
Saturday 21 July 2018

Version 0.1.8

This update lets you touch yourself! Also rebalances and adds things that'll hopefully make consensual encounters more satisfying.

Thanks everyone who's helped me out or given advice. And thanks for the continued feedback.

Shout-out to dzn for taking on the herculean task of refactoring my clothing code and patiently explaining to me how JS works. May the gods have mercy on you.

Patch notes
Added progress bars and a percentage next to your skills on the characteristics page.
Added similar bars to the sidebar.
Submissive and meek acts are now considered "assertive" if the encounter is consensual.
Assertiveness can be spent at the end of an encounter to increase or decrease your submissiveness, decrease your trauma, or decrease your stress.
Added a simple event that can trigger when undressed in the playground during school hours.
The shop now sells tank tops. Art courtesy of Ulithium_Dragon.
Lizards now have their own sprite. Art also courtesy of Ulithium_Dragon.
You can now masturbate in various places. These usually have no requirement, but some need exhibitionism 3. Full on public masturbation isn't ready yet, but is coming.
The actions available when masturbating depend on your awareness stat. If you begin with a "knowledgeable" character, you'll have it all unlocked from the start.
A new exhibitionism 5 action on the beach during clear days.

Balance Changes
Submissive and meek acts no longer increase submissiveness during consensual encounters.
Most actions now decrease stress during consensual encounters.
Removed the trauma requirement from most promiscuous and exhibitionist actions.
Losing half an outfit with clothing rebuy enabled now charges you half the full amount.
Human NPCs make awareness rise much more quickly. Still caps at "You have a normal understanding of sexuality" without more exotic partners.

Bug Fixes
Leaving Danube mansions after stealing from them no longer puts you on Domus Street.
Fixed an issue with the image for thigh-length brown hair.
Fixed an issue with outfits not being put on properly if half was destroyed with clothing rebuy enabled.
Fixed an issue with Eden's garden not being weeded properly if you were interrupted during.
Fixed a bug that prevented stress and trauma from increasing properly due to extreme tiredness.
Fixed a bug preventing purity from regenerating properly.
Fixed a bug preventing awareness from increasing during consensual encounters.
Fixed a bug that caused NPCs asked to not stick anything in your ass to instead not stick anything in your vagina.
Fixed a bug letting you put a shield on a chastity belt even if you couldn't afford it.


  1. Seems like you still can't take off your clothes when stripping unless you've got some trauma built up. Seems like kind of an odd omission, since stripping generally involves, you know, stripping.

    1. I guess it's not surprising I missed some bits. I'll look there more closely.

  2. Also, after playing in the new version for four days, the cash registers at the shops still haven't respawned. Are the respawn delays supposed to be that long?

    1. They respawn weekly I'm afraid.

      0.1.9 will focus on fixing up skulduggery a bit.

  3. I like the way that development is going. Here's some feedback since you seem to be concerned about making sure that things scale well into the lategame.

    Since you put in skill decay, I'm assuming that you want to make it so that players don't just grind to max skill early in the game and then trivially succeed at all tasks forever. The problem with this approach is that it makes it a struggle for players in bad situations to maintain *any* level of skill before it all drains away. Progress bars will help make this more clear and less frustrating, but it's still counterintuitive for a master lockpicker to completely forget her skills in any length of time. Consider implementing the following periodic event instead:

    "You hear that a major locksmithing company is advertising a new harder-to-pick lock design. It seems you'll need to learn a few new tricks to deal with that."

    This event would only fire for high-skill skullduggers and would lower their skill grade a bit. Low-level skullduggers would never see it, because it's not like places with cheap locks would be upgrading to the newest model anyway. Dancing could have an equivalent event ("the public's taste in dancing styles is changing" or somesuch). It wouldn't make much sense for swimming, so it might be better to keep the current constant skill decay there (but the decay should probably stop below mid-level). This way, keeping some basic level of skill is easy once you invest time in it, but you need to continually invest more time to be able to handle the high-level stuff.

    I've also seen some talk here about how it would add a sense of progression for sexual events to get more extreme over time. Once there's enough content to support it, it might be a good idea to redo the map so that in the early game, the entire gameplay loop can take place on the safe side of town. Then, as the rent cost increases, it becomes necessary to go to more dangerous places to keep up. The more dangerous places would also have more extreme content.

    1. The skullduggery skill doesn't actually decay, though? The only skills that decay are your physique (because if you don't exercise at all you're going to get out of shape)and your school subjects (because if you don't study you fall behind the rest of the class). It would probably help new players if the game explained that in some way.

      My big issue with skill decay is that your school subjects decay even on days when there's no school. It makes sense that you'd lose subject experience if it's a school day and you're not attending/paying any attention, since you fall behind the rest of the class. However, on days when there's no school, no one else is going to be studying either, so you shouldn't fall behind by not studying. I personally feel that either the school subjects shouldn't decay when there's no school, or there should be a one-hour action called 'do homework' which should restore enough of all the school subjects to counteract the decay that you could do every day when there's no school.

    2. Great update !
      You still need to work more on the stuck in wall scene. I dont get how they can muffle the PC's mouth or scratch her neck

    3. I do want more profitable ventures to be more risky. I also want to rework how school grades improve/decay. I know it's strange that you have to break into the school if you want to study at weekends.

      I've made a note about fixing the wall scenes.

  4. Loving this update, very fun!

    I experienced the spider event for the first time today, and noticed some weird things about it. First, after the ceiling collapsed and the encounter ended, I was wearing a towel with my school skirt, instead of the school shirt I had been wearing before. Also, while you've done a great job with making sure the options you chose stay chosen each turn, there's a bit of an issue with it in the spider event. Even though I kept choosing to cover my chest, each turn the left arm would default to pulling spiders out of my ass and the right would default to pulling them off my penis.

