
Tuesday 4 September 2018


This update adds a mixture of general features and improvements, and plugs some gaps in content. The focus of will be fleshing out Whitney. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Released which fixes bugs causing errors during encounters with multiple NPCs. Replaced links with new versions.

Patch Notes
Updated to Sugarcube v2.27.0
Added more potential reactions to NPCs discovering the PC is crossdressing. They may now have something to say about it too.
Added skirts to the sex sprite, art courtesy of Ulithium_Dragon.
Reworded male characters losing their virginity to sound less brutal.
You can now be caught masturbating during english, history and swimming lessons.
Added breast reduction and enlargement procedures to the hospital. They're expensive.
Named npcs should now remember your sex once they've seen your genitals.

Balance Changes
Robin and Bailey know your sex from the start.
Robin will not attend their stand while injured.
Slime and semen will now wash off in water, but not all at once. Increases the chance of an encounter based on how much washes off.
The NPCs involved in the fight on the yacht should be a bit less aggressive at the start.
Characters with high exhibitionism will no longer cover themselves when exposed. Characters with very high exhibitionism will no longer cover themselves even if naked.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug letting you fuck someone while wearing a chastity belt if you took the initiative.
Fixed a bug letting you fuck beasts in the ass while they're assaulting you. It will return in some form.
Fixed a bug preventing more severe detentions from triggering.
Fixed a bug allowing you to penetrate or envelop someone through clothing.
Eden will no longer bother you in the garden or spring if they're out hunting.
Fixed a bug preventing the image for torn green school swim shorts from appearing.

Check the most recent update for download links.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Got an error in the library with 2 delinquent girls trying to harass/rape me as a male.
    Got this in the library with 2 delinquent girls
    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: <> must be the final clause))

    Happened every turn.

    I believe the things inside the <> were "man" "man2" "if" "cause" but they were removed when I posted this originally. sorry bout that.

  3. I love it, keep it going. Any snippets, peeks at what's in store for Whitney?

    1. I don't want to go into specifics, but there will be more than one way to deal with Whitney's bullying, with various consequences.

  4. add an "about" page that describes roughly what this is, i'm here from a /d/ thread and am about to play this but don't really know what the focus is, is it transformation, transgender stuff, bit of everything? open world exploration or railroaded stat management sim?

    1. It's more or less an open world, there's a bit of everything and different ways to play with choices you have

    2. I've been assuming that people coming here know what to expect, but I know this isn't always the case.

      I'd like to improve the blog's layout at some point. Maybe I'll add an "about" page then.

  5. Encountered an error during swimming lesson, if you choose to swim away from boys picking on you
    error is Error: <>: errors within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: <> must be the final clause); Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: <> must be the final clause))

  6. I've been porting this to Android since version 0.1.10 for personal use - Vrelnir, would you prefer I e-mail you links/files to you for you to upload? I have them on Mega and am willing to share, but I don't want to infringe on your copyrights. Also not sure if you're tracking download traffic somehow and don't want to make it seem lower than it is :)

    1. Feel free to share your port. If you e-mail me links I'd be happy to share them on the blog. Up to you.

    2. Folder - I'll try to add versions as Vrelnir works:!bC4WDawJ!KGFnqUoKQKX-tihknEiwnA

      Note: Couldn't get save-to-file to work on android, but it does transfer save file locations between versions - just don't uninstall the old one. Installing a new version overwrites cleanly so far as I can tell.

      The tablet version is a direct port. No changes on my part... this is what I have been using on my phone, but this round I wanted to see if I could fix some visual issues, so the phone version has a few tweaks to allow for small screens:
      - Map arrow alignment changed so that it shifts up instead of left (on narrow screens, wraps and ends up either under the map or off the screen to the left)
      - Battle Sex animations shifted to the left, x-rays placed 200px to the right. Not sure if there is double penetration possible (haven't managed it myself yet), but if there is - vaginal/anal sex animations will probably overlap.
      - Changed z-index for UI-Bar to 300 (prevents parts of battle sex overlaping the bar).

