
Sunday 29 July 2018


This update focuses on bridging the gap between D and D+ skulduggery. Next update will focus more heavily on fixing bugs and other issues.

Patch Notes
Incorporated Citizen_Hirsute_4's hirsute wolf transformation assets. Toggleable in settings.
The wolf transformation can now be disabled in settings.
Added cum drip animations, courtesy of Bear299.
X-ray images can now feature darker penises, art also courtesy of Bear299.
Wolves now have their own sprite, art courtesy of of Ulithium_Dragon.
Added sliders controlling the likelihood of pale and dark skinned npcs.
Masturbating in science and maths classes now carries the risk of being caught.
Those with D rank skulduggery can now rob people on Connudatus Street. Of the six associated events, one cannot occur at night, and one can only occur at night.
Conducting robbery on Connudatus Street can give you access to a secret compound full of valuables. Be careful not to get caught.
Added a mirror to your bedroom. It shows your attractiveness rating, and breaks down the variables influencing your attractiveness and allure.

Balance Changes

Your ability to wander naked at night is now tied to exhibitionism rather than trauma.
Lower purity now lets you recover faster from too many orgasms.
Virgins now recover purity much faster.
Masturbating to orgasm now lowers purity.

Bug Fixes
Fixed the lifeguard's identity changing during the beach exhibitionist sequence.
Fixed a bug preventing parasites from escaping your body when having your chastity belt removed at the temple.
Endless tentacle encounters should no longer occur.
Stopped the "mostly men" and "mostly women" options resetting to default when visiting the settings page.
Hid the PC's brows behind the beanie.
Certain events in the school pool should now improve your swimming skill as intended.
Made the purpose of the maximum breast size setting a bit clearer.
Just talking with a client should now correctly put your clothes back on after (at least in the brothel).


  1. Thanks a ton!

  2. The MouthCumDripFast animation doesn't seem to run properly when under the "You keep coughing up semen" condition. Seems to be stuck on the first frame of the animation. Same might be true for the MouthCumDripSlow animation as well.

    1. Tried to see if I can find out what caused the animation to not work. Changing the female hairstyle from "Your brown hair comes down to your shoulders" to chin length or shorter partially shows the animation. The animation also seems to not appear partially due to clothing as well, so the animation might be fine but is being displayed behind multiple layers.

  3. <img id="xrayvaginal" src="img/sex/xrayvaginalslow.gif"

  4. Thanks for the game!!
    Can I play this version with the save of the previous?

    1. You're welcome! And yes, it should be compatible with old saves.

  5. The fact that you can wear tights together with stockings is a bit odd...

  6. Love this game it's addicting at any point in the future is there talk about implementing pregnancy or egg / slime belly inflation would love to see the belly grow on my characters! Would be awesome to see it for both male and female character!

    1. Yes, but not for a long time. It'll take a lot of work and other things are prioritised.

  7. Is there any way to seduce Doren? I've been going to his house a lot but nothing ever seems to happen even if I strip in front of him.

  8. You can rob people at the strip club while naked.

    1. I feel silly for overlooking that. Thanks.

  9. You're right. I've no idea how I managed that. I must investigate.

  10. This makes me glad. Thanks.

  11. I got the "a beast is fucking you in public" line from a bystander during the brothel 'rushing the stage' event. That seems like a bug.

    1. Thanks, I'll note it down.

    2. This also happens at the beach party while dancing, and the Underground Brothel while dancing.

      I have tried to see if a similar event is possible with beasts when knocking on doors and with strays in alleyways, the park, and at school. Screaming prior to and during penetration. I cannot seem to attract enough attention.

      The only times the character is "rescued" is near residential alleyway by two people. Dog runs away and character is attacked by the people. The second time I got jumped by a wolf while out hunting with Eden and got a boot in the face for it.

      Can / will the pc be discovered in the act by spectators? (Like after waking up on the beach events)

    3. There are several encounters with beasts where screaming will get you rescued. But I believe the only times you get an audience with a beast are in the dungeon and while being punished for criminal behaviour. You don't have to scream there though.

      There's the encounter in the compound, but it doesn't use the full audience mechanics as there are only two observers.

      It's certainly something there'll be more of.

  12. I just now started supporting you on patreon. I'm just really suprised I hadn't heard of this game at all before. I had to go out of my way to find it on 8chan, and it was a random post. This really needs way more publicity.

