
Sunday, 31 March 2019


This update adds a new transformation, and a new action for skulduggerous characters that restores control during encounters. It also adds new location images and lets Whitney bother you and Robin during lunch.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: Updated to, which fixes a significant bug involving tentacles on old saves.
Edit 2: Updated to, which fixes a gamebreaking bug and a few other issues.

Patch Notes
Added new cheat options thanks to anon: Crime level, clothing wetness and integrity, drugs, your social standing at the asylum, and the wolf pack's state.
Added chest, penis and clit parasites to the cheat menu.
Added the steal ability to encounters. Unlocked by D skulduggery. Becomes easier as your skill, NPC arousal and NPC trust increases, and harder as their anger increases. Using both hands is faster, but harder.
Successfully stealing from an aggressor restores control.
Added another way to unlock the compound.
Added new images for the school, Eden's cabin, the beach, the orphanage, the pool, the pub, overcast weather, rainy weather and several icons in the Social page. Courtesy of Noyemi K.
Added a new image for the map. Also courtesy of Noyemi K.
Added icons to the town's travel options, and when choosing a location on the bus.
You can now buy a meal once per day in the cafe, for stress relief and other benefits.
Added a new transformation. Several actions contribute towards it, but the most straightforward is buying deluxe cream buns at the cafe and licking your plate clean.
Made the "awe" mechanic visible while dancing, in the form of a bar. High awe increases the amount of money gained per tip.
Whitney with high dominance may bother you and Robin as you eat together in the canteen. Written and coded by Kiyoura.
Thanks to CanolaCulture for major code improvements.
You can now choose your starting hair length. Thanks to boj.

Balance Changes
Lowered the lust requirement for Kylar to find the courage to approach you around town.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug causing two hours to pass during the bun event in the cafe.
Fixed a bug causing Robin's gender to be mixed up following the snake event in the forest.
Fixed an issue preventing certain images from loading on the Android version of the game.
You can no longer relax on the stump outside school while exposed, or when it isn't lunch.
Tongues and mouths will no longer remove the angel transformation or reduce control.
Fixed a bug reducing the chance of events occurring as you sleep, and preventing Bailey or the asylum from waking you.
The location icon will no longer change to the school's after sexing the woodcutter.
Fixed a bug causing the PC to grow a vagina after choosing to take a female black wolf's vagina in hand.
You can no longer enter Harper's office while naked.
Time should now progress as intended while attending the Danube Street party in an apron.
A message about lichen will no longer appear after meeting Avery for the first time if the science project has already ended.
Your character will no longer wonder why Robin didn't tell you about their debt to Bailey, if Robin has already confided.
Fixed a bug causing temporary school swim shorts to have twice the integrity of regular swim shorts.
Fixed a bug causing your "naked" to be pulled down if playing volleyball in clothes considered underwear.
Thanks to boj for fixing numerous typos, as well as other fixes including the following:
It will no longer rain inside the accessory shop.
You can no longer enter the accessory shop while exposed.
Corrected a visual error in two of the x-ray images.
The game no longer refers to the cave floor as a bed.
Corrected the order of the reduce fame buttons in the cheat menu.
Fixed a compatibility issue with tentacles on old saves.
Fixed a bug that broke the Pain stat, and all future encounters, following the Whitney scene in the canteen.
Fixed a bug that caused the Robin snake encounter to break future vore encounters.
Fixed a bug that let you lap up lewd fluid for one turn after the fluid was removed.
Fixed a bug preventing the Groom action from working with only semen on your person.


  1. Yay the waits got their benefits. Thanks for the update Vrelnir

  2. Thanks much vrelnir!

  3. the tentacles when clearing the patch in eden cabin place thing dont work so good

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I released a new version, which should fix that problem.

  4. Wew looks like a fun update! I'm still waiting for a certain customization option so anticipating for that.

    1. I'm glad you hear it!

      What customization option are you awaiting?

    2. Just the continuously asked for penis size option. I realize after a number of patches it's not a priority change so I'll happily wait. ^^ no biggie. Though I would like to hear when you're foreseeing adding it in the futre.