      Note to vrelnir: If you could put the map and map arrow into their own div similar to how the battle sex animations are overlapped... and separate the x-ray from the div so that it'll 'wrap' on small screens, I don't think I'd need separate versions. Was able to test and experiment on my PC simply by making the browser window narrower... simply used text editor to change alignment/z-index settings. Also, if you want me to add an image for the splash screen or icon give me images and I'll figure it out.

    3. Alright, I'll see if I can make those changes.

    4. Files updated to

    5. Quink2k
      I have feedback on your android apk. Since my phone has a smaller screeb than a android tablet, the sprite in the options menu blocks the arrow that allows you to close the menu tab effectively locking me in this screen being unable to return to the game.
      Thought you should know, sincerely: Alexis

  7. >wake up this morning
    >Orphanage owner threatens to whore me out if I can't pay rent
    >go outside
    >random guy grabs me right outside the orphanage
    >Instantly raped
    >crawl sobbing through the alleys to school
    >Bully beats the crap out of me for not getting out of his way
    >sneak into the bathroom
    >undress so I feel good about myself again
    >decide to sneak through the school naked
    >barely avoid getting spotted
    >go back to bathroom
    >somebody's stealing my clothes
    >try to stop them
    >get raped
    >pass out
    >wake up
    >already getting raped again
    >wake up hours later in the hospital
    >decide not to risk the streets
    >go into forest
    >find a stream
    "What the hell, I'll just swim across it and be home"
    >Get swept deeper into the woods
    >run into wolf
    >get raped
    >desperately run back towards town
    >bigger, blacker, wolf
    >wake up in the wolf den
    >raped several times
    >probably pass out, can't remember
    >days pass
    >been wolf-raped so much I start turning into a wolf
    >eventually tunnel out through the back of the den and escape
    >trudge through woods back to town
    >make it to the orphanage
    >may have been raped a few times on the way, can't remember
    >that should probably scare me, but it doesn't feel real
    >go to my room
    >get on the internet
    >see that Degrees of Lewdity has been updated
    wolf/10, would wolf again

    1. >unironically using meme arrows outside an imageboard.

    2. I hope the update restores your sense of control anon, or at least gives you - Trauma.

    3. that joke tho xD hahahahahah - Ejmuerte

  8. So, here's a weird problem: It seems if you have sex while wearing a chastity belt and also crossdressing, you get stuck looking like the opposite sex, even if you "strip all" or change back into non-crossdressy clothes. It doesn't seem to happen if you do sex while crossdressing without a belt, or if you're not crossdressing with a belt.

    1. That's strange. I'll look into it.

    2. Weird Problem Update: It happened again, but this time, my character wasn't wearing a chastity belt. He was crossdressing and I had him go into the women's restroom at the park, strip down, and sneak out for a bit of cheeky control-restoring fun. When I sent him back in to get dressed he was intercepted by everyone's favorite restroom decency vigilante, Captain Toiletrape. After that, he was stuck "looking like a girl" until he had non-crossdressy sex with someone else, which seemed to fix the issue.

    3. Thanks for the description. It will help narrow down the problem.

  9. I think this a bug. Whenever I have sex with robin at night I leave cum on my character. I think that if you have cum on your character after it passes midnight the counter for Awareness goes up. This in turn causes side effects like permeate controlled hallucinations and permeate controlled extreme hallucinations (which I think it is the crust of the bug). I don't quite understand how increased sexual awareness from consensual encounters causes hallucinations. Is there any benefit for max sexual awareness? If this is a feature then please excuse me.

    1. Cum on your character should not be increasing awareness. I'll check if it's working properly.

      Hallucinations resulting from high awareness is intended though. There's currently no benefit for max awareness.

    2. I have a idea for a reward. Since high sexual awareness + exhibitionism + promiscuity is pretty close to being basically a semen demon why not have a option of becoming one with some added benefits and xor costs. Maybe have the option + scene of becoming a succubus/incubus when you go into the garden at night from inside the building? Just something to keep in mind for later developments. Those cute demon horns seem enticing. Then maybe have the succubus character able to break into other peoples houses and have sex with them and or kill them.

