also swimming takes way too long to level at school. Other tan that everything seems fine but there are a lot of things i'm not aware of due to my style of play so a small database where i can see whats available and how to get it would help.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Almost all + Love Whitney actions require some degree of either promiscuity or exhibitionism. Whitney likes them dirty.

      Swimming content is pretty lacking at the moment. It does level too slowly.

  60. Hey Vrel, do you draw the art yourself?

    1. Mostly. I've had some help.

    2. It's really good, i was super impressed looking at all the frames.

  61. Does fighting/jerking off Bailey also protect Robin for the week, or does Bailey still pimp Robin?

    1. They'll still pimp Robin, unless you've taken on their debt.

    2. I'd like to take on that gang to wipe them out :)

  62. Are there any plans for a text only android version?
    I may be in the minority but I like the pure text experience.
    Thanks for the amazing game :D

    1. The text only version should work fine on Android, it's just not packaged as an apk. I'll look into making one if it doesn't or it's more convenient though!

      You're welcome. Thanks for the kind words.

  63. When whoring myself out to get Robin's stand some water, it seems that my clothes are always abandoned. Is this what's supposed to happen? It's not like the store owner is particularly aggressive.

    1. It's not supposed to happen. Thanks for letting me know.

  64. 1: When I get out of the pool in a borrowed swimsuit, and the "get changed" option is on the bottom, I end up naked (at least while crossdressing). If I enter the changing room and go back, the option appears at the top and functions normally.

    2: After getting covered in worms inside the truck, and it says, "you suspect worms will be appearing in strange places," I never see them again outside of that truck. Am I supposed to run into them again somewhere else, or is it just still WIP?

    3: (Idea) Add the delinquency stat as a factor for Winter to decided to run an errand while you're in the pillory. That event just doesn't go south often enough.

    1. 1. Cheers.
      2. WIP, although you will have further problems if you're wearing a chastity belt.
      3. Thanks for the feedback.

  65. In other "that probably shouldn't happen" news: I gave a dog a handjob while my arms were bound.

    (Dang, the things this game has me typing...)


    1) Failed to pay Bailey for the first time (300 pounds is too rich for my ginger blood)
    2) [spoilers]
    3) End up naked in the residential alleyways with my arms tied
    4) Hide from a pair of passing teenagers and encounter a dog (all one page, no choice to hide or not), take the Deviancy 1 option of stroking its innocent doggy dick*
    5) Control shattered, nonconsensual scene begins
    6) I'm giving it a handjob despite my arms correctly displaying as bound -- couldn't stop if I wanted to, since the hand options (correctly!) don't display

    Admittedly, this could be functioning as intended, but it got a raised eyebrow from me nonetheless.

    *I admit, I mostly chose it out of curiosity over whether this was buggy behavior.

    1. And it seems I mistakenly commented on the wrong version... my apologies. This was for 1.16.0.

  66. I apologize if this is a known issue:

    While the following condition held:
    "Your pyjama shirt has been pulled aside, revealing your budding breasts.
    Your exposed flat chest will make people think you're a boy!"

    An audience member generate the following text:
    "The blushing woman points her camera at your pussy. A light flashes as she takes a picture. "I got a great picture of his cute penis."

    I can understand how someone might be mistaken about my chest, but it must be pretty dang dark on that bus for this blushing woman to mistake my pussy for a dick.
