
Discord link: https://discord.gg/VznUtEh

Join if you'd like to discuss the game, report bugs, share ideas and suggestions, or just read what other people have to say. I ping everyone when a new update releases, so it's a good way to keep up.

Make sure you read welcome-rules. You'll find instructions on how to unlock the main part of the server there.


  1. Is there every a plan to add a pregnancy mechanic/elements? I don't know if this has been asked before, I'm not subbed to the Patreon so I can't see any of those posts

    1. Pregnancy is planned, but won't be coming for a long time.

    2. Will there be at some point an ability where YOU actively are the predator in DoL?

    3. Do it do it that's all I want! If you do that I can finally count this the perfect game! Please do it!

    4. and i feel like the pixel animation would be awesome for a sperm hitting the egg cell animation, like something from violated heroin ;D

  2. I have a suggestions Im a huge fan of exhibition and public nudity but even at MAXED OUT exhibition im still acting like im terrified to be seen naked at times and then able to completly ignore the rules like insisting on swimwing naked in class... I find those moments really fun. Are there any plans to add a perk or options to just... ignore dress code and be a nudist.

    1. There are. Public nudity will be a crime though.

    2. Hey thanks for getting back to me on this! im looking foreword to it and i'll see how far I can push it hehe XD hopefully not to dire I love the idea of my guy saying screw it and just going nude everywhere XD again thanks XD

  3. hey fame crossdresser more famous equals people knowing mc is a crossdresser and gets raped/Molested when in changing room, and other events like that. also you should add fame edit cheat/P.S. how would the pregnancy mechanic work, would you just give the baby away when its born or look after it as it grows up, if so you could add a fast age up drug or something to the Hospital since the Hospital don't have much.... would this included animals, and male mc impregnate others... could also add a Incest fetish/P.S.S. male mc getting blowjobs and being able to touch others chests, and have kiss sub options where you kiss like go for the lips or skin, also I think the combat needs more meek options, and add a way to have more then one set of clothes, it'd make sense to have spares... lastly have reactions/events based on how your dress with the named characters like you wear a bikini in front of Bailey or Leighton, and they rape/Molest you, also add events of named Student characters too lessons like swimming class, in the changing room she/he sees you in the wrong room if she knows MCs real gender (note have it so if a named character sees your penis/pussy they always know your gender with a cheat that change if they know or not) she/he rapes/molests you.(note something like collage they choose the class they go too) P.S.S.S. could you add more Whitney +love event lastly have it so you can remove the collar (note don't know if this is already a thing) and yes I typed a lot and truly lastly too lazy too edit or reduce the words I typed down....

    1. haha also add a fame edit cheat

    2. Thanks for the suggestions.

      Specifics for pregnancy aren't decided yet, but it will include a male PC impregnating others.

    3. hey me again thanks for the reply got some more suggestions. one. would the MC be able to interact with the girl that Leighton "keeps" (note don't know if this is a thing already or is planed) in a help (blackmail Leighton to give her too MC and look after them and the girl falls in love with MC) or "help" (rape Leighton and MC both have fun with the girl with corrupted love with the girl) kind of way. two. robin and Whitney interact like if Whitney gets jealous when she/he has high love stat or robin seeing how Whitney bully the MC (note maybe the event ends in a threesome hehe) two.2. threesome with the named characters event (note I suggest doing this and two. at a later date need to flesh out the characters first so you don't need too rewrite the word for the named characters) also about the kiss thing I ask about before something like the mock their "input choice here" action. three. you know about the Trauma system yea add a extra part to it like if you have 0 Submissiveness (note more mean MC) and have high Trauma you become a Sociopath and psychopath (at 5000 maybe)(note both of these are not the same "google it I guess") you know that event in class about wearing the wrong socks where the Mc can kick well more mean pretty much, and it can only be treated at the asylum (note MC becomes more cunning) can trick the staff into thinking the MC is better also outside as events like faking to love robin or them being the only one MC has true feelings for (love and what not). lastly four. add a thing where if the MC keeps getting force to lose clothes they can bring spare clothes with them.

    4. ....haha(again...) also some Seduction event like seducing Bailey so you don't have to pay(note not permanent) and have sex or seducing Whitney too be less mean.

    5. There are plans for the character on Leighton's PC. They'll be developed more in the future.

      You can already kinda seduce Bailey to avoid paying them, if you apologise during the fight then make them cum. Whitney too becomes less mean if you keep choosing promiscuous and exhibitionist acts during their events, increasing their love.

      Thanks for the further ideas!

    6. thanks for the reply and what not.

    7. also about choosing promiscuous and exhibitionist acts during Whitney events not all of the promiscuous and exhibitionist acts add love and most of the ones I see are in small amount so didn't know that and the thing with bailey is fighting then apologise is more like giving up asking for a way too increasing their likeness for MC.

    8. Hey me I have a suggest for consensual encounters where the MC can ask for actions like oral and if the MC has high dom (note when they get the demand action and have high promiscuous) they can demand for actions(note with the ask one you could have it be meek with low dom where MC ask shyly). also will the other named character get love/lust/dom stats. (note become main side named characters?)

    9. And with the apologise to Bailey not really seducing because you get raped for money right, What I mean is seducing Bailey is something like having him/her wanting to have sex MC instead of money I guess. Also there's a bug with the wolfshrooms as I can't find any in and add a way to change MCs gender in cheat menu

    10. There should be an easier way to get wolfshrooms as I can only find them at the cliffs during with wolf hunts.


    1. Events here and there, not focusing on any one area. There's a new event that can occur while dancing at the strip club or brothel, for example. Trying to flesh things out a bit. Also Robin lap pillow.

      Hopefully breasts will appear on the sidebar sprite too.

