
Friday 13 July 2018

Version 0.1.7

I've a list of bugs and issues still in need of fixes, but I didn't want to delay this release any longer.

Patch Notes
Added socks, shoes, stockings, shades and a hat. Art by Castle Dev.
The clothing shop sells tights, art also courtesy of Castle Dev.
Added glasses and a hairpin.
An accessory shop has opened in the forest outskirts.
Improved life at Eden's cabin. The Player Character has more autonomy once the leash is untied.
Continue to endear yourself to Eden and you may be allowed to return to town for a time.
Added wolf ears and tail to the sex sprite when appropriate.

Balance Changes
Using non-lockpicking skulduggery actions will no longer improve your skill if the act is too easy.
Increased the effect of stress reduction activities.

Bug Fixes
Closed a herm portal caused by riding a bus, and another caused by leaving the pub without talking to anyone.
Fixed an error triggered by choosing the "Stop" action while giving a buttjob.
Fixed an error that could appear during a swarm encounter while wearing a chastity belt.
Fixed broken images when playing on Linux. (Maybe)

Edit: released. A quick bug fixing update. Patch Notes
Balance Changes
Hair now grows faster.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a couple of bugs occuring if Eden finds you in town.
Fixed a bug caused by crossdressing in the pool.
Fixed a bug causing hospital staff to send boys out in the cold without a shirt.
Fixed a bug involving being heckled while dancing.
Fixed a bug occuring if you frotted against someone's ass or pussy.
Fixed some problems with wearing pjs to bed and choosing the "Dress like you were before bed" option not putting clothes on (or taking them off) as intended.
Falling off a building now hurts you as intended.
Having a bath with Eden should now always wash you.
You'll now automatically remove your accessories before a swimming lesson, and should automatically put them back on when you change into your normal clothes.
You should no longer break into a building only to be shooed out.
Promiscuity 5 actions should now correctly exercise your promiscuity.
Fixed the hairpin being unbuyable with an old save.

Edit 2: released. Just fixes an issue in causing accessories to remove themselves from your character when they're not supposed to. Sorry for the bother.


  1. Can't wait to check out your latest version! Great job! Glad to see that you are willing to add things to your game from other people!

  2. >nerfing skulduggery training even further
    Wow how balanced, just when I thought the grindfest couldn't get more fucked, this. Time to wait 10 weeks every Sunday to steal from the 3 shops in town, maybe I'll finally get to D+.

    Also fuck you Eden you fucking an-prim psychopath, it's like Kaczynski but if he was an insane pederast with a rifle.

    1. There'll be new skulduggery stuff to bridge the D to D+ gap in 0.1.9. That's the plan anyway.

  3. Vrelnir, pal, buddy, when I played 0.1.6 yesterday, I had the biggest lols in years. When I found out that stat deterioration was a function, I fucking laughed for over 30 minutes. Imagine playing a porn game, and it turns out not only to be a grindfest, but a grindfest where your stats lower every day, so that training is futile and nothing you do matters. This game is like if a child with severe dementia was stuck in some suburban hell-dimension filled with rapists and sentient sex abominations. Oh boy, what a joke, almost surrealist in nature. Vrelnir, you should double as a comedian.

    But Vrelnir, my friend, a comedy man like you must know that a joke is only funny once. When I downloaded 0.1.7 I have to honestly say I didn't laugh at stat deterioration the same way. Instead I just wondered why a developer would make the player grind skills over weeks in-game just to have them decay back down to F when they inevitably can't juggle them all.

    1. Point taken.
      Though removing decay would lead to the weird situation where you'd ace classes, then remain amazing at the subject even if you never went to school again. Only the school stats and physique decay.

    2. not same anonymous here
      I think classes make sense, but physique deteriorates too fast
      also, the game doesn't explain what attractiveness is or how to raise it

    3. Physique deterioration is slow as all hell, already. You can stay at the second highest physique simply by training to it and then just focusing on swimming when you're in its class - that's it. To stay at the highest you just to have to do something like play volleyball once or twice a day plus focus on your swimming class, that's barely any effort. I don't see why people are complaining so badly about this when it takes little-to-no effort and gives you something to do instead of getting to super high stats and then having no real objective to your day. Not to mention that so far from what I've seen all physique does is improve your defiant choices - which, ya know, you can just choose to be of a larger size during character creation and you'll be getting the equivalent of a physique bonus for no effort.