    1. Thank you very much. I've only posted it here and one other place, and just let word of mouth carry it from there. The game is still in a relatively early state and it would feel weird to put too much time into publicity.

  13. Does the new robbery opportunity or compound raise skulduggery if it isn't already maxed? I'm at 58% of C while fighting off a horde of random rape encounters with "attracts glances" level allure on Domus that maxes my already high trauma in every encounter because my pain almost instantly, in one or two moves from green level, hits too much to interact levels. On top of that, the only way I have found to raise C rank skulduggery is the safes inside the homes on Domus, making C the hardest level to raise apart from B, which has the exact same issue except it can only be raised by mansion safes.

    1. It is official at this point, for the reason that I can no longer lower my trauma level to any significant effect without instantly going back to numb level at every rape encounter because my pain maxes and I can't get the assailant off me, I will have to drop this game at least until the matter is resolved. Once the interactivity is taken out, because I am in too much pain to act within one or two moves, it can no longer be considered a game. Its more like a story with minor choices that still eventually achieve the same result, which is max trauma due to the amount of pain in this case.

    2. The mansions are the last stop for skulduggery in the current build. There are events and safes you can use to go beyond that, but there's little point as you won't unlock new content.

      I assume you're trying to play a "pure" character with no promiscuity or exhibitionism? It's very difficult at the moment, as you lack the best ways to lower trauma.

    3. Nope, Exhibitionism is in the red "wild abandon" state and promiscuity is in the purple "you crave sexual contact" state. All my other stats are in either blue or green except beauty, which is in the pink "cute" state. I have all my sexual skills maxed except chest, which is at 25% of B. The only practical skill not maxed is skulduggery, which is at 67% of C and very slowly going up as I hit an occasional Domus safe. I did start out trying to play a no penetration game, but gave up once I got my chastity belt destroyed and couldn't get away in time to save myself. I've unlocked Loren's flat, I'm eating lunch, I'm using a 2 focus on class to 1 socialize with classmates interaction ratio in school except in swimming, where I use socialize as the sole interaction. The problem is that I constantly end up in detention, though I could eliminate that with the blackmail and it isn't making much of an impact at all, and the random rapists just won't leave me alone even while wearing a fully intact uniform and having just bathed whenever I work on skulduggery.

    4. Thanks, that's interesting.

  14. How do I trigger the other detention scenes? So far all I've gotten is the spanking one. Also I had an exhibitionism History class scene once but fucked it up, how do I trigger that one?

    1. The scene you get depends on how delinquent you've been since your last detention. Spanking scenes are at the most severe end, you'll need to dial back your delinquency a tad.

      More detention scenes are planned.

    2. Actually, that's not true; it depends entirely on your "delinquency" status, which does not seem to go down at all, ever. Even if you have been avoiding all delinquency options (and potentially taking hits to trauma etc) you still get the spanking scene every time if your character is a "terror".

    3. Is there any way to get your delinquency status into the middle zone and just only have those scenes?

  15. Honestly the lack of red eyes or white hair at character creation is terrible oversight

    1. I have the art for red eyes, but they're meant for a particular purpose.

    2. I was also disappointed with the lack of white hair, but honestly this game is everything I've been looking for in a hentai game ever.

  16. Making and selling wolf puppies would be awesome.

    1. Thanks for the lewd idea.

    2. Or infesting fellow schoolmates/teachers with parasites.

  17. So, what's your plans for the next update? It seems you've had a single goal for every update that you will accomplish and then add extra if you've got time. Great job so far by the way. It's nice to see someone who's consistent in updating these days.

    1. Thanks. The main goal of the next update is to make a number of improvements to the sex system. Adding things like the ability to pull down your own clothes. Alongside that, there's a huge list of bug fixes and small improvements I'd like to make.

    2. Small bug that needs fixed - when you wear a tank top, it gets pulled down like shorts, rather than pulled up like a shirt.

  18. You know what would fit nicely in this PTSD simulator?
    Option to become a meguca so you will literally die if you don't manage your despair correctly

  19. Is there a difference between what the parasites do and what the spiders do? Or do they both increase breast size

    1. Only the chest parasites increase breast size, the others just arouse you.

    2. Kind of like in Free Cities, I like that idea.

  20. During a slime / tentacle attack when they tie up one arm the gif shows the person with three arms right arm on the ground left holding a tentacle and left arm number two bent behind is back

  21. Really great game, I'm enjoying it so far. I do have a couple questions though. Does Whitney do anything other than strip you or shove you into lockers? Also, is vore already implemented or is it still "in progress"? I noticed that it has a folder, but it was empty. I'm really loving this game so far, I can't wait to see where it goes.

