
Saturday 6 October 2018


This update adds the deviancy stat, new events and new sprites. Thanks for your feedback.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: There's a gamebreaking bug with the deviancy 3 action involving dolphins. Avoid it for now.

Patch Notes
Added the Deviancy stat, which functions like promiscuity and exhibitionism.
Deviancy increases when you perform acts marked as "deviancy". They all involve beasts.
Added deviancy options to several already existing events.
The wolf cave is notably untouched by the above, and will be developed in a future update.
You can now be interrupted while masturbating in the garden.
Added a new event taking place on the streets or in alleys.
Added a new event taking place at sea.
Dresses and bikinis now have a more appropriate sex sprite, art courtesy of Ulithium_Dragon.
Added a colour key to the characteristics, traits etc. pages.
An NPC will now attempt to blackmail the PC if their sexual fame gets too high.
If the PC fails to fulfill their demands or escapes the situation, they can fulfill the demands for pay instead.
Added a new option when blackmailing the headteacher, only available in some circumstances.
PCs famous mainly for consensual sex with humans can take control during the announcement board scene.
Added a map to the text only version.
Added four outfit slots at the wardrobe alongside casual and school.

Balance Changes
Moved the "Close Wardrobe" button to the top of the wardrobe.
Increased the fame required to enable the announcement board scene.
The announcement board scene will only happen if the blackmailer's demands aren't met.
Note that the for old saves the announcement board scene will not trigger a second time, but otherwise the sequence will proceed as normal.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an error occurring when caught crossdressing.
NPCs involved in the glory hole event at the brothel should no longer be able to teleport into your room.
Fixed a bug causing Whitney to hang out at the school gates much more frequently then intended.
Fixed a bug breaking some text during tentacle encounters.
Putting on an outfit after sleeping will no longer wear an item that was destroyed.
You should no longer lose the option of dressing casually or for school if the default clothing is lost.
Fixed a bug causing waist aprons to inherit the damage of your bikini bottoms.
Fixed a gamebreaking bug that could occur if you were caught exposed on the beach with your arms bound.
Fixed a bug causing NPC's change their perception of your when inappropriate.
Fixed a bug causing an hour to pass if caught masturbating during maths.
Fixed a bug that would leave you naked when getting dressed after swimming class.
Fixed a bug preventing security from being alerted if you stole a crystal from the compound following an encounter with tentacles.
The close up images won't display if the body part in question is not exposed.

Edited for clarity.


  1. Oh boy, these updates are so frequent and I get a little excited every time. Keep up the excellent work.

  2. Thanks for the update can't wait to play it!

  3. Hi Vrelnir, I seem to be experiencing a bug with this update, as no matter what I set my school outfit as, my character just doesn't get dressed after getting out of bed. He just keeps wearing whatever he was wearing when asleep (e.g. his jammies or nothing at all)
    thank fr reeadin

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out. Is this a new save or one from

    2. It was a save from that I loaded on

    3. I experienced the same problem with a file made on the new version. I also had a problem where I'd set an outfit (including a school outfit) and when I selected to wear that school outfit when I got up, it dressed me in what I was wearing before bed.

  4. i love how often you update this game <3. Is there any way to get skuldugery exp C+, other than being found in the compound and bluffing ? , if this sis the only way it will take me a million days to get that level up.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. You're not really meant to get your skulduggery higher than that, as the content for it isn't finished! The mansions and compound are the end game of skulduggery for now.

  5. It's been planned for a long time. That said, while this update expands that side of things it also makes it a bit less brutal. Generally.

  6. Only acts marked as deviancy or sex acts in consensual encounters raise it. It kinda works like promiscuity, but with beasts.
    You need deviancy 2 unlocked before you'll have options available with wolves in the forest, and the wolf cave doesn't make use of it at all yet.

    Sorry, I should have been clearer in the patch notes.

  7. Do worms actually exist anywhere? Or is it all in name only?

    1. They exist in a few places, though none super easy to find.

    2. Any clues as to where? OR if there are requirements for them? Get normal parasites but have tried copious times at the woods, beach, park, garden even sewers and never encountered them.

    3. Hiding in a crate in the park has a chance of encountering them. You can find them in science class if your science skill is high enough. You can also encounter them in the dungeon, which you'll be sent to if you fail to pay Bailey three times.

    4. Cheers - I had been curious for a while now and nobody else I asked knew. Keep up the good work, man - still finding hidden little things here and there that really add a lot of surprising depth to this game!

