
Monday 22 April 2019


This update adds the docks to Mer Street, new hairstyles, new scenes with Robin, and a handful of deviancy actions involving tentacles. Work on the clothing overhaul is ongoing.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: Updated to, which fixes a handful of bugs.

Patch Notes
Added the docks to Mer Street. You can find work there.
The other dockers will invite you for a night on the town once they accept you.
Added icons to the dishes available at the cafe, and icons to represent your characteristics, courtesy of Noyemi K.
Added a couple of deviancy 1 and deviancy 2 actions involving tentacles.
You can now drink booze at the pub.
Watching a romance with Robin in the cinema while in a relationship can go in a few new directions, if Robin has at least two beakers of lust. Courtesy of PurityGuy.
Added alternative hairstyles, courtesy of Shigure.
Hairstyles can be changed from your wardrobe. The style of your sides and fringe can be changed and cut independently of each other.

Balance Changes
Drunkenness now provides resistance to stress from most sources, but increases tiredness gained over time. The stress resistance does not apply to stress gained from overflowing tiredness. More extreme drunkenness has a greater effect.
Harper will now only send you to the asylum if you have the Dissociation trait, up from Visibly Disturbed.
Harper and the other NPCs will no longer involve their genitals while the player character is hypnotised in the hospital.
You can now leave your wardrobe while naked in the asylum if you have level five exhibitionist actions unlocked.

Bug Fixes
You can no longer steal from named NPCs. Will return in the future once it's fixed up.
NPCs will no longer carry purses or wallets while in swimwear.
Fixed a bug allowing NPC relationship stats to increase or decrease beyond their limits. Eden will no longer gain a lust value several times higher than intended to be possible before you meet them.
Dogs on the beach will no longer try to rip off your skirt or shorts if you aren't wearing any.
Fixed a bug allowing you to flash your genitals or chastity belt in the street without meeting the intended exhibitionism requirement.
Fixed a bug allowing attendance of Harper's appointments at the hospital on days other than Friday.
Having parasites removed at the hospital will now mention both chest and genital varieties if both are present.
Head accessories will no longer appear beneath hair.
Fixed a bug causing stress to overflow, and events to repeat.
It is now possible to refuse the docker who offers to untie your arms.
Made fringe length available in the cheat menu.
Note that fringe growth was being tracked prior to, so old characters might need a trim.


  1. Yay for updates! Thank you for the wonderful game! ^_^

  2. >Courtesy of PurityGuy

    1. purity!? what is this purity you speak of!?

    2. Does PurityGuy have a reputation or something?

    3. He's the meme of DoL. Some call him the mascot. I haven't seen any of his scenes in game yet, but if Vrel thinks his work is good enough to put in, it should be fine.

  3. Just a question: why did it took so long to get this update compared to the other ones?

    1. My guess is, having dabbled in game design myself, sometimes things just take longer to get working without a massive amount of bugs, that's why it's never a good idea for game makers to give set dates for releases since you can rarely predict how long something takes to implement and test, Vrelnir is by far among the most consistent and communicative creators i've seen

    2. Thanks for the kind words.

      I do find it difficult to predict how long developing or testing something will take. That said, I hope that will be the longest gap between updates for a while.

  4. Not sure if it's just me, but it seems the graphics for the beanie and hairpin aren't working with the new bangs.

    1. It should be fixed in the update. Thanks for informing me.

  5. When I change the hair style to anything that isn't the default, it gets insanely long. I'm guessing that's the maximum length regardless of how the rest is cut and I can only get the sides cut anyway.

    1. The game has been tracking fringe length for a while. Older characters may need a trim!

  6. Fantastic as always, I was wondering will it be possible for kylar to kidnap you in the future? If you do decide to do that, then kylar could have a small house in the forest, and you have to do chores for him like a housewife, like cooking dinner, laundry, and cleaning the small house, you could go willingly or struggle and that affects how he treats you overall. Also will there be the possibility of a pet cat or dog? Once again amazing work and I wish you the best of luck.