    1. Thanks. Glad you're enjoying it.

      Whitney marching you down the hall is as far as it goes for now. Vore is implemented, but there are only two places you can encounter it. One being out at sea.

  22. Any chance the Wolfy trait could make canine/lupine encounters consensual?

    1. Possibly, but consensual beast encounters need to be a thing first.

  23. So, I'm curious. So far do you have any plans for how socialising and the need/reward to do so will work? As much as people complain, I really like all the "obligations" you have (such as, if you don't go to school your grades drop and that makes you lose its benefits, which in turn makes things harder), it fills the days very nicely instead of, like most games, getting to a godlike status and then having nothing to do. But currently (as I've said before), it feels really weird to see the protagonist in a sort of friendless state. Aside from a few minor events at school and being told that you're "cool", they seem to lack any and all social life, any thoughts on how you might work this whenever you eventually get to maybe working on this?

    1. How about a set of characters that you can only interact with depending on your social status? Bullies, rejects, and nerds if your on the odd spectrum, and groupies, athletes, and the like if you're on the cool side? Maybe add a yandere style stalker if you're at the max cool/odd value?

    2. The xray feature is not working with this update for blowjobs

    3. Personally I want to see those more of those bully exhibitionism scenes, or more exhibitionism scenes in class where the students / teachers pick on you

    4. Your school social life is very simplistic at the moment. Few ways I could improve things.

      I could add a handful of npcs with their own events, schedules and personalities that the MC could get to know. I could make a more simplistic permanent npc system and give every student their own name, a little personality and a memory of how the MC has behaved towards/in front of them. I could also add clubs or other extracurricular activities, with their own ideas of what makes you worth interacting with.

      Or some combination of the above. I'm happy to hear other ideas too.

      Regardless, I think students inviting you to hang out would go a long way.

    5. I definitely like the idea of more permanent npc system, similar to how the bully works right now (Which is awesome btw). Clubs and extracurricular activities would be really cool, I can imagine lots of things that could happen in a theater club.

  24. The xray feature is not working with this update for blowjobs

    1. I may be mistaken but I don't think blowjobs ever had an xray feature. They certainly don't have their own art.

      It is possible I forgot I added it, then broke it with the update.

  25. Only in science ands maths classes. I'd like almost everywhere to have some risk of being caught eventually.

  26. After the rent gets to 500 it seems almost impossible... There should be a way to just disable rent or maybe a slide that sets the max rent to something, I keep having to restart my game because once I can't pay rent my character just gets destroyed instantly

    1. It is possible to continue paying the rent, but you'll need to get your hands dirty.

    2. 500 is nothing, that's easy compared to the current maximum of 2000, which isn't possible to pay without either using your body or cheating by editing the values of a few of the door to door jobs or the businesses.

  27. So when will we be able to break into criminal warehouse and steal their machine guns so we can shoot up the orphanage and have shootout against military?

    1. Why shoot up the orphanage when you could shoot up the school?

    2. So we could blackmail the headmaster for sexual favors with other students and still have access to free library with internet access

  28. For some reason, after I got chest parasites, my character couldn't regain control/self-worth at all, even after whoring out in people's cars or going to the pub and seducing people to sex.

    1. I'll look into it.

      Is it possible those acts have become too tame to restore control to your character, and you need to do something more extreme?

    2. Possibly. But the "Give them a show" option from being hollered at still restores control.

  29. You know, come to think of it, are there any events in the Orphanage, since I can't seem to have found any. I've read a comment saying you can get slimes in the bath, but I've never had that event myself, though that may be because of bad(good?) luck. There is also something of a corruption opportunity there, should that be a thing, such as once you've got enough promiscuity/exhibitionism and maybe low enough Purity you could teach the other orphan kid about the "wonders" of the world. the owner doesn't seem like she/he'd care considering how easily she sells you out anyways.

    But main question is: Will there perhaps be more to the Orphanage later on?

    1. There's very few events at the orphanage right now. There will indeed be more to it in the future, including interactions with the other residents.

    2. I had an issue with the slime event that seems to be resolved now, so I can confirm that event is there. Try going to the garden at certain times, I can't tell you when since I wasn't paying attention. There's an exhibitionism event there. I haven't seen anything else in the orphanage.

