
Friday 7 December 2018


This update adds a cheat menu and new actions for entering the "wrong" changing room while naked. It also incorporates mods by TreeFrogSoup, which add new Whitney events and high level exhibitionism on Domus Street.

Plan for the next update is to implement the asylum. Something that has until now existed only as a single line, deep in the forest.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Patch notes
Made a SugarCube level change that should help performance, courtesy of Pregmodder.
Added a cheat menu. You can enable it in settings, then access it at the bottom of the sidebar.
Entering the wrong occupied changing room while naked will now give a different set of options, including the opportunity for surreptitious masturbation.
You can now be more assertive with your butt. (Added the straddle and envelop actions)
Incorporated TreeFrogSoup's Whitney mod. Adds new Whitney events to the school hallways. Includes petplay.
Also incorporated TreeFrogSoup's "Beg for clothes" mod. Lets you beg for clothing if naked on Domus Street. Requires high exhibitionism.

Bug Fixes
Fixed some gender confusion in the school pool changing rooms.
Fixed an error caused by successful teasing.
Boys and girls should no longer emerge in the wrong changing rooms to photograph you.
Fixed an error found in the strip club when talking to a dispirited Darryl.
Fixed a bug allowing the fallen angel transformation to stack with others.
Fixed a bug causing the angel transformation to progress despite already being a fallen angel, or no longer a virgin.
Fixed a bug causing the strip scene at the dance studio from ending the turn after it begins.
Money gained from tips should now be displayed in a more appropriate way.
You should now be able to tell all humans and beasts to stop in soft mode.
"Forcibly whored out" should no longer appear in the statistics page in soft mode.
Fixed a bug causing Winter to materialise as a rapist.


  1. Yay1 I get to report the first bug!

    When using the "Envelop Penis" action with the anus, I get the notice that "This Action Will Take Your Anal Virginity". Every time. Despite having over 200+ anal penetrations and ejactulations in statistics.

    It's minor, but silly. And thanks for the anal envelop action - it works great!

    1. That is silly. Thanks and you're welcome!

  2. I don't know if it's a bug or it's intentional, but in the cheats, if i set beauty to the max (10000) the bar of allure is only half full and it just says "you look lewd" and the attractiveness rating is only B.

    1. I think hair lenght and seduction affect attractiveness aswell.

    2. Breasts also affects allure, if I'm not mistaken.

    3. Beauty is only one component of allure and attractiveness.

  3. Suggestion for the cheats: Allow people to change their Status and Delinquency there, as well.

  4. Are there any hidden benefits with different backgrounds? Just wondering because in there was mention of something that sounds like it...
    "Exhibitionist characters will now have an additional option when catcalled in the streets even if not wearing a skirt."

    1. No. That option is available to any character with high enough exhibitionism. I should have worded things better.

  5. Is the angel transformation supposed to disappear if your purity isn't perfect for a long time? My character maintained her virginity but was butt-slutting it up and she lost her wings.

  6. I see that you fixed Baily's title! Also the cheat menu is looking a lot better then the previous ones, or the ad hoc attempts that where made ages ago. I haven't played around with it too much; but I suggest it is only usable inside of safe places like your room, wolf den, changing rooms, backstage etc. It's nice that you have the exact numerical values instead of a vague estimation of them. Even if it isn't used to cheat; it makes for an interesting view of my exact stats without having to open things up in Notepad++ and check that way. And being opt in is nice and not too immersion breaking. Like the first time that I realized that pantyhose was counted as underwear. But I can totally understand that from a game play perspective; because being able to tear it is better then having it stuck in the sock slot. Although; I have seen a lot of pictures on Gelbooru with pantyhose and nothing under it. So I totally get it.

    Please forgive the repost; but I ended up well responding to a comment right before the new version was posted; I just assume it got buried. I might have also fixed some spelling errors and expanded on the idea too.

    About butt growth stimulating parasites:

    "Oh that is easy! The (totally not evil) compound scientist is dumping waste from their pink tentacle monster experiments in the ocean; which mutates the jellyfish. So they have two very lewd and very butt-like Bells. So they sting the player character on the thighs/backside which causes them to slowly swell. Taking roughly as long as it does to increase bust size.