    The only other instance I've noticed where something like this occurs is when Apologizing to someone. I could understand if the apology worked and your attacker was no longer angry, but I've experienced situations where the attacker ignored my apology, and the default mouth action was Plead, even though Apologize was still an option.

    Otherwise, everything looks great! I'm enjoying the new meters and the bonuses from being submissive in consensual encounters. Is it likely that you'll include an option for your character removing their own clothes in combat? I can see them wanting to take off their nice dress so their attacker doesn't rip it to shreds, because honestly that can be expensive if automatic replacements is on.

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

      I'm aware there's a lot wrong with swarm encounters currently. I need to take the time out to fix them up.

      That you can't yet take your own clothes off during encounters is a bit strange I agree.

  5. Really nice update. The progress bars gives you a nice oversight on your stats and let's you know when you can make that one last extra push to get a higher rank in something. I also really like the new "Choose your upgrade" type of choice after an encounter as it feels a lot more like an RPG mechanic, if that makes sense? Masturbation is a good addition to help get rid of excess lust after an encounter and thank you for removing the trauma requirement from exhibitionist/promiscuous actions.

    Might give a couple of suggestions though, if you don't mind. During a sexual encounter, consensual or otherwise, you yourself can't really remove your own clothes. Having to wait for the NPC can either be instant or never happen at all so it would be nice to have control over that yourself.

    A topic that's brought up a lot is the decaying school subjects. You can keep the decay, but perhaps have a Grace period in which the skills do not decay at all? For example, a one or two day Grace period in which your skills remain as they are before starting to decay? You could of course increase the decay a bit to balance having this, though, players don't take increased losses kindly so I'll leave that decision up to you.

    Also, I decided to test out the Futanari NPC's a bit, but it seems they don't actually have both a penis and vagina. They only have a penis. Do you plan on making it possible for them to have both?

    And one last, more or a request, thing. I've seen you plan on letting the PC be a Futanari at some point in the future. I'm just wondering if there will be bullying specifically for that? I personally find the thought of a young futanari girl being (possibly sexually) bullied for being different fun for some sadistic reason...

    1. Glad you like the update.

      Both the inability to remove your own clothes and decaying school grades are things I've heard about a lot from players, and I do intend to improve them.

      I plan on allowing npcs to have both genitals, but I want to fix up the weirdness with npcs contorting themselves first. Having both sets of equipment on one npc would make that much worse.

      When futa PC is in, it would be remiss of me to not include some sort of acknowledgement or even bullying due to it.

    2. I personally like the decaying stats, they give you something to do - an issue with some RPGs like this one is once you get to a point of being godlike in skills, you just wait around do nothing - which feels unnatural. Besides, they're really not that difficult to keep up, I've actually fairly easily kept up peak physique, A grades, and on good relations with students and teachers alike.

      If there's any advice I can give it's to first lower some encounter rates. Animals, for example, are extremely annoying and many times grind the gameplay to a halt, so much so that they're the one thing I have turned off. More to do during your day would be nice, but that's not saying much. One thing I would really like to see is PC having maybe keep up a social life? Maybe something along the lines of creating "groups" the character could align themselves with, mainly at school. It feels kind of weird that outside of a few events at school the PC appears to be totally friendless.

  6. So, having played the new update, I have a few thoughts about the current state of the game.

    First of all, the stress damage from rape encounters seems very high. No matter how basic the encounter it is, how 'leveled up' your character is or how you choose to act, you always seem to get a lot of stress from them, making it nearly impossible to get through more than a few encounters in a row without risking collapse.

    Second, the 'multiple consecutive orgasms' thing makes some encounters (particularly crowd or tentacle encounters) extremely difficult to get through, since your stress absolutely shoots up and you're unable to do anything in response.

    Third, even with maxed out physique, you get tired extremely fast by doing things like dancing and swimming. If you play a very active character, you sometimes need to sleep for almost 16 hours a day, which is way too much even for a child.

    And even with maxed physique, trying to get out of most encounters by fighting is near impossible.

    I still feel like this game could use an 'endurance' stat, which you could raise to reduce tiredness gains, reduce the negative effects of orgasm and increase pain tolerance.

    I also feel that a lot more of the incidental trauma/stress increasing events should have a way for a suitably promiscuous/exhibitionistic character to respond positively. Like if someone touches you in school, you should be able to touch them right back, or responding to a lewd look by flirting/showing off, or even propositioning the people who fondle you in the bus.

    Finally, some of the actions in the sex encounters are a bit awkward. For one thing, it's almost impossible to get anyone to do anything with your breasts, since you can only do it if they move their penis near your mouth but not up to it, and moving your mouth to their penis skips past that stage, making it very hard to level up your 'breasts' sex skill. I feel you should be able to freely choose to rub your breast against a penis the same way you can do with hands and feet. And maybe also have the ability to move your nipple to their mouth if your chest is naked and their mouth is free? It would certainly make things easier for breastplay enthusiasts.

    Also, there seriously needs to be a way for the PC to initiate penetration. Just something as simple as letting the character push down on a penis that's near their pussy/ass to put it in would make sex encounters a lot more dynamic.

    Other than that, I must say I'm loving the new update. The changes to consensual encounters really add a lot to the game, and make a lot of sense both from a gameplay and a story perspective.

    1. I just want to second all of this. The rate at which stress accumulates is pretty crazy, with no real way to mitigate it, and tiredness takes F O R E V E R to recover from, when really, 10 hours of sleep should be enough to get you from 0 -> 100.

      And yeah, physique currently seems largely pointless as you can't actually fight back in the grand majority of encounters. I get that that's the kind of game it is, but it still just makes the whole thing feel kind of... irrelevant, really.

      An endurance stat would help so much, possibly with all of the above problems. At some point it just makes sense for the PC to be able to take more licks and keep on ticking. It's a relatively small change that would have major (and, IMO, positive) effects on the gameplay as a whole.