  30. In the deepest part of the forest I can see an asylum, is this interactive in any way? Also, Eden seems to genderbend a lot.

    1. The asylum is not interactive yet.

      Is there a specific place you find Eden genderbending or does it seem random?

    2. Mostly noticed her turning male when skinning an animal, but I'll keep an eye out for any other occurrences.

    3. Thanks, I believe I found the issue.

  31. So as we all know internet is a wonderful place with easy access on information such as making bombs
    I would love for my loli to end up scarred after trying to obtain some power in her life by crafting pipe bombs only to screw up
    Of course there would be part where she can stick them up the ass of people she seduced because she ends up with trauma that allows her to reduce stress through murder but that's not relevant

    1. That's pretty dark! I'd need to get the prison and/or asylum done before anything like this.

  32. I've noticed that it's kind of hard to keep Social Status low, since you can increase it just by chatting in class, but this is also the best way to get certain events, which is kind of the only reason to have low social status in the first place. I have an idea.

    How about once your status reaches a certain threshold (400-ish), interacting with students in the class actually decreases your standing, as they will use it as an opportunity to bully you. To increase standing, maybe you'll need to make friends with money or favors instead, until you can rebuild your reputation. Just a thought, as I really dislike having to go into the console to lower my standing once it goes too high. I understand that the locker and the library events can lower your standing, but they don't occur nearly as frequently as I would like them to.

    I'm really enjoying your game.

    1. Same with volleyball, now that I notice it. Lower status should cause events that can lower your status even further during games, rather than raise it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to raise it from volleyball at all, I'd just like to see a lower net gain from playing all day after school.

    2. Thanks for the feedback. Keeping status high (or at least okay) might be a bit easy right now.

      I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  33. There seems to be a hide and seek scene you play with other orphans (I may have done some snooping), is that already in the game or is that something for a future update?

    1. It's not in the game I'm afraid.

    2. I very much look forward to it then :)

  34. Interesting game with potential,I want to give you some ideas to add:1.Lactation and wet nurse job.2.Many new parasites can be added,for example parasites filling uterus making you look pregnant and working as contraceptive.3.Pregnancy including dog and tentacle pregnancy.4.NPCs to have consensual relations,motherly widow you meet searching for work can be made permanent NPC.5.Plastic surgery and medical experiments by crazy doctor in asylum.I think it is all for now,now i want ask you for a favor:give yourself a rest,take a pause sometimes,otherwise you will burn out,even if working on things you like.

    1. Lactation is planned, though I hadn't considered a wet nurse job. The current parasites need some love too. Pregnancy will take a huge amount of work but it is planned, tentacles would be involved. Developing and adding permanent NPCs will be an ongoing thing. Not sure about plastic surgery, but crazy experiments sure.

      Thanks for your concern. I promise I'll try to take a break now and then.

  35. >There is a cafe
    >There are no maid outfits
    How terrible
    Also having each colour be it's own sprite is going to make shittons of problems in future man be it by tedium or file overflow or something silly like that
    Since you can only own single piece of each clothing you could even use a variable for this stuff

    1. CSS filters proved inadequate when it came to colouring clothes. I have no idea if there's a better way.

    2. Go to /agdg/ on /vg/
      I am sure they could help you somewhat

  36. I think the forest root tentacle monster thing is bugged. It still appears when I have tentacles disabled.

  37. "You are in the park. There are many people around. Children play in the playground.

    A across the road points at you and turns to her friend. "That's the one," she says, "the one I saw nude." You blush. | + Trauma | + Stress "

    1. Thanks, it'll be fixed in the next update.

    2. If you're at Exhibitionist 5, should this really cause stress and trauma? Because I think it does no matter what.

  38. I keep getting this bug where all the text disappears from the screen and I have to reload the game. It always happens when I get assaulted while delivering the letter for the math teacher.

    1. I believe it's fixed.

      Thanks for all the bug reports!

  39. Great game! Just some questions/ideas.

    What do the colored stats on clothes mean? Are they used for something?
    Also is there any difference when using like diferent underwear/tops/bottoms etc?
    What are the 4 bars when fighting? (pain/arousal/anger/?)
    Clothes should be harder to obtain (or at least school clothes) so we should care about them at least a little.
    Is it possible to add on beach something similiar as in school pool to change clothes? Only clothes you have on<-->swimsuit/bikini? Because right now it is a safe spot where we easy change destroyed clothes.