  8. How do you get rid of this discord cancer that is showing up on the sidebar on this site?

    1. You ignore it, since it does literally nothing to you. If you really can't handle seeing the name then stop being a pansy little bitch and go find an extension that hides it. The rest of us are tired of hearing your moaning.

    2. ''Look at me! I'm cool because I'm hating on something popular, ahaha yes!''Triggered anon

    3. I'm considering giving the Discord widget its own page as the sidebar can't be easily seen by people on android.

    4. I used ublock origin to block the element.
      >look at me I'm cool because I like shoving dicks in my ass.
      And I don't want to see you shoving dicks in your ass. Is that so much to ask?
      The reasons why I am not using it is because it is proprietary and that it disrespects its useds privacy. I already have government and private institutions trying to push proprietary software for so called "improved functionality" and now I have to deal with indie game developers and idiots such as (you) being fooled into buying into the scheme.
      Thanks Vrelnir for work on your game, I appreciate it.

    5. >everything free is like that
      "free" as in gratis, not necessarily. Free as in free software almost never.
      >Just shut the fuck up it doesn't concern you what the rest of us do
      Except when it does. It's not my fault that the dev placed discord on the sidebar, and the community shilling for it in the comments. And the software being forced down other peoples mouths because of "popular demand".

    6. Ohhh no the word discord is on a sidebar. This affects me so much wahh I'm such a baby.

    7. That and it was also trying to connect to and whenever you load this webpage.

  9. hey thanks for the update :) Is the delinquency rise when you follow the headmaster for e few shot intended? It seems illogical to me; after all you obey the one who make the school rules

    1. It is a bug, thanks for letting me know.

  10. Vrel what's your opinion on the "supernatural" parts of the setting? As it stands nobody really gives a fuck about your wolfears or angel wings, I assume that's to come?
    What I'm asking is, is this an urban fantasy setting, or just quirky realism?

    1. I want it to be ambiguous. The majority of the supernatural elements require one of the hallucination traits to appear. The ones that don't are so for gameplay reasons, like the transformations. I don't want people to need to traumatise their character to be able to transform.

      That said, other characters can notice the supernatural stuff. One of the teachers will react to your wolf ears, but think it's a hairband. Eden will scratch behind your ears, but doesn't mention them specifically. More like that is planned. Notably the temple should react to the angel and related tranformations.

    2. The problem is that the headband thing already points out others can see your wolf ears, regardless of your trauma or hallucination status, even if he thinks nothing of it.
      I just think that if you go with the "it's all in your head route" you're sacrificing a lot of consistency for realism which is already more or less absent.

    3. I want to convert the temple to worship chitulu. Also how would you think a Posadist theme wedding and waterbirth with a dolphin complete with nukes and aliens?

  11. While moving the Close Wardrobe button to the top is a positive change, I must say it's not that useful when the button for leaving the changing rooms of the beach and the brothel are still on the bottom of the page.

    And since I'm already talking about quality of life improvements, I'd really love if you could come up with another disposition for the buttons in the sidebar. Having to constantly scroll up and down to navigate options and look at the time feels pretty awkward, especially when there's so much blank space to the right of the screen.

    Please don't take my nitpicking for bitching, as your game is great. Thanks papa Vrelnir.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions. Fixing the beach and brothel changing rooms should be easy.

      I've been thinking about the UI lately and how there's a little too much info crammed into the sidebar. Especially considering future plans that are only going to make that worse.

      Nitpicking is fine and you're welcome!

  12. I've noticed two bugs, present in both the 1.15 and 1.16 versions.

    When being spanked by the headmaster, two other people will show up and attack during the spanking, only to vanish when the spanking finishes.

    When seducing the faamily man on the beach, he will turn into Robin during the sex scene and change back after orgasm.

    It's minor but annoying.

    1. Cheers. I believe I've found and fixed the causes.

    2. Yay! All Hail Vrelnir, Deity of Lewd-World!

  13. Hold it ...

    I just got done reading through the bug fixes, and it mentions "the glory hole event in the brothel"

    What glory hole event? How did I miss that? How do I access that??

    1. Try whoring yourself out in the pub for a while.

  14. I can't figure out how to avoid getting "meek".

    1. I think that happens when you do a lot of purple (submissive) things during encounters. I've also found it hard to avoid, but doing more red (defiant) actions helps, as does becoming a wolf-person (wolf-persons naturally become more defiant over time).