      I am excited to see what else you'll be adding to fill up the day though, Vrelnir. I'm sure you have stuff in mind, so don't take this as criticism, but after you get to a fairly stable place (acing every class, having students and teachers love you, good physique) stuff for you to focus on become a bit sparse. Of course, as said, no doubt you have stuff in mind to fill that current gap up.

    4. Thanks for the feedback.

      I'll put something in to explain and check your attractiveness. More content is planned, including for characters that have the current stuff figured out. I want it in yesterday, but I'll settle for soon.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When I was being molested in math class the screen became completely empty. I can not continue playing or saving, so I lost everything I had advanced.

  5. I wish this game had pregnancy and insects that could inject eggs into you some providing negative or positive benefits depending on the type. Fertility could play into this, where the players female character can go into heat and feel the urge to be impregnated but high will power can help suppress this urge, as does buying drugs.

    1. +1, would love pregnancy, oviposition and parasite infestation mechanics.

  6. How many different types of shoes are there? I have seen the black pair but is there anything else?

    1. That's it for now I'm afraid. More will come.

  7. Hey mate can you join the discord or post an email contact?

  8. If anybody wants to know how to fuck around with stats so that you don't have to grind - or you can do some meme shit, just ask.

    Notepad++ can help you find the values you actually start the game with, so you could just skip grinding if you - say - wanted to make a character and avoid putting 2-4 hours into the game just to get some ranks.

  9. I am wondering a bit about the parasites in this game, or rather, I'm more interested in their effects. First off; where do you get 'em? I have tried both the forest River and the sewers, but I'm not having much luck. Actually, scratch that, I just now on the next try managed to get breast parasites. It seems to be an awfully low chance of getting 'em. Are there crotch parasites as well? Is there different effects to the crotch parasite compared to the breast parasites? Is it possible to have both at the same time? Do they prevent sexual encounters?

    Sorry for all the questions, but with how long it took to just see them at all, I'd kinda like to know if it's even worth searching for 'em. If I can't have 2 parasites at once for example, I'd just waste an hour or so trying for nothing, yeah?

    1. The parasite content is lacking right now. There's the mentioned chastity stuff, two locations you can get chest parasites and one where you can get a penis/clit parasite. Only the chest parasites have any real mechanical impact, the rest just arouse you over time. You should be able to get chest and genital parasites simultaneously however.

  10. Do you have a roadmap that you'd be willing to release?

    1. It's less of a roadmap than just a list really. It's changed a lot lately so I'm averse to sharing it.

  11. Eel attacks should have some other ending than getting to safety or succumbing to stress. Right now, if you're at max pain and/or trauma, you can't do anything but skip through it.

  12. Some issues I've noticed:
    * Straddling penises has "promiscuity 5" rating but doesn't actually make you feel in control or soothe.
    * It's impossible to get the highest (red) rating for slime and/or semen on your skin.
    * Exhaustion doesn't seem to affect anything?
    * Going to the history classroom after mocking says you enter the english classroom.
    * You keep on your accessories (including shoes) when you change into your swimming outfit at school.
    * It's impossible to stop rubbing a penis with your breasts without orgasming.
    * You can repeatedly do a promiscuity 4 action (e.g. keep away with thighs), stop, then do it again for the trauma/stress reduce, but continuing to rub does not reduce them.
    * Borrowed school clothing disappears as soon as it is taken off you.
    * If you have clothing stashed in the pool store room, get naked in the school (willingly or by being stripped), get some towels from the pool, then borrow a new set of school clothes from the head, the towels replace your proper clothes.
    * Putting on pyjamas and going to bed when naked makes you keep on the pyjamas when you choose to wear what you were wearing before bed.

    1. Thanks a bunch. I'll try to get some of these fixed quickly.

    2. In 0.17.1 accessories are not put back on after sleeping.

    3. Sorry about that. should fix things.

  13. So, I found this game quite recently, but I've been playing it a lot and I love a lot about it. The setting is interesting to explore, the basic gameplay is fairly satisfying, and sex scenes are surprisingly erotic given the limited descriptions and art, but there is one very major problem with the game.