    1. Colored stats typically mean some level of damage has been dealt to the piece of clothing. Different clothing pieces have different allure levels. Pain is how much pain you can withstand before you can't fight back, the emptier the better, and it also begins directly affecting trauma when it fills, which is a major thorn in my side right now. Arousal is as it sounds, how long until you orgasm, which also prevents you from resisting for a few turns. As for those stats on NPCs, pain and arousal are two stats that can end an encounter. Anger will make them more violent.

    2. Yeah i know about colors but what about their stats? firm/seductive, fine/tasteful? I guess first is durability and second is allure (but there is also stat called comfy on panties and it is not allure)?

      What is 4th bar used for when fighting? (cautious and stuff)

    3. The fourth bar controls the likelihood of being restrained or being allowed to act o your own depending on where its at. I just took a look in game and I'm now totally confused on the stats. Where are you talking about for the stats you mentioned? There are no stats I can see in game having to do with panties, just its description in purple.

    4. When you are in shop there are some adjectives on clothes (i reffer to them as stats. Maybe not the best word).

    5. Which actions influcence 4th bar btw? Because anger/arousal/pain are obvious?

      And thank you very much for answers :) I just like to know all of the mechanics and when i tried to look at code it is a little messy.

    6. Ok i didnt think about checking it in twinie. I opened it in notepad++ xD What i was reffering to is labeled as integrity and reveal. So it can be firm or fine or comfy?? and it means how hard to destroy they are i guess. And seductive, tasteful is how revealing they are.

    7. "a little messy" is putting it politely.

      The fourth bar (trust) is lowered by your bratty and defiant acts and raised by your meek and submissive acts.

      The coloured clothing descriptions at shops decribe how alluring and tough the garment is. Tougher items have more "health" and won't break as easily. Alluring items improve your attractiveness as well as allure.

      I do think clothes are a bit easy to obtain right now. Not sure how to balance it without worsening some other aspect of the game though. Changing the beach hut to work more like the changing rooms would make sense.

    8. Ah, in the shop, I was in the wrong part of the game. That's why I didn't understand.

    9. Yeah balancing clothes may be a little tricky. What about changing it so you have to bring clothes to home if u want to store them. And they can be stolen by others on the way home.

      Also maybe more random events where random people/animals/objects tore clothes so we have to buy them often=less money for us.

      And while we are talking about clothes can you change clothing store so menu goes back to selected category and no to overall menu? (underwear->lace panties->underwear. Because right now its underwear->lace panties->select category (top,botton,underwear))

  40. Definitely going to want to flesh out the new mirror function, I'm looking at it right now and I still don't have any clue what its telling me or how to increase the attractiveness rating based on what it shows as it is. It is a step in the right direction, it just needs more done so it is a little more helpful than telling us what we already know by looking at characteristics.

    1. What sort of information do you think it should display? Things that could improve your attractiveness that you don't currently have?

    2. Well, its not what is or isn't displayed. Its the level of detail. I'd say the mirror should probably break it down into a more detailed overview of what is affecting the PCs allure and attractiveness, maybe even what could be done to change it in either direction. For example, mine says +beauty and +hair length on the attractiveness side. Hair length is obvious, but beauty doesn't tell me much, especially when my rating is an F. On the allure side, it looks good except that also has +beauty and +hair length, maybe you could explain how those are negatives as well as positives.

    3. A little explanation like the traits list would do wonders.

    4. Also, how is being topless, bottomless, and pantiless a positive? Those should probably go strictly under the allure section instead. Being completely naked probably shouldn't raise attractiveness to a B, either, since you can't be completely naked in public without automatically hiding yourself and sneaking around to avoid being seen. Attraction only works if you can be seen, so it certainly can't work to your advantage if naked is way more attractive than clothed.

    5. There are instances where you can seduce characters regardless of what you're wearing, like the lifeguard, or cops when they catch you for having too much crime accumulated. They don't care if you're wearing 5 layers of clothing or just your birthday suit, so it's not at all wrong to have exposed skin add towards your attractiveness.

    6. Yes, but full on nudity is a different story for the reason I outlined, she hides herself automatically except in the beach scene that is unlocked at exhibitionism 5. If she were capable of owning it, walking around as normal while wearing nothing, I could see it.

  41. MC can still kiss people receiving boobjobs, and they can kiss MC while receiving one.

    Instead of removing this interaction, however, how about adding the ability for MC to kiss the dick being serviced by the tits?