  5. add pregnant for female and add standing posture for female and male

  6. Why not add a sanity stat for Morgan? It should be empty at first, showing that "Morgan is delusional" or something and be able to trigger different events if their sanity is high enough. Such as asking to be breastfed (if Morgan is female) or grabbing their ass when they rummage through trash (each requiring promiscuity 4). You would be able to increase sanity by either spending time with them, or there could be an event when their sanity is a certain level and their clothes break off, and they allow you to go out to buy new ones for them. When you return with the clothes you can give it to them, which increases sanity, or if you had promiscuity 4 you can asks them to bare themselves, which does nothing for their sanity but would decrease trauma and stress as well as increase arousal.

  7. how do I get Prostitution fame?

    1. No easy way. Just whore yourself at the brothel or club.

      It'll be easier to increase in the future.

  8. could you add a way to remove the leash but keep the collar on. / leash and collar.

  9. how about being able to when removing underwear keep the front hidden and only moving the back down. so if PC male dress as female and NPC wants to fuck PC, they don't know that they are fucking a male. and when a PC female dress as male when hiding the front, so the NPC think the PC wants the NPC to think of the PC as a girl [when she is]

  10. any chance for an "easy mode" without the "pay me X00 at sunday" pressure for when you just wanna explore the game?

    1. That might be incorporated into soft mode, I haven't decided.

      You can always use the cheat menu to give yourself loadsamoney.

  11. Yo! Thought I'd post a few ideas (most of them have probably already been listed) or rather things I'd like to see in the game! I have no idea how hard it is to implement, and I really appreciate your work! The game is fucking awesome and probably the best H-game out there - keep working hard my dude!

    - More clothing options: G-strings, bras, booty shorts, more shoe options.
    - Being able to change hairstyle at the hairdresser (ponytail, pigtails, braids).
    - Being able to work as a full time maid in one of the mansions would be sweet.

    It would also be pretty cool if there was a way to move out from the orphanage or be adopted by another adult.

    There's also the thing about the stockings and shoes still being equipped when the player decides to go for a swim or take a bath. (Side note: Different colour on the stockings and being worn by the combat sprite would be hella sick).

    Lastly, is there a way for female characters to wear pants without being mistaken for a boy? Just seems weird that even if you have a pertruding chest and long hair, people assume you are a dude just because you aren't wearing a skirt.

    1. Thanks for the ideas, and the kind words!

      More clothing options are planned. I'm overhauling the clothing system to make adding new items easier. I'm hoping to get bras working as part of it too, though that will require updating a bunch of older events.

      More hairstyles and a maid job are planned. Someone is offering their time to help me with the former, and the latter is waiting on the aforementioned clothing overhaul. So we can have maid outfits.

      Female characters shouldn't be seen as a boy unless they're wearing school shorts, which are part of a uniform, or are topless with small enough breasts. Wearing the regular shorts should mean you're still seen as a girl. Assuming it's working right.

    2. what about a mask to hide your identity when you comit crime?

  12. Hey, are there any plans on adding sprites for other humans while in combat/sex?

    1. No hard plans, but someone has contributed a couple of silhouettes which fit the role. So it's looking more likely.

  13. How do I get into modding this game? I have a pretty decent handle on programming and I'd like to add my own content instead of just asking for it.

    1. The mods for DoL are technically forks, though it should be possible to keep them up to date with the main version.

      There's an email address on the contact page of this blog if you want more info and the game's code in a more usable form.

  14. it will be cool if you can customize your sprite a little more with things like skin color facial and body features or different races.

    1. could it be a posible to make the Mc ugly? i like having choise.

  15. How about adding a 'Cry' option when your trauma is high enough? It can reduce stress, but not trauma. Also you could use the chance to introduce a new character. Like a big sister/brother type, one who occasionally help you against Whitney at school. The event that could be triggered to meet them is that you should cry at school and there would be a chance you get to meet them. Another idea is that they could be one of the older children of the orphanage.

    1. I like the idea of a Cry option, though currently crying is attached to the pain stat.

      I've considered a character like that, both as a fellow orphanage resident, and a student at school. It's a maybe for the future.

    2. You could also make the character a pervert. But the like the ones that like making dirty jokes or whatever, and is embarrassed by the actually thing.

  16. okay, first sorry for my english i am french canadian so its kind of hard but hear me out. i am not a big fan of gore, blood, ect but i like to have option so what about a scarification system? it whould lower trauma but give a shit laud of pain and whould also give you a debuff in cuteness. it vould only be an option if your trauma and stress is higth or a consequanse of some event. like if you have max lust and dominance wit Whitney and no love they would ''hurt'' you. also if you fight a lot like agains a fuking bear you could end up wit some. you could also get a buff in intimidation if you got one on the face... and if you want to get rid of them you have to go to the hospital and pay like 500 or something. What you think?

    1. I like the idea a lot, but I've been avoiding the physical effects of violence on the PC as I worry I won't get them right. I've put it on the maybe pile.

      Your English is fine.

  17. Hey i know the last update came out just awhile ago but i only just found your game a few days ago and it's amazing, it's the best online game I've played in a very long time. so i just wanted to ask if you have even a loose estimate of when the next update will be, of course it's understandable if you don't.

    1. I'm glad you like it!

      I'm hoping to have the next update out Saturday.

  18. hey vrelnir, what about the possibility to take robin wit u at eden cabin or wolf pack? if u have max love wit robin you can persuade them to go live wit you in the wood, and if your love wit eden is also max you can persuade them to take the Pc and robin in the cabin, there could be also the same kind of event wit the wolf pack and in both case robin wont be as comfortable with it than Pc but will grow to love their new life.