    Afterwards; you can get it treated the same way as getting parasites removed or a breast reduction; with an optional lewd scene here. Like; some sort of anti-venom leaving you at near max arousal for a few days or giving you a base line 'you feel lustful.' Or as in theme with the electroshock therapy; multiple orgasms in a row that knock you out. Or perhaps you can pay Harper; who we already know isn't very ethical; for ass enhancements regardless of gender or size. You got the money and she gives the booty. Maybe something like 3000-4000$; the price right now really isn't really important. Just the option to go from a cute petite butt, to eye catching one, and ending with a soft-and-doughy-ultra-porn -star-that-can't-be-real; rear.

    Other then the ascetic and 'oh my god look at that butt' comments; it could give a (small) starting lust to the other partner. Or; it could make thigh and butt jobs more effective. Or; perhaps making the opponent lean slightly towards anal."

    Like most suggestions; this is really getting into fetishy. But the perverse brainstorming is really enjoyable! Then there could be lip injections for a flat one time fee and have lipstick/chapstick as a cheap expense. Sweet scented chapstick would be fine for school; while bright red and alluring stuff would be more suitable for the club, pub or stage. Hell you can even throw in an event where the headteacher or teacher (or anyone you want telling people off) reprimands you for having whoreish make up; with the possibility of sexy results. Just stuff that make licking/kissing more appealing or effective. That might be a good trade off; having soft and tempting kissable lips would keep you from screaming and pleading because your mouth is full of tongue all the time.

    1. I did fix Bailey's title! I'm glad you like the cheat menu, though it's missing a few things right now. I considered adding it only to safe places, but decided I'd make it pretty much always available, and add a warning about when not to use it.

      You're right about the reason pantyhose count as underwear. That said, they will count as socks following the clothing update.

      Thanks for the ideas. Parasites and hospital procedures to change butt size sounds good. Not sure how natural growth should be handled. It could mirror breast growth.

  7. Getting help from pregmodder eh?

    As a side what do you use for your android buildenviroment?

    1. Yes! They contacted me about the changes to the save system Quin2k helped me with. Since then they've sent lots of useful information, and a debug tool that will be very helpful.

      Quin2k handles the Android side of things, but I believe he uses a program that turns HTML/CSS/Javascript into an .apk file. Any Android specific changes are just made in notepad++.

  8. ok great update! but will you add more events for eden? and will you add a trauma reduce option for her/him? like the robin one that you cry and hug her/him

    1. Thank you!

      More is planned for Eden, but not for a while. They already have a - Trauma option, though it's only available for a few hours a day.

  9. I got some more ideas to suggest after getting annoyed with my character's exhibitionism infamy for running home naked after running through the forest. I was thinking fame should decay if you avoid getting seen during the day at all. This either forces you to do risky things at night, or spend an entire day at home with all the consequences that has. When the clothing rework is done, I also had ideas for accessories that could work with this mechanic: Dark Sunglasses that automatically count as covering your face during encounters, and a bulky plain hoodie decreases allure, but also when combined with the glasses, prevents your fame and social status from rising, and allows you to remain unseen so fame can decrease. Of course, the catch would be that you can't wear it during school so it would only be working during the weekend and holidays. As an unlock requirement, you need to be "known" in at least one category. Anyways, keep up the great work dude!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, and kind words. I really like the idea of items that cover the protagonist's face. Attackers will probably want to remove it though.

  10. Aw yeah, more updates are always a treat.
    By the way, as a suggestion: what do you think about giving players the option to seduce Bailey when they come to your room to collect at the end of the week?
    It's a bit annoying to have to focus so much on making money by mid game to pay them, moreso if you don't have a high level of skullduggery and are paying for Robin as well, it really gets in the way when you want to focus on something else.
    Allowing players to use their seduction to avoid that week's payment seems like a no brainer adding more lewd events to the orphanage that can be expanded upon in the future in the process.
    Though in the spirit of keeping the difficulty balanced and Bailey a greedy scumbag, Bailey could let your week's payment slide if you have sex with them, but you'll still need to pay Robin's way if you've chosen to take it on, and if you don't have the money then things proceed as they usually do afterward.