    2. Currently stress rises almost passively during encounters, as almost everything you do or have done to you has some stress impact. This might be fine for new characters, but I've decided there should be some way for more seasoned characters to avoid most of it, only suffering stress due to more major violations. I'm not yet sure how to implement this however.

      Maybe there should be a "grace" period following an orgasm, so you don't become completely disabled for long periods. Not sure.

      The tiredness mechanic is a bit unrealistic. It's supposed to be the reason (along with washing) you need to return to the orphanage. Or Eden's cabin now. I think the balance is off, you shouldn't be gaining that much tiredness from doing a lot of exercise, but there's a deeper problem with it I need to think about more.

      More love for breasts is planned.

      Thanks for your thoughts!

  7. Enjoying the game, great work.

    It seems kinda silly that none of the enemies take your money. In the course of stripping the pc they never notice the fat wad of hundreds or even thousands in cash in your pocket, or hand, or wherever?

    A system for storing money could be interesting, with different levels of risk depending where it was. On your person would be the most dangerous long term.
    In your room the second most, since anyone who lives there could walk in and grab it.
    A bank account set up after you buy an ID would be safe from random ruffians, but bailey as your guardian could probably access it. So could the police if they want to fine you, the hospital if they want to bill you, etc.
    Hiding spots in the alleys or sewers would be unlikely to be discovered if you only went to them under cover of darkness, but the trick would be getting to and from them unharmed.
    The safest place would also be the least accessible, buried in the deep woods.

    1. While I can see what you're getting at here, I think that in practice this would turn into an enormous pain in the ass for players. Lots of frustration and time wasting with basically no reward beyond maybe a tiny boost to immersion. Unless you find elaborate money protection schemes to be particularly erotic, I guess, but I don't think that's a common fetish.

    2. I agree it would be a pain in the ass, but also a very real one that any young "entrepreneur" in such a sketchy situation would have to deal with. Enough that it not being there in some way sticks out.

      Making money in game isn't that hard right now, with not much to spend it on. Adding keeping the money safe as a concern in some form would at least be something else to do with it. The elaborate schemes to protect it could easily lead into getting caught by enemies. Money and protecting it are great motivations for taking risks.

      Maybe it would be better if you only lose money if you keep too much with you. I guess the problem is finding a satisfying balance between fun and realism.

    3. The problem is that if you need to constantly put away money whenever you get it and then retrieve it whenever you need it for something, you're adding an enormous amount of routine busywork to the game that will get boring and uninteresting very quickly. The game already has a lot of routine busywork built in (weekly payments, going to school) that limit the amount of free exploration you can do. Adding a whole new facet of repetitive chores would absolutely strangle progression and exploration. Besides, games where you have to constantly work to keep the resources you've earned safe really only work if that's a core feature the entire game is designed around. Any game that tacks on such a system after the core gameplay has already been defined always ends up being frustrating and unfun for the player.

    4. Different anon here, not losing money also stuck out like a sore thumb to me, especially when it's entirely possible to be making enough to pay off $2000 weekly (that's as high as it goes) and have money left over. I got to about $20000 before I decided to stop doing things that made me money, still haven't been unable to pay my "rent" yet.

      I figured you're not actually getting paid in cash but directly to your bank account or whatever since you don't even lose it when you're tossed around so much you lose all your clothes and pass out.

      Maybe more ways to spend money would be good as an alternative to being robbed. Having to grind the pub for a chance to get (free!) drugs is kinda annoying, perhaps there could be a storyline where some character gets the PC addicted to drugs and slowly makes them pay more and more, and perform all kinds of fucked up shit if they can't pay. (This would be consensual, the PC is always free to face the withdrawal... Nonconsensual drugging would also be interesting.....)

      Maybe an arcade or casino could be nice money-burning content?

    5. Honestly, the only way I could see any kind of money loss/safekeeping mechanic working without being incredibly annoying is if there were robbery events in dangerous areas at night that take a limited amount of money from you (like a random number that is never higher than 10% of the money you're carrying), and you could safeguard money by getting a bank account (using your fake ID) and getting a card you can use to pay money directly from your bank account (so that using your money doesn't become harder when it's in the bank). The notion that Bailey could get at the account as your guardian doesn't make any sense, since you're getting the account using a fake ID, and thus a false identity.

      Done this way, money loss from events would never be crippling, but could still be a setback, and safekeeping your money would induce minimal frustration and repetitive busywork for players.

      A bank could also be nice to have in game as a super high-risk high-reward robbery target for characters with A or S level skullduggery.

      Any type of money-safekeeping content with higher risks or more busywork than that would slow down and divert the flow of the game way too much to be any fun for the player.

    6. 10% is ridiculously low. No robber is going to draw the line there when they are already willing to molest/rape/steal every stitch your wearing. The player should be able to effect how much they take though. How angry enemies are at the end of an encounter increasing the amount they take would make sense. Maybe high seduction skill could help too?

      With the bank I'm assuming Bailey has your real documents and could use them to burn the account and fake ID used to set it up. If he couldn't close the account and take the money, it would at least prevent the pc from ever doing so.

      Any inconvenience from losing or protecting your money seems very small compared to breaking the illusion of being a helpless victim by walking around with enough money to buy a car, six months or more rent up front, put a down payment on a house, or a first class ticket to anywhere in the world.

    7. IMO, adding a requirement to store your cash would add more tedium than fun. I'm not a fan.

  8. Just so you are aware, there is a bit of code printed as plain text at the bottom of the wardrobe screen in game, $wardrobetest is what is printed.

  9. from what I remember a couple versions ago, if you came back to the school restroom naked and there were people inside, if you offered money, no money was actually removed from inventory

  10. Also, I have a question regarding the whole debt/paying the lady every week thing. Does that eventually stop or does it keep rising until I finally end up unable to pay and have to use my body for it?

    1. Payments ramp up every week until they reach 2000/week, then remain at that level.

    2. 2000 a week?! I can rent my own damn place at that point!