  5. Thanks Vrelnir. Such a great game to play while I'm sick in bed today. Looking forward to any kidnapping/bondage content in the future. (Bondage Avery? Had har, saying no would be dangerous if she had cuffs)

    1. You're welcome, and I hope you feel better soon. There's certainly more kidnapping/bondage to come.

  6. Thanks for the update! Love the steal action.

    I notice few things in the .28 version that apparently haven't been fix in the .29:
    - in the cheats, you can diminue your fatigue in the negative.

    - in the cheats, even if it's at maximum, it can still augment with the daily interaction for the transformation, reputation, fame.

    - if you use the cheat for increasing Kylar suspicion, he/she will kidnap you sooner, and send to jail. But he/she still appear after that at school, or watching you in the street.

    Also, there's that : "You give your ass a little wiggle, the toned man responds to the provocation and moves the toned man's penis in front of your butt" (when Whitney tied you at the shore)

    Keep going, but don't forget to take care of you too!

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for the heads up on these issues.
      I'll do my best!

  7. Thanks for the update, but I have a small question about the penis parasites.

    Do they work in the same way that they do for breasts, and if so, will a message pop up explaining that your penis has grown or anything of the sort?

    I didn't know much about the parasites from the beginning, so maybe it just takes longer for the parasites to do their work, but after having the parasites on for over two in-game days, not a single message has popped up revealing any enhancements to my PC's genitals. Sorry if this is just me being ignorant about the mechanics, but a little explanation to my tiny brain would help, thank you.

    (...And again, thank you for the update!)

    1. Also, I just noticed while taking the subject lessons at school, the "Socialize with classmates" option has a lowercase "s" for Socialize -- "socialize with classmates" is how it appears.

    2. You're welcome!

      Unfortunately penis parasites have no effect on genital size yet. They just increase arousal. It's a planned feature.

      Thanks for the heads up.

  8. What's the reason for the tree stump changes?

    1. This is how I intended it to begin with, but made a couple of mistakes.

  9. Great game!

    Just a little pratical suggestion: in the text only mode, could it be possible to ajout the ears/horns/tails etc under the clock or with the clothes?

    Thanks for the update

    1. Thanks and you're welcome!

      That's not a bad idea. I'll consider it.

  10. error: in a scene with a cat in residential alleyways sprites displayed on the wolf.

  11. Just some general UI feedback: the pepper spray ammo indicator next to the character display seems way too huge and intrusive. Maybe make it smaller, change the color, and/or move it to the top right corner or something? As is, it really draws the eye and draws focus from the character model.

    1. I think you're right. I'll find a better way to display it.


  12. Couple ideas for the new form:

    -A skulduggery boost, based on the idea of a "cat burglar"

    -Related to the above: a "purr" option in encounters that works as a stronger plead, setting people up for easier stealing.

    -As a negative to balance these boosts: much more stressful / dangerous encounters with dogs and wolves. For all I know this may already be a thing, I haven't actually used the form all that much yet.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I do think the cat tf needs a little something during encounters.

      I've considered tying it to skulduggery somehow.

  13. and lets Whitney bother you and Robin during lunch.
    THANK YOU! Pleases the emergence of a new script!

    1. And thanks for adding the ability to steal, during meetings. Now you can play real thief)) THANKS!

    2. OMG! And thank you so much for the new city map and icons, next to the text! Looks great!
      But .... There is still no map for the canalization system, under the city :CCC
      It is a pity. I have to use the map, which I drew, once again lost in the drains.

    3. You're welcome!

      I like the map. I do want to add one to the sewers. Ideally it'll reveal parts of it as you explore.

  14. cat transformation sexsprites!qoFDxCxY!3HPyOcBExE6GKhspJVT7C4Lv8ik9cdNMzivd0g_nvts

  15. sprite "femlebeast / activecatfrontlegs" encoded as "activebeastfrontleg"

  16. The forum says that a new transformation (a cat) helps to steal items more easily. Can I somehow cancel my wolf transformation to choose a new transformation?
    Maybe you add this feature? For example, in a temple where a curse of a werewolf, a demon, or a fallen angel can be lifted from you. And somewhere in the drain system, add a dark priest who could remove the transformation of the Angel from you (if there is one).

    1. the transformation of the wolf goes with time if you do not encounter wolves and dogs

    2. Anon is correct that the transformation will end on its own eventually. That said, I may add a way to speed up the process at a cost. Fallen angel can already be removed this way at the temple.