    1. Thank you very much.

      It will be possible for Kylar to kidnap you in the future. It already is, but the current event is a fairly short failure state triggered by high suspicion. A longer kidnapping is planned. Thanks for the ideas.

      You mean a pet cat or dog for the orphanage? I'm considering it.

    2. I cant help but imagine kylar having the per cat/dog and naming it after your character, dressing it up as you and possibly lewding it lol

    3. If kylar kidnaps you and makes you live in the forest with them,there should be a possible scenario where Eden or even the black wolf try to rekidnap you(assuming you haven't met yet) or they fight over you long enough for you to escape.

  7. Holy shit, guess I'll have to check out the new scenes later on because I instantly nutted when I saw the new hairstyles. Clothing rework may hospitalise me.

  8. vaginalmouth is displayed in the sex scenes regardless. frontbeast replaced by a wolf. hairstyle closes the ears of transformation (looks bad)

  9. pub flirt thing dockyard hangout thing dont work so good

    1. Thanks, I'll look into it.

    2. This is the best bug report I've ever read

  10. Is there any chance that Kylar is Eden's son? Since he acts kinda like him.

    1. There's a chance based on what's been revealed so far, I agree.

    2. Now i want there to be a way to stalk Kyler so you can learn where they live and or if you get imprissened by eden, you find out kyler lives with them and if love is high enough,the two will fight over you.

  11. Docks huh? Did you take any ideas from my email ages ago regarding my beloved Millwall dockers?

    - Icarus

    1. I referred to it for inspiration and when stuck for ideas, aye.

  12. What happend to Darryl? I saw their name on "Head's Computer" event. I didn't know that until I saw the game code.

    And Korean Translation Version of this game is almost ready. Thank you for your game!

    1. Darryl's story will be explored in the future.

      That's fantastic news about the translation! Thank you for all the effort you've been putting in.

  13. "Harper and the other NPCs will no longer involve their genitals while the player character is hypnotised in the hospital."
    Does it mean that you no longer get raped when getting hypnotised?

    1. That's right. I didn't intend for the PC to be able to lose their virginity while entranced, as I don't think there's a clear enough way to avoid it.

      Still planning on expanding hypnosis content in the future.

    2. I must have terrible RNG lol, I've never had a hypnotized rape happen once!

    3. That's too bad, I liked this aspect of the doctor betraying your trust
      Maybe only enable it once you've lost every bit of virginity?

      Also Anon you have to go to the Hospital a lot to trigger those scenes I think

    4. Enabling it once your virginity is gone might be a good idea. I know some people liked that part.

  14. While calming a dog at the Elk Street Compound, a glitch made none of my actions show up on a turn. They still occurred, but it only displayed:

    The dog bears down on you. It rubs its penis against your ass through your plain panties. It grabs your plain panties with its teeth.

    This after I chose the straddle option. Before this encounter, I fought off a molester on the bus. The next turn, everything was back to normal.

    Great update, by the way. Can't wait to see what will happen at the docks.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, and the kind words. I hope you enjoy it.

  15. Bug report : character's hair image doesn't change when using cheats/hair dresser/debug option in 0.1.30.x PC versions. It's works well on characteristics menu.

  16. Great game! I like the new changes. I'm still patiently waiting for deep throat option :) Here's an idea you might consider: Requires Promiscuity 5 and Oral skill A for consensual encounter after taking penis into mouth or suck. Unconsensual can have no requirements but gives boosted trauma. I expect Whitney to do this more often, more rarely among others npc's.
    Other ideas, maybe giving an ability to suck off Kylar in toilets if his lust is at max and your Promiscuity is at 5. Both at school and park. Poor Kylar rarely decides to release his urges even at 100 lust.

    1. Thanks! I think you give a good outline of how deepthroating could work. I want to add a "sadist" trait to some NPCs that will allow them to perform actions usually reserved for angry NPCs, and deepthroating would fit there.

      Thanks for the Kylar idea too. You're right that Kylar needs more outlets for their lust.

