
Thursday 13 September 2018


This update gives Whitney more things to do (to you). It also introduces the Social page, which I hope will make tracking your progress with NPCs easier. Let me know what you think.

It's been almost three months since I released 0.1.0. It's gone by so fast. Thanks to everyone who's played, reported bugs, left feedback, discussed the game and/or supported me on patreon. You've made this a fantastic experience.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Patch Notes
Images should now work on narrow screens. Big thanks to Quin2k and dzn for their help.
Added the "Social" page, found in the sidebar beneath Traits. It lists each NPC's feelings towards you once you've met them.
Eden, Robin and Whitney have more specific information on the Social Page.
Moved the description of your reputation at school from the Characteristics page to the Social page.
Extended the chain of events involving Whitney. Added another branch and added exhibitionist options to already existing events.
Added the option of dealing with Whitney permanently.
Developing Whitney's affection for you won't stop the bullying, but it might make things a little easier.
Added a secret.

Balance Changes
Robin should now only show up to your room once or twice per night at most.
Leaving the lockers at school now takes one minute.
Increased the rate of Whitney events.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug causing your gender appearance to be locked in place between encounters.
Fixed some gender confusion at the compound.
Fixed a bug causing an audience to watch during the encounter with four students finding you undressed in a classroom.
Fixed a bug that muddled audience comments.
Fixed a bug allowing the slime encounter in the bath even if your hallucinations are under control.
Fixed a bug causing Eden's arousal to begin maxed in the encounter resulting from letting them grope you at night.


  1. You timidly stroke the toned woman's skin.
    You move your feet away from their genitals. You tell her you're sorry for being bad. Her face softens. You stop holding her penis between your cheeks. The thin woman angles toward your anus.
    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: cannot find a closing tag for HTML )))
    They look eager. They look aroused. They look frustrated. They look guarded.

    This happened when using Version

    1. It should be fixed in and later.

    2. You have only two hair selections; Ears or chin. And they both looks a little too girly for my taste, I want a more-manly hairstyle for my male character. I don't want to walk around looking like a crossdresser or something.

    3. There's longer styles too, but they're more like different lengths of the same. More boyish styles will be added.

  2. I know you've gotten comments like this already, but a Discord server would be absolutely amazing for the community. Thanks for the new update!

    1. You're welcome, and thanks for the reminder!

    2. If you are not super familiar either discord, I am ajd would bring happy to help keep things organized in there.

    3. Jeez wrote that while half asleep in my bed on my phone. Couldn't see my own message full of typos. I am pretty familiar with Discord, would be happy to help set up a server there.

    4. Thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if I need a hand. It's not something I've done before.

    5. I personally don't want it. Stop shilling it.

    6. Don't join then?

    7. Anon, don't join then. What the rest of us do isn't any of your concern. Stop shilling negativity.

  3. is robins lust supposed to be reset after a nightly encounter with him.

    1. Yes. Lust tends to reduce when an NPC cums.

  4. There should be an option to shave the pits but keep the bush with the hirsute.

    1. Agreed. Armpit hair is a LOT more niche than pubic hair.

  5. the dominance stat is for PC's dominance over NPC, or the other way around?

    1. The other way around.

      I had trouble coming up with a word that made that clear.

  6. Android Version for is up.!bC4WDawJ!KGFnqUoKQKX-tihknEiwnA

    1. Be sure to LEAVE THE PREVIOUS VERSION INSTALLED if you want to keep your saves. So far as I can tell, installing overwrites the version cleanly but leaves the saves intact (unless you uninstall).

  7. Any way to get the pillory event to happen with more frequency? I haven't gotten it to occur since Does it have some kind of requirement I might be missing?

    1. Are you talking about the one during history class, or getting caught by the police after comitting enough crimes? The former is super rare, no more than 3% chance of happening, you can find and edit that by opening the .html with a text editor, all possible events are under "Widgets Events History".

  8. I noticed that certain actions seem to affect "Dominance" with Robin, but there isn't any meter which indicates the status of that in the "SOCIAL" page, nor any hint as to what it does, unlike with Whitney. Is this intentional?

    1. Yes. Dominance doesn't affect anything for Robin so I left it out of the Social page, but it's tracked.

  9. Anyone figure out the secret yet?

  10. Legend with the speed, putting all other games to shame.

  11. Does max dominance for Whitney prevents you from increasing love? I'm not seeing the +Love for the Promiscuity and Exhibitionist checks with it maxed. I don't see a dominance scale for robin but I see it in some of his options.

    1. Max dominance shouldn't prevent you from increasing love.

      Robin lacks a dominance scale as it doesn't impact anything, but it's still tracked.