      The cat transformation does not influence stealing at the moment.

  17. It must be added to a cat scratching

  18. It's normal that only Daryl has feelings for me. And the rest are ignored. Even the guy in the museum, who constantly have inscriptions + Love, does not feel anything to me.
    And if this is the norm, what bonuses does an attitude Daryl give to me?

    1. Other NPCs can change their attitude toward you, but not as easily as Darryl.

      Darryl's love only influences the text of a single scene currently.

  19. Is pregnancy going to be in the game?
    If so, when do you think it would be possible to add it?

    Would it be difficult to implement this mechanic? (I'm asking because I really have no experience with these things)

    Thank you.

    1. It is planned and has been for a while now. It's just not been at the front of the line for implementing, likely because it would require a lot of work. I don't think Vrelnir will keep us waiting much longer, but I don't blame him for putting it off. I can only imagine the hair-pulling.

    2. Crash Test Dummy is pretty much right. It's planned, but there are other things I'd like to finish first, not least the clothing update.

  20. Bug report.
    You get + Skulduggery if you rob an imaginary Romeo in a book you read in the library.

    1. Or does it give real knowledge, like "Animus" in Assassins Creed?)))

    2. It does work in a peculiar way.

  21. With the sex of Raul and Janet, she managed to steal £ 9 from Raul ... How?)
    Cat transformation is excellent, thanks)))

    1. That Janet was a sneak.

      I'm glad you like it!

  22. You feel something yanking at your naked. Looking over your shoulder, you see a small dog with your clothes between it's teeth. You try to wrestle your clothes free from its maw, but your naked is torn from your body! The dog scampers away, leaving you humiliated with your plain panties on display. | + Stress

    It should be noted I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties while running on the beach when this happened

  23. Thank you! Thank you for the Robin-Whitney event!

  24. I hope the game won't get too complex in terms of numbers and stats, having a simple but effective works best IMO.

    Other text base games suffer from having too many stat categories that doesn't change the character at all. So far this game have nailed it, gj :)

    also having a picture of the character makes it much easier to imagine than literal text walls that describes every inch of the PC.

    1. I'm glad you think so. I'm cautious about adding new stats while the current ones need more content. There are some that are often requested though, like penis size, which will be added.

  25. Will it ever be at all possible to not have to fight against swarms? It seems like one can get away with not fighting everything else!
    Also this game just gets better and better with each new version, great job!

    1. Thank you!

      Swarms are a weakness in the game, due to a lack of influence you have over the encounter. They all go the same way. The only way to not fight them is to turn them off in settings, which isn't ideal. I plan to improve them.

  26. Amazing update! The additions to the cheat menu are wonderful~ Would it be possible to also add cum leak levels to the cheat menu? It's always disappointing to go for a swim and lose it all.

    1. Thanks!

      That would be possible. I'll add it to the to-do list.

  27. Hey I noticed when you're fully a cat during combat you just look normal, is it a bugbug ?:/

    Also love the game^^

    1. Thank you!

      The combat sprites aren't ready yet, so not a bug but not ideal.

  28. Absolutely loving the art direction you're going in! Also, consentacles when?

    1. I'm glad to hear that!

      I wanted consentacles in this update, but didn't want to delay things further. So hopefully they'll come soon.

  29. Idea for the blackmailing portion
    What if we could choose to be able to wear whatever we wanted during school, as well as eventually being able to be naked?

    1. Seems interesting -- I like it! I feel like the blackmail is a little short-sided and could have some new additions to make it come off as more serious and exploitable. Direct involvements with other teachers could be an intriguing feature as well, since there's nothing much to them at the moment.

    2. I don't plan on allowing any item you want during school, but I do want to add variants of the school uniform. Including some more revealing ones that you may forced to wear.

      Direct involvements with other teachers are planned.

  30. Found a glitch with the Robin snake event. It seems to trigger every time the weather is cloudy. Can we not have picnics during cloudy weather ever again? Also, the snake encounter seems to end instantly (1 turn) after losing the encounter once prior.

    1. Also, can't grab 2 separate tentacles in each hand. Occurred during the slime event while bathing.

    2. The snake is supposed to trigger during cloudy weather, aye.

      Thanks for the bug reports. I've found the cause of the first. I might be misunderstanding the second, but you aren't supposed to be able to grab two tentacles in one hand.