    1. Pretty sure you can already do this indirectly. Refuse to pay, choose to fight, then just make Bailey cum.

    2. As anon says you can kinda already do this, but you have to deal with Bailey's anger at the start of the fight. They won't get their genitals out either.

  11. Will we perhaps be able to give wolves and other animals a boobjob? From what I've experienced so far you can only give them to humans, so it would be nice to be able to do the same for animals. The option to use your breasts seem kind of rare too, but I'm unsure I'm doing something wrong or what.

  12. Might just be my luck but it doesn't seem there are girls/women in the audiences anymore.

    1. It's possible the changes I made to make only boys appear as audience members in the boy's changing room have bugged things. I'll check it out.

    2. Yeah I think it has bugged things as I'm only getting boys in the audience where there should only be adults like men/women. Just a minor nitpick and thanks for responding and working hard on this great game.

    3. Thanks for letting me know and you're welcome!

  13. The performance improvement is actually fantastic. There aren't any more random stutters from scene changes, and, most importantly, now it's possible to make more than three saves without making the game run like molasses. God bless Pregmodder. And Vrelnir too, but that should go without saying.

  14. With soft mode, choosing to fight Whitney brings up the violent actions and is a guaranteed victory due to no pain mechanic.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I think encounters marked as a "fight" need to be looked at. Not quite sure how they should work in soft mode though.

  15. Is it possible, that in soft mode there's a bug making saving impossible?

    1. There could be a bug like that, but I don't know how soft mode would be involved.

    2. I put a screenshot on shotachan with the error, since it's not possible to show it here, but you already looked at it :)

  16. BUG: I have all the NPCs set to be fully female but sometimes when I meet the businessman collecting moss in the park he's a man. I've checked the NPC settings and he changes there to.

    NPCs are ripping off my underwear without touching my shorts. Is that normal?

    And I have all the NPCs set to be female, yet all the dogs I'm running into are male. Are these two options not related? I just want a dick free rapeventure.

    And I have two suggestions. With the Skullduggery skill I can break into houses and steal stuff. Can we get an option to break into NPCs rooms at night and say, masturbate on them while they sleep, or catch a parasite and drop it on them? I'd love to get back at Whintey and it would be a great way to raise a sense of control.

    Also, any chance of there being farm added where we can sell milk or cum? I remember reading about that back in the early early days of the game.

    1. NPCs ripping off underwear covered by shorts is a known problem. The clothing system is being overhauled, which should make resolving these issues easier.

      All animals are male at the moment, but female animals are planned. So is a farm where you can sell milk and cum.

      Thanks for the bug reports and suggestions.

    2. ... milk and cum? Could we harvest milk and cum from the aforementioned animals rather than just ourselves? :)

    3. Maybe. That's something I've had in mind for a while.

  17. Is being able to fuck Leighton planned? I'd love to turn the tables on them.

    1. You can fuck them consensually after refusing or failing to give in to their demands when they try to blackmail you.

      As for turning the tables on them, maybe.

  18. Is there wil be an event that made change to certain location
    Just want to give suggestion:
    cafe,it just so uninteresting like now wage is too low and not worth the risk and time,never visit that place at all after unlock club and brothel or able to break into some location,maybe can make change that place :theme for some costumes,fame place get more famous+increasing pay/co-workers harassment,reach max fame=good pay/but with possibilities of get kidnap,more progress = least time spent in servings customers,increasing seduction and able to obtain traits that enchant and changing please speak dialogs (better effect on trust and mood) can able to beg (able to ask blow,boob,hand,footjob more than just act/lower trauma in kind of meek/sub action) make it alternative choices to earn money in be an idolize kind of way (draw in friendly encounter if you have high status in socialize and another side is valuable that other see you if it reach high level person living at elk streets may want to acquire PC to be personal "something" similarity with eden but different type of restrain and enable to explore compounds more in-depth and another option is to submit when got caught stealing in compound with familiar treatment instances of treat at stranger with normal interact
    And able to be throw in dungeons similar to the one from bailey punishment if not comply with requests from interrogator

    Dance studios after reach S rank just have nothing left to do maybe change it into entertainment studios?