    2. I'll keep playing. I could've sworn that detention scene increases love. Her encounters are somewhat rare.

    3. Nevermind, it seems like it was just that event and the one in front of the school.

  12. not sure if this was the secret or not but if you go to the Canteen in the morning you can meet and fuck a student.

    1. That's been around for quite a while. The secret has been hinted at before, but has only now been implemented.

  13. Any insight as to which NPC you plan on expanding upon next? Personally, I'd like to see an expansion on the dance instructor, or perhaps a persistent NPC that you can encounter in the town. It would be nice if some NPC's weren't tied to a single place, like Whitney in the School or Eden in the Woods.

    1. There'll be a bit of a gap before the next large NPC expansion as I focus on other things. There'll be smaller additions though. I've yet to decide which NPC gets attention next. Or if I want to introduce one of the unimplemented ones.

      The dance instructor will get some love alongside dancing. Plan is your relationship with them will affect the dance jobs they give you.

  14. Great work on the update as usual Vrelnir. I have a question and a suggestion. First, is there any downside to carrying huge amounts of stolen goods besides them not being usable money? And can you make it clearer when physique is maxed out? When I used that cheated version of the game (ver 0.1.8 or something) I noticed physique couldn't go higher than 9995-9999. Actually, what's the threshhold on physique such that it says "Toned and Powerful"?

    1. Physique is capped by your size (6k for Tiny, 10k for Small, 12k for Normal and 16k for Large). If you spend an entire year in the game, apparently you can increase this by 1000.

      Maybe we need some growth/regression transformations? (hint hint, Vrelnir, hint hint)

    2. There's no downside to carrying stolen goods right now. Getting a little over 85% of max physique makes you "toned and powerful". Maybe I should add a bar along with promiscuity and exhibitionism.

      I'll take your hint under advisement Quin2k!

    3. I would actually suggest adding bars to all stats over time, this way we can track our progress to each level. I'm still trying to figure out how close I am to dropping my purity below "not entirely pure" level.

    4. Scratch that last part, still trying to figure out how close to the next purity level I am, but I'm on slightly soiled.

  15. Would it be possible to see a hermaphrodite option? in other text based game i always liked taking on the transformation options that gave my character both gender parts to use during their sex scenes, Also was wondering is it true you have pregnancy as some thing your planning to add? on the site i found out about this game from some one mentioned talking to you about it so i'm curious as to if that is truely some thing you'll be doing and how its going to function like is it only going to be for females or will males be able to become pregnant too if you do add such a feature.

    1. Herm PC is planned. Pregnancy too, both being impregnated and impregnating NPCs. Being impregnated by tentacles, slimes etc. will be available for male characters, but I've yet to decide if more mundane pregnancy should be available to male characters as an option.

    2. If it doesn't affect the workload for you too badly then making it a toggle seems fair. I for one look forward to birthing tentacles! And experiencing what they instinctively do after >>

  16. Will there be a slime queen we can fuck in the future? Or some sort of source to the slimes?

    1. That's an interesting idea. There's a source to the slimes planned but I haven't decided the specifics.

  17. bullying idea:
    If you get stripped during an in-class sexual encounter, the bullies keep your clothes until the teacher sees you naked. Delinquency determines whether the teacher believes that you stripped yourself.

    1. Thanks. I may have to use this.

    2. I don't know whether these other ideas are implemented because the last time I got far enough to find out, the save was incompatible with the update.
      1: Do you have plans for people to react specifically to the leash and arm bindings (at the least, Happy birthday, Whitney)?
      2: Whitney forces the paraded victim to get publicly licked by the school dog (scene ends on orgasm).

  18. Been having an issue for the last several versions where sometimes Promiscuity/Exhibitionism 5 actions won't restore sense of control. It says they're too tame. In the past, when one didn't work the other would, but today both of them stopped working completely.

    1. At their maximum you can only use them to restore control once each day. It's a bit limiting right now as level 6 actions aren't in yet.

  19. Do NPCs have stats like penis size? I didn't notice it the last time I played, but maybe I just didn't meet anyone with a remarkable size. If not, do you plan to add variance in that area?

    1. They don't currently but it's something I'd like to add in the future.

  20. Почему не вышли ежедневные события, которые могут случиться с героем? То есть, где ежедневные ивенты? Думаю, это сделать просто, на твайне.
    Если событие "а", не было получено сегодня, оно переходит на следующий день и так далее, пока не будут просмотрены все события, в обязательной последовательности. И да, воспользуйтесь переводчиком, спасибо.