    3. I think it's a bug. The way I remember it, I had a slimy tentacle in the left hand. I tried to grab a different tentacle (sticky tentacle) with my right hand (I'm sure I chose the correct hand). On the next turn, it says that I grabbed the sticky tentacle with my right hand, but when I check the options below, I'm not holding the sticky tentacle and I have to choose grab again. This repeats.

  31. whoa the map looks so much more appealing now :D

    1. I'm glad you think so! The artist is contributing more art, and it's all amazing.

  32. both kylar and the guy in the sewers are refered to as boy 0 in an encounter.

  33. Sorry if you get asked this question a lot, but is it possible to keep your save files between updates? I don't know if its just me, but it takes a lot of time to progress and I would rather not have to do things over again.

    1. When you save, choose "save to disk" (bottom left) and it will be on your computer.

    2. Chek screens:
      1) Safe to Disc ↓
      2) Choose save ↓
      3) Load save ↓

  34. Great stuff but... still no cheat for infinite pepper spray!! NOOOO!!!

    I'm crying.....

    1. It's still on the to-do list! Have no fear.

  35. One thing I would really like to see implemented is the ability to do something to pass time in your bedroom. Oftentimes I'll have to go to bed at like 21:30, sleep for 8 hours, wake up at 5:30 and go to sleep again for two hours to wake up at a proper time. If we had something slightly productive to do in the bedroom, such as working out, watching tv, reading or doing homework(all of it should be less effective than things outside to keep it balanced), we wouldn't run into situations, where we are kinda forced to either go outside, take multiple baths or sleep multiple times to spend time, which is somewhat inconvenient and unimmersive

    1. I can't disagree at all.

    2. yeah and i played a game yesterday wich looked same to this one except it didnt had pictures and there was an option to just wait half an hour regardless were you were

    3. Maybe add in a PC to the bedroom where the player can play an amazing game called degrees of lewdity

  36. Thank you for the update! Will there be a BDSM club in the future? Looking forward to everything that you make!

    1. You're welcome!

      There is a BDSM club planned, though I haven't thought much about the details.

  37. awesome thanks ! :D but how do i become a cat :D

    1. You're welcome!

      To become a cat, eat lots of cream, and lick the plate clean. Also tease and run from dogs while visiting homes on Domus Street.

    2. sweet thanks ! :D

  38. Quick silly question: What conditions do I need to fulfill to setup shows at the brothel?

    1. Your prostitution fame needs to reach at least "Obscure". One of Briar's goons will then let you know their boss wants to see you, and you just need to visit them in their office.

  39. Any plans for futa content? Possibly for the player character?

  40. Any ETA for the hair stuff you mentioned in the previous updates comments?

  41. By the way, how the opponents of closing the mouth PCs in combat? If the hand - why the PC does not bite this hand?)

    1. I've been assuming that the NPC holds your jaw shut, rather than put their hand at risk. That said, I'm thinking about adding the ability to bite when gagged like that.

  42. Do you plan to make the seasons? Winter, summer, autumn, spring? For a long game.

    1. Yep. Temperature mechanics are being worked on.

  43. Vrelnir1 April 2019 at 21:27

    Other NPCs can change their attitude toward you, but not as easily as Darryl.

    Darryl's love only influences the text of a single scene currently. (U said)
    I play 89 days and faced only with:
    Charlie (Danced for the week in a row, following your advice "was nice and unobtrusive with him, but the relationship remained unchanged)
    Daryl (relationship work)
    Jordan (There is no opportunity to strengthen the relationship)
    Briar (No idea how to strengthen the relationship with him (???) Dance on his show?)
    River (No ability to strengthen relationships)
    Leighton (No idea how to strengthen the relationship with him (???) Constantly serve the sentence and kiss him? Or wash his car, seducing him?)
    Mason (There is no opportunity to strengthen the relationship)
    Winter (Constantly giving him artifacts, getting + love, but the relationship does not move together)
    Doren (There is no opportunity to strengthen the relationship)
    Sirris (There is no opportunity to strengthen the relationship)
    Sam (No idea how to strengthen the relationship with him (???) Work in a cafe, fulfilling its requirements?)
    Landry (No idea how to strengthen the relationship with him (???) to hand over to him the stolen goods and take the black box?)
    Bailey (As far as I know, there is no opportunity to strengthen the relationship (???) Even if you constantly give him money, or kiss, during the fight, there is no effect)
    Morgan (Relationship is not strengthened, even if you will fulfill his whim. (7 days of life with him are checked))

    1. You're right about most of these, it's not possible to make them like you. Some should be working though. Charlie requires timid responses. Briar requires you perform in their shows, as you suggest, but it will take a long time.