    1. I'm considering it, it's a really fun scenario to think about. Thanks for the ideas.

  19. Some interesting comments and I see a lot of game that has escaped my exploration and experimentation.
    I think the simplest way in dealing with Bailey is to be able to pick the lock of her office. Then options would be to hack his/her computer, crack a safe, and/or sabotage (an item from the Elk Street compound). Blackmail can end up an option.
    Have Laundry sell your character lock picks (which advance skills), burglary tools (skills and abilities).
    Having passing cars damaging clothes does not make sense. Now damage into the forest is realistic.
    Whitney is too much over the top. Once your character has supplied X amount of pain to Whitney, say after 5 times, Whitney then does some mellowing.
    I've figured out how to have Robin as a mutual love interest. It's sort of weird in a game of sociopaths. As far as Kylar, I have only been able to be attentive to hook up when I'm being watched. If there's more, I haven't found it yet.
    Teachers beyond the Head should be available, even if it takes time.
    I find the game fascinating in that it stimulates imagination much more than graphic pictures.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, the feedback and the kind words. Some of this is planned, like having relationships with other teachers.

      There's not much more than that for Kylar right now, other than the kidnapping sequence that triggers at high suspicion and can remove them from the game. That's supposed to be a soft failure state though. There's more planned.

  20. Hi Vrelnir,I heard that you had plans for the church and its priests, so what are your plans for religion in the game? do you plan to do something realistic like a fanatic sect similar to the inquisition? or to go deep into the phantastic as in the Temple of the morning wood? or somewhere in the midle? i would love to know the direction in which you want to bring the story line.


    1. Somewhere in the middle, I think. Ancient local beliefs coexist with a more mainstream religion that values purity. They have borrowed from and overlap each other.

      The temple represents the latter.

  21. Hi I love the game and i was just wondering if there was say a road map to future updates and/or when the next big update was planned to release

    1. Thank you. There's no roadmap, but I am considering creating one. The next update is planned to release in a few days.

  22. So, I’ve played the game quite a bit, and it is quite amazing really, but I’ve got a few thoughts I’d like to share;
    1) Different kinds of vore, especially with the whale, since they can’t exactly rape you
    2) Different cock sizes, because why not
    3) Watersports, again, why not
    4) Double Penetration
    5) Different positions based on the situation (example; one rapist, in the alley, presses you against the wall)

    1. 4) i think this is already in the game no?
      2) that would be nice
      5) you meant in dialogue or the animation?

  23. does any of you watch GOT? the last season is epic!!!

    BTW great game dude

  24. Maybe adding bathroom events for Robin back at the orphanage could be interesting. Like if you catch them playing with themselves (if lust is high enough) and depending on your relationship with them different actions can be taken. Like if you're lovers you could trigger a sex scene or if you're friends you could just watch (+ arousal) or tease them (+lust +arousal) or try to laugh it off and offer to wash their back (- NPC dominance, probably?).

    1. Thanks for the ideas. Walking in on Robin while they bathe is planned, and perhaps the other way round too.

  25. For anyone thinking of joining the discrord server it has a mod who often finds ways to bring up that lolis are disgusting and people who like them should go to hell so if you join be careful with what you say if you don't share those opinions.

    1. I'm sorry that was your experience Anon. The Discord moves so quickly sometimes that I can't keep up, and rely on the mod team to manage things for me. I know for a fact not all the team feel that way about people who like loli, but they do need to be vigilant as posting it is against Discord's ToS.

  26. Just want to say i enjoy the game

  27. I have a save from an old version, I can not play it with these new updates? Do I really have to create a new game for each update that is laced?

    1. Saves should carry over between updates. Saving to disk beforehand is safer, if you're playing the normal or text only versions.

  28. 'Dominant' actions during consensual sex could be interesting. Like you are the would moving the NPC'S around, such as moving them to your crotch or maybe even some bondage could be put in. Usually during consensual sex it says that the NPC 'looks confident'. Add your own dominance stat could be a way to unlock dominant actions. Like if you make Robin's NPC dominance low, it could change the 'confident' description to either 'timid' or 'meek'.

    1. I agree it would be cool. Thanks for the ideas.

  29. is it not weird that if you get in a relationship wit a bully its stay in school but when you get one with a looner they follow you everywhere? what i meen is that whitney does nothing to you outside of school even if they get super possessive (dominant) could be interesting if they do something like kylar (but not creepy more like in a dominativ way)
    P.S sorry for bad english

    1. I agree. Whitney should have a presence outside school.

  30. First of let me say I absolutely love this game. I got it last week and it has taken up all of my free time. With that being said, like most other people who have commented here I have a suggestion. I read in the recent update notes that you were hesitant to give characters like Robin their own sprite because it may interfere with how the player imagines them, but what if you had the ability to customize the appearance of npcs much like you can change your own appearance at the beginning of the game? Maybe you would have to have full love with a character to do it and have the ability to change in the npc settings tab at your home. Of course you'd also have the ability to keep them as a silhouette if you so desired. Admittedly I have no idea how feasible this would be, but I think it would be cool. Also like everyone else has mentioned I would like to be able to have more interactions Klayr and Whitney. Thanks for the good work and keep doing what you're doing.

    1. daim that whould be nice, we could also change them in the cheat menu or have a screen to costomise them when we first meet them. IT would be fun!

      ps: sorry for bad english

    2. Thank you for the kind words. It's lovely to hear and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

      Thanks for the ideas too. I think if NPC sprites were added, making them customisable would be the way to go.

  31. Are there any plans to add other colored accessories (like stockings, hairpins, etc.)? And I'm also kind of curious if it would be possible to press your pussy against others' in a lesbian encounter? Just curious, sorry if you've said this kinda stuff in posts, I don't check this place much.

    1. There are plans to add other accessories. The system is being overhauled to make adding new items easier.

      As for lesbian encounters, they are indeed weaker than others right now, and I'm keen to improve them. Letting you press your pussy against theirs would be a good inclusion.