    I know a lot of people are complaining that it's too grindy to increase your stats, but I don't think that's really the problem at all (even if the school stat decay is a little higher than I'd prefer). No, the problem is that raising your stats doesn't have enough benefits. Even if you raise your promiscuity, exhibitionism and sex skills to the max, just a few basic molestation events can still play havoc on your mental state. Similarly, raising your dance skill to maximum basically only makes dancing at the brothel more efficient, and really doesn't do a lot to make it safer or more profitable. And regardless of how promiscuous and exhibitionistic you are, you still take stress and trauma damage from incredibly basic things like getting your skirt flipped up in class or someone giving you an inappropriate comment or lewd stare. It feels like no matter how much you 'level up', your character never actually gets any better at dealing with their environment.

    This is especially problematic in sex encounters, since the way you've designed the game, the sex system is basically the combat system, and raising your stats is analogous to leveling up. The whole point of leveling up in an RPG is to make your character stronger, making old encounters easier to deal with and preparing you for new, more challenging encounters, but in this game even the most basic molestation encounters can have a significant impact on your trauma and stress no matter how high your stats are.

    Honestly, I feel that when your promiscuity is high enough, something as basic as a back alley molester or an overtly affectionate dog should have little or no trauma/stress impact. Similarly, I also feel that if your character has maxed out their exhibitionism, things like being naked outside or being seen/photographed during sex shouldn't negatively impact their mental state. Without such systems in place, leveling up your promiscuity and exhibitionism becomes largely pointless, only good for unlocking a few new events.

    1. I also have some issues with the sex system. Every single act that actively gives pleasure to your partner is deemed a 'submissive' act. Even in such clearly sexually aggressive scenarios as your character seducing a married woman to have an affair with you, anything you do to pleasure that woman is deemed 'submissive'. The stress cost of submissive acts is also a problem on a mechanical level, since it again runs afoul of the 'stats don't do much' problem. Raising your sex stats takes a long time, and seems to have very little practical effect beyond helping you keep penises away from your vagina/ass. It would make sense if the stress cost of a submissive act was reduced in direct relation to the relevant sex skill (I guess you'd use 'seduction' for the 'moan' action?) since you'd need to put less effort into performing well, thus giving your sex stats an immediate, tangible benefit in 'combat'.

      Additionally, I feel like you might want to add another stat called 'endurance', increased by doing exhausting things, taking hits or orgasming. Raising this stat would reduce tiredness costs, increase pain resistance and reduce the negative effects of orgasms, like the mentality damage related to multiple consecutive orgasms. This would further address the problem that the game lacks a sense of real, tangible character progression. A 'high level' character shouldn't have any problems with standard molestation encounters. A high level character should be able to get through the 'crowd storming the stage' event without passing out. That way, it feels like you're actually accomplishing something when you raise your stats, rather than just feeling like an unrewarding grind.

    2. There's also the wider problem that your character is essentially always treated as the 'victim' in every single sexual encounter, regardless of how they were started or how your character should logically feel about them. Your only choices are to either fight them of, beg them to stop or 'submit' to them. This is a problem because the sex system is essentially the game's combat system, but the way it's structured and presented makes it a system where the player essentially cannot win, they can only lose to different degrees, which is incredibly frustrating as a player. I would like it if the player could use proactive actions during sex, since the current system marks all remotely proactive actions as 'submissive' and puts a fairly steep stress cost on them. I would love if there was another class of actions (you could even call them 'proactive' acts) where your character attempts to take control of the flow of a sexual encounter. Stuff like deep-throating a penis, fingering a pussy, talking dirty, french-kissing or grinding against a penis that's in your pussy/anus. These actions could have a success rating depending on your relevant sex skills and your level of promiscuity, and if you succeed they would lower trauma and stress, make your partner more submissive/reactive and give you a sense of control over the encounter, but if you fail they would cause trauma and stress damage and make your partner more aggressive.