      Doren is one of the easiest to strengthen the relationship with, but you need to unlock their flat first.

      Morgan should love you more if you help them rummage and make "scones." It seems to be working, but I'll look more closely. I'm going to look into Winter too, as that sounds like something isn't working right.

    2. I used to be able to unlock the flat pretty easily, but I have been unable to do so for quite a long time. idk why but he won't notice my stress/trauma levels being high

  44. I love this game so much.

    I had an old save, which I'm using now on 1.29.1, which solved the tentacle issue...but now I'm getting a bug where I have no options during sex/assaults--the scenes are just playing out without any choices (the usual button selections do not appear). Oddly, the new Whitney interrupting lunch scene works fine.

    Is my save busted?

    1. I'm happy to hear you like the game, but sorry for the trouble.

      Would it be possible to upload the save somewhere for me to download? Or send via e-mail? It would help find the cause, and it might be fixable.

    2. Looks like someone else figured it out (and replicated it, and then you patched it! Noice!). Mine went away when I loaded a different save.

  45. I'll be honest. When I saw that you could request headpats from Robin when full cat, made an audible squee!

  46. For some reason when I use the android link the app will not install, is anyone else having this issue? the latest app install I have is 1.26

    1. We ran into issues with the Android version. As a result, saves on Android from 0.1.26 and earlier aren't compatible with game versions after that point. You'll need to start a new save for the newer versions.

      Sorry for the bother. I really want to keep things compatible as far as possible.

  47. Can we get an option to choose PC skin color in the start menu?

    1. It's planned, but I'm not sure when to expect it.

  48. Possible glitch with the weather system. It has been raining continuously for over 10 day in my current game

    1. I feel an urge to complain about British weather. That much rain isn't likely to happen at all in the game though. I'll look into it.

    2. British Weather is awesome! So...Which once conquered nation do you hail from Vrelnir? Or are you yourself a Brit being sarcastic?

      - Icarus :-)

  49. Doren is one of the easiest to strengthen the relationship with, but you need to unlock their flat first. (U said)
    But how to do it??? How long have I been playing and still have not encountered this part of the content))
    I think we need to come up with some kind of quest chain that will lead the main character through the events. To nebylo such that the player spent 90 days in the game and did not see any part of the game world.
    You wrote scripts, and the player did not see them) This is not correct.

    1. I have something in mind to help make things like this easier to find.

      Doren has a chance of noticing if you attend English covered in loads of semen. If you hang your head in shame, then be honest with them, they'll take you to their flat. This also happens if they catch you masturbating while Kylar isn't watching you.

    2. In order for Doren to notice you exactly how much sperm is needed?

    3. Ten or more "helpings". Slime from tentacles counts too.

      The slime/semen covering an individual body part caps at five.

    Perhaps this is not a bug, but "socialization in the classroom" is written with a small letter, unlike other categories, which begin with a title letter.

    1. If not a bug, then a typo. Thanks for letting me know.

  51. There's a strange bug with the new Robin/Whitney scene. I chose to go with Whitney willingly, and then later on I chose the "(2) Tell Robin what happened, but say you didn't want to" option. Afterwards, every single sex scene has no more options; there is only the "(1) Next" option.

    I've replicated it a couple times now; those combinations of choices will always lead to this bug.

  52. Will there be dark skin for the PC?

  53. Thanks for the update I love coming back to this game and trying out all the new stuff! :D

  54. How do you trigger the canteen scene with Whitney?

    1. There's a small chance of it triggering whenever you eat lunch with Robin while Whitney has 80% or more dominance.

  55. Too much (IF) in this game.
    If you are in semen (5 servings), Doren will open his apartment for you.
    If you do not pay Bailey 3 times and agree to its terms, you will get acquainted with Eden.
    If you put on your hat, wash your face, spit on your left shoulder on a rainy moon night, on Friday, something will happen.
    Do something like mini-quests that lead the character to the events. (For not to miss them) Like for example: "A drop-down note from the pocket of that dude who leads you to an abandoned building near the docks."
    This will not allow passing by written scripts for which you have spent your time.