    3. Succubus/incubus is planned, though it probably won't let you waste sources of sexual energy by killing them.

  10. Some specific feedback since it looks like you might be a good position to address this with the part you're working on next:

    Keeping Robin safe and happy currently feels too easy. In the update where they were first introduced, going through all the trouble to rescue them, work through their trauma, and then take on their debt really felt like you were "earning" the happy ending of their romance. It was a bit railroady that you couldn't stop the bad stuff from happening beforehand, sure, but I thought it was still really satisfying overall.

    Now, though, the ability to take on their debt as soon as they tell you about it has trivialized things a bit. Before things get bad for Robin, you have plenty of time to get your skills to the point where (a) you can easily handle doubling the monthly payments, (b) you can stop Bailey from carrying you off, or (c) you can escape the situations Bailey sells you into with ease. Part of this might be just 'cause the game currently doesn't get much harder after a few weeks in, but protecting Robin should also itself be harder - not just to make the extra trauma-decreasing trait appropriately costly, but also to fit the general design goal of lewdness being "mitigated" rather than "avoided."

    I bring this up now because more stuff targeting Robin at school would be a good way of dealing with this. Also, on the subject of Robin's interactions with Bailey in particular, it'd make sense if Bailey were only willing to let you cover Robin's debt if you were either paying or submitting to being sold every week. Alternatively, if you're fighting Bailey and winning, it'd make sense for them to take it out on the other orphans (including Robin).

    1. The railroading was why I added the option of taking on Robin's debt before they get sold. I agree it's too easy now, at least once you've figured things out. Particularly if you're beating up/getting off Bailey on a weekly basis, the added cost is meaningless.

      You're right that it doesn't make sense that there's no consequences for Robin if you avoid the debt. It's something I'll keep in mind moving forward. Avoiding Bailey's payments will not always be so easy though.

      Thanks for the interesting feedback.

    2. Wait, you can get Bailey off? How?

    3. High english skill and the apologise action while fighting them. Once they calm down they start doing lewd instead of violent things.

    4. Oh. In hindsight, that was pretty obvious. Thanks.

    5. I would take Robin out of the orphanage and live with him in Eden's place :)

    6. Living with Robin at Eden's? Never in my life i ever knew something so great was missing in it. *_*

  11. I dont feel like it makes any sense if your exhibitionism is maxed that you wouldn't be comfortable leaving your room completely exposed, and especially not if youre at Edens cabin. What would be cool is if you had more unique encounters while completely exposed, but an obvious trade off being you get attacked more often/crime rises for public indecency.

    1. I have something in mind for public exhibitionism similar to that. Not sure when it'll make it in.

  12. On a completely separate note, I'd like to see an equivalent to the "envelop" option for oral and anal... but maybe all three should either be blocked initially by sexual awareness or maybe promiscuity?

    1. *Edit: If they are there (I haven't done much consensual sex, so I might have missed it) - then they are probably properly gated but the vaginal one is not. I can use that envelop even in the tutorial molestation scene.

    2. They don't exist, but they're planned to. They should probably be gated by awareness. The envelop option is gated by promiscuity only during consensual encounters.

  13. This showed up when I went to the girls bathroom cross-dressed as a boy and seduced three girls.
    You gently stroke the petite girl's skin.
    You expertly lick their penis. You prepare to perform a particularly lewd act, though it's too tame to soothe. | + Arousal | - Stress You expertly push against the petite girl's penis, taking it deep into your pussy. You tease the tip of the penis with your ass.
    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: <> must be the final clause))

    1. Was this in version or

    2. 1.13.0 sorry for the trouble

    3. I think it's fixed in It should be compatible with your save. Let me know if there's still problems.

  14. I've noticed that the mouth cum drip gets covered by the hair. I had no idea there was a little cough sputter.

  15. Thank you for the new version!!!
    I played since the 1.8 but I never been caught to masturbate in the class how it happen?, I try everyday but never happen... What I need to do?