    2. Anon is right, but meek actions also bring it on and bratty actions help prevent it.

    3. I don't think i understand it, are all purple actions submissive?

    4. Yes, but they're considered assertive instead if the encounter is consensual, and won't bring on meekness unless you select submissiveness at the end.

  15. Can you turn the tables on Whitney, as of this update? Or is the relationship purely with the PC being the sub, currently?

    1. You can't bully or dom Whitney as it stands.

  16. So, I've played a bit, but I have been unable to figure out how to get the angel/demon stuff, and I have no idea where the compound is or how to get there. Any help would be appreciated~

    1. You need to be a virgin for one, and also be completely pure. (Purity needs to say 'You are angelic'. Basically that means you need to avoid ANY cum 'in' your body, sooo... better stick to handjobs/footjobs)
      Satisfy that and the angel transformation will rise slowly on a daily basis.

    2. Masturbating to orgasm also lowers purity.

      The demon tf is less developed than the others but can be achieved by reaching minimum purity and staying there for several weeks. It's easiest if you're a fallen angel. Unlike other tfs fallen angel doesn't preventing the demon tf from triggering.

      The compound can be unlocked by thieving on Connudatus Street and choosing to stay inside a car when given the option.

  17. Nice, thank you for the updates and the game itself! :)
    I have a question I have to ask you...
    Will there be female animals on the game? Female dogs, for example.

  18. Assuming the position and allowing a wolf to mount me causes my sense of control to be shattered, is this a bug?

    1. No. An encounter can't be consensual if the other party doesn't care about your consent, and the wolf intended to assault you. Assuming the position has another potential benefit.

      It's been asked about a few times though so there may be changes.

    2. If both parties express their desire for the sexual act to occur, then the encounter is per definition consensual regardless of whether one of the parties cares about consent. Consent can be given regardless of whether or not it is asked.

      That being said, there is a difference between "not resisting" and "wanting it to happen". Maybe "Assume Mating Position" should remain non-consensual and there should be an additional option (something like "Invite it to mate" or "Entice it to mate with you") that requires 5 or 6 deviancy and makes the encounter count as consensual.

    3. Thanks for your thoughts and the idea Flutterby.

  19. ¿How do you transform into an angel ? , i am a 32 days virgnin, is there any reward for that ?

    1. Keeping your virginity is the right track. You also need to keep your purity at max or it'll start to decay. It's possible you'll see your halo soon.

  20. There is a bug . when i try going home by the sewers , if i get attacked by a lizard then i get attacked gain and again , endless loop of beating it and:
    "You are within the storm drain system, being pulled along by the rushing water.

    A shadow in the water moves towards you."

    This is the second time i have bee affecte by this bug, time to load again :/

    1. from the storm drain system , going to "Comercial Drain System" , i have castity belt on. Endless loop of lizzard attack

    2. Thanks. I'll look into it. It sounds like a bug I fixed some time ago. I wonder if it's a different thing just rare, or if I broke it again.

  21. Ate you susspose to lose your sense of control with deviancy checks?

  22. What is the difference between Darryl thinking you are inspiring or delightful? Which one is better?

    1. They both mean they like you. Inspiring means they have a low dominance towards you, and delightful means they have a neutral dominance.

    2. Don't tell me *what*, but, does Darryl's attitude *do* anything in the present version? Unlock any events? At present, she'll occasionally sit at the bar and not want to talk about stuff (and then I intervene anyway, like the pure virgin angel hero of justice that I am), but I haven't seen any other opportunities to interact with her now that I've been hired for both positions.

      I saw her attitude change after a few timely rescues and got excited, but so far nothing seems different because of it.

    3. It changes little at the moment, just a very minor dialogue change during an event.

  23. I have a lot of questions I hope you can bare with it.
    Firstly, it's my first time hearing this announcement board and glory hole event. What is it about?
    And how do you make yourself lewd enough to take the apron job?
    Secondly,how to raise your relationship with your teacher?
    And finally, is it going to be harder to blackmail Leighton now?

    1. The announcement board occurs if your fame gets high enough, mainly by having your picture taking during lewd acts.
      The glory hole event occurs if you whore yourself at the pub ten or more times. Someone doesn't take kindly to it.
      Stripping in the bathrooms at school, and/or while dancing will get your exhibitionism up fairly quickly.
      It's not any harder to blackmail Leighton than it was in the past.

    2. Sorry, but I got another problem. Probably a bug. Everytime I raise my exhibitionism to You like being sexualize it will turn to You are shy back everytime I check the Characteristic menu.