    1. I admire your game as an interactive book in which I am pleased to be. But it's not very pleasant to skip some chapters. (If you know what I mean)

    2. I hear you. I like having scenes and situations off the beaten trail, but there should be some indication of their existence, some clue to follow. For the bigger ones at least.

      I do have plans to improve things.

    3. I absolutely agree that everything should not be so obvious, but also there should not be situations in which the player will have no idea about any scenes at all, without directly mentioning them by the creator of the game.

    4. For example, I went through your game a million times, with each new patch I replay it in order to encounter new content, but for the first time I hear that you need 5 servings of sperm on you to unlock Doren’s apartment.
      And I don't want to be stupid and do stupid things to get to the hospital because of an oversupply of stress, or something like that.
      You must create a situation in which even the most cautious player would want to get into. (With a trick)
      For example, one of the teachers will be a mega pervert, and one day (making friends with him), he will call you for tea, and you will find yourself in an orgy during which your stress level will be at the limit.
      This is a good start for the player not to suspect that something bad is waiting for him. But this bad thing will happen and lead you to a stage in which you would not be playing carefully.
      For example, in the hospital, where you will have to escape. (I heard about this part of the content, but I never saw it. And I don’t want to torture myself specifically, like a masochist, because it is not smart.)
      I hope my terrible English is not a problem for perception.

    5. I have met Eden many times without failing Bailey's quest, simply by exploring the forest (there are many reasons to want to explore the forest.)
      I have also ended up in the hospital plenty of times without trying to. It's quite easy to end up in the hospital.
      I think you're playing the game a very specific (and quite unusual) way, which is totally okay, but you shouldn't expect all of the content to present itself on every playthrough.

      I agree with you on the Doren apartment thing, that's a pretty specific condition that I've never even heard of. But saying you didn't meet the forest NPC (because I guess you never go into the forest?) is not the game's fault. Eden and the hospital are not hard to find.

    6. Thanks for the feedback guys. I agree that there should be reasons for cautious players to want to take risks. That's one of the reasons for Bailey's increasing payments. It's only a partial solution though, as the money can be made several ways.

      I understand your English fine.

  56. Those head pats from Robin... so adorable!

  57. Loving this game! Can't wait for more! possibility of pregnancy or especially squirting? Or also if you're a girl maybe giving consensual breastfeeding options? Also I've noticed that there's noone who tries to eat you out and I feel like that could be a popular option.

    1. also sometimes when you say in consensual, " i don't want to put it in somewhere or i dont want anything in here' it'd be nice if sometimes the other person would say yes but occasionally be lost in the moment and just go for it anyways cause they couldn't handle it

    2. Thank you! Pregnancy is planned, but won't happen for a while. Consensual breastfeeding options will come much sooner.

      NPCs should already try to eat you out, but it possibly doesn't happen as often as it should.

      Thanks for the suggestions.

  58. For some reason, the silhouettes were not displayed?
    How should they be processed or supplemented?
    can be divided into layers or a series of sprites.!j8UxRIJS!Sn_4eAiFtqAbzQ3mbRZWEuH0vADWWpmLakubRd0K3qE

    1. Thanks.

      I made a mistake with the old Android version. The new version of the game should display the silhouettes fine.

  59. I have a question/Suggestion:

    Will there be an update that the player can have the option to move out since they are at age to be able to live on their own?

    1. There'll be optional alternative living arrangements, but you won't be able to escape Bailey so easily.

  60. I have a question/suggestion:

    Will kissing the wolves be changed from kissing their heads to kissing their mouths?

    1. That makes sense, maybe if your deviancy is high enough. I'll keep it in mind when I improve the text variety in encounters.

  61. what does a leggless man do when he needs to run away? he legs it.