  32. An event where you catch Leighton 'busy' with the kid they blackmailed over the weekend would be interesting

    1. It would. The blackmail victim is already a character you can meet. Their story will be explored in the future.

      Thanks for the idea.

  33. Adding a 'Rich' NPC character twuld school wwould be interesting. And visiting their house on Danube street could be added. Also maybe you could add another option when going out with Robin. Like taking them to the cafe.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I want to add more locations you can visit with Robin, and perhaps other NPCs.

  34. Cool beans thanks for the reply.🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

  35. discord invite doesn't work

    1. Looking into it. It's working for some people, but not others.

  36. Are there any descriptions for virgin NPS's? Like when when Kylar kidnapped me and raped me, after showing the notice for losing my virginity, they would state that the PC was a virgin just like them. Can't you add a prompt for when that happens?

    Eg: 'Ass your virgin penis enters her, you feel it poke against something before it is torn through. Kylar grimaces slightly before she speaks."

    Like that? (You could just say "you feel her hymen tearing" to shorten it. I'm not sure how you say for dudes though)

    Also, maybe you could steal from people at the bus station too?

    And maybe you could add some events that will 'tenderise' Bailey? Like you slowly can increase their opinion of you by trying to spend time with them in the morning. Then it moves on to hugs and kisses and maybe even consensual sex. (Still will extort the hell out of you though)

    1. Thanks for the ideas.

      I plan to give NPC virginity a presence during encounters. Randomly generated NPCs will have a chance to be virgins, though I'm not sure how likely it should be.

      I'd like to add more pickpocketing opportunities.

      As for Bailey, I am considering giving their opinion of you some impact. You're right that they'll still extort the hell out of you.

  37. Replies
    1. No. Sorry. I did have the idea of letting you play as an Android with removable parts, but it's more a fun thought than anything serious.

  38. Yes, it is planned. Look forward to it in the next update.

  39. First things first: The game is amazing!
    Thank you for all the hard (pun intended) work you put in there!
    I thoroughly enjoy the entire content and know that it's still in deep (pun intended) development.

    May I suggest one or two ideas anyway?

    I would love to see a detailed pregnancy system for female PC's. It would add a lot of depth (pu...you know it) to the whole game.
    I would also love to see sprite animations of your privates when wearing a chastity belt, showing your conterpart desperately humping/trying to get into you.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Than you, and you're welcome!

      Pregnancy is planned, but won't happen for a long time. It will be a very involved thing to add.

      Sprite animations for chastity humping make sense.

      I'll do my best!


  40. you know, I was thinking of raising the map by putting more things like an amusement park to take to Robin or other NPCs, it would be interesting to put more nPCs for the character so the player could have more options like tsundere, shy, mute, etc. .

    1. I agree. I don't want to overload the game with named NPCs while other NPCs still lack fleshing out though.

      An amusement park is a good idea.

  41. Would it be possible for the random rapists to include named NPC's. By this I mean for instance instead of descriptor 'lean man' it could say 'Bailey'. I don't expect any influence on NPC behaviour just that it would be a point of interest.

    1. It would be possible, but I'm not sure where it would fit.

  42. when u become the back leader of the pack, could you be able to scare off random wolves and sometimes other dogs because of the sent you give off, and if u are a full wolf girl/boy you could scare cats or fight them

    1. That would make sense. Thanks for the idea.

  43. is petrifikation plannde?

    1. No, though softer, similar sequences are. Such as bondage and temporary paralysation.

  44. what about the possibility to give robin a fetish? if you do some activity wit them and everytime you get a scene where you do x thing they will develope a affection for it, like the snake vore scene or if you get attack by dogs-wolf ect. idk why but i like to see robin as a character that you could change base on your plays style, if your a whore they might become like you (if they see you act like one)

    1. Thanks for the idea. I think exhibitionism, or perhaps crossdressing would suit Robin best.

  45. Hey there. Awesome game, and i will agree with anon above - maybe best Adult RPG in terms of ROLE playing, which i enjoyed a lot so far, especially the ability to abandon everything up and "resettle" to forest cave with some limited TF. So my questions:
    1. Will there be more such "wild" options in future builds? For example - consensual cohabitation with tentacles in their lair, living with bears or boars, or even cohabitation with some aquatic animals like dolphins.
    2. Any plans for milking and/or human farm (probably even consensual) fetishes?
    3. Anything about amputation (up to all limbs)? Probably tied with with Human farm or Tentacle lair.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
      1. There are more "wild" options planned, notably living in a tentacle lair.
      2. The PC being milked in a human farm is also planned. Will likely have consensual and non consensual variants.
      3. Amputation isn't planned though.

  46. If pregnancy is coming out later do you have a expected date?

  47. and it is possible that there will be vore (oral, vaginal, cock, anal) between human with or without digestion.
    like on aryion.com who would be willing to help.

    1. Human vore isn't planned I'm afraid. It's not something I'm personally into.

  48. Replies
    1. You're not the only one having problems, but it appears to be working still. What happens when you try to join?

    2. Well, the discord invite link says that arealdy expired.
      I dont know why.

  49. Hi, first just want to say this game is awesome, thank you for the effort. I just wondering if you have plans to improve the graphics in the future? I mean like higher resolution, would make people more intrigued when playing. Just a suggestion tho, its a very good game already

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you like it.

      I'd like to improve the graphics. That said, it's a lot of work even at the current resolution. I get lots of help with art from contributors, but I want to keep it simple enough that an inexperienced artist like myself can work with it.

      Maybe in the distant future.

  50. what is to expect in the next update?