    1. Daily events are competing with other priorities. I also want to develop the orphanage a bit more first.

  21. Loving the Robin events, makes trauma much more manageable than before those were added.

  22. The "nothing to change into" option during swimming is leaving me consistently naked when I go to change back into what I had on despite the clothes I left being where I left them according to the dialogue. This seems to be a bug as I didn't enter naked and my clothes were fully intact. I've now had to go back home via the park sewer entrance to residential alleyway three times, one of those leading to an eel attack that left me out at sea.

    1. The English get caught masturbating event also seems to silently, meaning with zero dialogue about it whatsoever, change whatever you have on to white towels.

    2. Correction, ALL get caught masturbating events like to change your equipped clothes for no apparent reason and with no warning, just went from a white towel to a red towel during the first time getting caught by Winter event.

    3. Flaunting your nudity during the Whitney strip event also consistently leaves me naked with no indication they took my clothes.

    4. Thanks for letting me know.
      Were you wearing borrowed clothing or your own?

    5. Borrowed when I reported it, but it does happen regardless on choosing to flaunt your nudity in the Whitney event. I haven't tried using my own swimsuit since, so I don't know if the swimming class one is borrowed clothes specific or not. I always go with nothing to change into. I can try it and report back and I'll look for anything else.

    6. Getting caught was also with borrowed due to the Whitney event issue. Had to go to Leighton before I could go to class.

  23. I seem to have found a nasty bug: if you go to bed and Robin sneaks in for a round of cuddles, you instantly gain immense amounts of fatigue. The longer you wanted to sleep, the more fatigue you get.

    1. That's bizarre. Thanks for the heads up.

    2. Followup: I believe it only happens when you have the option to sleep up to 10 hours.

    3. Thanks, that narrowed it down.

  24. Maybe that's the promiscuous level 6 implémentation that he is working on?

  25. Is there any way to safely lose angel or refuse to get it in the first place? I ran into the issue that even though my character was consensually losing his virginity to Robin that it'd make them a fallen angel and thus start rapidly losing purity. I'd suggest making it so consensually losing their virginity just safely removes angel, while losing it non-consensually to make them a fallen.

    1. If you lower your purity without losing your virginity for long enough to lose your wings, you can safely lose your virginity without gaining fallen angel. You can also remove fallen angel at the temple (expensive).

      Not gaining it due to consensual sex would make sense though. I'll think about it.

  26. Aye that's some pretty lewd stuff.

  27. How about as one last hurrah for the Whitney update, we get that cum-covered lunch that other anons were talking about? Or just more sexual bullying in general.

    1. I need to make some adjustments to the Whitney stuff. I might sneak something in.

    2. I think you should be able to become a bully yourself. Unlocking a bully option in lunch or class, and if you successfully bully someone it lowers stress. Mabey have a stat balance between bullying and teacher approval. The less teachers like you the more likely you will be caught and punished for bullying. The cum-covered lunch would make a good male bully at lunch.

    3. Females could do the cum-covered lunch if they have extra cum dripping out of them.

    4. Bullying will have its own stat akin to promiscuity and exhibitionism if/when it makes it in. It's something I'm considering.

  28. Event idea: At lunchtime have an option to have Robin (when they love you) take you to the library and have sex.

    1. I like it, maybe an option at max exhibitionism to go to an even more open place with an even higher chance, realistically speaking, of getting caught.

  29. That moment when the game wants it more than the players do.

  30. Hey thanks for the update I have been really enjoying it, I was also curious if there are actually any repercussions for blackmailing the watch off the head teacher. I have done it several times in the past few build but no event relating to it ever popped up for me.

    1. Glad you like it. There's no repercussions, yet.

  31. Hey Vrelnir, your game is awesome, and I have some feedback.

    Whitney's current encounter rate works great for when they're a stranger or when the player is actively resisting them, but as their love or dominance increases they could start being a bit more obsessed with the player so the player should start to encounter them daily (or even multiple times per day). Consider adding a variable to track whether a Whitney encounter has been triggered during the day, and if Whitney hasn't been encountered yet, and is at maximum love or maximum dominance, trigger a guaranteed after-school event where Whitney and their goons are waiting for you at the school entrance. They could tease you about whether you're trying to avoid them or not, and immediately trigger a random after school event. Basically, it would guarantee at least one Whitney encounter per day while Whitney is into you. The player could avoid this encounter by sneaking out the back door or waiting until the school closes and Whitney leaves. Doing this would help make Whitney's bullying feel more oppressive since "there is no escape", and it would ensure players who are Whitney's love interest encounter their oppressive partner on a daily basis.