    1. And if I'm suggesting stuff, thighs still get very little love. Maybe add an event to the bus ride, where an NPC with a dick stands close to MC and thrusts through MC's thighs, pretending everything's fine and the bus is just soooo crowded. For non-thigh options, MC could grab dick with hand, redirect it to butt hotdogging, or just plain take it in the (boy)hole - with the more overt options being tied to exhibitionism, perhaps?

    2. I know. I've been putting off the body contortion issues as it's a bit fiddly. I'll try to improve things in the next update.

      I can't argue that thighs don't need more love. I like the sound of that event.

  42. Someone mentioned a lack of maid outfit, and y'know, that just can't stand.!8hJAEIiD!NcTFQ62hzLoQ3aZ1O9JzA163R305LBQK2jAKmpq6VjU

    (...I only made red, and unfortunately animating it is well beyond my own ability, as well as that of MS Paint, sorry. Used a tan BG as some parts of the outfit are white, and MS Paint has no transparent option. While I'm clearly not anything resembling an artist, drop a reply if there's anything else you want me to do to this, and I'll see what's in my limited power.)

    1. ...I hit reply instead of add comment, didn't I? I should not be allowed to internet after midnight >.<

    2. This is really cute. Thanks.

  43. Hey any ETA on another update? Like this week/next week/few months? Also what history/scienece etc does?
    Love the game btw

    1. History gives you secret passages into certain areas, like a direct link from the school to the park via a secret passage. Science increases the amount of pain you can take before you can't act in sex encounters.

    2. And what about math and english?

    3. Math increases the tips you get during dances etc and english increases the effects on your words when assaulted by someone.

  44. Just wanted to let you know I enjoy this a lot, cheers for making this dude. You're a champ.

  45. So our fighting ability as skill when?
    You can only punch out so many bears before you get better at it

    1. There's something planned. Not sure when it'll be developed.

  46. I just discovered your game a couple of days ago from a thread in /hgg on 8 chan.
    I love it so far..
    A few more thoughts about the game...

    My pc has exhibition level 5 and I still require bottom clothing at Eden's cabin?
    Perhaps Eden and the pc can find some interesting uses for vegetables, besides breakfast?
    Perhaps Eden discovers your "Bitch" trait and decides to use you as bait so she can catch or kill some of the wolf population to prevent competition with her deer hunting.

    The pc has pub encounters with npcs that 'work on a farm', perhaps after being drugged could be brought back to the farm for additional/other beast encounters, and or added to the stock. Maybe milked if lactating.

    Will the npcs react to semen/slime on/in the pc at some point? (More than just smells like cum). Maybe the history teacher noticing a wet spot, or a puddle of semen on the floor while the pc is in the stocks/pillory in class. Dr Harper and your secretions during her examinations. Speaking of Harper, in one early encounter I think she had a medication sent home, was that / will that be implemented? stronger and stronger meds, higher pricing, pharmacy, obamacare etc.

    Shouldn't swimming remove any external semen/slime residue from the pc?

    K9 encounters would typically have the knot inflating inside the vagina after penetration. Suggest that knotting occur more frequently if the pc has the "bitch" trait or is cooperating. Knotting can last longer than 5 minutes.

    Porcine encounters will have the corkscrew tipped penis twisting about inside the vagina during penetration. It can / will enter the cervix of the female. Ejaculation has a very large volume (1-2 cups), taking 15 to 20 minutes to deposit. The boar is fairly stationary during ejaculation. Towards the end the female is usually plugged with a very thick gel like semen to prevent loss of the high sperm count fraction. The plug can last for a while if undisturbed thus causing the retained semen to gush out suddenly and or unexpectedly. A big boar is heavy and can crush a small female. The use of a breeding cage to protect the female is suggested. A sow in heat will stand still for breeding, others may need to be restrained.

    Could the pc be able to masturbate while out on the rocks?
    Perhaps encounters with additional beasts basking on the rocks during the day. (sea lion)

    I seem to encounter surges of water in the drainage systems very frequently. Does every npc in the game flush at the same time? Flash floods? JK. But shouldn't the water rise slowly? Perhaps the pc would need to traverse low areas in the system where the water would be deeper. Higher water levels if it has been raining for consecutive days. Should there not be a vast network of tunnels that follow the streets rather than three separate areas? More volume and faster current closer to the sea cliff exit, increasing from the residential and commercial areas.