      I also feel that there should be a way for the player to try and 'turn around' situations that make their character feel like they're losing control. Like when the school bully forces you to walk around naked, a sufficiently exhibitionist character should be able to walk with their head held high, proudly showing off their body. And when the crowd gets grabby during a strip show, a promiscuous enough character with high enough dance and seduction skills should be able to lean into the touch and play up their reactions, making the touching a part of the show. And hell, if a promiscuous and exhibitionistic enough character meets an amorous dog in the street, they should be able to drop their pants and invite the doggy to play. These actions could come with difficulty ratings based on relevant stats/skills, and failure could have various penalties that are harsher than what would have happened if you didn't try. The important part is that it gives the character, and by extension the player, a sense of agency.

      Because agency and the feeling of being in control are major themes of this game, but a lot of the time the character isn't given much choice at all. The game says 'this happens to you and you lose control', rather than saying 'this is happening, what do you do?'. And in 'combat' all you can do is either to try to stop the action entirely or meekly submit to what's happening, never truly allowing you to try to take control of the action. It gives the player very little choice in a lot of situations, and makes the game feel uninteresting and unfair at times. There should be a way to let your character grow from a nervous child that can't handle the world around them into a strong, self-assured person ready to face whatever the world throws their way. And sure, there are probably a lot of people who prefer to play the 'eternal victim', forever at risk from even the most basic of dangers, but they could still do that just by not leveling up their promiscuity/exhibitionism too much and not choosing the proactive options in encounters. I think you will find that a lot of people would be a lot happier playing this game is their character had more agency and more potential for genuine, relevant growth.

    3. TLDR: I love this game, but it has a big problem with lacking real, tangible character progression, which could be fixed by making sure the various stats and skills have a direct, tangible effect on gameplay. It also has a problem of giving the player very little agency in a lot of scenarios, which could be fixed by adding more proactive choices and abilities to the game.

    4. Of course, those are just my personal thoughts and opinions. As I said, I love this game, and I hope it will continue to develop and grow into something even better. Now, with that small rant out of the way (sorry about that), I do have a few unrelated comments and questions:

      First of all, is there some way to just tell the orphanage owner to fuck off and rent an apartment or something? Anyone who has a good fake ID and makes more than 2000£ a week should have no problems renting a place that's a hell of a lot better than a room in an orphanage.

      Is there any way for the character to become a futanari? I would love to play a character with both a penis and a pussy, since that would open up a lot of options in sexual encounters.

      I feel like there should be another way to end the eel encounter besides swimming to safety or getting overwhelmed and blacking out. Even just something as simple as finding a sturdy handhold and holding on until the eels are satisfied/tired out. After all, this is a sexual combat system, and there should be some way to win an encounter using sex.

      Also, please make it so you can go naked on the beach when you've maxed out your exhibitionism. Kids run around naked on the beach sometimes. It happens all the time. It's not like the police is going to come arrest a child for being nude on the beach.

      And finally, just how in the heck do you affect the purity and awareness stats? Right now my core stat block looks like this:

      Awareness: You have a limited understanding of sexuality.
      Purity: You don't feel entirely pure.
      Physique: Your body is toned and powerful.
      Beauty: You are cute.
      Promiscuity: You are a slut.
      Exhibitionism: You are shameless.

      And you can't tell me those awareness and purity stats don't look incredibly out of place for someone with that promiscuity, that exhibitionism level and literally hundreds of sexual encounters under their belt...

    5. Sorry about the huge row of comments, but I had a lot to say, and the comment form has a very strict character limit. Hope my giant comment isn't too bothersome for you. I just really enjoy the game, and as such I have kind of a lot to say about it... ^_^;

    6. Thanks for the feedback.

      I've been thinking about promiscuity as a way to "heal" rather than prevent trauma. The thinking being that, no matter how big a slut you are, being raped is still traumatic. Slutting around after might help you cope, but it's not going to make future assaults any easier.

      That said, a big reason for promiscuity is to give players who want that playstyle the ability to do so without breaking their character's mind. Those players may prefer it if they could let loose on the inevitable rape encounters too, rather than being forced to play defensively.