  17. so I get the spray, my clothes turn red permanently, eye color changes to brown and hair turns red

    1. and I use an android 4.4.2

    2. That version of Android has problems running the code used to colour and animate images. Sorry for the bother.

  18. Possible new bug. If my Stress gets too high and I pass out at the school, I wake up in the shed with people taking advantage of me - but it doesn't lower my stress at all, and I pass out again immediately afterward, possibly causing the same scene to repeat over and over again. I'd never run into that issue before.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. This should be fixed in Let me know if there's still problems.

  19. Updates, yay! Thank you for your work. Also had an idea pop into my head and thought I shouldn't keep it to myself. There's basically only one way to get bestiality fame atm, and I thought of another potential route, involving wildlife photographers snapping picks in the woods. Maybe eventually a specific job to be photographed in the wild with some pack mates. Just sharing thoughts, thanks again for this game.

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for the ideas, I do want to add more ways to be caught or seen with animals.

    2. There could be smaller, non sexual scenes that lead to increasing your animal stat too, like if people see you petting a dog while highly aroused it could lead to rumours, or maybe a scene with two dogs mating that you can stare at a with a little too much interest, I like the idea of people spreading rumours about you even if they aren't true lol

  20. Those hairstyles are desperately missing some normal bangs in front. Most of the options are waaay too messy

    1. Okay nevermind, just noticed that they scale with hair-length and you can get them cut at the hairdresser. Thats way nicer.
      Would love if we could test around a bit before comitting to a cut though

    2. I guess you could just use the cheat menu to change hair length to test different looks, not exactly user friendly but it's a method at least

  21. Hey, Vrel. I think I have some ideas involving the named NPC.

    - Having Kylar helps you if you scream during attacks in school and/or streets if they're following the PC
    - Having Kylar follows you everywhere, particulaly follows PC when they go to the pub or brothel. And it would trigger some events, like, having Kylar confronts they about their prostitution maybe?
    - And the last is I think Robin's Dominance can takes part when it comes to sex. Like maybe having them becomes bottom and automatically presses their anus into PC's penis if the dominance is low enough.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. Having Kylar, and other NPCs, catch you working in the brothel is something I've thought about. There's a lot of potential there.

      Robin doesn't behave quite "Robin" enough during sex at the moment, so a change like that would make sense.

  22. What can we expect from the clothing overhaul?
    And are Hairstyles planned to show up in the sex-sprites aswell? I can understand that its probably tons of work but I was still disappointed when it went back to default

    1. I have a bunch of clothes made, overtime at my job slowed down my progress though but I should he able to send them all to vrelnir this weekend, up to vrelnir if he wants to use em or not

    2. The main benefit of the clothing overhaul is making it easier to code new clothes into the game. The clothing selection is very small at the moment, but that will change. I also want to add bras and coats, though I'm not yet sure if they'll be part of the initial update.

      That's great to hear Razi.

    3. I think the clothing selection so far is perfectly fine. I just hope they'll show up on the sex-sprite at some point, thats my only wish

    4. Right after I finish the regular sprites I'm going to work on the sex ones, so hopefully I can start those next week, I made some for the virgin killer sweater I made just to mess around with it, so my goal is all of mine will have sex sprites too, and i can do the already in clothing too

  23. When on the pub crawl with your dock mates, an option arises to flirt with the people flirting with you or ignore. When I chose flirt I got an error message telling me that action was not available or something to that effect. Just thought I'd let you know.

    Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thanks for the heads up, and I'll do my best!

  24. I had the same problem: "Error: the passage "Dock Pub Crawl Flirt" does not exist"

    Great work with the hairstyle. Thanks to whoever did it. Suggestion: hair bun.
    Keep the good work, it always worth the wait!

  25. Still getting the "terrible light searing through you" line along with the stress penalty despite not fitting the requirement. I AM a demoness, but all my sexual stats are completely maxed out or close to it, including the ones that need to be maintained, and I literally just got out of a sex scene right before going to bed and did not clean up.

    1. Checked my purity, thought I'd share in case this helps. I've been nowhere near pure, taking a load in one hole or another at least once a day, and yet my purity was able to go up to 2. I used the console to set it into the extreme negatives so I at least have a while before it starts acting up again. I think something is causing purity gain where it shouldn't.