    1. You need to be mid-orgasm when interrupted, which always takes the same number of turns to trigger.

  16. Nice change to the aplogise with lewd, flows much better now. After the Whitney update, in the future will Robin be fleshed out a bit more? Maybe take Robin on a proper date? Maybe go other places with them other than the beach or the forest? Also, any further interactions planned with the options we already have? I noticed sex in the woods was removed, but maybe you could discover places in the woods like a lake or a waterfall and show them? Just some ideas.

    1. There's more planned for Robin, including proper dates. The forest won't be the only place to take them. Thanks for the ideas.

  17. I was wondering will we be getting to see more creature types? Would love to see more things like tapir pigs or any type of pig and maybe even some sharks.

    1. We will. There's a pig already in the game, but it doesn't have its own art yet.

    2. Is there any gokkun content yet? (e.g. drinking semen from a cup or bowl, or eating food covered in it) If not, is it planned? Additionally, any chance of getting some sort of semen addiction trait to make the character love consuming it?

    3. There's a single event involving NPCs eating food covered in your semen. More is planned but it'll mostly be NPCs consuming the PC's cum. That said, a semen addict trait is a fun idea and something I'd like to add.

    4. Personally I think semen covered food is a perfect bullying event for the lunch hour at school, when playing a girl.

  18. I love the consistent updates, and the game is awesome. However there are two additions I'd love to see in the future: Different skin tones for your character and to fix short hair appearing as long hair when the character is in kneeling position. Thanks!

    1. I wasn't aware short hair appeared as long hair sometimes. What colour?

      Different skin tones will come.

    2. From what I've seen, I don't think it depends on the hair colour. My character would have hair cut-to-ears top-left view, however during sex/rape scenes the hair appears to be cut-to-chin. I'd have to test if cut-to-shoulder hair does the same thing.

  19. Seeing a weird glitch going on right now where the message "The way you're dressed, people will think you're a boy!" appears regardless of what I'm wearing.

  20. Same when I'm naked. "Your exposed chest makes people think you're a boy!"

  21. Weird, right? I get that too, sometimes. I can't figure out what the trigger is, exactly (other than it always seems to happen after sex), but having sex again after that happens -should- fix it. Probably. It does for me. Kind of a pain, but he said he's looking into it.

  22. Does anyone reference your angel-ness when you max it out?

    And did anyone make a Wiki for this?

    1. There's no wiki guide for this - ejmuere

  23. 1f 1.4.0 turns out like I hope it will, I can show Whitney just how good of a slut I REALLY am. :3c

  24. He may have realised you're a boy, but you're still hot and he's conflicted. There's some problems there though for sure.

    Thanks for letting me know about that bug. It seems your gender appearance is being locked in place somehow during encounters.

  25. Regarding a complaint about english being blocked, maybe turn the dance studio into a Studio of the Arts, and offer Music classes as well as Dance? That way we can have an option while gagged to either "soothingly stroke" or "Sensually stroke" using our hands, expanding on the stroking mechanic. Perhaps a "Soft hands" trait related to that?

    1. I do want to expand on the ability to calm down attackers. Thanks for the ideas.

  26. Perhaps as the skill increases we can fondle peoples chest as well, not sure if that was already an option

  27. There should be an option to just go into the pool nude. Also are you planning on adding sex toys like butt plugs?

    1. And thanks for changing characters with high exhibitionism will no longer cover themselves when exposed.

    2. Glad you like the change. Sex toys are planned.

    3. Cool. I think something that would be a good addition. The ability to get a vibrator to use while masterbating, and you can use it in class and the noise would make it more likely to get noticed.

  28. My sprite is still covering himself even when at max exhibitionism.

    1. This is strange. Have you noticed anything else that doesn't seem right?

    2. Nvm it was user error I loaded a save from right before i maxed exhibitionism thinking the save was after, all is working now.

  29. Found bug as crossdressing boy. Went to swimming lesson with default male attire and couldn't enter the boy's changing room. Exact outfit:

    "You are wearing a white school shirt and black school shorts but you are not wearing underwear.
    The way you're dressed, people will think you're a girl!"