      I've decided that submissive acts increasing stress during consensual encounters doesn't really makes sense and will change it. I like the idea of skill reducing stress during non-consensual encounters too.

      The game is one where you play someone who is, basically, a victim. I'd like this to shine through the cracks of even the sluttiest, most exhibitionist whore at times. But I think that can be done in a way that still allows player agency, and makes encounters that go well feel like a victory, even if that victory was just getting out of a bad situation with only minor trauma and stress gains. The game currently fails at this. I'd like (and intend) to add more player options in the future.

      The ability to escape Bailey is planned. Currenly the best you can do is live with Eden. Futa PC is also planned. You're not wrong about the eel encounter, swarms in general need work.

      I'm going to change awareness. You're right, it doesn't make sense. Purity though, represents something not properly in the game yet, and isn't meant to drop much if you're only sleeping around town.

      Thank you for your comments. They've helped me develop some of my own thoughts. I'm glad you enjoy the game and hope you'll enjoy it more in the future.

    7. Thanks for the reply, and I'm glad I could help you order your thoughts at least a little bit. Another thing I would love to see in the game is a way for a sufficiently promiscuous character to seek out consensual sexual encounters in an area. I'd love to have an option (possibly with a seduction-based success rate?) to look for someone who's interested in sex, wether it be a guy in a back alley or a dog in someone's yard or a dolphin out at sea. Heck, you could even let the character go looking for a sewer lizard or tentacle monster once they know where those can be found. the ability to actively seek out consensual sexual encounters would add a lot to the game for people who want to, as you say, slut it up.

  14. I absolutely love the game, and I only really found out about it yesterday. Are there any plans for the advanced mental truama states? I think there's a lot of material there, from Eden taking better care of you, to maybe a few different types of therapy that can either be legitimate or some sketchy. Not to mention I'd like to see a number of events that hone in on various mental afflictions. Your character may have hallucinations and such, but outside of invisible stat changes they don't do too much.
    Speaking of Eden, will you be expanding the forest and what's outside of town? Maybe I'm just a fan of Stockholm Syndrome, but I'm anxious over what's going to come out in the future.
    I have a ton of questions that go over the unique mechanics this gem has but I don't want to sperg out and write an essay.

    1. The current trauma traits are a bit simplistic and will be expanded at some point.
      The hallucination traits actually have a huge impact on the game, but when something happens as a result there's no clear indication that a hallucination trait was involved.
      The forest will be expanded, and relatively soon.
      Thanks for playing and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  15. Some of the actions on Danube Street (Mansions) throw MC out to Domus Street (Home). Specifically skullduggery break-ins, but sometimes refusing a job offer does as well.

  16. Awesome work, I love this game, and it is great to see how quickly you respond to feedback. Keep up the good work!

  17. Loving the game, and it's fantastic how on it you've been with hammering out the bugs. That said, there's a report I'd like to make. Here's the text I'm getting--I'm sure there's something wrong here:

    You cover your face with your hand. You already feel in control, but performing such a lewd act soothes and excites you. | - Trauma | - Stress | + Arousal

    You try to grab her pussy with your left hand, but she moves it away. You rest your legs.

    I've got no idea what's causing it, but I'll keep the save-to-disk and can upload it if you need it.

    1. Thanks for this. I believe I've found the problem and will try to get it fixed for 0.1.8

      I'm glad you're enjoying the game.

  18. Hey Vrelnir, really loving the game so far!

    I was in the mood to draw some sprites tonight, so I drew a tank top for your game. Use it if you'd like!


    If you don't want to include it that's fine. I'll just replace the t-shirt sprite on my end with it then. :]

    1. This is really good, and in all the colours and states too.


    2. Thanks! I tried to follow your file convention when I made it. ;P

      The only thing that might potentially be an issue is if you add the option to change the character's skin color at some point. I had to draw the unclothed arm for the "tanktoprightcover" (when the sprite uses their arm to cover their privates).

    3. I saw. It may not be a problem but I'll make a note of it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I noticed I made a mistake with the alignments on the right arm covers on the tank top. They should be fixed now:


      Also, I misjudged how much skin I needed to include. The only skin colors that are included on the right arm covers now are a small bit of outline on the inner border.