    Whitney whoring out the pc in different areas of the school if you arrive early or stay late.
    Perhaps the pc will be assaulted while washing the heads car during detention. Whitney went looking for the pc after school because you did not show up where when she told you to. PC then looks up to see the head has been watching / recording the entire time.

    Looking forward to what you have planned.

    1. I've never seen the bitch trait, so I'm going to assume its part of the wolf transformation. What does it do? I know growing fangs makes bites more effective, but that's the only listed trait I've gotten on that line and that was in a previous game before I went humans only and started resisting when wolves are involved to avoid the transformation.

    2. A farm is planned, including some of the details you mention. Npcs should indeed notice cum more often. The sea not washing you is unrealistic I agree. I do have some plans for it.

      The pig encounter could be made more unique for sure. It's been overlooked largely as there is just the one in the game right now. There'll be more in the future. More types of animals too.

      The drains are very simplistic right now. They'll be expanded.

      Whitney needs a whole bunch more content. Seems to be a popular npc so they might be the next one I flesh out. Not sure.

      Thanks for the feedback and ideas. I'm happy you like the game.

  47. "Bitch - Animals have tried to breed with you so often that you're used to it. Trauma increases more slowly when attacked by animals."

    1. I see, its a trauma buff, good to know in case I end up unable to get out of animal encounters in time to stop direct trauma damage.

  48. Okay, I wasn't expecting this. I know there are B level safes in the mansions, but how do I raise skulduggery from C+? The businesses are D level and the lockers are F, so they won't help. I also did NOT get a message that the Domus safes won't help anymore, so that's either a bug or C and C+ share areas.

    1. Bluffing your way out if caught in the mansions or compound should work.

      Mansion safes are bugged though and don't improve your skulduggery skill.

    2. Nevermind, I found out one of the other interactions while breaking into the mansions raises C+ level skulduggery, bluffing your way out when given the option. Might want to put a requirement marker on that, something saying it requires a certain level of skulduggery, so it isn't completely hidden.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. A bug at the B level, got it, I'll just wait for a fix on that and focus completely on the other skill I still have to max.

  49. Man imagine poisoning Eden by giving him poisonous mushrooms for breakfast and taking over his house
    We could do such nice things like relaxing with his dead body by fire and practice shooting his rifle!

  50. I was dancing up to lecherous then stopping at the brothel, but I'm suddenly unable to strip. Exhibitionism is still maxed out.

    1. And right after I post, the options come back. Does trauma have something to do with it and I
      Something else though. When I get an offer it says I'm not debauched enough to take it up, but I have the option to do so? I think my promiscuity is at the exact level for it.

    2. I'll look into it. I think it might need at least a little trauma to be available right now. It'll be fixed in the next update.

      For your second point, I forgot to change the requirement for that text to appear when I lowered the requirement for taking up the offer. Thanks for letting me know.

    3. Ah, cool. No problems. Game's great by the way!

  51. Is there same amount of content for both boy and girl MC or does girl MC has more? Btw great game I have been playing for like a day straight, thanks for making it and thanks for shotachan for pointing this out!

    1. Same amount of content roughly, with the exception of clothing options if you don't want to play a trap. There isn't much clothing yet in general.

      You're welcome. Thanks for playing.

    2. I love playing as a trap though, so no complaints from me, lol. though more options is never a bad thing. I would like the option for a non school skirt, as it tends to get ripped very easily, and if it happens at night, when the shop is closed, then I don't have the option to replace it till after school the next day, so having a separate one would be nice.

  52. Getting headpats gives -stress message twice instead of -stress and -trauma

  53. Are you planning at any point to redo some of the sprites for some of the new clothing? I don't want to diss artists that put their time into helping take some of the workload off of your shoulders, but some of the new sprites just don't match the quality and/or style of others.

    1. Which items do you think need a redo?

    2. If I had to really pick any sprites that I'd say the quality of legitimately bothered me, it'd be the cool shades, the stockings, and the beanie.

  54. is the website down? i cant download the game right now

    1. Everything appears to be fine as far as I can tell.

      Is anyone else having this problem?

  55. every update has more comments
    proper website when?

  56. Are we getting a new update today?

    1. Hopefully. It won't be until quite late though.

  57. Training breasts is kinda hard right now
    Also option to practice in school pool at night when?

  58. Wolfy trait lacks line break at the end