    3. That's bizarre. I'm aware of a bug that can cause this if you're swimming in the sea when you check the menu. Where in the game are you when it happens?

    4. Well, I restarted so during day 0, I went out to the park, Men's toilet.

  24. I accidentally turned myself into a succubus? How did I do that?

    1. By being a very naughty girl.

    2. Obviously - I managed to get a maximum of 15 school bathroom gangbangs in one day. Just what is the threshold?

    3. Minimum purity for several weeks, or minimum purity while having the fallen angel trait.

    4. Thank you. But I still intend to try and beat my previous gangbang record.

      Excellent game, my friend.

    5. Hello mister succubus anon man, can you teach me your secrets? I'd love to know how to trigger this so-called school gangbang.

    6. Go in the wrong bathroom with at least 2 promiscuity.

    7. Or you can do it by crossdressing. Pick which gender you want to abuse you, and wear the opposite underwear. Panties into the boy's room or briefs into the girl's room. Take off your shirt and bottom but keep your underwear on and it should make them think you're the opposite gender. If your exhibition is high, you can sneak in and out, or you can just use masturbate and then immediately cancel it. Either of these can trigger the "Hey, whose clothes are these" event. If they think you're the opposite gender, they'll tell you to come out, and if you comply, the same situation happens without having to get promiscuity up.

  25. Hey I got some problems I've never seen anyone else mention. Had a bug these past few versions where clothes you're still wearing become invisible on your sex sprite whenever you're interacting with a penis (Just tested it, happens with footjobs and oral penetration, but I'm certain the bug is for all other interactions that involve your sprite and cocks touching you too). When the penis is just floating there away from the character, the issue doesn't happen, only when it's rubbing against or in something. I don't know if this is just on my end or if somehow nobody mentioned this, but I'm positive it never used to do this.

    Another thing that I'm not sure is intentional - the kid in History who makes you suck his dick might need a 1-turn nerf, as he penetrates you after only one turn and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. Maybe add a 'cover mouth' or 'clench jaw' option that stops oral but increases anger later. It just seems weird that this kid can insta-rape you when so many others can't.

    One last thing, maybe it's because it's a Whitney event, but audiences don't seem to have any special dialogue when you're being smothered by a pussy, it just says normal bully dialogue. I tested the same scene where you're forced into blowing Whitney with them as a male instead, and the audience did in fact comment on the dick in the mouth but nothing for the pussy.

    Good luck.

    1. The clothes disappearing from the sprite is because the animated versions of those clothes aren't finished yet. I know it's not ideal and want to fix it soonish.

      I didn't realise the kid in history could penetrate the first turn like that. I may have changed something in the combat system and never updated the event to compensate.

      Audiences not commenting on your pussy eating is a bit of an oversight. I'll think about changing that.

      Thanks a bunch.

  26. Well, Vrelnir, looks like you finally did something to make me have to start a new game. I already had the announcement board scene, so it looks like its back to the beginning with me. Oh well, maybe I can do a true purity run this time now that there is something to get out of it. The save I've been using is older than both Robin and the angel transformation and I started out just to see how long I could remain a virgin. I didn't get through more than a month back then before they finally got me due to the statuses that render the PC immobile.

    1. I remember your adventures with your old save. For what it's worth, you won't miss any content if you continue with it. The NPC will attempt to blackmail you, just they won't go through with it if you don't give in (as you've already seen that scene.) The potential follow up from there should still work.

    2. I think its about time, anyway. I'll keep my current save since I already have the demon transformation and all that, but I still haven't gotten to see the angel one since the save I've been using was already non virgin by the time angel was added. Maybe I'll go the defiant route this time as well so I have saves with both sides of all the mutually exclusive stuff.

    3. I just thought of something, I can reset the announcement board flag using the browser console so it acts as if it hasn't been triggered. That would allow this save to go through that event while I also get my other saves up to transformation status with the angel and wolf transformations.

    4. The flag is schoolfameboard. Set it to 0.

    5. Yeah, I found it by complete chance because Chrome's console has that auto fill feature that suggests variables in game based on what you type.

  27. Never met Darryl in this save file, but they "look up to me".

    1. Actually, never mind, i got my saves mixed up sorry.

  28. Small question, but every once in a while, when going to sleep, I'll get the option to sleep up to 10 hours. Most of the time it's just 8. What is this?