      But it doesn't actually look that bad without the outline. So in future if the skin color is an issue, it might just be easier to remove the outline than rewrite the the system to accommodate clothing images with skin included.

    6. Alright. Thanks for going to the trouble of fixing it.

  19. There is this one glitch I presume. It's just that when you are at the beach and I forget the name who, but he offers a towel, and then a leach. If you accept both times and go with him, if you're lucky enough to run into the other person who wants to steal your clothes right after that, then you can escape, however you'll still have a leach on you. Not sure if you can fix this if you visit that person again yet, but just wanted to give you a heads up.

    1. That might not be a glitch. They don't take off the collar, you'll need to visit the police to have the collar and leash removed.

  20. Great job on the game. It would be nice if once we've gotten Eden's love high enough they show a path from the cabin to town. It could be an hour walk and even have a chance for an encounter but I'd like to be able to live with Eden and still be able to easily do things in town. Also I like the fact that the MC is always a victim. Even when they're acting in charge.

    1. Thanks.
      If you study history well enough you'll be able to find a secret path that takes you most of the way to Eden's cabin.

  21. In case you don't already know, your game is being discussed on this website, feel welcome to chime in or at the very least lurk to see feedback like post #16 in this thread, either way I see great potential for this interesting new game! Keep it up for sure. :-)

  22. thigh-long hair does not work in sex scenes
    instead, this appears:
    <img id="sexhair" src="img/sex/doggy/idle/hair/brown/doggyidlethighsbrown.gif"

  23. Any chance of selecting skin colour/having cocks of random colour?

    1. At some point perhaps, but not for a while.

  24. I went full "terror" in the eyes of the teachers, now I am trying to reduce my delinquency level. Every single day, I avoid any and all "+delinquency" choices, go to detention, apologize (which, with my A in English causes the spanking to stop immediately) and have been doing this for many days, yet my delinquency status has not decreased. Are there any plans to introduce "-delinquency" options?

    1. -delinquency options are planned, but won't be easy.

  25. Does anyone know how to increase your Skullduggery level past D? Breaking into the houses on Domus street doesn't improve it any more, but I can't get into the mansions on Danube street yet...

    1. Actually, I found a way. You can get more skullduggery skill by going into the café, hairdresser's and clothing shop when they're closed and picking the locks on the cash registers, but you can only do it once per day...

    2. OK, turns out the cash registers do not, in fact, respawn every day. Seems to take a few days before you can pick their locks again. Which makes absolutely no sense. Logically, the cash registers should be re-locked after every business day.

    3. I'm aware that skulduggery D to D+ is awkward right now. I intend to fix it in the near future.

  26. Also, what the heck does it take to do the mansion job in nothing but an apron? I've got these stats:

    Promiscuity: You are a slut.
    Exhibitionism: The thought of exposure fills you with wild abandon.

    And I still get the "You aren't lewd enough to take up his scandalous offer."

    1. It's a promiscuity 4 rating for me, so maybe get into lots of consensual encounters (easy at brothel/strip club) and do the "grab between thighs/ass" option?

    2. My promiscuity is maxed out, and I've done literally hundreds of sexual encounters. I'm not even seeing the option.

    3. You need at least a small amount of trauma for many exhibitionist and promiscuous options to appear. This is supposed to be indicative of the player character's innocence, that they're only doing lewd things to counteract trauma. But from the player's perspective it gets in the way and leads to weird situations where you intentionally get traumatised to get to the content you want, so I'm removing it in its current form. I'll get the character's innocence through in other ways.

    4. I'm not sure I'd call anyone 'innocent', at least in the sexual sense, when they work as a prostitute several days a week. And from a player choice perspective, allowing the player to choose wether to seek out sexual situations or not (at least when your character has a high promiscuity level) makes for a more engaging, less frustrating gameplay experience. Just my 2 cents.

      Also, locking options players might want to seek out to only appear when your 'condition' is low is really counterintuitive, since most people who play games will habitually work to keep that up.

