
Friday 6 July 2018

Version 0.1.6

Futa NPCs are here. Let me know if you find any weirdness or text that doesn't fit.

Edit: This version does not play well with saves made made in prior versions, turning everyone into dickgirls and cuntboys and breaking the settings page.

Edit 2: Released version It should fix the broken settings page for old saves. To fix the dickgirl and related problems, just visit the settings page. Sorry for the bother and thanks for your patience.

Patch Notes
You can now choose the proportion of women that have penises and men that have vaginas.
Added chest parasites to another location.
Vore actions should now default to the last one selected.
New events in the school.
Added a "maximum breast size" setting.

Balance Changes
Reworked how purity interacts with breast growth. Breasts should now start growing sooner and progress more steadily.
Enabled breast growth for male characters.
Parasites cause much more arousal.
Chest parasites greatly accelerate breast growth.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that broke your money if you received a tip dancing on day one, and fixed a bug that made them pay fractions of a penny.
Fixed a bug that prevented the "mostly men" and "mostly women" options from working properly.
Fixed a game breaking bug that could trigger if an encounter ended due to becoming incapacitated.
Fixed a bug preventing the wolf transformation from triggering correctly.
Fixed some text descriptions breaking for named NPCs.


  1. Futa when? Futa now.

    Keep it up man, I must ask though, what's your endgame with this? Although I asked something similar before, I am wondering what you picture as a finished product if you do have a consideration.

    1. I've had a general idea of what the complete game will look like since the start. I avoid going into detail as the exact plan keeps changing, but there's little in the game I'd consider finished. The game world needs to be larger, deeper and different aspects more interconnected, so that the way it's played has a satisfying and lewd impact on both the PC and the world. We're a long way off.

      Not sure if I'll feel done when I reach version 1.0.0, or will want to build on it further.

  2. Hi, I spend some of my spare time making assets for a game called Secretary, I have had some ideas for things for Degrees of Lewdity and was wondering if you were open to adopting things made by outside sources if you like them, thank you for your time and keep up the lovely work.

    1. I am open to help from outside sources. What sort of assets do you make?

    2. All of my work was making clothing for the game's character viewer, I also made a couple of additional hair options.

    3. You've made some nice stuff. What ideas have you had?

      Art is the main hurdle to adding new clothing to the game, which is quite lacking in variety at the moment. That said, I'd be happy to consider other assets too.

    4. Most of my ideas have to do with more daring/promiscuous clothing options that the player could gain access to. I don't know what gameplay impacts some of these ideas may have, but I think it would be nice to also have some clothing that a partner would want to leave on the player character, or things that give them access without needing to be removed, such as open undies or easily displaced shirts.

    5. I can think of ways to incorporate that sort of thing. I look forward to seeing what you make!

    6. I can't make any promises, I just wanted to see if you were open to that sort of thing, I'll see if I can whip something up sometime soon.

    7. Also, here's a bug I encountered, when getting confronted about your discarded clothes in the girl's toilets, and I choose to pay them with my body, the girls there all have vagina's in spite of my settings specifying that all women have penises. This was with a fresh character in 0.1.6 and not, I haven't tested it there.

    8. Alright. Thanks for the bug report, I'll look into it.

  3. I'm still getting my characters dick played with despite him being in chastity.

  4. Getting the following error when trying to access the settings menu from the bedroom when loading an old save (from v0.1.5)

    Error: <>: errors within widget contents (Error: <>: default value (undefined) is not a number; Error: <>: default value (undefined) is not a number)

    Regardless, fantastic update! Thanks for the continued progress

    1. Thanks. I'll work on getting a quick fix up.

  5. BUG - spider encounter actions (mansion work) are not respecting previous round's choices. They seem to reset to "optimal" (keep away from genitals/butt) rather than remember what the player picked the previous round.

  6. Not sure if this a bug or just not implemented yet. But when you turn into a wolf girl/boy your tail and ears won't show during your "action pose"
    Picture link:

    1. Thanks for the reminder. This was actually a high priority but I keep pushing it back. I'll make time to fix it.

  7. I've been having a lot of fun with the game. Really like the percentage bars you added with futa. If you can, the one suggestion I have would be to add percentage bars to how many men and women you attract, in addition to possibly adding it to stuff like how often bestiality would occur.

    Looking forward to seeing the project get bigger and better. Thanks.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Sliders for the proportion of men and women you attract should be doable. Something like that for bestiality or the other settings would be much harder though.

  8. In 1.6.1, a male MC can attempt to pleasure a dick with breasts even if he has a flat chest. Afterwards, there is only 1 choice for chest actions - rub - without a neutral option.

    It's also possible to kiss the recipient of a titjob at the same time, which requires some fascinating spinal configuration on the part of MC, recipient, or both.

    1. Damn, I thought I'd purged the space-warping powers from the game.
      Thanks for letting me know.

    2. I've also seen the same typo in multiple encounters v humans when clothing is discarded: "She casts asideS the fabric."

    3. Regarding space-warping, there's a few more things you might want to look at.

      First, there's a "she twirls in place" action at the end of an NPC's choices for a round, which is fine in most settings...except when you're in the NPC's car.

      Second, this just came up while MC was giving a blowjob as the last 2 sentences of an NPC's actions: "She continues thrusting into your mouth. She licks your cheek." As fun as Aliens-tier necks/spines may be, I doubt that's intentional.