    1. You have the option to sleep extra hours to compensate for your insomnia.

    2. Oh, makes sense. Thanks.

  29. After getting caught masturbating in class and "punishing" the girl who caught me, my school clothes vanished, leaving me wearing nothing but towels. Seems like a bug.

  30. I liked that change with moving "close the wardrobe" button to the top at home. Would it be possible to do the same with the changing room at the beach?
    Great to see that you keep pushing new things into the game, and it's nice to see that the game is getting more and more attention. Once you get in your planned things I'd love to see sex toys or just more stuff to spend ur money on in general. Already looking for what you will add in the next update.

    1. Thanks, I'm trying to keep the new content train fueled.

      Next update will make the same change to the other changing rooms. Sex toys are planned, as are more things to spend money on.

  31. Apart from that one event, is there any way to work a glory hole?

  32. Hello! I found this game a couple of days ago and absolutely love it. A few items of various sorts:


    1) I love the gameplay focus. Making a good game that happens to be a porn game automatically makes it better than games that focus too much on the porn first.

    2) You should consider a way to reward patrons without it becoming a big deal. Locking up versions behind a paywall sucks, but having a password-locked cheat menu would be fine (though it will get given out, so don't stress over it much.

    3) Sliders and options are great. If you add female animals, for instance, make sure it has it's own gender slider. Being able to control the kinks is very important to me.


    A) Getting out of the water at the beach seems a little strict, especially considering you can get out at the docks then run back to the changing room at the beach.

    B) A progress bar for status would be nice.

    C) A Fame stat visible somewhere would be nice.

    D) Working seduction in to the Brothel seems like a good idea. It is kind of weird that it isn't. Also, if there is a mechanic there for how to get customers without triggering the gang rape, it should be spelled out somewhere ;)

    E) A few of the Deviancy acts with dogs shatter your confidence when they probably shouldn't. In fact, some seem like they should get the "assertive" bonuses. Maybe.

    F) It would be really nice if you could tell how damaged clothing was in the shop. Just having the description in the red "this will replace" text would work. A dressing room there would also be nice.

    G) A few sex/combat actions are kind of mysterious. Mainly Moan, but a few others are also not obvious.

    H) More ways to convince people to accept some acts over others would be good. This feels like a place Seduction could come in.

    In any case, great game. My patreon pledge is locked in ;)

    1. Hello!

      1) I'm glad to hear that. I noticed the lewd games I like the most blend the porn and gameplay together, and have a lot of interactivity. I've tried to do the same in DoL.

      2) I'm considering ways to reward patrons. I worry something like a cheat menu would upset people, though it wouldn't be hard to get around as you say. It's something I should ask my patrons about. Or people who play the game in general even.

      3) Animals will have their own gender slider for sure.

      A) I guess it could have an exhibitionism requirement.

      B) Okay!

      C) I'm thinking about that. I'd originally intended it to be hidden but I'm not sure that's best.

      D) There's more I want to do with the brothel, dancing shouldn't be the only way to get customers. I agree that the trigger for the gang rape should be clearer.

      E) My thinking was those deviancy options wouldn't turn a rape consensual, they'd instead give a chance to avoid them. I don't think this works as far as gameplay is concerned though so I'm going to make adjustments. An advantage of releasing updates quite frequently is I can get feedback on things like that before I get too deep.

      F) That's a good idea, thanks.

      G) Alright. I'll think about how that can be improved.

      H) I do want the combat/sex system to be more robust in that way.

      As for your other post:

      I) I know. It's so female characters with dicks and tentacles disabled can still lose their virginity, but I intend to change it at some point.

      J) Cheers for the feedback.

      Thanks so much for your support!

    2. A) It only seems weird because you can sneak back to the changing room by going the long way. It should probably be a +Stress option, at best.

      E) I am only just started messing with them, but it seems like the current implementation is that they take it from a "maybe rape you can fight off" to "mount me, doggie".

      G) Moan is the easiest to fix. Just toss a couple more words into the trait description "... which does xyz". I'm just confused right now because I have Kiss and Moan as submissive actions that appear to be the same deal. Unless the only difference is that Moan gets trait bonuses from English...

      I) I figured. It is just odd ;)

    3. Please don't suggest any Patreon cancer. This game (and its development) is a true oasis in a desert of bullshit, regarding the porn game scene.
      Of course, Vrelnir should be free to make money out of his work if he so desires, but I can't see his Patreon going anyway but worse, from what it is now.