    2. Inappropriate purity gain does sound like the cause. Thanks, I'll look into it.

  26. It would be interesting if named characters could rarely show up while you're stripping with mixed reactions

  27. Hey sweety, so i think i found a bug well i dont really know how it happend i was with the dockers in the pub and we had a good night than i got the optins " Flirt(in red), Tease and something else i pressed on flirt then it told me "Error: the passage "Dock Pub Crawl Flirt" does not exist" so yeah

    Love ya


    1. oh and if you click on Flirt you cant do anything anymore, and if you tease them you can still play but you get also "Error: macro <> does not exist"

    2. Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for the trouble.

    3. No problem you cant do all the bug and error search :) i would love to help out more then just bug report but yeah i have no idea how haha :) stay save !


  28. minor grammar error (maybe errors, tho i just spotted one) in new cinema scene with Robin. hope i find some time soon to specify what it was.

  29. Aaaand no cheat for infinite pepper spray....

    1. Sorry Anon. It'll come next update, promise.

  30. What exactly triggers the whitney lunch canteen scene? I cant seem to trigger it

    1. It has a 10% chance of triggering every day while Whitney has 80% or more dominance.

  31. While working at the dock, you can get " a hook embedded in your naked" if you've already lost your bottoms to a hook. I like being able to work naked, but that's a bit odd.

    Any chance for a full exhibitionist update where we can drop our clothes anywhere at any time?

    1. Thanks for the heads up.

      The trouble with allowing a full exhibitionist update like that is all the time it'll take to work through the events that assume you're wearing clothes. I am considering it. At the very least though, you'll be able to walk the town's streets naked during the day.

  32. Having an issue with the dock job as well, specifically a lack thereof after you work it the first time. I go to the docks and it says they're busy and that's it, no option to work.

    1. Dumb question but are you showing up at the right time? It has to be before 7 or 8 am and not on a school day I believe

    2. I've been showing up at 6 every single day and wasting time around the area by going in and out of Mer Street all the way up until the last possible moment before I had to go to school on weekdays and spending all day at the docks on weekends, it just never pops up after the first time.

    3. Also, when I do trigger it, the options are duplicated on top of each other.

    4. It should be accessable between 7 and 8 in the morning, except on school days. I'll look into it.

  33. Something is overpowering allure, blocking any and all bad events from triggering if they require any allure above zero. My allure has been rock bottom, green text and no yellow in the bar, since I switched to this version and it doesn't matter what I wear. The only time it switches to the appropriate allure level is when I hit an event that automatically changes clothes by my choice, such as asking to swim naked in swimming class, which is maxed out allure as far as I'm aware.

    1. Correction, not even nudity, including swimming naked in class, is changing it.

    2. This is bizarre. Thanks for letting me know.

  34. Also getting the deteriorating muscle message despite getting exercise the same day.

    1. It sounds like something is wrong with the widget that controls daily effects and stat changes.

  35. Also, whitney is getting way too many events per day, meaning whatever code is there to keep him from appearing at the gate after school if you've had an in school scene with him is not firing.

  36. I had a dream about this update coming out today, a higher being has notified me and I am here, here to play this awesome games new update!

  37. Found a typo in one of the dock work messages. It says "You're tasked with cleaning the peer." when it should say "pier". My character just started working there, she's not ready to start cleaning off her peers.

  38. do you think maybe we could add a cheat for changing the day of the week?

    1. Time is finicky and changing it with cheats can cause all sorts of bugs, but I'm looking into it.

  39. Heads up, the steal option seems to be lowering control!!

    Specific scenario: flirting for free water for Robin. Encounter starts, I steal, succeed, and my control goes from blue to pink. This has happened 3 times in a row, now.

    1. it works as intended (at least, doesnt drop control) in normal encounters (got grabbed outside the cafe)

    2. Thanks a bunch, will get it fixed.

    3. thank you
      keep up the good work

  40. How can I swing naked in class? I don't seem to know how to trigger it. And my exhibition e level 5 already, in case you're wondering

    1. When you go into the changing rooms don't choose a swimsuit just choose the option to go into the pool room and a new option ask to swim naked will show up.