    1. Thanks for the ideas.

      The cafe will be expanded, though it won't become a money maker to rival the brothel. The compound too, but that's further away.

      In the future reaching S dancing will allow you to find work via the dance studio. That's the plan anyway.

  19. some things seem missing from cheat menu, namely hair length

  20. Really enjoying the speed of the updates, keep them coming. May have found a bug:
    -While wearing chastity belt, unable to straddle or envelope with anus

    To check it I removed the belt at the temple and then the actions worked as the should (although the already mentioned "this will take your anal virginity" bug was present)

    +1 to milk/milking scenes in general btw :)

  21. I think NPC orgasms could be improved, there are so many opportnities with them. When fucking someone in front of the audience, it would be great to see them reacting to the PC getting a cumshot. It would also be nice if the NPC orgasm/encounter end screen counted as turn of the encounter, which would allow a PC to cum at the same time as an NPC.

    It seems to me that the end of encounters are far too abrupt: It makes them feel midly disjointed from the rest of the game.

    1. You're right, and I plan to make improvements.

  22. There seems to be a slight gender confusion bug with the lake gang bang event.

    "The shapely woman gropes and squeezes your exposed ass. He pinches your clitoris. She speaks. "You don't want to annoy me, not with your clit vulnerable like this."


    "The taut woman presses her left hand against your pussy, her finger resting on your entrance. He pinches your clitoris. She speaks. "Your clit is so much fun to play with."

    Mostly stuff like that.

  23. Oh I forgot; sorry about the double post.

    Can you pay Bailey any time in the week or is it only once a week? Because if so; it would be really nice to pay off my debt (because I fell on a cock and got some money or found a wallet) on Friday morning instead of having to worry about being raped on Sunday.

    1. You can only pay Bailey when they ask for it. It's not a priority, but I might add the ability to pay early as a convenience thing.

  24. Ah, good, a cheat menu. I hope this means no more having to hit F12 any time my stress, trauma, or fatigue get to dangerous levels.

    1. F12? Can we use the console? How?

    2. (Case-sensitive) SugarCube.State.variables returns all the variables in game returns your money amount in pences = %number% sets the value

  25. How long will it take for me to become a fallen angel?

    1. Fifty days to become an angel, then another zero to become fallen.

  26. Wait, I can get blackmailed by Leighton? How do I trigger that??

    1. Very high fame in sex, rape, bestiality and/or prostitution.

  27. I'm doing the brothel special show and I tried to tease their skill and o got this error:

    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: macro <> does not exist)

  28. Can we have the cheats even when we're having sex? I mean, if i have to cheat, i want to do it for good. I would like to be able to reduce pain, stress etc even while """fighting"""... and also maybe to make cum (or to defeat) enemies right away, just to cut short and win easily, if i want to reach a certain point in the game fast.
    Would it be possible? Or do you think that's "too much cheating"? Or are there actually technical difficulties with that?

    1. I think it would be possible. The sidebar tabs would cause problems if used during combat, but the cheat menu doesn't work like the others. I'll look into it.

    2. I replaced "Tips" widget with super punch/stroke codes from debug menu for that. (=
      Vrelnir, I wonder if you are aware of Pedys cheat menu (Degrees of Pedity) on github

    3. I am. Pedy contacted me and helped me out, in fact. I haven't heard from him in a while though.

    4. Yeah, lol. It's because his conscripted into the Russian army.(=

  29. I feel like the pill from the bar patron needs a boost. Right now the effect runs out by the time I find my way back to the pub.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. When I reworked drugs I forgot to update that event. It's supposed to last much longer.

    2. How about tentacles? They seem to be sated before they can pump a decent amount of aphrodisiac into me.

    3. Tentacles shouldn't have been impacted, but I'll take a look.

  30. when your is girl cross dressing as a boy entering a girls changing room and getting confronted, there should be a way to reveal that your character is indeed a girl and perhaps depending on your popularity teased, kicked out of the girls changing room anyway or something along those lines.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I agree that would make sense.


  31. Game has a typing error. Mason is a female in my gameplay, but game said 'his' when i interrupted swimming lesson.
    Thank you for your hard work!