    4. Thanks for these. We'll get there in the end.

    5. Just hit a "missing gender" problem in the car encounter after picking up a reluctant woman to go have sex in her car. She turned out to be a herm. After a round of actions, her status changed to:

      "The look eager. look stimulated. look calm. look wary."

    6. Cheers. Think I found the cause.

    7. Oh I know, it's helpful.

  9. Shouldn't futas have bagene? Or if they do, they are always into penetrating stuff, not receiving.
    How about being a futa?
    Also there should be some clear ways of getting a bigger bust, maybe hormones in the hospital? I havent seen any way to get them bigger.
    In orgy, npcs could interact with each other, that would be fun.

    1. For busts, try swimming to the rocks and making yourself a top out of seaweed. You might find a couple of stragglers within that will take a liking to your nipples. Just don't do anything drastic like going to the hospital to remove them, and let them do their work over the course of days/weeks.

    2. Thanks for your thoughts.
      Futas have no bagene currently, it'd take a fair bit of work to get working in a non-buggy way.
      Futa PC is planned.
      Orgies aren't really in the game yet, just gangbangs.

    3. They aren't meant to. They sort of work when they appear, but break a lot.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've encountered a possible issue with skullduggery. Cafe, shopping center, and studio all have "closing time" screens where workers are ushering customers out after closing time. Trying to break into these places shortly after closing results in a "pick locks" screen which then proceeds to the "usher out" screen. It would be better to show a "people are still in the store" warning so PC doesn't waste time trying to break in before employees leave.

    On a separate note, are the cash registers supposed to show up every time you break into the above places? They are currently the only way to raise SD from D to D+ needed to break into mansions. Spending time to break into the place only to find you can't rank up because the register isn't there is frustrating.

    1. You're right, the player shouldn't pick a lock only to be kicked out immediately after. I'll make a note to fix it.

      As for the cash registers, they are working as intended and refresh Sunday mornings. That this isn't explained by the game is a pretty big flaw though. There's more skulduggery D content planned for 0.1.9.

    2. The registers reset regardless of whether MC takes the cash. So it's doubly unclear.

    3. The job where you have to bring a letter also let you increase your skullduggery. Is it a bug?

    4. That, I think, is intentional. Whether it's supposed to keep going up at all ranks is a different question.

  11. Suggestion - can breast size increase the chance NPCs opt for a titfuck? The only times I've coerced NPCs into it was when they shoved their dicks into MC's face and MC managed to redirect them.

    Oral skill rises quickly enough from just making out and has an "MC choice" option come up much more frequently than that, so think tits need some love (pun intended).

    1. Can't argue there, tits do need some love.

    2. Same issue with handjobs

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The game is actually suprisringly comfy to click through on mobiles, but the sidebar is a little bothersome, and the text is spaced too far away from either side so that little of it is on the screen, also money amount is hidden under the image (changing the font size fixes it a bit). Could you change up the view for mobiles? Desktop is more than fine as it is

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Glad to hear it works sort of okay on mobiles, I'll see what I can do about the other issues.

  14. BUG - MC was pleasuring a dickgirl with buttcheeks, chose "stop" action for butt, new page started with an error:

    ! Error: << effectsman >>: error within widget contents (Error: << set >>: bad evaluation: unexpected token: string literal)

    Also - when a dancing MC loses clothes to the crowd, the item should get replaced, but the sundress breaks this function when torn in half. There is no replacement for just a skirt piece, and when the top is gone, the sundress replacement fails to materialize.

    (On a separate note, there should be a non-school version of the skirt, like for the shorts.)

    1. Thanks for finding so many bugs, and sorry there are so many bugs for you to find.

      You're right about the skirt, or lack of it.

  15. I just want to say I really like the game and that I appreciate your work. I might suggest some work to be done to sex as right now, the PC will have a hard time reaching orgasm in One-on-One's. The Hunter/Huntress in the forest for example will keep telling you they'll "make you feel good", yet I have never seen so much orgasm denial as here. Every single day you'll reach high arousal, but never orgasm. There is also the problem with there not being mutual orgasm in One-on-One scenarios as far as I know. If both the PC and NPC are at the brink of an orgasm, the next turn will only result in the NPC's orgasm before sex ends. I think maybe adding an extra "Turn" after an NPC orgasm could work, rather than immediately ending on the turn that the NPC achieves orgasm.

    It might just be me, but I find this game to be incredibly difficult as well. Between handling Debt, Stress/Trauma, Negative Traits that keep piling up, School AND Skills, there isn't much time left for anything else. Are we kinda just set up to fail or am I missing something important here? I want to enjoy the game even more, but after a couple of weeks, things just fails apart for me. "Casual Mode" for us plebs when?

    Lastly, I do wonder if you'll also make it possible for the MC to take a more dominant role in the future. While being a submissive Loli/Shota is fun, I do find the thought of a Loli/Shota predator quite amusing. "Hey, old man, I've got free beer in the back here. Want some?"

    1. I think arousal might decay too quickly. I'm okay with the PC not experiencing an orgasm in every encounter though, some NPCs are only interested in getting themselves off after all. NPC orgasms still need a lot of work.

      It is possible to keep your trauma low. I think the difficulty is exasperated by some mechanics not being explained well enough. That exhibitionist and promiscuous acts increase in effectiveness as they go up in level, removing large amounts of trauma at high levels, for instance.

      I'm not against allowing the PC to be more dominant, but the focus is on being the victim for the time being. Doesn't mean the PC has to take it quietly, more options for defiant characters are planned.

      Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