  41. Been loving the game, and excited to see things going forward.

    Two things I would like to see though (and might even kind of fit in theme wise with the next update) is the ability to strip off your own clothes during sex scenes. I know you can displace your top and bottoms already, but to completely remove them you have to wait for the NPCs to do so, and I would like the option to do it ourselves (maybe tie it to exhibition stat?). The other thing that might be nice to see is the ability to expose NPC's genitals during the sex scenes as well, so that if you're just being groped maybe you can take it a more sexual direction yourself? That one I'm not too sure on, but could still be an interesting addition to add more player agency?

    1. I'm glad you like it.

      I can't disagree with either of your suggestions, though the latter would need some requirement to be met. They're planned.

  42. I wanted to offer one suggestion for the school NPC bully.
    When I faught the school bully, I tried toerect him, but then he clasped my hands togeather and I remained not fighting, his agression went down to calm, but I had no way to free myself, thus he lust raise super super slowly, and my stress went to full pretty quickly,
    During the fight, if the time reaches somewhere in the 5-10 minute mark, could you potentially have a teacher or the principle come out into the hall to stop the fighting? weather you both get deliquency or if he saves you if you are fully restrained and the bully is hardly damaged.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. You're right, this is far from ideal.

    2. it was pretty strange as well, dispite him no longer trying to hurt me, he never let his grip go and didn't even try doing anything perverted tho my arousal grew very slightly. Best of luck being able to get one of those teachers or principal to stop that fight.

  43. oh i love this update btw :D the new hair system is just perfect :D any chance that the hair will be displayed in the "action" ? and btw the cat sprite or how it was called is still in dev ? :D


    1. I'm glad, thank you!

      The artist responsible for the new hairstyles has made some progress adding hair to the combat sprite, but it takes more work than on the sidebar. I hope we can include it there.

      Which cat sprite do you mean?

    2. well a update ago you added the cat transformation but you cant see in in combat just was wondering if it will get added soon :D and thanks for the info ! :D

      Much love Lizz

    3. Oh, right! Yes, it should be added soon.

  44. When dancing at the brothel or the club, sometimes the "you get a workout" message shows up, sometimes it doesn't. What determines if a dance is gonna be a workout or not?

    1. There's a hidden bar that increases whenever you dance. You gain physique whenever the bar fills.

    2. Oooh, alright. Thanks.

  45. Great update as always, I always look forward to patch notes because you always squeeze in unannounced things despite basically telling us what's to come next time.

    One thing I would like to see is a cheat to disable stat decay for things like purity/exhibitionism etc, it could also work as a difficulty option in the future too, similar to the allure trigger rate. I like the progression aspect of your stat levels increasing and opening up new options but it feels like you actively have to seek out and repeat a lot of the same stat actions in a short window just to keep it at the desired level due to how fast they can fall off, and so suddenly your character will go from "a little shy" to "full on fetishist" for example in a very short span of time which is a little off. This is especially notable for something like deviancy as the events are much more rare and spread widely.

    Really looking forward to the clothing update, I love the direction you're taking the game and you always surprise me with how quickly the game develops with it's level of quality compared to a lot of others.

    1. I'm never sure how much information to share about the plan for the next update. Plans change, and some people like the surprise.

      I've been considering a hard mode that would prevent promiscuity etc. from decaying, as well as other changes that would doom the PC to high trauma eventually. The aim would be to survive as long as you can.

      Adding a simple option to prevent decay would be quite easy. Maybe I will.

      I'm glad you like the direction I'm taking things, and thank you for the kind words!

    2. A hard mode would be super fun! I often like to play games for the challenge, and while I love DoL, no real fail states means no real challenge. Also, I love bad ends, and obviously DoL doesn't have any of those.

  46. I missed the event where Robin asked you to be his/hers boy/girlfriend because I didn't enter the bedroom when I was apparently suppose to, I think you should still be able to become Robins GF/BF after all you did pay off her debt for that reason likely

    1. That scene shouldn't be missable. The option to kiss them and start the relationship should always be available after their note is found in your room, and there's no way to permanently lock yourself out.