    1. It'll include parasite stuff, new events on Domus Street and the park, and penis sizes for NPCs.

  51. Hi; just gonna get this out the way first & foremost-This is a really, really fun game. It's really enjoyable, with a lot of versatility in how you can choose to play & replayability. I excitedly look forward to any future updates that may be planned for it, and would like to thank you for all the effort you've been putting into the game thus far! Onto the second thing,though; you see,I have this downloaded on both my android,and my google chromebook. However,there seems to be an issue with playing it on my chromebook-none of the little icons except for the Pound(£) show up; the clock,the calendar, the whole animated weather status, the animated..."Combat" interface,and the animated character sprite on the sidebar are either blank squares or don't show up at all. Same with the characteristics tab; none of the icons for awareness,purity,etc. show up. I know that this problem is likely an issue of "It isn't formatted for playing on google chromebook",But I thought it would be best to ask instead of just assume.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

      Unfortunately I have no experience wiht google chromebook, and I'm not sure if the game can work on one. I'd have assumed it could though. Make sure the img folder and Degrees of Lewdity html file have been extracted to the same location. Being separated, or not extracted at all, can result in broken images.

  52. I would love to be able to rotate the android version application, for more comfort while playing on a tablet and using a tabletstand

    1. Thank you!

      We had some trouble when we tried to get landscape working, but I'm hoping the problems can be worked out in the future.

  53. Hey, Just wondering when do u think the next update will be out, and if you dont mind me asking what should we expect from that update?

    1. Next update should be around four hours from now, give or take. Expect parasites, new events on Domus Street and the park, and penis sizes for NPCs. I've been adding damaged variants and other adjustments to some clothes too, but there's still a lot to do there.

  54. Instead of giving suggestions or asking for new updates, I just want to thank you for your work, it's a fantastic game so far. Absolutely love the detail you put into it and the presentation!

  55. hi budy, i play a lot of similar game and i have to say that your is so far the best out there.

    i wonder, what is your vision for it? in 1 year what would be different from now?

    1. That's high praise. Thank you.

      Not sure about a year, but coming updates will be focused on fleshing out the asylum, adding the farm and prison, and improving NPC code so characters can be used in more dynamic ways. I'd also like to add the first holiday event (halloween).

      Ideally I'd like to get all that done before Christmas, but things usually take longer than I expect. There are plans to flesh out old areas and add more depth to encounters as well, but those are ongoing goals.

  56. Good game,quick question (if it is coming out) will pregnancy be planned and when do you think it will come out. And what do you expect from the next update

    1. It's planned, but a long way off. Next update is fleshing out one of the old work locations, developing an existing NPC, and adding skulduggery content.

  57. Teacher sex pack. With dorian and winter all they need is a S rank seduction check at the end of their paths for them to be good(shower sex for dorian, bondage sex after surviving full museum event for winter)you could tie siris's event to winning the science fair with the phalis project and for river if you 100% the math fair they could get the courage to approach you. As for mason if you max out swimming and they have caught you massterbating in class they could invite you back after class for a "private lesson". also a staff room were at lunch hour you can approach any teacher you've had sex with for more and maybe a gangrape if you've had them all. would like to see more sex interaction with named NPCs across the board including the librarian and school caretaker. BEST one of these games ever and i always look forward to new updates to content and am amazed at the rate you and your team puts out new stuff ;).

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I think that's a good rundown of how teacher lewd could work. It's an area in need of improvement.

      Thanks for the praise as well!

  58. Can you make sex toys and use it for masturbation or use it during sex? they should be able to purchase it in the shop but u need ID like the strip club. and also can u make like a bondage options.

    1. Yep. Sex toys and more bondage options are planned.

  59. Hey I've been following your game with it's updates for months now, and I just want to say home much I appreciate your hard work. It's my favorite game so far (coming from me, a guy who has played a good 50+ games, that means a lot). Great content, plenty of characterization,you don't have to wait forever for the good parts, plenty of control of your character and what you want to do, all in all, I literally don't have complaints. I'm at loss because this is the first time I haven't complained about something- at most I have a few suggestions, like being able to play a female character with a dick (but even then, that is also achievable with cheats- just choose a guy, give him a lot of hair, tits and a huge ass and it's almost the same thing) or perhaps a house for your own (with taxes being the new bailey) but these are just suggestions. Your game is already awesome as it is, thank you for your hard work, as soon as I become economically stable again, I will donate as much I am economically allowed. Cheers mate, once again thank you!

    1. Thank you, both for the kind words and for considering supporting me. You're very welcome!

  60. Is there any alternative download? Mega is joking on me

    1. F95Zone mirrored it here, though I haven't tried it: https://nopy.to/n0e1gB0M/Degrees_of_Lewdity_0242.7z

  61. Also, there could really more interesting to add NPC's reactions at main character transformations. At least monk, praying for angel and getting angry at demon

  62. Just a thought,but being able to buy an umbrella might be nice :)

    1. It's planned. I'd like to add raincoats as well.

    2. Neat,I'm glad to hear it. :)

  63. I'm trying to find the "watersports" scene and bailey's fear. the wikis no help ATM can anyone help or point to a wiki? Anyone know how to trigger a Loft event in the orphanage? (i've got access to it but can't find the "good place to plan stuff route")
    For Vrelnir: Good new additions. Any clues for next update plans? i can't get enough of this game!

    1. The watersports scene is the most extreme result of the event where the police accost you in the street. The loft event should trigger 4 - 6 weeks in, at the orphanage.

      I'm glad you like the additions. Next update will be Halloween-themed.

  64. I would love it if we could be more dominant and act like Eden. Go around and rape people as a male. Maybe kidnap someone. Force Bailey or Kylar to so stuff. You know? Alpha male type.

    1. Dominant content like that is a maybe for the distant future.

  65. When I attempt to download this and I open the file, it sends me to a notepad file. Can someone tell me how to get the game running? I'm really new to this type of stuff and it seems fun to play.

    1. make sure you get the proper dl link (top link) not the text only one

    2. I've been downloading the normal version and I don't know what to do with the notepad.

    3. am I supposed to open it with something else?