    1. I also have another idea about something unrelated. You may or may not want to implement this idea, depending on your design philosophy on realism versus gameplay simplicity.

      Losing your anal virginity hurts a bunch in the game, but there's no hymen to tear so it's not like it'll hurt much less the second time. Pain during buttsex depends on lube and how relaxed the submissive partner is. Dry, nonconsensual anal would probably hurt just as much the second time, even if the player character is not a virgin. So here's the idea: Split anal into consensual and nonconsensual variants.

      Nonconsensual anal insertion for non-virgins is violence 50, about half as much as virginity loss. And each turn that anal sex goes on, also causes some pain, violence 1 or 2, perhaps. If the player does the "cooperate" action, anal either won't hurt at all or it will hurt less, but if the player simply "takes it" or doesn't perform any anal related action that turn, it'll hurt.

      Consensual anal insertion for non-virgins should be much less painful. And anal penetration should be relatively painless, especially if they're using the cooperate action.

      You could also have anal skill determine how painful being penetrated is. A S ranked buttslut should find anal sex easier to handle than an inexperienced F ranked buttslut. I'm not sure how that would work with how you have actions set up though. Perhaps you could add in a trait for those who reach S rank anal skill, making anal sex never hurt.

      Making anal hurt more than vaginal sex might seem unbalanced from a gameplay perspective, but these sorts of differences make for interesting player choices. It could lead to some "Oh no, he's going for my ass! Maybe I shouldn't have been a brat." moments in game. Whereas now, whether an enemy chooses vaginal or anal penetration doesn't have any real mechanical difference much once the player's virginities are gone.

    2. While I'm writing a huge wall of text, I might as well keep going.

      I'll also suggest that losing your penile virginity should probably hurt much less as well. It's "fair" from a gameplay perspective to have male characters have the same brutal virginity loss experience as female characters, but it doesn't match up with many gentleman's experiences of losing their virginities (at least for adult or teenage men). Right now, being anally forced by a 200 lbs wolf hurts the same as getting a blowjob for the first time.

      I'd suggest adjusting the pain amount somewhat, even if it's not balanced and puts female characters at a gameplay disadvantage. Going back my previous idea. You could also separate all the virginity losses into consentual and nonconsentual variants, where the former hurts less and is less traumatic than the latter. You could also make nonconsentual male virginity loss traumatic, but not necessarily painful.

      Also, there's the question of whether oral sex should, in fact, take a character's virginity. After all, fingering, stroking, or footjobs don't seem to count, but for some reason tongues do. Personally, I would probably only consider penises capable of taking anal/vaginal virginities and vagina/anuses capable of taking penile virginities.

      That creates an issue where female human only playthroughs with female player characters have no risk of losing their virginity, but that could be fixed with by giving female agressors the option to equip strapons.

      Also, note that all of this feedback comes from a place of love. You're doing great with the game, so please don't interpret all of these suggestions as being critical of your work. Also, don't interpret them as demands for things that you must change. I'm just trying to share some ideas.

    3. I like your ideas on the Whitney encounter rate. I had to edit some values myself in the game's code just to earn love at what I think would be a reasonable rate, so I would prefer if instead she just appeared more frequently.

    4. +1 I agree with just about all of this.

    5. That's not a bad idea for Whitney. I was concerned about making Whitney too oppressive, but may have erred too far on the other side. There could be ways to avoid them anyway.

      Splitting anal into consensual and nonconsensual would make sense. The way anal works is a bit simplistic right now and differentiating it from vaginal is something I think the game would benefit from. You make a good case for how that could be done.

      I like the "impact" losing your virginity has, though I agree it doesn't always make sense for it to be so painful. I think that could apply to female characters too though. Maybe consensual virginity loss should be made less painful in general.

      The reason oral can take virginity is as you mention; Female PCs with only vagina-wielding NPCs around can't lose it otherwise. Strapons are something I want to add, but it may be something players would want the option of toggling off. Not sure.

      Thanks for your thoughts. I saw your posts in /dgg/, just haven't gotten around to responding. I'll make a similar post there, as there are others who liked your ideas.

    6. I really like the idea of having to flee out the back to avoid Whitney if they are obsessed with you. Also it would give the back playground some more meaning as I feel it is a little empty of content aside from shortcuts.

    7. Since that 4chan thread ended, I wasn't sure if you saw my post or not.

      I like the impact that losing your virginity has as well. I agree, consensual virginity loss should generally be less painful than noncon virginity loss. That also introduces a gameplay strategy of losing your virginity consensually as a way to avoid the trauma of being raped which is absolutely fucked up in a good way.