    2. hmm? I never got the note I guess I just broke it somehow

    3. Maybe kylar stole your note lol

  47. i think I found a bug with the new romance movie scenario, when you pull robin to the floor,he will start kissing and preforming oral sex in the same time.

  48. I have an Idea for the game, it's always the player who gets raped and molested so why not let the play be able to rape and molested other NPC's? I accidently think it might be really fun :P

    1. I believe Vrelnir has consider this, but not for a long time and only in certain scenes. I believe the game is planed to mostly play out with the PC being a sub and victim, although I do agree it would be fun.

    2. TheShadowSlayer is right, but I also agree it would be fun.

  49. The boy that PC saved on the dock is interesting. Is there any chance for him to be a main NPC?

    1. You'll hear from that character again, but I don't plan to make them into a main NPC. Plans change though.

  50. Oh, yeah, and also, the uncommon dance event that you mentioned some updates ago. What's that and how can I trigger that?

    1. Need a cat transformation and sperm / mucus on the skin.

    2. There's the groom action Zenycsh mentions, and there were a couple of events added that only happen in the strip club and brothel, but otherwise have no requirements.

  51. So, I have some minor characters have an opinion on my PC, e.g. Harper thinks they're cute and even Sirris. My question is, what triggered that and how can I make all of the minor chars have an opinion on the PC?

    Oh yeah, I noticed that the sentence "Robin loves you" is written in pink. Why isn't it written in green?

    1. Sirris appreciated the contribution to the museum, Harper - obedience to asylum, Charlie appreciates modesty, Doren - trust (when he catches with sperm on his skin or during masturbation), I don’t remember the others.

    2. They're based on love and dom variables of the npc, some of them don't currently have way to really change them.

    3. Anon is right that many have no, or few, ways to influence at the moment.

      I can't remember why I made "Robin loves you" pink rather than green. Perhaps because pink is a colour more associated with love, though that does make it inconsistent with colour use elsewhere.

    4. Please keep it pink, just for Robin though. Robin is a special boy/girl.

  52. feel like adding a value for ferality/sophistication could be interesting. i love the game and in no way want to tell you what would be good or not, but i think it would be a better fit for both flair and gameplay. value being from 0(feral) to 2000(elegant)

    when transformed to a cat/dog person, your sophistication passivelly goes down
    a submissive person could moan, and at a low sophistication, would whine instead
    a dominant person would demand, but at a more feral level would be moved to growling
    at low sophistication you would have faster hair/nail growth, and be able to claw instead of punch
    would imagine spending time in the woods/sewer/ocean/anywhere outside of civilization, sexing animals (ESPECIALLY when not fightingback/consenually) as well as fighting in general, especially biting, would decrease sophistication. wearing fancy dresses, socializing, and working would increase it

    also i feel like biting is something that should be available more often, as someone who's had unwanted hands over my mouth, i'll say with enough adrenaline, being able to bite becomes surprisingly easy. also biting realistically could be done on any part of the body, not just the especially vulnerable areas (this is from having spent about 15 hours in game,could only bite during acts of fellatio.)

    excellent game, and once im properly on my feet and dont need to worry about money i'm looking forward to hopping onto the patreon. thanks for working on this, definitely the best lewd game i've played.

    1. I do agree, Id love to have the ability to bite more in some situations. many times is the characters mouth covered with no small opening to try and bite a finger to get a scream in or something.

    2. Thank you very much, both for the kind words and the ideas. I like them. Something like this would add more consequences to the PC's behaviour.

      I also agree with the ability to bite in more situations.

  53. Being a feral child does sound like it would be a lot fun, dont know how much work it would be to implement though

    1. Whoops that was meant as a reply to the above, stupid phone

    2. lol nice one UwU~

  54. Considering how he acts if he finds out you're whoring yourself outside his turf, it would make sense for Briar to also punish you if you're caught stealing from your clients at his brothel.

  55. I know they weren't added this update, but I just love the new spritework. Not only do they make moving around the city so much easier (the little symbols next to the street names are very useful), they look real pretty too.