    3. Ouch, looks like its the second scenario in the sense that I am making nowhere near enough to get that much in a week with going door to door and working at the cafe by themselves. Good thing I've been doing dance training on the weekends, I think I'm going to need it.

  11. Just had someone give MC a rimjob (analingus) and still be eligible for kissing.

    1. Thanks, i've made a note of it. NPCs are still contortionists at the moment I'm afraid.

    2. Sea tentacle encounter, first appearance, line regarding breasts reads "The thick tentacle glides squeezing them together." What's missing is probably a reference to breast size, which MC (male) has at max.

    3. Also, generally speaking, Allure in the sidebar needs to have a cap. The "You look like you need to be ravaged." state's title breaks into two lines, but the bar itself does not. The bar stretches to the right beyond the divider, adding an unnecessary horizontal scroll to the sidebar.

    4. As a general suggestion, an involuntary hospital visit should have the effect of a bath. The police or the hospital itself might want to collect samples of the MC's various bodily fluids (external or internal), but letting a patient walk out while covered in slime/sperm/etc is at the very least unsanitary.

    5. Can't argue with that.

      Thanks again.

    6. Are futa NPCs still bugs? Found a girl with both genitals who approached MC to say "hi" in school.

    7. And I just noticed that the NPC's description line is messed up, so that's definitely a bug.

      "The look eager. look stimulated. look calm. look relaxed."

    8. Alright.

      Do you remember the last npc you met before meeting the futa girl?

    9. No, sorry. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

    10. I think the Allure sidebar issue is being caused by fishnet stockings.

    11. Found the cause. I'd set the bar to fill at a lower allure than could be achieved, making it spill over.

      Thanks for the help.

    12. Got another encounter with a messed up participant descriptor ("The look eager. look stimulated. look calm. look confident.") This might be a futa bug or the game thinking MC is encountering multiple people at once. This was in the canteen. I think the one before this was a "car pulls up, get in" random encounter on the street.

    13. Breasts don't get enough love as it is, so I'm loathe to report this bug, but:

      Tentacle encounter out at sea, if you get the tentacles to go after MC's tits, the following message appears at the bottom of the screen: "The tentacle rubs itself between your enormous breasts." Note that there is no mention WHICH tentacle is pleasuring itself.

      It looks like tentacles are supposed to lose interest in the body parts they go after. I started hunting for this encounter to max out thighs, grabbing and releasing the tentacles that didn't latch on to the proper body parts. Tentacles always seemed to get bored of the thighs after a few rounds, but the tits tentacle kept going at it.

      My guess is that the game moves THE tentacle that goes after the tits away, but still sees A tentacle working the tits. Once this happens, the game thinks all the tentacles are accounted for and redirects the retreating tentacle as normal. The "phantom" tentacle is then free to do its thing (MC's tits) for as long as it wants to (until the encounter ends).

    14. Thanks for investigating so thoroughly. Looking into it.

  12. I just got through the mass rape scene in the brothel, which is a giant negative trait magnet as it is now. I got literally every trait that either prevents my stress from falling or raises it in one dance. I don't lose stress over time or in sleep anymore and instead gain it, I get hallucinations, and I'm now prone to outbursts and paralysis. Don't you think that's a little excessive for anyone trying to at least maintain dominance during encounters? Its kind of hard to do that when the main character freezes up almost immediately in every future encounter from the point that they gain these traits on. I would put a limit on how many can be gained simultaneously so the player at least has a chance to recover from one condition before they run face first into another. Also, some of them seem to be higher tier versions of others, like the two hallucination ones. I'd make it a requirement to have the initial tier before gaining the next. That's just how I'd do it, though.

    1. Thanks for the feeback. I think the trauma traits would indeed benefit from having a grace period between acquiring them.

      The brothel gangbang is supposed to be nasty, but it should probably come with a bigger warning also.

    2. vrelnir, both of those sound like good ideas. Getting gangraped in a brothel should be traumatic, but a big warning about it would be nice as well. Also, considering how much money you have to put into dancing vs how dangerous it is, aren't the tips REALLY FREAKIN LOW? Like come on, I can make $8 and then get gangraped and tossed on the street. It should at least pay, if it's gonna be that brutal.

    3. The real money is in attracting a private client. But you're right, the dancing itself does not pay as well as it perhaps should.

    4. It does make the brothel a giant trap until your promiscuity is high enough to take a private client, which can pay in, for me, the $130s-$190s per round.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I just found out that not all of them are, math went down for some reason with no warning and I haven't missed a class.

    2. Yes sorry. The school skills decay and the bar disappears at S rank regardless.

    3. That makes sense, knowledge isn't like muscle memory and can be completely lost. The ability to do physical tasks, dancing and swimming in this case, cannot. It just took me by surprise when it suddenly reverted, though I'm not sure it should be decaying if I don't miss class. I haven't missed a class yet and I'm only using the other events outside of class to raise status, like the volleyball at the beach.

    4. In other words, I'm only ever selecting the top option in class and any other during class that raises that subject.

    5. It's currently balanced so that just attending school isn't enough to maintain the best grade. You need to put in a little extra time at the library. Or wear glasses.

    6. I'm currently keeping it up while raising status by using a 2 to 1 ratio of options in each class except swimming, 2 focus on class for every socialize with classmates and all choices during swimming were focus until I maxed it, then I switched to all socialize. That seems to be doing a good job of keeping both up at all As and cool status so far, plus I do the volleyball thing whenever it pops up.

  14. Got another definite bug, the text <img id="sexhair" src="img/sex/doggy/active/hair/brown/doggyactivethighsbrownmid.gif" displays during the rape encounter while swimming at the beach naked with a chastity belt on. The sprite of the girl with her arms pinned behind her and getting a penis thrusted into her mouth is also bugged at the hair.