      Another idea would be to connect the amount of pain to the aggressor's frustration level. Rougher partners, whether consensual or otherwise, would probably be less gentle. You could have situations where a rapist is gentle, so the virginity loss is traumatizing, but not necessarily painful. Similarly, you could have a rough consensual partner, like Whitney for instance, who makes it hurt, even with a willing partner. With anal in particular, I'd imagine even gentle nonconsentual anal would be exceptionally painful, so it might still be worth connecting the pain level to consent as well.

      As for the oral sex thing. I wonder if it actually is a problem for a human-only lesbian rape world to have no means of devirginizing the player character. If a player set the game to have that sort of scenario, the gameplay is already unbalanced by having no sources of semen. There's no way of losing purity and you also don't have to contend with the allure related issues of being a living Jackson Pollock cum painting. Similarly, turning off certain encounter types makes the game easier to play as well, eliminating some risks when bathing, swimming, or exploring the forest. My point is that, players can already unbalance their game by tinkering with the settings, so if a player who wants to live in a world without cock then it might not be that big of an issue if they get to keep their hymen indefinitely.

  32. Thank you for letting PC give boobjobs more frequently.

    That said, there is no "neutral" action choice for mouth during boobjobs. The choice defaults to "kiss" which makes PC kiss the tip of the cock.

    Since the mouth isn't actually occupied, it might be a good idea to put demand/moan/apologize/etc. actions into boobjob setups, or at least a "rest" one that the game can default to.

    1. As a separate suggestion, now that there are a lot more clothing options, dressing room screens should have their "exit/leave" link appear on the TOP of the page, so player doesn't need to scroll all the way down to click it.

    2. Thanks for the feedback. You're right that boobjobs disallowing speech doesn't make much sense.

    3. There are plans to make some pretty large changes to the dressing room that should make it work better with more clothing options. That sounds like a quick and good change in the meantime.

  33. what is the secret? help me

    1. give me another hint, please <3

    2. So where are second or third floor buildings in the town? Unless you're talking about "fallen angel" and 'a bit' as loose your virginity for a bit? I'm also clueless. Fall down a manhole? Is it like a rare event?

    3. I think it's a demon transformation, there's (I think) a new set of images in the files with new demon wings/horns/tail. No clue how to get it though. Probably minimize purity? Not easy to do that without spending the whole game completely broken though.

  34. A sprite error I found is when you have really long hair and get your armb bound, there is a gap where you arms were that doesn't have hair.

  35. What sort of shoes are you going to be adding?

    We already have generic dress shoes (Mary Janes) for school.

    Sneakers for the casual weekends and not attracting unwanted attention?

    Heels for allure? Maybe a heels or strut skill so you get really good at cat walking and pronouncing your assets.

    1. Crocs to increase bullying frequency

    2. I've not thought much about which shoes to include. I'm open to suggestions.

    3. The one that comes to mind would be Heels. They should have more or less the same effect as fishnet stockings.

  36. If you're still looking for ideas for new NPCs, how about a second bully, but one that's more like a stalker with violent tendencies instead of a traditional "schoolyard bully" style of bully. Overtly (suspiciously so) friendly at the beginning, but quickly becomes manipulative or even violent if the player tries getting uppity with them. Just an idea.
    Really enjoying this game, and this has definitely been my favorite update thus far.

    1. Glad to hear it Anon.

      Thanks for the ideas. There's a stalker NPC planned which kinda fits your description.

    2. A way to deal with him/her permanently or teaching him manners would be great :P

  37. When you play a game with Robin and lose, you can respond with 'grace', which says it lowers their Dominance. But, if you get the option to tickle them, but choose to play fair and THEN lose, the same option increases Dominance. Bug? (I know Robin's dominance isn't used for anything yet, but still.)

  38. Loving the Whitney stuff. Haven't managed to get any love from them, but their dominance over me is maxed out. Encountered a funny scene where Whitney and their goons tied me up so some people on a boat could use me, but the people on the boat were just like "wtf is wrong with you, you shouldn't tie up your friend like that." It's nice to know that not everyone in the game wants to rape you.

    Ran into a small bug. My sundress skirt got damp, and I went home to take a bath. I then got the message: "Your naked is now dry.", which I found amusing. Obviously this isn't game breaking or anything, but I felt like I should point it out.

    Also I totally want Whitney to enslave me and keep me at their house, if only because it gets to a point where it's nearly impossible to pay Bailey every week without committing crimes or whoring yourself out, especially if you've got to pay for Robin too.

    1. I like the idea of becoming Whitney's pet and living with them. Also it would be cool if when Eden likes you enough you can officially move in with them. Eden could have sex with you every morning then escort you to the edge of the woods so you can go to school. Also in general I feel it shouldn't be so hard to get to and from Edens house, like if they trust you enough they give you a bird call whistle that summons Eden to guide you to and from the house.