    The new weather animations are great: I can understand how walking outside in rain like that could leave someone soaking wet, now. And the beach sprite is cute, with the new palm tree. Even the city map has some nice details, like how you can see benches in the park.

  56. Hey, love the new update. Keep up the good work!

    I'd like to share some ideas I've had for expedition while playing the game recently. I was thinking that Eden has a rather simple relationship with the PC at this point. I know you plan to expand the game in the future, and thought I could give you some ideas I'd like if they were implemented.

    When cuddling with Eden at the end of the day, I thought it would be cute and emphasize your role as their slave/housewife if maybe you could chose to dance for them? Maybe with high dancing skills or something. I know that would take a lot of work, but it seems like a natural thing to do when you're owned by someone.

    Also, more housewife actions, such as more cooking option and more house chores options. A way to ask for sex from Eden or other named NPCs would be nice too, like presenting yourself to them at will or acting needy? Maybe some teasing option as well. The way you can dress scantily for Eden is very fun but Eden never ravishes you because of it.

    Another thing I'd like to see is a way to openly express your feeling for Eden, as well as the other named NPCs, because there are definitely time I'd have loved to tell Eden or Robin that I loved them

    Again, still great game!

    1. I meant 'expanding' on the second line instead of 'expedition'

    2. That's good to hear. I'll do my best!

      Thanks for the ideas. I do indeed want to expand life with Eden in the future, and I think you give a good rundown of what that could involve.

      Eden doesn't ravish you because of scanty dress directly, but it does raise their lust.

  57. LOVE IT! keep'em cuming boyo

  58. >Something tugs your arm. It's Kylar. "H-hi," he gulps. He tries to pull you toward a dark alley. "We need privacy. I need you to do things to me."

    Smooth, Kylar. Smooth.

  59. Séria bom se tivesse em outros idiomas, como Sou meio ruim em inglês

    1. Concordo. Eu só falo inglês, então não posso traduzir para outros idiomas. Há uma equipe fazendo uma tradução em coreano e alguém fazendo uma tradução em russo. Não vou recusar ajuda para traduzir para outras línguas no futuro.

    2. Wait, i thought Vrel was Brit...

    3. Nah, vrelnir is a lewd deity, so language barriers mean nothing

    4. I am a Brit with google translate.

  60. so many ideas. to little time to add them all. but I wanted to make a suggestion to some of the transformations.
    You get an angel transformation when you reach day 50, but all it does is give a forgive action, what if you get an additional location to go to with it? like when you reach the temple and pray somewhere, your body gets taken to a (still perverted) heaven with lewd angels of their own? (that dont take verginity as that would make them a fallen angel as well) it would give a whole new area to explore for those that can survive the harsh days of being a vergin.
    and mabey vice versa for the succubus transformation where going to a certain area will take you to a REALLY perverted hell (or mabey a not so perverted hell, as no sex for succubuses is torture for em, a new kind of role reversal) with how the wolf and cat transformations are getting more new things. perhaps angel and succubus (mabey fallen angel as well) can have their own unique things for em.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I do want more for uniqueness for angels and demons. There'll be something small in the next update.

  61. Great game!

    Suggestions (maybe already on the to-do list):
    - A icecream stand at the park or at the beach on sunny days. It could also sell lollipops. Could be a lot of fun with high promiscuity/exhib or oral/seduction skill. Specially if Robin can come too, or if Kylar is close.
    - Invite Robin at the clothing shop, and tease him/her by trying clothes. Maybe even seduce him/her in a changing room.

    Something I notice. If NPC's arms are tied and he/she goes to Eden's cabin when Eden sleeps (with the Eden's syndrom activate), he/she can't free him/her self. But it's a "safe" place at that point. Maybe it can be add?

    Take care!

    1. Could even expand on that idea by having other characters show up and force themselves on you in changing rooms

    2. Thank you!

      There's a lot of fun that could be had with icecream, I agree. A scene involving Robin trying on clothes is planned.