    1. I don't get it! Is the second g in "leggless" significant?

    2. "legs it" is a slag for running away, leggless means that the man has no legs at all. the joke is that he "legs it"

      mostlikely misspeled the leggless and its supposed to be legless sorry about that

  62. i hope that if you live away from baily that you can bring robin with you and because the new place is already full robin would have to live with you in one room(they still can have seperate rooms if youre not together with robin) and offcourse baily wont be happy and will try everything to get the pc or robin back, what ever it takes.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. Bringing Robin with you would be cute.



  65. When during the start of an encounter (the page where you have to press 'next') you enter the cheat menu, and then leave it, the encounter will reset. Any encounter as far as i understand. So far i was able to avoid the Harpers 'treatmets' at the asylum, and every random rape encounters in the forest or city. Not sure if this is how it's supposed to be, so just pointing it out.

    Example: when i was going through the forest i got this: "You round a tree and come face to face with a pair of eyes, hovering just inches from your face. All strength drains from your muscles, and you collapse to the ground. The snake slithers onto the forest floor.", which is the start to the vore encounter. But after the cheat menu trick, it changed to this: "Two pairs of eyes stare out from the darkness between the trees. | + Stress"

    1. Thanks for letting me know. This results from the way SugarCube processes information between screens, and I'm not sure of a way around it.

      I considered disabling the cheat menu during encounters, but decided to keep it enabled and leave it up to players.

    2. Honestly I like it this way. Lets me skip over a couple events that I just personally don't like without needing to change the game itself, which would effect everyone. The question you can answer in math class with high enough grades comes to mind. Getting detention by saying you don't know the answer just seems silly, so I tend to skip the event. Others may feel differently, so it makes sense to just leave it as an option.

  66. Did you consider putting contact lenses in the game? It would be great and apart it is not so difficult to add, only change your eyes color (as you can change the hair color)

  67. When will the new chapter of text content be released? Which patch in a row there is no interesting story, only cosmetics.

    1. The next update will be text content heavy.

  68. Out of curiosity, is it even remotely possible to beat Bailey through either arousal or fighting? I have what I believe is the max stats possible for both cases (pain mitigation via grades for both, physique for fighting, and S for seduction and so on) and neither method seems to work. I used to be be able to beat him with the arousal method at one point, but that stopped working at some point.

    (As a side note, is the pain bar supposed to max out half way through the bar?)

    1. It's possible to beat him by arousal, but I think it's only possible if you apologize to decrease his anger low enough that he stops attacking you. As far as I know, this is only possible with maxed out English skill. As for fighting, I don't usually go that route but as far as I can tell Bailey hurts you too much too quickly for you to win that way.

    2. Beating Bailey by fighting is possible, but harder than the method Anon outlines.

      The pain bar isn't supposed to max out half way through, but pain is supposed to be disabling past that point.

    3. yo yo. Previously, Bailey could be defeated physically and sexually, now, there was only the sexual option of victory (Physically it is IMPOSSIBLE to win). I have an athletic body (Your body is toned and powerful.) But from patch it became physically impossible to defeat him, even if you have a level of pain, stress, trauma - minimal (zero)

    4. Beating Bailey through damage is POSSIBLE...but it's more expensive than just paying up so there's no point. By that I mean you'll need to use pepper spray to have any hope of winning.
      Possibly more than one.

  69. I have a small question concerning a few aspects. Will being drunk/on drugs have more of an effect in future updates? Like depending on how drunk you are your control of situations and your own body is lessened. Or if your on drugs or drunk in school people notice. I know hallucinogens have an effect but also I feel like that should be heightened more cause I've played around with the cheats for it and it doesn't do that much different even at Max hallucinagen status. Just some thoughts but really thanks again so much vrelnir. This is an awesome game. (Also if you got any knowledge on when the next update will be ready feel free to drop it ;) ) no pressure though seriously take your time and just know you're doing a great job.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm not sure when to expect the next update yet, but I really want it out before the end of the week.

      More impact from drugs, including alcohol, are planned. It's strange that drunkenness isn't noticed at school. I want drugs to be purchasable too.

  70. Would it be possible to eventually seduce the nun/monk? If your seduction was high enough and you could gain a close friendship with them and then corrupt them? Also maybe having a cheat added for having cum on/in you.

    1. There's more to come for the character, and it will be possible to lewd them. It already is to an extent with the fallen angel ritual.