    2. Totally agree with the Eden thing. Back when the big Eden update came out, I had a character who stayed with them, but I was missing out on all the school stuff (at first because I had to earn Eden's trust and that can take a couple weeks, but also because it took too long to get to town). Don't get me wrong, I like staying with Eden, and it's an excellent alternative to paying Bailey a ton of money every week, but I honestly ended up getting raped by wolves at least once every time I traveled between Eden's cabin and the town. I do think that there should be some downsides to staying at Eden's, but having that be lack of access to town and school stuff shouldn't be it, in my opinion.

    3. I've done some thinking on the possible places you could choose to live and the benefits/downsides of each.

      Benefits: safe location, close proximity to Robin, easy to access
      Downsides: increasingly high weekly payment to Bailey (often becoming impossible without resulting to theft or prostitution)

      Eden's Cabin
      Benefits: no cost, unique events with Eden
      Downsides: far from town*, requires a couple weeks to earn enough trust to actually return to town

      Whitney's House
      Benefits: no cost, possibility of more tender events with Whitney if Love is high
      Downsides: guaranteed molestation/rape by Whitney on nightly basis, possibility of other tortures if Dominance is high (having to sleep with vibrator inside, going to school with butt plug inside, etc.)

      Apartment (I see this as something you could rent after you acquired the fake ID or something)
      Benefits: costs less than Orphanage and doesn't escalate (I'm thinking maybe 500 a week?), possibility of acquiring furniture, possibility to have Robin move in with you
      Downsides: located in bad area of town so higher chance of being attacked at night, possibility of someone breaking in and assaulting you while you're trying to sleep

      Jail (maybe if you commit too many crimes, especially if they're serious ones, the police can lock you up. They still let you attend school, but only with a collar on)
      Benefits: no cost, only lasts a week or two based on severity
      Downsides: various events where your cellmate or prison guards abuse you, less freedom (officer escorts you to and from school), possiblity of "conjugal visits with perverts

      These are just some ideas I had. Obviously there's no need to incorporate them if you don't feel like they fit, or if you have better ideas, but I just felt like sharing. Once again, thanks for making such a great game.

    4. I had almost the exact same ideas aside from the jail(good idea on that one).

    5. Thanks for the bug report. And the ideas.

      I do want more possible "homes" for the PC. I wanted Eden's cabin to be remote, but I don't think the journey to and from town is interesting enough to justify doing it every day. I'll look into it.

      A jail is planned.

    6. I do love the Whitney house idea personally as well (him using you in more radical ways like forcing you to be plugged or wear a vibe. Could lead to some great prompts and character building for Whitney. Him eventually becoming obsessed enough to take you home would be a fun addition

  39. Could you make it so that underwear is automatically equipped when you wake up? It can be a bit annoying to have to specifically put them on every day.

    1. Ive been meaning to change this for a while. I'll see what I can do.

  40. question... for my gameplay i have not yet hit December 1st. and was wondering i know i dont qualify angel and have no idea what fallen angel but guessing earning angel then losing purity. but is there a non angel, demon, build... and for angel estimate time wise when do u earn angel if you maintain your purity..

    also is there a way to cleanse yourself and regain your purity. sorta like baptism for Christians. your sins are cleansed and considered pure... obviously if not yet. it have to be something difficult to obtain but just curious.

    1. Angel takes about 50 days of purity to achieve. You gain Fallen Angel by losing your virginity while having Angel.

      There's no way to restore purity except to wait, but that might change in the future.

    2. Omg such bad luck. i got 2 months and get raped. doh.....

    3. Chastity belts: The dedicated virgin's best friend.

    4. It took me 57 days! So I feel like I was right on track now.

  41. how i become a demon?

  42. I think a small dog just playfully ripped my skin off...

    "You feel something yanking at your naked. Looking over your shoulder, you see a small dog with your clothes between it's teeth. You try to wrestle your clothes free from its maw, but your naked is torn from your body!"

    1. lol. I hope you have auto buy missing clothes otherwise that is gonna be awkward.

    2. Damn. Thanks for letting me know.

  43. Are there any plans for glory holes for the bath/changing rooms?

  44. One complaint I have is regarding the Brothel and the Strip Club. The strip club just seems like a lesser option compared to the brothel (and to need the brothel to unlock the strip club). A few ideas I had are: Make the brothel also need I.D. and move the acquisition of the fake I.D. to Landry (yeah I know I use Landry a lot in suggestions). Also I feel as stripping as an action should be removed from the brothel and replaced with you just selling yourself, your alure and promiscuity could determine how well you do in the brothel. These changes would set the two places apart from another and give more of a reason to prefer one over the other (stripping for purity and whoring for corruption).