    1. Thanks, I'll get it fixed.

    2. <img id="sexhair" src="img/sex/doggy/active/hair/brown/doggyactivethighsbrownslow.gif"
      brown hair is broken all around

    3. Found the problem. I'd partially fixed it in a previous update, but in the next update it should be properly fixed.

  15. So, quick question, is it actually possible to raise your status at school higher than 'cool'? I raised it to cool very early in the game, but it has since remained at that level without increasing, so I was wondering if that's the max level or if there's some kind of special requirements to raise it further.

    1. There's one tier higher than that. It's a bit hard to get, as penalties to your status work differently to other stats, and even taking the occasional hit to your status will prevent you from becoming more than cool.

      So far, the only benefit of getting it that high is a better version of an event that occurs in the school corridors, so I wouldn't worry too much.

  16. What's the difference between the negative traits marked controlled and the same trait without the controlled marking?

    1. When they're "Controlled" your character feels "In control" of themselves and thus the negative traits won't have an effect. Should you ever lose the "In control" mood however, they'll take full effect once more.

    2. I see, thanks for the answer.

  17. Hello if you add races will you give us the option too pick which ones we want?

  18. Had a game effectively go into an infinite loop on me. Eden's cabin, clearing out the weeds, ran into 6 (5?) tentacles. Two grab MC (male, max) breasts, 1 took the genitals. By the time the others were done, I had hit max stress and trauma. They never got tired, I couldn't do anything but try to regain focus (or not) and repress or let out during orgasm.

    1. Thanks, I'll make some changes to prevent that from happening.

    2. Encountered this same bug, my poor boy was stuck being raped by the tentacles for over 6 hours, lol, well over 100 orgasms later, kept going hoping something would trigger an end, maybe a shift from day to night, or moving on to a new day, but nothing worked. Hadn't saved in a long time, and really didn't feel like restarting, so I just kept pushing, hoping to find an end to my poor boys suffering.

    3. I'm sorry about what happened to your boy. I'm adjusting things to make sure it never happens again.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Loving the new exhibitionist 5 scene at the beach, though wouldn't it make sense that, since she is so willing to strip right then and there in public at the risk of being arrested, the restriction on leaving the wardrobe menu or your room during the day should be lifted as well at that level? I know there are ways to sneak out naked, like the bathrooms at lower levels, but shouldn't she be so consumed by the thrill of exposure once she hits the red "carnal desire" level that she would willingly let herself be seen in a state of undress at least without having to get the clothes she was wearing ripped or removed in the bathrooms?

    1. Misquoted, I meant "wild abandon" level.

    2. I think it's a bit easier to strip off on the beach as other people are largely undressed anyway.

      That said, I do want to allow wilfully walking the streets naked in some fashion.

    3. That makes sense, but I do agree that there could be more daytime opportunities to just walk without it being a momentary thing like the beach event at max exhibitionism.

  21. Are those two options the only ones you have for the headteacher's secret or are there other's if I go through his computer again?

    1. Those are the only options.

    2. Got it, though it would be fun if, at max promiscuity, she was able to blackmail him into something sexual for another controlled option.

  22. Are there plans for being able to get cleaned up in more places then just at home? Seems weird that everything stays on you while swimming. Dogs (and other animals maybe?) would probably be happy to lap you clean, but it would have a decent chance of leading to round two.

    1. Yes, but there'll be some risk associated. Like the scenario you describe.

  23. You might want to tone down the frequency of slime encounters, I just ran into three back to back ones that nearly maxed my trauma stat, which was already dark blue when the first triggered.

  24. How do you get the English teacher's house events to trigger? I got it to trigger by completely random chance the first time I played, two builds ago, but wasn't paying attention to exactly what triggered it.

    1. It has a chance of occurring if you're covered in cum. Don't pick the promiscuous option if available, and be honest.

    2. Got it, I just went through an event where the teacher notices a smell and chose to own it. I'm guessing that's the scene and I need to choose the other option.

  25. Is the car washing scene as good as detention gets or is there more to it? I have everything but chest and skulduggery maxed with chest just barely in the C range and skulduggery in D+ and I haven't seen anything other than the write on board, car wash, and spanking scenes and I can't get the spanking to go further than stripping, groping, and kissing.

    1. That's it for now I'm afraid.

    2. Got it, I'll look forward to any potential additions, it has potential. Especially the car wash and spanking.

  26. I feel like this game would be a lot stronger with fewer random assaults and more visual novel friendship stuff. Learning your classmates' names would be a good start, and learning the name of that girl who keeps wanting to see your nipples in the hall, then some way to keep an eye out for her. I'm not saying full visual novel, but a bit more than nothing.

    Maybe make a couple friends and play with them to lower trauma. Maybe learn the names and addresses of some of those people who accost you on the street so you can have a planned encounter. Maybe get some named patrons at the brothel after catching their interest. That sort of thing.

    Another thing, I'm starting to feel like the game is pushing me into skullduggery just to keep up with the payments. I've been neglecting it all this time, though, just because I wanted to play as a good guy instead of a villain, but I can't find any good way to make money other than going door to door, and soon I'm going to have to choose between school and begging for work. If there are other ways to make money that are actually worth doing, some hints would sure be nice. Perhaps you can put a kid in the orphanage who tells you rumors, like "Jon found a cashbox buried deep in the forest!" and "Suzie found buried treasure at sea, and now she's rich!" I don't know if anything like hidden money exists, but there you go. The cafe and brothel both aren't cutting it, and I don't know what else to try.

    1. Another thing I meant to add about the visual novel stuff, is I'd way rather spend time seducing other children than being raped by adults.

    2. Except this isn't a game about seduction even though it has that feature. Its a game about a girl living in the harsh conditions of an extremely strict orphanage, having to pay off a huge debt that is near impossible to pay without selling her body, and getting sexually harassed as well as the mental changes that those things inflict on her. That's what I've been able to piece together, anyway, but I haven't been playing long.

    3. Crap, I just realized that girl's name is Whitney. I'd still like to be able to interact with her in some way tho

    4. It's not the end of the world if you fail to make a payment! You may need to get your hands dirty if you want to keep up with it though.