    1. Thanks for the heads up, and you're welcome!

  32. It says,
    You enter the pool room. Mason ceases his activity and looks your way. "I've got a class to teach. Stop bothering us." She points to the door.

  33. Are there any plans to add a pregnancy mechanic/element, could be combined with parasites in the future?

  34. Why my lust toward robin decreased?

    1. That's Robin's lust toward you, and it decreases when they cum.

  35. (Reposting here)

    Hoping the asylum won't be defunct. Would be nice to get bound up in a straightjacket there.

    1. It won't be defunct. Straightjackets are planned, but will need to wait for the clothing update. Arms will just be bound appropriately in the meantime.

    2. Better and better! Sounds great

  36. There seems to be 0% chance of daytime rape on Nightingale street while naked. Is that intended?

  37. any plans on adding a request system while having sex?
    like you can ask them not to penetrate and such, but no way of asking them to do it something specific like getting a blowjob or anal

    1. Why not give both options? Asking would benefit from English class boosts to make it easier but would be impossible if gagged. Speaking of being gagged, any plans on adding a lockable ballgag akin to the collar and arm bindings?

    2. How about you make it based on defiance/submissiveness, if your character is defiant he/she will take initiative, and if submissive they will ask?

    3. That's not a bad idea.

      As for a ballgag, it's planned to appear in some form. Not sure if it should be restricted to certain locations. Updating all the instances of the PC speaking to accommodate a gag might take a while.

  38. The "tattered" swim shorts that the teacher offers if you enter the lesson without swimwear seems to be at full "health" during the lesson.

  39. Thanks. Do you remember where you last met an NPC prior to this scene?

  40. Is there any chance of implementing a system of navigation by clicking on the map? It feels to me like it'd be a big improvement.

    1. I agree, and intend to look into it when I improve the map.

  41. I like your game so much. Do you have a plan to make a pregnancy event?

    1. Thank you! Pregnancy is planned.

    2. Amazing, can't wait to see those updates, thank you.
      A little suggestion, I think it would be better if you add new types of shoes/heels/socks and sandals which can be bought at shopping centre, then make them as outfit presets, because it's a bit strange to wear a sundress but use black school shoes nor wearing a stocking with black school shoes. And if it is used as a preset, shoes can also be taken by people who have feet fetish.

  42. Some schoolkids raped me after I delivered a note during math, but during the scene their graphics were all dogs.

    1. This is very strange. Thanks for the heads up.

    2. So dogs can't go to school? Speciesist.

    3. a dog rape my during math too xD

  43. Just a suggestion, to the cheat menu you should add options for changing appearance such eye color, hair color, hair length, etc. granted with hair length you should probably add an option to the character creation to change the starting hair length. I mean, I know these options are in the debug cheat thing but if you save with it on then it will remain on even if you turn it back off and having to deal with that massive list of cheats would be annoying to deal with just to change the hair length at the start of the game.

  44. Will there be added more chances to consenually lose your virginity, and more opportunities for consensual sex in general. Also would be nice to see added Whitney dialogue for if he is the one who takes your virginity.
    Another small but nice idea would be the ability to have things like blowbangs. Using one hole to service multiple people and could be used to rapidly grow slut fame especially if done in public places.

    Loving the game so far.

    1. Honestly, I'd be more happy for consensual scenes to kinda be fixed, as currently they are basically just nonconsensual scenes but with neither side able to attack and you don't get trauma, other than that though they basically just the same.

    2. I'm glad to hear you like it. Thanks for the ideas.

      Consensual scenes need work.

  45. Some general ideas for you to consider:

    - Bully path, you can be athlete or delinquent, you can mug people on the streets but you cannot be the one who is the violent one? Makes no sense.
    - Beating sb can either lead to setting yourself free/ or turning bad things against others
    - Large insertions, more pain oriented options, piercing
    - Strap-on, not available obviously for street NPC (who carry it for no reason)
    - More options for trap/reverse-trap
    - Removing option for tongue deflowering
    - Option to repeat the day patern, stopping only for major events.
    - Option to repeat selection during beating/intercourse/masturabtion above particular options. Scrolling or having to move mouse over and over again to random places is annoying.
    - Adding hunger and toilet urge meter (besides Pain, Control etc.)