    1. They have a point though, the brothel is basically a straight upgrade from the strip club, you just gotta back out whenever you see the word "lecherous" and you're golden.

    2. Thanks for the ideas. I do want to make the two locations more unique. The brothel should be more dangerous.

    3. well there is a difference. you can get gang-raped in the brothel i should know ive done it many times well had it done to me.. the strip club you have zero chance of it happening.

  45. Vrelnir, babe.
    Alexis here from the previous version post reportingt that the bug on the apk where the idle avatar animation still covers part of the UI locking players when they try to access anything in the sidebar.
    I'll stick to the text-only version for now as it doesn't have any issues on Android, but yeah... wish i could fix it myself, but i can't. So i hope reporting the bug might be sufficient.
    Sincerely, Alexis

    P.s: Great Game, btw

    1. Btw, i think that whats blocking the ui is the box that hold the animation. Like... the black space behind the animation, if that makes sense to you. Making it smaller or narrower might solve the problem. Just saying.
      Sincerely, Alexis

    2. >Android version courtesy of Quin2k

    3. Yeah, i know that but at the time of thia comment i didn't saw Quin2k's post above so now this comment awkwardly stands here... waiting to be noticed by Senpai....

    4. Thanks a bunch. I'll see if I can't fix it.

    5. Hmm... I'll look into it too. I didn't notice the issue after Vrelnir tweaked it (before, parts of the clothing were overlapping the UI bar).

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I found the issue. Orientation was set to default. Changed it to portrait (taller than wide) which should resolve the issue. Portrait orientation should allow enough space below the 'idle image' to interact with the UI.

      Tried to mess around with the link to get it to redirect to the new file, but failed miserably and ended up deleting the original link.... so:!2WY3xIiZ!pAdNDnv76WMKSWGc4LKADGfccV5qEoB6Ml2VSrDvJ1A

  46. Does the Secret take your Skullduggery or Delinquency into count?

  47. Possible (probable) issue: After having my guy's breasts felt up by a group of three young miscreants on the bus, he got off [the bus] and was propositioned by a local pervert (the guy who comes up in the car and wants you to "show him a good time"). Said proposition is accepted, and sex is initiated. Suddenly, the aforementioned [singular] pervert becomes a man and two boys. I'm guessing (I didn't pay attention to their individual descriptors, so I'm not sure) that it's the guy who propositioned my guy and two of the boys from the bus. As much as I like the idea of my character being able to hire himself out for such group activities, I'm suspecting this sort of thing wasn't an intentional feature.

    1. Thanks. Found the problem. One more herm portal closed.

    2. Wow, as a fellow programmer I can feel nothing less but the awe with your endeavors :)

    3. It's dangerous work, but someone's gotta do it.

    4. Well speaking on behalf of everyone we are glad you are doing it.

  48. Enjoying the hell out of this game, but maybe it's just my background from playing Princess Maker games, but I would really like bars and a reference sheet for the colors and how far along I've progressed, especially for things like purity and exhibitionism.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying it. A reference sheet for colours sounds like a good idea. I'm working on adding bars for a few more stats right now.

    2. That's going to be a big help, I've been working at slightly soiled purity for a while now to try and get it lower, but have no idea how far I am until it changes.

  49. Funny bug happened today. Apparently my cute boyfriend Robin came out as trans-racial. While he's normally white, today he was black! I'm not sure if this bug has been fixed for other persistent characters, but Robin still seems to have it.

  50. I seem to be unable to remove collars/bindings. I'm at the orphanage, but I'm not seeing an option to remove them anywhere. Is there something I'm missing?

    1. You're able to remove collar at the police station

    2. Ah, thank you. I thought I'd seen somewhere that said you did it at the orphanage.

    3. The rope bindings can be untied at your room :)

  51. I started up a new save and on the first day i got a chastity belt, then i played normally untill my first swimming class but whenever i enter the water for the first time of the day it says "Water soaks through your naked" as if i was wearing clothes

    1. I've also been noticing this strange bug popping up as well, Though for my first time noticing it was when i went swimming at the beach and then even when i got knocked into the water when i went down the manhole for the drain system.

  52. How do I get S rank beauty. I'm stuck at A for naked with stockings.

    1. Let your natural beauty improve. It will improve over time as long as you're mentally healthy.

    2. I am, I think? What are that factors that improve natural beauty? I don't want to slog through the code.

    3. Beauty increases faster the lower your trauma. If your trauma reaches maximum, additional trauma will lower your beauty. With 0 trauma it doesn't take too long to increase.