      Whitney content is planned for the future, as is more interactions with named npcs in general. I'm glad you like the game.

    5. I've missed a couple and survived, but some of them take several days to recover and I don't wanna end up having to do that every week. I think there are some options I haven't unlocked yet, like my promiscuity not being high enough to take a client at the brothel and I still haven't bought the fake ID to get into the bar, so I might still be able to avoid getting a rap sheet a mile long. We'll see how it goes.

      Even so, I think there are some money-making options that could probably go in, for the sake of variety. Tutoring other students (once you get As in a subject), modeling for a photographer (and get paid more the better shape you're in, but only if you're clean), stuff like that. Maybe if you could witness crimes happening to others, the cops would pay you for witness statements, but then you're a narc and the criminal might come looking for you.

      One more suggestion: It might be interesting if there were only a couple streets where you were likely to get raped (at least until you start looking like a slut), but in the 'safer' part of town, people come up and offer you $10 to look at your dick instead, for example.

      Really enjoying the game so far, though!

    6. Thanks for the ideas. I think a modeling career would fit nicely.

      As for some parts of town being safer than other, I think that makes sense. I'd like to give each street a bit of unique flavour in the sort of perverts you'll meet.

    7. Brothel is super viable, friend.

      The one next to the pub nets you 100-200 a pop, and more and more over time, if I read the code right, as it's based on tip earnings which in turn are based on stats that increase.

      I've got a male save with no skullduggery progression but 999+ dancing who hasn't yet developed past the "cute" stage of beauty, and he makes more than enough to pay Bailey $2000 weekly, while maintaining his 4.0 and being the coolest kid in town. I imagine he's playing exactly the sort of character you're aiming for. It's also very easy to refuse to pay and "fight" Bailey, by apologizing ASAP and making her orgasm.

      Studying in class twice and interacting with classmates once per lesson per subject lets you get to A* level and keeps stress minimal, while lowering trauma much faster than just waiting for day-by-day decreases. You can rocket classmate popularity up by attending the parties that happen on the beach after 9:00pm on days where teens are playing volleyball, and turning down everyone trying to smash. Wandering between front and back playgrounds while school is in session also decreases stress. Your stats will grow at a rate that outpaces the payment scaling and statistic decay, though you'll probably need to cycle through the three failed-to-pay events once and potentially up to the forest cabin escape again before you have the stats and gear you need to not worry about money ever again.

    8. Yeah it took me a while to get my promiscuity up high enough to make money in the brothel, but once I did, it's pretty great.

  27. Just discovered that it's possible to go an entire schoolday with your hands bound, including doing things like eat lunch, swim, and raise your hand in class.

    1. I know, I should at least put a bit of text in to help make sense of it.

    2. Going off of this, if someone stops blocking your mouth while your arms are bound, your arms become free suddenly for a single turn.

  28. This game is everything i've ever wanted in smut. Loli ptsd simulator is 10/10, you're doing god's work.

  29. It looks like the message about eating wolf cum indicates you can get wolf ears and a tail? Is that right? Because if so, I'm not sure it's working on male avatars. I think I can rule that out, considering what my poor kid went through.

    1. It should work for male characters. They have to cum inside you for it to work. And changes only trigger at midnight.

    2. That might be my problem. I thought you had to eat it, not get it from the other end. I may also not have been awake at midnight. Thanks

    3. Sleeping through it shouldn't be a problem. You'll wake up to the changes. Just wanted to let you know when to look out for them.

    4. Not sure if this is a bug, but I noticed that to get the fangs (the first wolf change) you had to eat a lot more than just 5 wolf shrooms. I had to eat something along the lines of 12 to get the fangs, then only 6 for the ears, and 7 for the tail.

  30. The 'get dressed for school' and 'dress casually' options when you wake up should put in underwear, especially the school one.

    1. You're right, thanks for the heads up.

    2. Actually, underwear status should just not change compared to "before bed". It would be a chore to have to take my character's panties off again every day before going to school.

  31. Is there a win condition or a last day?

  32. Found the game a few days ago. Still discovering content. Loving it so far!

    I'm hoping for more bondage content along the line. I try to keep my arms bound as long as possible when it happens. I would like the consequences for that to be more severe, like needing to find help to put on clothes (and a good chance that help comes at a price). Looking for more collar content as well, especially if you have the wolfy trait. Imagine getting caught while breaking into a mansion, so they decide to keep you as a pet? Maybe the bully at school should take advantage of the leash? I keep hoping the people who tie and collar you on the beach will decide to keep me instead of clothe me, but no such luck. Oh, maybe something to hobble legs as well? So you could still walk, but trying to run or move delicately would have huge negatives. And gags, maybe a ring gag so you couldn't scream or bite, but could still do oral?

    Sorry to ramble. Great game. So much potential. Keep going!

    1. If he does decide to expand that in the way you describe, I hope he lets us turn it off. Bondage isn't really my thing, not that I'm hating on your fetish, but even if it was, I feel like one area where this game suffers is how often I have basically no control over my character's actions/reactions. It can get pretty frustrating, esp with high trauma where nearly every encounter ends with you hitting 'Enter' 29 times and then passing out.

      Still really fun overall, but I just wanted to weigh in there.

    2. Thanks for your thoughts, and I'm glad you enjoy the game.

      There's more bondage stuff planned, and I'd like to make having your arms bound a bit more consequential outside of encounters.

      As for the lack of player control, it is an issue and something I'll be working on going forward.

    3. I have to agree about the frequency of situations where the player is unable to act. I'm currently playing a game where my trauma is up to all but a barely visible sliver that gets filled every time I either get detention or fail to escape or beat my assailant out of a rape encounter. I have every possible trauma reducing option open to me with maxed out passive decay and it still doesn't get me far enough down that I avoid getting maxed on the next encounter. I'd say either drop the frequency of these situations where you can't act or raise the trauma decay for each trauma reducing action and/or the passive one.