    I've done this loop a few times and nothing is different from my actions, so I have no idea what could have caused it.

    Only other strange happening is someone penetrating a virgin anus gives the same massage as deflowering while fingers do not. It also seems to give same stress/ trauma. Seems like an oversight.

    1. Thanks for the heads up.

      Tongues can deflower so female PCs with only female NPCs enabled can still lose their virginity. Letting fingers take virginities too would make it too hard to avoid. You can't "pull away" from someone's hand like you can their genitals/mouth. I know it's strange and it will be improved down the road.

  30. Why when i download any of the versions of the game and i extract the RAR file to a folder it doesn't get extracted correctly and gives an error to all the archives in it (it does move it to the folder though) but when i open it up on my browser it only shows a white screen :(

    1. You could try updating WinRAR. I believe someone had a similar problem and that fixed it. Failing that, try a different archiver like 7-zip. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

    2. I think that'd fix it, Thanks!

  31. Having sex with Robin while angel makes you fallen - that seems kind of weird. It might be good to change it so losing your virginity consensually just removes angel from you naturally while losing it through non-con makes you a fallen angel.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I agree something feels a little off about it right now.

    2. This is something I think would make the story aspect feel better to work toward.

  32. typo report, "breaks, but the bus swerves off the road," should be "brakes"

  33. another typo, "agianst your stomach with her foot" should be "against"

  34. Request: "do nothing"/"rest" option for mouth action

  35. Speaking of typos, there's also "why are you dong this?" in one of the Plead messages. Not a big deal, just thought you might like to know.

  36. there's also a few "Ive" that should be "I've"

  37. "Give them a show" action displays "Your skirt flares up" when not wearing a skirt (boy school shorts).

  38. Once you get far enough, Robin cuddles you each time you initiate sleep in your bedroom, so if you sleep for an hour, leave the bed, then sleep again, it repeatedly triggers the -trauma effect.

    1. Relatedly, after the cuddle happens, you have to click "sleep for X hours" again to actually sleep, otherwise no time has passed.

    2. Thanks. It shouldn't work that way.

  39. 1. Characteristics screen shows "You are a angel" (should be "an")
    2. Physique is shown as "body toned and firm" (should be "is toned")
    3. "eachother" should be "each other" in Science Undress Desk
    4. "Eden carrys you to to the bed" should be "Eden carries you to the bed"
    5. pher x2 should be phim in Elk Compound "A hand rests on your shoulder ..." paragraph
    6. missing " quote at end of Elk Compound Bluff paragraph "... if you value your job."
    7. missing a generate1 before person1 in Elk Compound Underground --- and in the following line, pher should be phim

    1. Thanks a bunch for all these. I'll get them fixed.

  40. Going to lockers then leaving without trying to break in doesn't pass time. Leaving the lockers each time can trigger a new school event in the hallways. Suggest making going to lockers take 1 minute.

    1. Should reduce time to look lockers by a minute then, as I rather like being able to skip lunch to do lockers twice. If you add a minute 2 would make you late for class.

      Speaking of late, if you say Hi to someone in the hall between one of your classes, you automatically get delinquent when you arrive to your next class. Seems we should have at least 5 minutes to get to our class?

    2. Thanks for pointing this out.

      One problem with getting to class on time is classes not ending at precisely 00. I plan to make adjustments.

    3. On the subject of delinquency, the only way to reduce it is time. Truancy / missing classes does not increase delinquency, so the best way to minimize it is to skip classes and just study in the library. Seems like an oversight.

      Unrelated typo report - "your properly" should be "you" in Bus School Strip Help.

  41. Balance comment. Kicking/punching/demand actions in same round or after an Apologise action should raise enemy anger back up to where it was when you used the Apologise action, if lower. Doesn't make sense to be able to calm enemy while trying to beat them up. Combat strategy should be either to commit to defiant actions or decide you can't win that way, apologise and switch to non-defiant actions. Defiant actions should do more damage to make up for the loss of apologise->defiant combo.