    4. A few people ended up just locking away everything. I'm mostly thinking of Amazon Brawl; after Toffi started their new project; they have just added a password to the Zip files :c

      Heroine rumble went from being a normal game with a steady release scheduled; then the dev ended up adding a censored mode too it, and started locking content behind his patreon. It wouldn't have been so bad if it had started that way; but suddenly changing from one version to the next was jarring and I totally lost interest; I imagine other people did to.

      But at the same time; I really get it. You want to thank people for donating to such a small project. Its like; sprites and twine and stuff and I think that is what really made it stand out to me. It's so simple but sort of deep and I've been shilling it to my lewd friends. I literally spent more time playing DoL this week then I was playing monster hunter world! There has to be some sort of way to show your appreciation. Shout outs in the credits if they want their handles there; just as an example.It's a really tough call whatever you do.

  33. Hey, what about adding a glory hole in the bathroom at the park or at school (or even at home) where you can go whenever you want and earn some money doing handjobs and blowjobs?

    1. Glory holes are planned. Still deciding where they should be but that's a sound idea.

  34. Whoops, forgot a couple:

    I) Having your hymen torn by a tongue is just weird fingers are not strange, but a tongue?

    J) It would be really nice if the dressing room told you what top/bottom/etc you are wearing on a smaller android screen, the sidebar is less useful.

    1. Agreed on the tongue thing. That was a weird reason to have to load my game.

  35. So what other consensual event is at deviancy level three other than the dolphin?

    1. That's currently the only consensual one. There's another deviancy 3 action in the forest.

    2. No, but thanks for the reminder.

    3. Is there any deviancy level four events apart from what's in the consensual encounters yet?

  36. Could I ask how to be a thief on Connudatus Street? For now it's only strip club there, I have low skulduggery though ;)

    1. The option should appear once you have D skulduggery.

    2. Thanks, I wonder though where can I train it, when there's no school? Just visiting houses? ;)

    3. Yep, if you can. Otherwise you'll need to sneak into school the back way.

    4. But in the free school days the lockers aren't for breaking in, it seems ;)

    5. Sorry, I completely forgot!

      I'll think about adding another way to practice skulduggery early on.

  37. Today i finally have the halo , is it rewarding at all ? , i don't see any new traits D: , or is this cosmetic only ?

    1. The transformation isn't complete until the wings appear, and you gain a new entry in the Traits page. Halo means you're getting close.

  38. So, after getting fallen angel my purity dropped big chunks daily without doing anything. But when I got to 'utterly defiled' it massively slowed down. Is this intentional?

    1. Yes. The gap between utterly defiled and the tier beneath is very wide.

  39. Hi! Just wanted to ask if there is planned to have another gender or a way to have both genitals? Thanks, and great job with this awesome game!

    1. A PC with both sets of genitals is planned.

      Thank you!

  40. i am an angel now , the trait is nothing special :c , is there any special event for being an angel ? , and ont h eother hand , who would pay some good cash for a virgin boy >:d

    1. You get the "forgive" action but there are no special events. There is one for Fallen Angel though.

      Characters buying your virginity isn't in the game yet I'm afraid.

    2. awww , transforming into an angel was a very hard work , and if you tried your best playing good the trauma isn't a problem.
      I would recomend giving forgive when you get the halo , and something better when you are an angel.

      I would recommend something like a "Dark Temple" where people want to sink the world in lust. the only place where you can accept group fuck. buy special toys etc. And you can sell your angel being there for good amount of cash. Also earning 2x there if you become a demon.

      i'll be keeping that save file for later updates , time to become a demon :D

    3. Thanks for the ideas and feedback. I want to do more with the angel and demon transformations at some point.

  41. Okay, so I just did the dolphin scene for the first time and... there was no continue option. It just locked. :(

  42. Is there any way to port saves to Android and back? Save file buttons are unavailable.

  43. So about the NPC skin colour slider ...

    If you set the light-skin slider for 70% and the dark-skin slider for 20%, does that mkean 10% of NPCs have ... no skin at all??

    1. Yep. Don't do that.

      Seriously though, they're proportions. I should make that clearer. It's set up that way ready for other tones later.

  44. I'm starting to wonder what Bailey is using 7400 australian dollars for each week...

    1. Yup. I figure in later versions we either pay them off and move out or otherwise conclude/change our relationship, but for now the scaling can get a bit weird with time.

  45. Something I've noticed is that if you strip off your swimsuit while swimming at the beach, you can immediately leave the water, but if you do anything else the option disappears. A little odd. Maybe make it an Exhibitionism check.