  71. perhaps making accesable restaurant and a cheaper variant to that restaurant,
    eating at a restaurant would be obviously very expensive however lots of appeling food which could reduce stress and trauma greatly, meanwhile the cheaper restaurant could have the same results but with risks...
    like parasites, some cook ejaculating in your ordered food, also no security so molestation in day and potentialy rape at night

    this could also nicely combine with your skills at stealing if you try to leave without paying at the normal restaurant, obviously + some crime and if you get caught police are gonna get involved.

    at the cheaper restaurant however, if you get caught you will be given an option to pay with body, or not even an option, you will be draged out somewhere by the staff and raped or even kidnaped...

    since the bonuses could be major i would make restaurants accessable only several times a day...

    1. i would also consider instead of an instant stress reduction ,a status bonus which would reduce the stress intake for the rest of the day. Depending on the cost and/or the quality of the food it would be less then a day or even more... if you realize that someone ejaculated in ur food depending on how inpure you are it could be an increase in trauma, if you have a trait cum dump or your are quite inpure then it would be lust increase and so on...

    2. Thanks for the ideas. Perhaps the restaurant you visit with Avery should become a full location.

      A stress dampening effect from food rather than a normal - Stress effect makes sense. I hadn't considered that.

  72. Awesome game, great job. I have a small question: can I somehow transfer saves from android ver. to pc?

    1. Thank you. I'm afraid I know of no way to transfer saves from Android to PC. The file system on Android works very differently.

  73. Vrelnir8 April 2019 at 13:56

    The next update will be text content heavy.
    I am incredibly happy to hear that! I hope in the future, the main work will be focused on a variety of stories)

    1. I'm glad. There's still lots to do in other areas too.

  74. The new map looks real pretty.


    1. That's not bad! Good job on the hair. I think it's just the arms and hands that don't quite look right.

  76. according to the amount of days it takes until a new update drops it looks like the next update is dropping next week between 16. and 20. April.
    im curious if im guessing it right.

    1. I'm hoping for sooner, but I'm historically bad at predicting it.

  77. It would be interesting that in sex the posture is different when it is a violation and when it is consensual.

  78. Good game. Thank you for creating it

  79. I'm glad. There's still lots to do in other areas too.
    Your game is textual, it is in the interesting stories that its advantage. Not in cosmetics, fixing bugs or adding interesting gameplay.
    People read books in order to get some emotions, and they play games for the same reason. If you spend most of your time on the cover of this book, without paying attention to the stories, then the book will turn out to be empty. That's why I want you to spend a lot of time writing scripts.

    1. Disagreed. Its important to fix bugs and add interesting gameplay. Not to be offensive but go read a porn VN if the only thing you want is just the story and no interactivity.

    2. text based game doesnt mean a fancier online book, in this case it depends on the author on what he wants to focus on, however for a game (doesnt matter if text based or not) both gameplay and story need to be somewhat balanced if the gameplay is confusing then that will only serve to deter people that dont want to deal with something like that on other hand if sex scenes are poorly written that will turn boring really quickly for alot of people.

    3. This is not a good view to have when playing a game... this isnt a story it's a game, bugfixes should always be on the top of any game developers priority list, and in my opinion the speed of progress is pretty good compared to other similar game devs

    4. Thanks for your thoughts everyone.

  80. So how does Awe work exactly? Even with S rank dancing nothing seems to increase it.

    1. So far I have seen the awe bar move up only by stripping clothes. Different dances moves do seem to chance how much it moves, but beyond that I have not seen any other way to affect it.

    2. Stripping and certain events increase it, and it decays quite quickly. It gives a temporary boost to the value of tips.

  81. First off, love the game. Didn't think I would at first, but I am. I have ran into som issues and wondered if anyone one else has them, I'm on the Android version and not seeing combat animations, and when I view my character in the menu all my clothes and my hair is red. I think it might be my device being old, but I wanted to check just in case someone else has had the same thing. Looking forward to the next update.

  82. Maybe for the cat transformation we should get claws that make punching more effective

  83. So, I noticed something when going to bed. If you don't have a full set of pajamas, your only option is to sleep is 'strip and get in bed' - you can't sleep in other clothes, and you can't sleep in just pajama pants. Maybe adding a custom 'sleep outfit' should be possible, for people who want something in between 'full pajamas' and 'naked'?

  84. not sure if this was stated before but what about adding the option of skin color?