    Gameplay comment, maybe related. Fighting off tentacles with defiant actions takes too many rounds. It's possible to block them all by targeting the most threatening ones in each round, but having to constantly switch targets is tedious. Suggest making it possible to disable each tentacle with a few hits, or even better make the beast lose interest any time after round 5 that it isn't engaged in restraining or penetrating.

    1. I found spiders/eels equally grindy. For spiders at least there should be a way to speed breakup of the ceiling. I seem to chronically have poor swimming, so maybe better swimming improves eels.. not sure.

  42. suggestion. move the two end of day code lines that recover/reduce purity +1 and +2 after the code that increases angelbuild. this would mean having purity less than 1000 at end of day would cause angel progress to backslide 1 point.

    alternatively, if you want to allow masturbation once per day without delaying angel progress, you could leave the purity+1 where it is and just move the purity+2 for virgins after the <>...<>, outside the purity check but still inside the virginity check. this way, after masturbating once and lowering purity to 999, the outer purity+1 would bring it back up for the angelbuild check.

    1. I'm unsure if I should make purity recover after angelbuild, as the angel tf is already fairly difficult to obtain. It would make it work more like originally intended though.

  43. Hello!
    I was wondering exactly
    What npc's can you romance with?

    1. Hi! You can romance Robin and possibly Eden depending on your definition of romance.

    2. Lewdity is my soul8 September 2018 at 13:17

      Thank you for replying!
      Just curious but will you ever be able to have a romance with bailey?:0

    3. A romance with Bailey isn't planned I'm afraid, though that could change.

  44. Yes, when will we sex the Bailey?

  45. Do you plan on giving some sexual agency to the character. Such as an option to initiate oral to/from a classmate in class with enough promiscuity. Also I feel that there should me more flirt events than just lifting your shirt when a classmate looks at you.

    1. Ideally every minor harassment of the PC would give the option of taking control of the situation through promiscuity, exhibitionism or similar.

    2. Cool, glad to hear that this is something that you have given some thought to.

  46. Not regarding romance, but with Whitney getting fleshed out, will we be getting more interaction during major harassment, such as during Bailey, Angry Eden, the Bullies at lunch, where we can just go all out sexually if our skills are good enough?

    Also, on an unrelated note, are their any events you can trigger with the swim teacher if you get caught and kiss enough?

    1. The NPCs in some encounters are set to never expose their genitals, which restricts a lot of actions. The player will be able to "help" them at some point.

      There are no events that can trigger from kissing the swim teacher yet.

  47. When is 1.14.0 looking to be ready? I'm pretty excited for the new release.

    Also, people have been talking about testing stuff, ive seen like people talking about lines of code, how do you do it, manipulate encounters to test and shit? People say to use the browser console, but dont really explain farther than that.

    1. Id love to test values and encounters without having to go through the whole game again, but it is a bit frustrating when no one really seems to know how to do it. Hope its not too much of a bother

    2. I'm hoping to release the next update Wednesday.

      I know some people have modified variables in their browser, but I imagine it's fiddly and I have not done it myself. There was/is a modded version with a "cheat" menu somewhere.

      If you open the game in Notepad++, search for "debug to 0", then change the 0 to 1, you'll have access to the messy debug menu I use. It's very easy to break things with it though, and you might need to start a new game. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

  48. I love this game so much! I've looking for a game like this for literal years! I also love watching the game grow and change. Great work!

  49. Is there any plan you make the roofie something you can get for yourself (to use one self or others)?
    Landry would be the most likely seller.

    1. Interesting idea.

    2. It's something I'll think about when I add more aggressive player actions.

  50. Heals as a new shoe that can be purchased.

    1. There'll be a bunch of new shoes in the future.

  51. Oh, just wondering. Are you planning on making a cheat mode? There are a few other games like this that have them.
    You don't need to make a cheat mode, it's your game after all. :D

    1. Cheat mode doesn't really seem necessary since you can easily edit the variables using a web console.

    2. Here's the REAL question though.
      Will the cheat mode have a "Big Heads" cheat? Pretty sure that's mandatory for any games with cheats.