    4. I actually like the way the trauma system is handled, if trauma is trivialized then I think the game will lose some of its charm.

    5. I like the idea of trauma, and I like that it gives consequences to things that should be risky (dancing at the brothel, trying to get dog ears) but the problem is that once it's high, EVERYTHING becomes risky, and it's so hard to get rid of and goes back up so quickly that it gets pretty frustrating.

      One idea that occurred to me is to not let it go down past a certain point unless you do a little mini-quest to remove each psychosis/neurosis you get from trauma. Like to get rid of one, you have to go three days without an orgasm, and to remove another, you have to buy a new set of clothing and not let them get messed up for a couple days. Stuff like that. Once you meet the requirement, the bar drops. It'd still make getting high trauma feel like a risk and ruin your day, but at least then I'd feel like I was in control in terms of getting rid of it.

    6. No, don't trivialize it, I don't mean it should be dropped that far. Just balance it better so there's at least a chance to recover before you get hit again and get sent from a sizeable chunk of empty bar all the way back up into the numb state in a single encounter. We're talking a chunk of empty bar the length of my index finger from tip to outermost joint all the way back to full in one encounter and it almost always ends up being the one directly after you manage to work the bar down that far in the first place, making all the effort you just put in to bring it down worthless.

    7. The no orgasm idea is good, I like that, but the not letting clothing get damaged is almost as bad as the way trauma works now since even moving around anywhere carries risk of getting clothing damage without any way to prevent it.

    8. Remember, there's an acid event in science class, breaking into homes has a chance of a dog or cat chasing you and running causes damage automatically if you don't fully succeed in escaping, and random cars can snag clothing as well.

  33. Just wondering but how do you get the wolf transformation

    1. Take wolf cumshots internally and eat wolfshrooms growing in the deeper parts of the forest.

    2. Are you ever thinking of making this game playable on Android phones with the GIFs playable?

    3. I've never tested it on android, what happens with the GIFs?

    4. When I accessed it first it the url was like content://0@media/external/file/22631 and images didn't load. I had to extract the folder to a proper folder (I used /sdcard/Degrees of Lewdity/ ) in order to get it to behave, it's definitely an android thing.

    5. I made a new folder in my external SD card and extracted it using rar to that folder and it's still not working was there anything else you moved around to make it work

    6. I'd say try a couple different mobile browsers and see if one of them works. They all behave quite differently, much more than desktop browsers.

    7. Been playing the game on my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 4) using Chrome since 0.1.2, everything works perfect after unpacking. When still in archive the game will launch without pics, but still works. GIFs work fine. Was a problem where money wouldn't be seen due to pic overlapping it, but it got fixed in 0.1.8. Als, need help getting the savefile.

      Other then that, it's perfect.

  34. I am just getting the broken image icon I can play the game fine with just the text

  35. Why is my boy growing breasts and how do I make it stop and reverse the process

    1. Did you get a parasite?

      Seconding the desire to reverse the process. Was hoping switching back to flat in the settings would remove them, but no. Future Hospital functionality maybe?

    2. I disabled parasites and vore, so that's probably not it.

    3. Okay, I figured it out. You grow breasts very slowly over time, and there might be things that accelerate it, up to the max breast size in your settings. There doesn't seem to be any way to go back other than edit the save file. You can do that here:

      Drag and drop your save file in there, ctrl+f and search for breast, then change to 'none' and 0s for those fields

    4. Velnir: I recommend making it clear that the selection is for YOUR breast size. I figured it was for the females in the world, and they'd be randomly generated with sizes up to whatever I picked there. Had no idea what was going on tbh :)

  36. Damn, I gotta admit this game is addictive.
    Now I am checking the blog for updates everyday, work faster Vrelnir! :D

    Some small things that I've encountered:
    - Skulduggery progression is painfully slow after reaching D (somebody mentioned that already)
    - Stealing underwear from the clothing shop sometimes drops you back to that articles screen and sometimes to the main clothing shop menu.

  37. I just lost my Y-fronts (which should be called briefs IMO) on a twig in the forest, even though I had shorts on. Minor bug, just reporting.

  38. is there anything like the eden stockholm syndrome perk but for the wolf pack?

  39. I got the 'your lower back itches' message when i grew ears.

  40. Body contortions are an ongoing problem I'm slowly working on.

    Consensual bestiality isn't in the game yet, but is planned.

  41. I've just played a couple of hours so just a few things:

    another way to make money early on other than the cafe would be nice or just in general, something like life guard duty or others could work

    cafe waitress tips should show up more or wage should go up or maybe allow you to go work at a restaurant for a better wage. having only that way to make money because you don't have enough prom to allow private session at the brothel is super annoying.

    rent going from 100 to 300 is super punishing if you can't earn proper money at the brother yet

    stat tips to indicate how to modify traits (promiscuity, attractivness, etc) would be nice, i have no idea how to raise promiscuity to allow private performances at the brothel

    a way to guarantee safe travel to places for a price would be nice, think like uber

    buying clothes online. several times i've been left with nothing and have no extras and that just spirals into encounter after encounter with constant respawning at the hospital with nothing

    why can't we have extra sets of school clothing at home? makes no sense why they only replace each other

    studying and other such things seems to go up very slowly even at low levels and i don't even know how they impact the does being a better swimmer help me?

    missing one day of school instantly started reducing my body physique.....seems a bit harsh even if i have no idea what it does

    more options to do things at home (solo studying, online courses for $, selling photos (nude or cospaly or webcaming for $)

    I have no idea on the best way to handle encounters. some times even if i'm passive they keep twisting my arms and then it just down spirals from there.

    i get detention for no reason? is it because of the dropped book event?

    more clothing options would be nice

    1. So, having played the game more, I can address some of your issues.

      You can find odd jobs by going door to door on domus street and danube street, knocking on doors and asking for work.