    The encounter rate in certain circumstances also seems to be really excessive. Like, if you try to strip in the park bathroom, or in the school when it's closed, you seem to get an encounter when leaving the park bathroom in the former, or returning for your clothes in the latter, 100% of the time, which makes it useless for trying to restore a sense of control. Perhaps it would be a good idea to add more sneaking options, and make hiding vs. moving slowly more determinative as to whether you get an encounter.

    1. There's a bug in the current version causing your exposure state to lag a turn behind what you're actually wearing. I'll have it fixed in the next update.

      Thanks for the feedback. More sneaking options sounds like a good way to improve it.

  46. I think it might be worth expanding on the squid scene and maybe add the option for it to escalate beyond teasing. I also think there should be more consensul deviancy options.

    1. For sure. There's plenty more I want to do with deviancy.

  47. I don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but, when seducing Eden in the bath, he starts by unzipping his fly. I believe this may be an error. Unless it says somewhere that Eden bathes fully-clothed and I skimmed over it, in which case, never mind.

  48. IMO an option to throw away ruined clothing would be great.

    1. Doesn't have any functional use though. You still have to get new ones at the shopping center if they are essential and taking them off at the bathroom and leaving them there does pretty much the same thing.

    2. Nevermind. If you have the autoreplace setting and have some clothes that is badly in need of replacing then it would be useful to get a new set of clothes without stepping outside.

    3. There may be an option to throw out unwanted clothing once the new clothing system is done.

  49. I can't see how much money I have on the android version. I'm on a Galaxy tab.

    Love the game so far!

    1. I'm happy to hear that!

      Thanks for the heads up.

  50. Will deviancy be one of those stats we have to maintain or will it lock when maxed?

    1. It won't lock. If it did you'd be unable to use it to regain control once maxed.

      I have plans to introduce a way to lock it though.

    2. So it will decay over time, got it.

  51. Is there nothing to raise skulduggery from B+ yet?

  52. How far can a student get with Leighton? I've never been able to get past kissing. Or am I missing something?

    1. You can't get further than that during detention at the moment.

      There is a way you can outside detention, but it requires high fame.

  53. How about increasing the impact of losing your anal/oral virginities as a male? Especially since you can't actually lose your penis virginity via non-con sex.

    1. You actually can. You need to be attacked by a woman, though.

  54. Trying to play a "no means yes" type of character, is Robin completely unable to penetrate you after you tell him not to or is it just really hard?

    1. Short of the encounter becoming nonconsensual, no NPC will will penetrate you if you've successfully asked them not to.

    2. That's what i was trying to do, but i can't seem to get him mad enough.

    3. Robin's trust is set so high it's pretty much impossible for an encounter with them to turn nonconsensual. Originally this was not the case, but Robin molesting the PC didn't fit very well.

    4. I've had a boy in the toilets penetrate me in a consensual encounter after I had taken the action to request otherwise.

      Sequence of events:

      1) Walk into boys' toilets (while at max Status and "a bad student," in case that matters)
      2) Suggest to the three boys there that some sexings wouldn't go amiss (the Promiscuity 2 action, I think)
      3) Consensual encounter begins with slim boy, lithe boy, and toned boy
      4) Say I don't want anything inside my special sacred ladyblossom, as I am a pure virgin angel
      5) Slim boy nods in agreement (green text), while lithe boy and toned boy go about their business
      6) [miscellaneous groping and moaning]
      7) Pure virgin lady orgasm
      8) During the spasms, toned boy decides to poke his sexy bits into my holy vagoo
      9) Tears, blood, and despair

      I can only assume this is not the intended functionality.

    5. It is not! Thanks for the heads up.

    6. 3 days later, I'm still giggling at "my holy vagoo."

  55. When do you think the next update is coming out? Please add two days to when you'll think you'll get it done so we're not waiting.

    1. Some time over the weekend.

    2. Usually there's 9-12 days between updates, so half the wait is already over.

    3. Wednesday, gottcha.

  56. Tiny error, but if your dancing at the beach party turns into a gangbang, men and women pull out cameras instead of boys and girls.

  57. What are the Deviancy 1 events? I know there is one in the orphanage garden and one in the alleyway, but they don't seem to trigger reliably. However, I'm using a save from a previous version which I'm guessing is the source of the problem?

    1. There are only three at the moment. There's another that can trigger in the sea.

  58. Just wanted to say that authority figures abusing their power is a big fetish of mine, so I welcome any more content involving teachers. I absolutely love the scenes with Leighton; well done on a whole.