    3. I chuckled.
      I think the PC's head is already pretty big though.

  52. Shouldn't it be possible to bite when your mouth is covered?

  53. Thanks for the update loving this game!

  54. When buying a female Robin a new game system the game says "he is happy".

    1. Turns out that it was female Robin with a penis. But it still should be based on gender not genitals just to keep constancy.


    I've seen a few people asking about this, and little in the way of explanation, so here's a brief (but, hopefully, helpful) guide to doing that thing (in Firefox and Chrome. Also, Windows. I'm not sure how to do it on a mobile device, or if it's even possible):

    1) Since messing with variables directly like this can massively screw up your game, I HIGHLY recommend saving first.

    2) Bring up the console by pressing F12. If that doesn't work:
    2a) In Firefox: Go to Tools->Web Developer->Web Console (NOT Browser Console)
    2b) In Chrome: Click the little vertical dots button (don't know what it's called) in the upper-right, then go to More Tools->Developer Tools

    3) In the pane that comes up, make sure the Console tab is selected. In the console, in the little input field at the bottom, type "window.SugarCube.State.variables" (without the quotes, of course. Also, it's case-sensitive, so make sure you get those uppercase and lowercase letters right). That will bring up a thing that looks sorta like "> Object { audienceselector: 0, audiencecamera: 0...". Clicking the little arrow next to "Object" should expand that out to a [relatively] readable list of game variables.

    4) Holy hell, that's a lot of variables. Fortunately, it's not hard to guess a lot of the major ones. For instance, the variable for trauma is "trauma". Anyway, figure out which variable you want to change and proceed to step 5.

    5) Simply type "window.SugarCube.State.variables.[variable you chose in the last step] = [value you want to change it to]" and press Enter. For instance, type "window.SugarCube.State.variables.trauma = 0" for instant psychological recovery. Again, it's case-sensitive, so watch that.
    NOTE: The game's display will not register the change at first. So, in the above example, the trauma bar will not change until you either reload the page or click something in-game (i.e. open a menu, or click a link). Basically, anything that refreshes the display, if that makes sense.

    Well shit, that wasn't very brief. Sorry about that. Also, bear in mind that I just figured out how to do this, myself, so it might not be the most efficient way to do it, but it should work. It does for me, at least.

    1. Word of warning about using the console: I don't know if this affects other people, but I find leaving the console open for a long period of time gradually slows the game down and can result in a lengthy freeze when you do finally close it. A couple of times I had to close Firefox and lose progress because it never unfroze.

    2. I thought there was like; a cheat or dev mode? Or am I thinking of three or four versions ago?

    3. I haven't tried this, but I think if you use the above instructions to change the "debug" variable to 1, you should be able to access the debug mode vrelnir uses.

      Or, as vrelnir said in another post, you could also do this:
      "If you open the game in Notepad++, search for "debug to 0", then change the 0 to 1, you'll have access to the messy debug menu I use. It's very easy to break things with it though, and you might need to start a new game."

    4. Thanks for writing this up.

    5. When you've expanded the variables object in the Console using the drop-down little arrow, you can actually just double-click on any of the values to edit them right there and then hit Enter to commit the change, without having to type out window.SugarCube.State.variables = ... (alternatively, if you are doing it that way, the window. prefix is not needed).

    6. Also note that any changes you make in the Console will be undone if you follow a "Back" link in the game immediately afterward, so you need to back out of screens like Traits, Characteristics or Statistics before editing. This is because SugarCube/Twine makes a snapshot of all variables each time you click a link on any page, and when you follow a "back" link it is actually taking you to the previous snapshot.

  56. Is there a text file for planner suggestions of future updates or justement suggestions people gave you?

    1. There's only a todo list in notepad, but I intend to make a proper roadmap.

    2. Looks like you're using notepad++ have you tried using vim? It's going to help you in the long run when your project gets prohibitively large.