    Orphanage and Robin
    - Options to be interrupted by other residents (bath, masturabation), with possibility to involve them in intercourse. Be it Robin or other residents.
    - Masturbation in bed
    - Option to dominate Robin (a standard SM love route, and after being broken route)
    - Bailey being more agressive, he/she is not impotent, right?
    - Option to force Robin to serve you/residents/Leighton
    - Possibility for Robin's first intercourse being rape with you/Bailey
    - Option to make Robin walk on street, school - humiliaton, park toilet event, beach, forest etc.

    School, Whitney, Leighton, Teachers:
    - Option to bully Whitney, including rape, forcing to serve you/others
    - Option to date romantically Whitney
    - Dividing teachers into the one that might rape you, and the one prone to being rape (agressive/meek)
    - Leighton (or other agressive teacher) and Whitney rape you
    - Leighton (or other agressive teacher) rape you and Whitney
    - Leighton and you rape Whitney (revange)
    - Possibility for going to either Whitney or some new character house to have either romance or rape relation with his parent. (it would give some bigger meaning to residential district)
    - Possibility to move out to that parent/student house.
    - Possibility for triangle you/Whitney(or new student)/parent relations (oyakodon)
    - Option to rape or humiliate some teachers (only meek type), vibrators in durring class, or without underwear.
    - Option to date some teachers, rising envy of other students (can be new parameter)
    - More shame oriented options
    - Adding school nurse (that would solve the problem of collapsing in the middle of class and still being punished for skipping class)
    - Adding new parameter connected to trap/reverse-trap. Once you got discovered by Leighton during science lesson, your class should remember that you are crossdreser/trans/whatever. Keeping up crossdressing makes you more and more known to entire school as crossdresser, once a paramter is very high walking into dressing room/toilet cause gangrape.
    - Being locked in bathroom for entire night for gang-rape
    - Option to bully other students (bathroom, dressing room, library, locker, etc.) bullying might cause meek teacher to intervene opening new route to bully this teacher.

    - adding new characters being policeman, good/bad
    - one will try to turn you from the path of thief - with possibility of romance
    - one will try to blackmaill you - rape route

    - new character group (depicted in option as a one subject with mix/100%male/100%female) called for example "Sailors" of sth
    - With route of being their mascot/plaything/pet for their care, room in the ship, food etc. Like not a extra bad route, rather consesual exchange with them being protective, somewhat fond of you

    Elk Street:
    - similar to docks but instead turning it into den of thiefs, being turned into slave of gang boss or plaything for entire crew.

    But anyway carry on with great job!

    1. + double penetration (one hole)

    2. Thanks for the kind words, and taking the time to write this up.

      You've given me a lot to think over.

  46. One option ...

    One of the pickups at the Pub is a virgin who lives on Danube Street (Mansion district) with his parents. Since the PC is taking his virginity, the rich boy falling for the PC is a realistic possibility. Why not have the PC possibly become a Kept Boy/Girl, with an apartment and a allowance?

  47. i got another idea for spirit transformation. when having sex with animals you get affinity with animals in general and once that is high enough perhaps a shrine somewhere in the forest reveals its location to you and when you get to it, it will transform you depending on some requirements, skulldugery+ some other things fox girl/boy tf, being bratty+ higher physique wolf girl, and perhaps some harder to get tf kitsune...? perhaps same as fox girl but your performance in school needs to be pretty high as well

    then there even might be one more shrine in the sea somewhere activated a little differently like having some afinity with animals but also being at beach at a certain time...

    1. Thanks for the idea. Several more transformations are planned, but there's room for more.

    2. I greatly support the idea for fox and kistune transformations, I love fox/kitsune girls.

  48. Android version is kind of unresponsive and buggy on my tablet. It takes several seconds to register my touches and can't see my money for it falls behind the character image for some reason. Still playable tho.

    1. Aight, I figured it out. It's mostly due to the html viewer, which makes it unresponsive. I downloaded the normal html version and navigated to it using Chrome app and run the html. Response times were much better with chrome. Though I still can't see my money.