  59. Would it be possible for android users to have a next at the top of the screen during sex encounters?

    1. It's something I'm looking into, but due to how encounters are set up it's not a simple change.

  60. I just wanted to say, one of the most efficient lines of dialogue in the whole game is: "the food is better here than at the orphanage."

    Breaks my heart every time.

    1. Not sure why this is displaying as "Unknown" instead of "Pepperjack." One of the mysteries of the internet.

    2. I'm glad to hear you think so. I think little pieces here and there is a good way to handle exposition in a fairly open game.

    3. Yup, this touches some strings in the heart;)
      I'd like to free Robin and be able to live with him separately or with Eden, with easier path from her cabin to school, and bring Bailey to justice :)

  61. will there be more Whitney content?
    best waifu
    also, what about Robin's and Eden's dominance?

  62. Thanks for all your hard work to this really cool game !
    I have a problem with purity. It keeps dropping (of course) and whatever I do, I cannot up it to 'utterly defiled'. I get gngbanged 10 times a day, have fluids dripping from all holes and for days, avoiding any water that could wash it all up, and nothing works. The only time my purity went from normal to 'slightly soiled' was when I got gangbanged by Whitney and 2 or 3 of his friends, but nothing works at the brothel, or anywhere else. Is it intended or am I doing something wrong?

    1. Lowering purity takes work and dedication.

      10 gangbangs a day just isn't cutting it. Going into the opposite-gender school toilet with Promiscuity 2 or more can get you a gangbang 50% of the time. My previous record was 15 school gangbangs, but that was just during lunch. If you show up 1 1/2 hours before school and stay 1 1/2 hours after school, you can grind the school toilets and get over 40 gangbangs a day without missing school (and no trauma!).

      Masturbation lowers purity. Staying in the tub at the Orphanage, you can masturbate for 3 game-hours a day (55-60 orgasms). Warning - this can cause mental problems.

      The brothel and beach-party gangbangs can also dramatically drop purity. As can tentacle rape. But those also have stress and trauma.

      And of course don't forget to whore yourself out aat every opportunity, all ejaculations on the inside, and don't wash it off!

      I don't know about beastiality's effect on purity. I'm not into kinky stuff.

      Good luck on your purity-elimination quest!

    2. Thanks for your help :)
      But that's the thing. I just tested with a gangbang at the brothel, and purity doesn't go down, on the contrary it got better. So I assume my game is bugged for some reason ?

    3. You're welcome and thanks!

      The anon gives good advice. It's possible there's bugs afoot though, I'll look into it.

  63. This isn't a bug, exactly, and I can imagine how a fix might be difficult to implement, but this still bothered me:

    I'm in Maths class, and some chick who thinks she's the second coming of Donald Trump gets handsy with me. This is my Badass Ginger file, not my pure yuri virgin angel, so I have access to the Demand action. I know from previous games (and from common sense, really) that getting into fights in class can get me detention, so I very carefully restrict my actions to:

    1) Fixing my skirt (with both hands)
    2) Demanding that she stop

    No punching, no kicking, I don't even *touch* this bitch. Yet, within one turn she's recoiling in pain -- presumably from the *force of my rhetoric* -- and there isn't a second turn because Mr. Rivers hears her boo-hooing and gives me detention for "assaulting another student." Excuse me, what?

    I mean, damn, if the punishment's the same either way, maybe next time I should jump straight to the sticks and stones!

    More seriously, I know this is just an issue of the game simulating Demand's deterrance as an increase in the Pain meter and then the event's code not caring (or even knowing, probably) which kind of action was used to end the encounter via Pain overflow. Even so, it would be nice if the event text could be made compatible with that sequence of events, even if only through a textual change to make the grounds for detention more ambiguous (rather than any alteration of the coding, necessarily).

    1. I mean, it would be *nice* if there were an alternate outcome if you managed to restrict your Defiant actions to mere speech, as opposed to physical violence, but I know this stuff is even less simple than it looks, so I hesitate to suggest that.

    2. That girl is a typical /pol/yp all bark and little bite, and she runs behind cops at the slightest provocation and cries murder.

    3. I know demand functioning like that leads to some strange moments. I intend to replace its effect with something more fitting.

      Having unique outcomes for restricting defiant actions to speech is a cool idea though, and feasible on a small scale.

      In the meantime, your character can cause physical pain with words alone.