    4. I don't have any trauma (le that the most trauma I've have is from simple harassment at school which lowers to zero as soon as I do something with Robin. How long does it take without trauma to reach S rank beauty?

    5. Assuming you mean S rank attractiveness, should take no longer than two weeks.

    6. Ifs been about 8+ weeks since I had A rank. Is there any tip to avoid any trauma for two weeks?

  53. i want to be a demon boy

    1. You need to get busy then!

    2. Can you slash the Bailey's throat as a demon boy? ^_^

  54. Is there any use for the lust bars on the social screen yet?

    1. Not for Whitney yet, but it has a small influence on Robin. It has a bigger influence on Eden, enabling some of their more assertive events.

    2. I don't have Eden encountered yet in this build, so I wasn't aware they got that. I just gained full lust with Robin and ran a few days after that with no effect, so I was just curious if it had been coded in yet. I have Whitney, but the only thing I have full for them is dominance.

    3. I believe Robin's lust only has an impact after they've confessed their interest in you, and you've accepted it.

  55. Noticing a problem with the android version; once youve made your character and open the side tab for character info/ stats, it seems that tab gets stuck open with no way of collapsing it again. Something to look into

  56. What do you think about adding and item like "Study Notes" when you have them they reduce or remove skill decay. They could be something you could have to manually do in class to make and have a temporary effect, or you could add a book you could buy to make it permanent. You may need one book for each knowledge and have the book be expensive. This is coming from every time you start living with Eden you get dumb as well as being less ok with your naked body.

    1. I think it's an interesting idea. Something needs to change with the way school skill decay is set up.

    2. How about removing decay and implementing quizzes or homework as a way to raise or lower grades rather than the current system?

      It could be fun to try and cheat on quizzes if you havent studied that week or convince other students to do your homework rather than having to worry about doing it yourself. perhaps you could bully robin into doing it if they are submissive enough...

    3. I have a really good system in mind on how to handle education and knowledge. Some of it involving interactions with teachers and other students. I don't feel like writing a boot ATM about it but soon I will give Vrelnir some good ideas to think over.

  57. So, quick question. First of all, living the game so far, really liking how things are so far!

    As for the question, I've noticed as of right now, the collar, for the most part, only really is there for show. Not many NPCs take notice of it and the ones the do are pretty rare. I'm curious if more interactions regarding the collar will be implemented in the future? (e.g. NPCs using it to their advantage to drag you where they want, forcing you to be treated like a pet/animal, or even having it change how Whitney and Robin treat you at times)

    I think the collar could definitely be utilised a little more to have an affect on the character while its on.

    (also I apologize if I posted this question before. I can't seem to find the one I tried to post and so I'm trying again.. For posterity's sake

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

      Thanks for the ideas. I'd like to make the collar more impactful, and plan to.

  58. Hey! I really like your game and have been playing for a while.

    Recently I had a problem coming from the previous version to this version. Money no longer displays on the sidebar for me, but I found this side info is controlled within StoryCaption. I compared the previous version of StoryCaption to the latest version, and the beginning was changed a bit. I reverted this bit back to what the previous version used, and the money started displaying again for me.

    specifically, the latest version's beginning of StoryCaption i changed to match the previous version's so it displays:
    ​<​<​if $images is 1​>><<​img>​>​​<​b​r​​>​

    From what I could guess it was the "

    " part that got it working, there was new code there dealign with screen resolution or something that seemed to break display of money for me. Oh it seems I can't post the code as html so it's not displaying right.

    So maybe this is a big report! Thanks for the game again I'm having a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks, this is helpful. I'm glad you're having fun.

  59. How do you enable debug mode in android version? Thanks!

    1. I don't think there's an easy way I'm afraid.

  60. Hi I've been playing for a while and got the lemonade stand event where Robin gets harassed by the "cops" for a permit. I made the PC offer her body, but as soon as the H scene starts the game thinks it's non consensual (your sense of control is shattered). Is this a bug? Because I'm pretty sure since the MC offered herself it should be consensual

    1. It's intended, as you're only doing it to protect your friend from what is basically theft. There's an argument for having all promiscuous decisions result in consensual encounters for gameplay reasons though.

  61. How do I lower my delinquency?

    1. It decreases on its own, but takes a long time. Once you're known as a delinquent you can't really wash out the stain. That may change in the future.

  62. Incubus should be able to fuck anyone and anything, dont you think? Are there any unique actions that the incubus has, like the angel has forgive?