    3. I'm using the Twine GUI mostly, but I think your advice still applies.

  57. Not right now. I know it needs improving.

  58. Every so often, the game claims that The way you're dressed, people will think you're a boy!, even when I am wearing obviously girl clothing like a sundress. This is /as/ a girl. It will just as strangely stop happening at some point. I wish I could narrow down the trigger, but it seems to do with towels as it mostly happens after the beach or school when I am borrowing clothes.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I think I've found the issue and should have it fixed in the next update.

  59. how many traits exist?

  60. any ETA at the new update?

  61. I'm sorry-
    I know there's a lot of people ask questions daily but-
    I'd happy if you can help me.
    I heard many people said Robin will confess their love or something but..this never happen for me. I have been helping him with his lemonade stand and play games with him. I also helped pay his weekly pay. But still no new event. Did I miss something??

    1. Sounds like you've covered everything, except maybe increasing his lust. It doesn't need to be too high.

      I'm hoping to have a relationship page in the next update which will let you see where you stand with him. Still working on it though.

    2. I see, I see.
      Thank you!!
      Thank you so much for your reply.

      Ah,that would be extremely helpful. I wish you good luck!

    3. You're welcome and thank you!

    4. I had a similar problem, it turned out their trauma level was too high and I needed to Talk to them until it was low enough.

  62. Probably when Ulithium_Dragon or some other kind anon provides a sprite for it. Also, anal has a visual already.

  63. I'm planning on making it myself (though I wouldn't say no to help) but not sure when. Soonish, maybe after the new clothing system is in.

  64. A comment mentioned a to-do list for the game. I am curious to read it but I can't find it.

    1. I've kept it private. I'll share the roadmap once I've finished it.

    2. ah, I see.

      Still the game i really fun and promising :D

    3. Thank you, I'm glad you think so!

    4. I agree! This game has a lot of potential to grow! I love watching it change.

  65. hey vrelnir, i hope you can add new monster sprites too it would be awesome and put some mutation infection of becoming a monster in your future content... - ejmuerte

    1. There won't be any transformations much more extreme than the current ones. More sprites for "enemies" are planned though, including some more monstrous ones.

  66. Hey ! You should probably open a discord to update people more easily and to allow us to talk to each other ! Between fans of the game this might be good !
    I know you already got the advice, but I'd really like to join one of those !

    1. I'd be happy to set one up if it's something people want.

    2. -3
      I don't want anything to do with that proprietary crap. Try matrix or tox.

    3. +1+2+3-3+4=7

      Yay math!

    4. Okay. I'll sort something after I've gotten out.

      On the subject of the next update, it's still several hours away. I'm working hard!

    5. -12
      I'm not paranoid, you're just complacent on being a bootlicker.

    6. -1

    7. Anyone have any idea what this anti-discord blathering twit is on about?

    8. That's great Vrelnir thanks a lot !

  67. Tiny, tiny sort of possible cosmetic issue: I noticed that, on the map, the icon for the Mansions street seems to be a steaming cup of some kind of (presumably hot) beverage, and the icon for the Cafe street looks like a stately home, and I was wondering if maybe those were accidentally backwards? Again, tiny issue, just thought maybe nobody's pointed it out yet.

    1. Look at this guy who doesn't live in a mug. How's it feel to be part of the 1%, Mr. "I can afford a roof"?

    2. No, no, I totally understand the plight of you mugdwellers (or whatever the "politically correct" term for you people is), I was just wondering why that was the icon for the posh district.

    3. Those icons represent unimplemented content. The steaming cup is going to represent a hot spring. Sorry for the confusion.

    4. Ohh, I see. No problems, just thought you might have got them backwards and didn't notice or something.

  68. Is more content planned for characters like Eden and Robin in a later release, or are they finished for the most part?

  69. i can't get mega to let me dl the games, i just get a blank page that doesnt do anything

    1. I should upload it to more than one location really.

      Anywhere specific you'd like to dl it from?

  70. When is the next update?

    1. I'm finishing it up. It's always hard to predict how long this'll take, but I'm not stopping until it's done.

  71. Will we see more vore creatures in future updates? Id love to see the addition of a frog and some other water creature so its not just the whale and the snake.

    1. Yes, there's more vore creatures planned for the future.

  72. is there going to be an update today?