      At the clothing store, you can activate an option that purchases automatic clothing replacements for you if a garment gets stolen or destroyed, as long as you have enough money to buy a replacement.

      Being a better swimmer lets you swim further out to sea and helps you in some water events. The other school subjects give you various bonuses when you've raised them enough.

      Your physique goes down if you don't get enough exercise in a day (stuff like swimming, dancing, jogging or playing volleyball).

    2. >more options to do things at home (solo studying, online courses for $, selling photos (nude or cospaly or webcaming for $)

      i would actually be interested in webcam for $. it could have progression where you start by simply doing cosplay or very mildly seductive things, then over time you build up a fanbase and have do more exciting/exotic/exhibitionist things to maintain your income and viewcount. if you become too popular too quickly, there should be a higher risk of stalkers and obsessive fans trying to do something. or else perhaps instead during random events screaming might lead to one of your fans recognizing you and jumping in to save the day.

    3. Bumping:
      - the hikikomori/camwhore progression route (this has a lot of potential imo)
      - online clothes (mostly for some special scenes and not the actual clothing replacement. Now I am waiting for the pay-on-delivery option ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
      - rent nerf (I've modified my file and reduced the inflation by roughly 75% and rised the initial value, I didn't have the patience to add more $rentstages in the damn html so the upper cap is much lower than the original)

    4. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. Some of this is planned for the future.


    I tried doodling a little costume I've wanted in the game for a while now. I don't have the ears or the colors or even the frayed versions but its something.

    1. Thanks, it's cute. Do you think it should have any special effects?

    2. My best guess would be + attraction and increased tip percentage while dancing.

  43. are there any female dogs yet? it's weird that you only encounter male dogs.

  44. You've gotten so many comments and requests and stuff already I almost feel bad adding another suggestion or two, but here you go.

    1 - Attractiveness should go down, not up, if you have cum all over you. That's not sexy. That's just gross. If I'm wrong about this mechanic, never mind, but I think it goes up.

    2 - Boys need some sexy clothing that isn't crossdressing. Maybe some uniforms--boy scout, jr rotc, etc.

    3 - From some of your other replies, it looks like you plan to add different events to different streets. If you do, I'd like a 'hang out here' option on each street so I have attempt to intentionally do whatever it is that happens there.

    1. I mean, whether or not being covered in cum is attractive is an entirely subjective matter. -_^

    2. Perhaps, but more people find being covered in a disgusting mess unattractive than otherwise :P

      I mean come on, would you rather have a fresh, untouched sandwich, or a half-eaten one someone dropped in the gutter?

    3. Please, that's not a fair comparison and you know it. Don't go yucking other peoples' yum.

    4. It makes you look easy, so people feel more free to take advantage of you. That's how I interpret it. I wish more npcs commented on it. I've seen a teacher bring it up once.

    5. It's a perfectly valid comparison in my view because that's pretty much how I view it. I look at it this way: Which would you rather have sex with: the ragged, dirty, methed out hooker at the gas station, or the sweet, sexy, healthy young thing playing volleyball on the beach? If getting coated in semen is your fetish then cool. I ain't judging. Maybe a toggle switch in the settings would be appropriate, but to me it's definitely not something that increases allure in any sense of the word. (If it's MY semen coating the person, then sure. I call that a job well done. But not 50 other people's.)

      Thing is, 'allure' works as a general metric in this game. There aren't different allure ratings for different people you encounter, AFAIK. You don't get extra allure by wearing a green shirt instead of a blue one because some people REALLY like green, or even going barefoot despite lots of foot fetishists out there. "What are most people going to find attractive in a person's appearance" is the question, IMO. More revealing clothing and less clothing in general, sure. Torn clothing makes sense. I think the great majority of people will agree that showing a bit more skin increases your allure.

    6. Walking around in public like a cumrag should certainly make people feel that you're up for grabs, though I agree there should be people who disapprove of it. Perhaps give you a golden shower to clean you up?

    7. Thanks for the feedback.

      1) It's something I'm thinking about.

      2) Agreed. Boy's (and reverse trap) clothing is planned. Currently refactoring clothing code, when that's done new clothes will be much easier to add.

      3) This makes sense.

  45. This is easily my favorite H-game at the moment. My favorite part is easily the stripping and teasing / exhibitionism, and I'd love to see more done with it, like letting onlookers grope you (without turning into rape). I just wish there was a way to reduce or disable all the rape encounters. Maybe make some sort of poll or something that'll let people vote on what to add? There seems to be lots of suggestions here.

    1. Getting ravaged every few seconds because of random accidents can get tedious after a while (I sure had to reload a few times because of that), I would suggest toning down the rape encounters with random thugs. Don't remove them entirely (if you are walking around school naked, hiding in random classrooms, and not running away then you ARE asking for it, ask any lawyer).

    2. Thanks. Rape risk is a difficult thing to balance. The sense of danger is important.

      More exhibitionism stuff is planned for sooner rather than later.

  46. This is already the best smut game I've played in a long time. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

    A few suggestions:

    The character should automatically put their clothes back on after finishing with a client in the brothel who just wants to talk. Also, I'm pretty sure that the event says this takes 30 minutes, but no time passes in-game.

    It would be wonderful if the character could come up with a plot to turn the tables on Whitney. Maybe have the evilness of your revenge be determined by your skullduggery.

    Finally, I'm playing a loli with high exhibitionism and promiscuity, so it can be a bit challenging to do something that restores control. I understand and really like that mechanic. However, it's supremely frustrating to finally get your sense of control back and then have it ruined when you walk one street over and something tries to rape you. If someone or something shatters your sense of control, you should be able to get it back if you successfully fight them off. Fighting off a rapist shouldn't do anything for you if you didn't feel in control in the first place, but it would be nice for players with control to have some means of avoiding getting fucked by the RNG.

    1. Thanks, and cheers for the feedback. More Whitney content is planned, I can say that much.