    4. nevermind, i found out i had to open it with google chrome lol.

  66. Another thing: Are we gonna be getting the other color options for clothes and such (Sky Blue,Lime Green,Gray and Tan are the only other colors That we don't have,I think)?

    1. It's possible, new colours aren't too difficult to add.

  67. Hey Vrelnir. Is there a way you could add global font changing option in the game?

    1. I'd like to include options like that, but I'd need to work out how.

  68. Will there be an option to get the opposite gender genitals?

    1. It's planned. Not sure if it'll be something you can acquire through play, or just an option at the start.

  69. When will we have skin colors?

    1. Not sure when exactly, but hopefully soon.

  70. A monster girl NPC? Or maybe a neko girl? Also you could put some kind of 'non-human'(Monster girl/boy) village in the woods. Though you should probably first have high history marks to discover it. Or an event.

    A camp out to the woods (as a school event/trip) would also be interesting. Maybe some more interactions with the NPC'S.

    Maybe also vending machines on the streets. Specifically High Street and the Bus Stop. They could sell items that temporarily increase your stats. There could one in Connudatus Street that sells aphrodisiacs and alcohol.

    Also been playing for a year. I never get bored of this. Great game.

    1. That's great to hear, thank you.

      I'd like to flesh out the monster girl/boy aspect of the black wolf. Their code needs a rework. Not sure about a village of non-humans, but it's something I've considered.

      I have been thinking about a school trip, and camping in the woods is an interesting idea. I can think of some cute interactions that could take place between the PC and other students.

      The game could use more ways to spend money, aye.

      Thanks for the ideas.

  71. I have played and love this game but wanted to know where i can find a link to download the game and what kind of electronics it is for?

    1. I got the game but it says it has no images can someone explain?

    2. Download links are on the "Home" page of this blog. They're also in the sidebar if your device displays it. The game works on PC and Android. Other devices aren't supported, but some people have had luck getting the game to work anyway.

      Lorddeath - If you're playing the normal version you need to extract both the html file and img folder to the same location, or images won't show.

  72. Hoo boy, this is gonna be a long one. Apologies in advance.

    Wow. Just wow. I have to say, this is one of the best sexual-based games I've ever played. Every idea seems well fleshed out, the writing is appealing, and I think I've developed an emotional connection IRL to Robin. Thanks so much for making this game, and even more so for willing to forgo money and put it out for free. A couple of questions I have: 1. How does programming the game work? As part of such, would modding be an eventual possibility? And 2. Do you take suggestions? Because I came up with a few as I played, so I was thinking of maybe sharing them. Sorry if you don't care.

    Counseling: During school, there doesn't seem to be much to do in your downtime, outside of relaxing, talking to Yandere man, and eating lunch with best girl. I like the idea of 'friendlier' NPCs such as Robin and Doren, so what about a school counselor? They would have an office, and you could make appointments with them for once a week, skipping one period. This would make the teacher like you less, unless it was Doren if she already sympathized with you (let you use her flat). You would be able to discuss problems with them, and they would be one of the few people who never actually tried to assault you. This would decrease Trauma and increase control, but also increase stress (maybe, like digging suppressed memories out, as a comparison?). In these sessions, you can talk about the state of the town, about your insecurities, of things you've learned (like Bailey being evil, if you've been sent off at least once, or Leighton if you know her secret or anything important really), generally spout about yourself, or call on a classmate (Robin, Whitney, Kylar) to discuss things with/about them. This may end up in love/lust inc/decreases, events occuring, or even (if pressured) an encounter. Potential canon reason the counselor hasn't been bitten by the rape bug? I don't know, they're foreign or something.

    Different timetables: School, as earlier mentioned, may feel bland with same-old same-old happening every day. What about a different timetable each day? So on monday you may have english first, while on tuesday swimming would come first. Just a potential idea that doesn't add anything to the game, but adds some flair.

    People in encounters: In the game, there are some events in which you enter an encounter with someone else nearby. Yes, I'm basically only referring to Robin, but this could apply with others in a similar circumstance. Perhaps in this circumstance, the other person would be involved in the encounter, such as being in the scene, but on the outskirts where they're not directly involved (like talking to them to reassure them, or grabbing their hand as a comfort as you're molested). Or, otherwise, being attacked themselves and you can defend them, or join in, and so on. Sorry if this one seems catered towards my own interests (ie Robin), but I felt that she was relatively ignored most of the time, outside of bullying at lunch (in which she isn't involved) and the Halloween thing. Being able to defend a molested person as an encounter would be a neat idea in my opinion, and would contribute to kindness fame, while being able to be worked into the Halloween with the Orphans, where you would have to defend some Orphans/Robin herself being molested.

    Part 2 on the way, can't post more than 4096 characters :|

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for such kind words. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game. Thanks for the detailed suggestions as well. I do take them.

      You can find the game's code here: https://gitgud.io/Vrelnir/degrees-of-lewdity
      I receive frequent contributions there, and everyone is welcome to join in. Mods are a thing, but there's no proper system for them. They need to be manually updated each time the game updates, making them difficult to maintain.

      A school counsellor is an interesting idea. I want to avoid too many "nice" characters though. I think Doren should take this role.

      I considered a timetable early on, but I thought it might be better to keep things simple and predictable. More classes are planned though, and I haven't decided how to fit them in.

      I'm all for getting named NPCs more involved in encounters where it makes sense. In one existing encounter Robin will intervene and rescue you.