  49. i don't know if someone say this, but, when you play like a boy, may be you must put avaible the option of use chest/breasts when you enlarge the size of the breast of the boy

    1. The maximum breast size option indeed affects male characters. If you don't want your boy to be at risk of growing breasts, set this to minimum.

    2. Aha, sorry I misunderstood. You should be able to use your breasts that way as a boy. Like with girl PCs though, it's kinda awkward to do right now. Improvements are planned.

  50. can you put a camera or a view when the girl use the breast to please?
    because when someone use it, you don't understand with the pics instead it was a tentacle

  51. First off, thank you so much for this great game, love the wolf cave stuff, becoming pack alpha and all that. Howver, the apologize action is a bit broken currently. You can basically skip the detention spanking by apologizing once or twice with a decent english skill, and you can basically kick anything's ass even with a tiny body just by punching, kicking and apologizing(although it does sound pretty comical now that i think about it)

    1. Thanks for the kind words and feedback.

      I know apologising with high english is very powerful, but I'm loathe to nerf it without first adding other self-defence options.

    2. Not that guy, but I love how effective communication skills can get. It's pretty intense doing your best to be as least molested as possible during an encounter, wondering what you can cover and pull away without getting the rapist too angry, calculating when is the best time to use your painstakingly trained apology and save your ass.

      I'm not staunchly against nerfing it as a concept, but in my view, it should still be powerful, but maybe represented in some way other than going "sorry" and having the guy whose nose you just broke say "oh no biggie"

    3. Making the process more involved could work.

  52. Would be really cool if Blowbangs, bukkake and cum play in general would be added to the game. Loving it so far, keep up the good work!

    1. I don't know what a "blowbang" is, but I'm imagining something both sexual and pyrotechnic. Please don't correct me. I'm happy with the current mental image.

  53. I'm gonna be very disappointed if there's no update that adds rapist Santa coming down your chimney next week. Anyway are you taking the holidays off, dude?

    1. I laughed.

      I don't plan to stop over the holidays, other than a few days maybe.

  54. I'm afraid of not paying my landlord on time after playing this game. Or even going outside. It really is quite the experience getting raped 10 times on the way home by 16 different people and 2 dogs. Thanks

  55. Hey Vrelnir! I'm a big fan of your game, great work! It's my favorite text-based game so far, normally i don't like these! :D
    I have a few questions:
    Are more locations, animals, positions and char customization options planned and is there a chance to have sex with multiple animals at the same time in further updates of the game? :)

    1. Thank you! I'm happy to hear that.

      All that is planned. I'm not super keen on the way human gangbangs currently work, so for beasts I want to try something different.

  56. I have a question, in this world, instead of violence, they rape you? hahaha, like with the lizard, he can't kill you, only rape you like it or not, it's funny
    But, wonderful game, i enjoy it every time i play it, in many different ways and with different kind way to go. Nice job with the game

  57. Golly gee whillikers, I can hardly wait for the clothing system rework!

    1. any idea how long it will take ? Much love <3

    2. Not yet I'm afraid. It's a pretty involved change, and I don't want to slow down the development of other content too much.

  58. Robin(Female,Vagina Options) can't rub female protagonist's purity inspite of long-lasting relationships! Help! and thanks you again

    1. Is suspect anon meant rob not rub.

    2. Aha. Female NPCs can't currently lower a female PC's purity, as it requires cum. They can take your virginity though, but it might take a while before they decide to.

    3. The lissome man rubs your purity... somehow. | + Arousal | ++ WTF?

  59. It'd be nice to be able to fully undress, on purpose, underwear and all, when Siris asks you to undress at class, assuming your exhibitionism is high enough.

    1. You can, but only if your delinquency is in the right range. Sirris must ask you to undress down to your underwear while, then tell you to take your seat when they learn you aren't wearing any.

    2. Any chance for characters with even higher exhibitionism to circumvent the deliquency requirements for these events? I've been going in and reducing the deliquency requirements for the science and swim events myself. Heck it'd be even better if you could volunteer for the science event or undress completely for swim class

    3. I do want to add more "take control" options requiring exhibitionism or promiscuity to older events.

    4. Oh yeah, I'm aware of that scene, it's great. But it does require you to not be wearing underwear in the first place, which is quite an investment. I was thinking more in lines of having the option of just taking off all your clothing when asked to undress, assuming your Exhibitionis would be high enough. What the other anon said, really.