  62. Thought of an event for the school, a school dance where you get to pick between Robin, whitney and kylar for who to spend it with maybe?

  63. Is there a perticular reason you can't take your clothes off in the water except right by the beach?

    1. logically speaking, it can be kinda difficult to take of clothes while trying to tread water, and swimming with clothes in your hands can also be rough.

      i just kind of infer that clothing taken of near the beach is hidden among rocks off to one side

    2. It was initially an experiment with removing/storing/wearing clothing outside of encounters. Allowing you to strip elsewhere in the water isn't planned, but may be incorporated after the clothing overhaul if it's not too difficult.

      I just figure the water is too rough elsewhere.

  64. Drinking at the Pub doesn't seem to cost any money.

    1. Also, I don't seem to get wet in rain.

    2. Cheers, I'll look into them.

  65. Does drinking booze even do anything? I got wasted and came to school, nobody said anything to me about it

    1. It reduces stress from stressful events, but increases passive tiredness increase

    2. Thanks for the answer TheShadowSlayer. People will react to it in the future.

  66. Three suggestions:
    -Make it so males can be assertive. Currently, you're not really able to make the decision to penetrate someone in consensual sex.

    -Add a bit more to fighting. It'd be neat if you added a dojo to the mall where you could slowly get better at fighting and unlock more than the basic resist options.

    -While I understand that being submissive is the central theme, eventually being able to dominate some people (albeit through a lot of effort) would be neat.

    1. You can be more assertive during consensual encounters, but it requires high promiscuity.

      I do want to add more to the fighting side of things. Something like a dojo is planned.

  67. Where are the save files stored in Chrome?

    1. In the cache. On windows I think thats "\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache". I'm not sure how to tell which files there are involved though.

      Using the save to disk option is better if you want to keep track of many save files.

  68. Speed and quality of these updates are great. Thanks guys. My dick hurts.

    1. You're welcome! I'm sorry about your dick though.

  69. It kinda doesnt make senese when youre working in the docks and the scene comes where 2 dockers tie you on the boat that after that dont untie you because imidetly after you still work but how if your arms are still tied?

    1. theres alot of things you are strangely able to do with your arms tied, but I agree. for that spot specifically, I feel they should untie you so you can gt back to work.

    2. There are many places where having your arms tied does not make sense. It's something I want to improve.

  70. will there be more lake and beach events comming?

  71. Hey Vrelnir, did you reduce the encounter rate for the giant lizard in the old sewers? Someone on the ULMF thread for the game was complaining that they spent a while running around in the sewers and still have never seen it. I just tested it by spending half of a day running around the waterfall part of the sewers, and though I dodged Morgan like 10 times I only encountered the lizard once. I really liked the encounter rate that it was at originally, to be honest. That or there's a bug making it harder to find if it wasn't changed.

    1. Hmm interesting cause I run into it all the time, gotta live rng

    2. I didn't change the encounter rate, but it's pretty uncommon to begin with. Perhaps I'll bump it up.

  72. Thank you, I'll take care of myself!

    Thanks for the suggestions too. I do want to add more depth to interactions like this.

  73. So, apparently, the mirror in my room just tried to molest me.. what the heck was that?

  74. Hi Vrelnir!
    I just got the Kylar kidnapping event, and after the police came I chose to remain silent as they took him (didn't want to return to the pillory so soon). Last time I did that in another playthrough, on a prior version, he was at school the very next day as if nothing had happened. Problem is, as the idiot I am, I saved my game immediately afterwards and went to sleep at the orphanage, and now he is nowhere to be found and even his stats vanished from the "social" tab.

    So I wanted to ask you, is it possible to get him back, like waiting for his sentence to be over or even finding him and releasing him? I really enjoy the character, so I would have to start all over again if there wasn't a way... (Not that it would be such a bad thing, I love your game)

    But anyway, thank you for this amazing game!

    1. I gave Kylar a one-use get-out-of-jail-free card so people who had lost them could see new scenes an update added. But generally, letting Kylar be taken removes them permanently.

      I am thinking about ways they could be released though. Even if it were something simple like paying off the police.

      You're very welcome!