  73. Part 2, now here for you
    The Orphanage: I like the personality it has, and I feel it can get even better by utlizing the Loft a bit more. I've never figured out what rebelliousness does, but I digress. The Loft could be used to have things in the orphanage without having Bailey know outside of Kylar's Lab. For example, it could be used as a hiding place for Orphans in trouble (random event), or you could try keep a pet up there from the pet shop. Another idea would be that people could meet in secret up there, as a kind of 'anti Bailey movement,' in which you could incite rebellion in the Orphans as part of a stat. You could use the loft for meetings to raise this, and generally work towards making the Orphans less content to let Bailey have his way. Besides this, in Bailey's office, you could choose to inform Bailey of this rebellion. Doing so will have varied effects: if the rebellion is minor, Bailey will punish you and the other orphans. If it is moderate, he will come after you or Robin only. If it is higher than this, then (this is just a concept, not sure how it'd work with your idea of Bailey's character) Bailey may become minorly intimidated, and allow small concessions (such as pets, or 1 day delay on payment) to appease the orphans. This would be a time bomb in some capacity, as if disobedience shrunk too low, Bailey would still carry out revenge. This may culminate in Bailey taking forceful action, relenting in your debt to get rid of you, or even leaving the orphanage altogether.

    Named encounters: For a smaller idea, if you know someone's name it'll appear in lieu of the constant his/her of encounters. Just to add that personal touch.

    Town impact: Basic concept, but the idea is that you would be able to take actions that affect the town as a whole, such as bringing crime rates up/down, bringing the amount of rapists up/down, and changing the town as a whole depending on what you do and who you work with. The danger to such would be the ire of the opposing side, and becoming famous enough would warrant Bailey's anger (for some reason)

    Martial arts: Fighting during encounters is difficult, why not introduce the ability to learn martial arts? This would increase your options for fighting in encounters, and allow you to skip some encounters entirely if you were high enough level.

    Singing: As another learnable skill, albeit not as useful as others. Singing would decrease stress, and you could sing in many places: idly, on the bus, on break at school, walking to school with Robin, and generally many other encounters. This would be either a single action or a start/stop kind of thing. Your song would depend on your other stats, unlocking more with different stats (promiscuity, willpower, awareness etc). Singing would draw both attractiveness and allure to you at the same time, with more attractiveness at day and vice versa. Singing could also increase awe at the strip club/brothel while working, increase NPC opinion of you, bring up hope in the Orphanage, increase/decrease status at school (depending on your audience), bring negative attention in the forest/sewers, and more. Of course, you wouldn't be able to sing if your mouth was blocked/full.

    1. I agree the loft should be used more, and there are plans to do so. You'll be able to hide more than just the lab up there, with the aim of helping the orphans survive Bailey's tyranny. Eventually, you'll be able to organise a proper resistance.

      Rebelliousness influences the events that trigger in the orphanage. You see evidence of the orphans' anger as it rises, and their subjugation as it drops.

      Named characters are supposed to have their name displayed once each "turn" of encounters. I've considered giving generic NPCs names, though very few would be known to the PC currently.

      I plan to add more ways to influence the town as a whole. It should be difficult with hard-to-predict consequences though. You're just one orphan, after all.

      Martial arts is planned. There'll be a dojo, probably in the forest.

      As for a singing skill, it's not something I've considered. It would fit.

  74. Here's part 3, the fin-a-le

    Sexuality: This would mess with how the game worked in general, so maybe a toggle option before beginning the game. Your character would have a preferred sexuality (straight, gay, or bi), in which they are more traumatized through non-con encounters with those outside of their preferences. Additionally, you may come to question your sexuality through such contact, and also through love+/lust+ or consent actions with such people. This would be another source of insecurity. Other characters (NPCs etc) would also have preferences, where major/minor NPCs would have it toggleable similar to their gender and genitalia. Potentially, if starting off as bi or gay, such insecurity may already exist due to questioning their sexuality (i hope this isn't offensive, just as a friend of many gay/bi males, i know that people are commonly uncomfortable initially with the idea of 'not being normal'). Counseling/praying could help with this.

    Marriage: As an option, getting married to a romanced character. You would've had to be with them for a full month at least, do some dates with them, and perhaps go through a unique event, after which you could propose. Whether they accept or reject this depends on their love, lust, etc. Being accepted gives you massive boosts to positive stats, and being rejected gives the opposite. You could either use a bought ring from clothes shop (lowest chance), a special ring from diving in the ruin (medium chance) or an expensive ring bought from Landry (highest chance). If accepted, you unlock the option to have a private ceremony where you simply receive legal marriage, or have a full ceremony. Both would be expensive, but the latter much more so. You could hold the ceremony marriage in a variety of places: the Orphanage Loft (if Bailey was intimidated by the Orphans), the Park (always an option, highest chance of danger), the forest (if you find a special clearing earlier, chance of interruption by Eden/wolves UNLESS marrying Eden), the school (if liked by teachers and blackmailing Leighton, danger determined by popularity otherwise safe), or the temple (if purity is max, meaning you must save yourself until then). At the ceremony, depending on the place, NPCs who like you may turn up, including minor NPCs. Random people may show up as well depending on Status (schoolmates) and Hope (Orphans). Neutral NPCs may or may not show, while antagonistic NPCs may either not turn up, or attempt to ruin it. Bailey will always be there, unless marrying in the loft. To be expanded upon later, the wedding runs its course as an event, and when asking for objections other met love interests may speak up. You would have the option to attempt to pacify them through words, stay silent, etc, and they may or may not be appeased depending on their connection with you, the character's personality, and so on. If not appeased they may leave, request favors, or attempt to ruin the party. Any attempt such as this can be fought off, with the support of other attendees. Bailey will always chime in last, saying that he owns you and he does not give permission for the wedding to take place. You may either fight him, attempt to verbally pacify him, bribe him to allow the wedding to pass, or rely on one or more attendees to restrain him (in other words, make sure Whitney, Kylar, and/or Landry are there, and you're on their good side). If you can get through the wedding without significant problem or confrontation, you would earn the Happily Married Trait, which would mark your bond with that character as 'inseparable' and massively increase daily trauma decay. Besides this, your betrothed may confront your attackers, follow you around to make performed tasks easier, and seek you out should you go missing. This may also count as an ending to the game, should the player wish it.