  60. Found a herm at the girls' bathroom, at school, when they should be disabled. I wish you good luck in closing the portal.

  61. I'm not sure if you've already considered this, or if someone else already suggested it, but something I'd love to see in the game are personal preferences of the PC.
    For instance, sexual orientation: A hetero PC having sex with an NPC of the opposite gender could get a little bonus towards pleasure and/or stress reduction, while a homosexual encounter would net little to no benefits, all the while carrying even rougher stress and trauma penalties in non-consensual scenes.

    Another layer of such system could be preferences for certain sex acts, and even fetishes: A preference for giving oral could net more stress reduction when doing so, and make the oral skill raise quicker, as a consequence of the PC's eagerness.
    Crossdressing while having a crossdressing fetish could provide a few bonuses, like extra dialogue, faster learning (due to being happier overall), but incur a big trauma hit, if the PC's gender is forcibly revealed. Or sperm addicton, giving a few bonuses too, but requiring the PC to get a hit every so often, lest they start getting stressed, and, on higher levels of the addiction, even resulting in loss of Control.

    In a sense, you're already implementing features like this, with Exhibitionism already being a pillar of the game, and the addition of Deviancy too. But there are so many cool places you could take a system like this, I think it could help a lot with building your PC's identity. Hell, it doesn't even have all to be about sex: Maybe a PC with a "Nature Lover" perk could reduce stress and trauma playing at the Park, and move around more safely in the forest, while getting stressed if being indoors for too long. But I digress.

    One last suggestion: Consider adding an arcade to the town. It could be a place to, ultimately, exchange excess money for stress/trauma reduction, but I think it could be a great setpiece to build scenes on (and taking Robin to <3)

    Thanks for reading my rambling, I hope something about it was interesting.

    1. Thanks for the ideas and suggestions. It was interesting.

      I've considered adding preferences for different sex acts, and for crossdressing. Not sure if this should be something that develops during play, or something that's chosen at the start.

      An arcade could work. It's an idea that's come up before. Game needs more things to spend money on and the shopping centre needs more content.

  62. It seems impossible to recover from being a delinquent, is this intentional? Even the slightest count of delinquency brings me back to being a "terror" even after many days of good behaviour. Why can't I suck up to the teachers like the rest of the kids seem to be doing?

    1. The only way to have a large positive impact on your delinquency is winning the science fair with the lichen project.

      There will be more ways in the future, but I want recovering from such a reputation to remain difficult. Maybe some ways to suck up wouldn't be a bad thing though.

    2. Suck up literally I assume?

    3. I don't mind difficult. I don't mind grinding ~~my teachers~~ sucking ~~off my teachers~~ up to my teachers. I do mind a week's progress being undone by Whitney stealing my underwear and then being caught without underwear in math class.

  63. So it turns out ~~ does not create a strikethrough effect here. Good to know.

    1. Do HTML tags [strike]wokr[/strike] work?

    2. Apparently not.

    3. And if you actually do them properly (with less-than and greater-than symbols instead of square brackets) it won't even let you post it.

      This has been a most educational exercise.

  64. Have you figured out how accessories will work in the clothes rework? Always bugged me how you keep your shoes on no matter what.

    1. Yep. Part of the rework is unifying accessories and clothing under one system, which should make this easier to manage.

    2. Speaking of clothes, are there going to be new outfits and clothing pieces being added?

  65. If it isn't too difficult to do, a text-only android version would be nice

    1. I've been considering what the best way to do that would be.

  66. Where is my new version for festive Christmas fapping, Vrelnigger?

  67. Is the git repository on gitgud just a way for you to share milestones, or is it the place where the main development happens?

    1. It's how people contribute code to the game's development, though the main branch is broken atm. I'm still getting to grips with it.

  68. Hello, I was wondering when can we expect an update? It has been two weeks...

    1. Soon I hope. I'm staying up to get it out.

    2. dont stress your self :D you are doing a great job !