  27. Just found this game today from the /d/ thread and I really like it so far. I like the sprites, which I imagine must be a lot of work considering all the permutations. I see some people commenting on the pacing of different aspects of the game, so I wanted to point out one thing where the pacing should NOT be changed: the breast growth. I really like that it's nice and gradual, and that you can see the gradual changes on the sprite in sex scenes. I also really like that the largest size is "realistic large" instead of "comically impossible" large. I hope the gradual growth and the realistic upper limit stay as they are because it's so rare to see a game of this sort take that approach to this.

    1. Breast growth was recently reworked to its current gradual form. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it.

  28. Would love to see pregnancy add to this

  29. Hi, I was introduced to this game a few days ago and just wanted to say it's one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life. Please never stop.

  30. From what I see there's a plethora of possibilities that can be added into the game. A few of the things that I do hope for although it may be pondered if is npc's and the such responding to the current situation of the world and there relationship to you. For instance I do not know if you're planning more choices to differ gameplay in the settings tab, but lets just go with this. Lets say that you are a female trying to grow a clit-penis by parasite. (If there's going to be black magic somehow, that would be a great way to get a penis and a pair of balls, but trauma needs to be high and you might need to have all the in-abilities before your mind can grasp the idea or because of your mind, you stumble into a cult. Ideas for later) It would be interesting, at least for me if people acted like you were a minority or a majority in the world you live in at least to a factor. Secondly, and I find this important as well. You need to put a mirror inside the bedroom. The only time I knew how I looked was if someone said something or if I save-edited the game, in which case I looked. It would be good to see stats like beauty, how your breasts were going size of etc, so on and so on. It would also be nice if you would style your hair, but I'll leave that for when you have the sprites for that. Lastly, Masturbation. It's a must need for home, a changing room or on a toilet and others as well. It's a shame the only time you relieve yourself is through another being. Also some nice interactions with the chastity belt and the parasites come into mind. So thanks, and keep this in mind please! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions. A mirror does seem like an odd omission. Masturbation is being developed, and should arrive soonish.

    2. You know, the one way on how I would deal with "Magic" in this type of game would be simple. If one were to cast a spell, it would require the person to become tired, but in the case for mana, I think arousal would work well for it. There might need to be things to stifle arousal when magic is overused, but I think it can work out!

  31. I just found your game this last friday... and i have to say it is amazing! i spent over ten hours on it this past weekend. i look forward to seeing more of this project. keep up the good work!

  32. Just wanted to drop in and tell you how much I appreciate the work you've put into this game. It's very seldom we find a game that fills into this sort of niche so well. Thank you for what you're doing!

    PS: I second Flutterby in the suggestion for ways to seek consensual scenes or be able to take initiative, even if it's only to get the experience over faster in terms of what the main character would do. (Example, "If they get off, then I can get if I do it well, they leave me alone faster.) This is sort of in now, but not quite like I'm hoping. I'd like to be able to cut down on my rape counts and keep my molestation higher, things like that.

    1. Thank you.

      That sounds like the direction I want to take things. The player character should have more agency.

  33. Just found your game this week, and its great. Cant wait to see what you have planned for the future.

    A few minor thoughts, it would be nice if there was a promiscous / ehxib response to catcalling that didnt require a skirt, even if it was just catcalling right back.
    Also when someone asks to buy your underwear, and you havent got any, it might be fun to have them ask to buy (or offer to sell, at high enough) your top / bottoms / both or a seduction hook.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing, and I hope you're having as much fun as we are.

    1. You're right on both counts. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the game. I'm having lots of (stressful) fun!

  34. Found this great game a few days ago.

    Is there any chance you could add "Pull away" command to oral sex because it also affects your purity? Currently the only way to back off from such situation is to tell him to stop (consensual). I'm aware that you can use breasts earlier but not if it gets too close.

    1. An action like that should really be there. I'll make a note that it's missing. Cheers.

  35. I'm really enjoying the game so far. The game is pretty big though, I have been looking for either of the parasites but I can't seem to find them no matter how hard I look. Any clues on what to do to get breast and clitoral parasites???

    1. Glad to hear it. You can find breast parasites by falling into the drain system water without a top on. You can find both breast and clit parasites by making a bikini out of seaweed on the rocks near the beach. It's quite rare though.