    Harem: Well after the last one I'm kinda worded out, so you get the idea

    nearly done

    1. There are no plans to give the PC a sexuality. I agree it could fit though.

      Marriage is planned. You won't be able to marry any NPC however, as each will be a unique situation and take a lot of work.

      A harem will be possible in a sense. You'll be able to get various love interests to get along with each other. It won't be easy though.

  75. And now part 4, I lied about the finale part
    Sorry for the length of my post. I really hope to get some feedback on these dumb ideas, and if they sound like too much work, then I have some free time on my hands at the moment to maybe program some stuff (if I knew how... :/). Thanks very much, and to anyone else reading, feel free to give feedback, as it's good to hear other's opinions.


    also sorry for potential spam

    1. Don't be sorry about the length! Thanks for taking the time to write up your thoughts. I'd be happy to accept your help. Feel free to join the Discord if you haven't already, we have channels for people interested in contributing.

  76. Hey just coming here to say thanks for this game. This has been my favorite game for a long time now. What are your plans for the next update?

    1. You're very welcome. That's great to hear.

      Next update will add skin tones, clothes for the missionary sprite, and Whitney events. The focus has been on catching up with contributed content.

  77. игра отличная ,благодарен разработчику ,может лучше поработать над анимацией ?

    1. Спасибо! Мне бы хотелось улучшить анимацию.

  78. Been loving the game for a long time, and vaguely remember you mentioning something about separating genitals from gender a while ago. Not asking about that though lol. What I wanted to ask is if you had any plans on letting the player be on the other side of assaults, or just wresting control away from their assailants and still continuing the act.

    Also, just as a possible extra way to spend money in game maybe in addition to pepperspray, we could get weapons and other illegal goods like drugs from Landry (or make some in the lab).

    Just thinking about this kind of thing because while the submissive element of the game has been fleshed out a lot, I think there's a lot of potential content on the other end of the spectrum that has yet to be explored!

    1. You remember right. Separating gender from genitals is still on the to-do list.

      Letting the PC assault others is on the maybe pile for the distant future. There may be more ways for the PC to assert control during encounters sooner though.

      As for weapons, I'd like to include more. You're right that the game could use more uses for money as well.

  79. Will there ever be an option for voluntary public nudity/lewd attire in daylight?

    1. There will. It'll be dangerous though.

    2. Thank you! Also thank you for making this game and updating so consistently, I have not come across any other h games that feature the amount of freedom DoL does. I look forward to future content :)

  80. i love this game, you planned translated in other languages?

    1. I'm glad to hear it!

      While I have received kind offers of help, an actual translation would be a herculean task. The code and text are all mixed together, not to mention the volume of it.

      Ideally I'd like to translate the game into many other languages, but it's not planned.

  81. Any plans to turn an initially non-consensual daylight encounter into a consensual one?

    Like a succubus skill or something?

    1. More ways to take control are planned, but not to turn non-consensual encounters into consensual ones.

  82. i wiwsh we could get the client's contact like phone number ( the ones that pay better specially )

    1. I've thought about adding more depth to your clients at the club and brothel. Not sure if the existing clientele should be improved, or if additional sequences with more fleshed out characters would be better.

  83. How do you engage in a chestjob? What conditions are required?

  84. HELLO I LOVE YOUR GAME, I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE AN IDEA, What if npcs had faces and bodies?(as for example I would like to see robin's face <3) and Thanks for create this awesome game :D

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! You're very welcome.

      I'd like to include proper sprites for NPCs. I also like people to have lots of room to imagine NPCs the way they like, so a lot of options would be needed.

  85. merry christmas vrelnir


  87. when is the next update T-T , every update takes more time than the last one , you broke the 1 month barrier :c

    Merry Christmas btw :d

    1. Hey, he also has his life, just wait.

  88. Happy New Year, Vrelnir! If you still interested about changing the fonts then you could simply edit the CSS file and apply the font to html* (it's empty anyway). I was searching the best ways to allow the player to change the font in HTML and ended up in StackoverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58664235/allow-users-to-choose-font-from-their-computer-and-use-that-font-on-website. Thanks for reading these comments and have a great Christmas (if you celebrate it).

  89. Epic game, and a few idea's are in my mind for it;

    1) weapons: separate from the spray could be small, up-gradable weapons like a shiv, eating utensil, sticks, baseball bats, or brass knuckles. you can chose to hide them in your clothes (if you have clothes appropriate for hiding such things) or openly wield them (decreases allure, less likely to be harassed or chosen for prostitution, some are a crime to wield and increases fame and might spark the law against you, will be marked a delinquent in school for bringing weapons to school, NPC's might not be cool with you holding a dangerous weapon during consensual sex and might make you put them away before sex.) most likely, you would have to talk to laundery to get them, or a store would open up to get certain weapons, like a sports store for the bat, or having to steal a utensil from the cafe while you work there.
    maybe a mechanic that tracks durability on the weapons, initially they are as effective as sprays, but after say 5 uses they wear down, and you could buy(steal) a replacement or if you have high skulduggery, repair them yourself.
    of course, you should not be able to murder anyone with these and it only wards off attackers or animals/swarms.

    2) monster pregnancy: essentially for female PC's, in the forest or during events/ hallucinations, mythical monsters like orcs or goblins could attack and potentially impregnate the PC, however to become fertile, you would need to obtain a pill (found during hallucination) that enables this content. after the birth, the monster would return to take care of your offspring, supposedly.

  90. Srry but, when you will upload the game approximately? (happy new year)
