
Friday 30 November 2018


This update adds a new speech action available at high awareness, more severe consequences to entering the wrong changing room, and different character backgrounds that let you begin with alternative stats.

The idea behind the latter addition is to allow experienced players to skip some of the early game, but with drawbacks. Starting with decent school skills means starting with very low status, for example. The cheat menu isn't ready yet, but may appear in the next round of bug fixes. Feedback is appreciated.

Check the most recent update for download links.

Patch notes
You can now overwrite saves without first deleting them, thanks to Quin2k.
Exhibitionist characters will now have an additional option when catcalled in the streets even if not wearing a skirt.
Added the mock and tease speech abilities, available in non consensual and consensual encounters respectively.
Mocking an NPC's insecurities will restore control. Control cannot be restored to a higher amount than you began the encounter with in this way.
Tease is similar, except a successful tease arouses instead of restoring control. Both require a beyond normal awareness.
New characters may choose a background that alters starting stats. Each has a disadvantage.
Entering the wrong changing room at school may now have more severe repercussions.

Balance Changes
The forest ritual scene that can occur following passing out at the lake will now end sooner.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue causing the performance in longer games to drop. Thanks to Lavos for identifying the cause, and Quin2k for finding a solution.
Fixed a bug making some submissive actions more effective than intended.
Fixed a bug preventing the angel and fallen angel transformations from properly increasing attractiveness and allure.
Fixed a bug that caused losing your virginity with the angel transformation to prevent other transformations from starting.
Squids will no longer rub you while swimming if bestiality is disabled.
The option to be lewd with dolphins will no longer appear if bestiality is disabled.
Making Robin cum in the cinema will now get semen on your face if they have a penis.
Cuddling in your bed with Robin will now redress you if you get out of bed without sleeping.
Fixed a bug causing Robin's gender to sometimes swap after fetching them water.
Having your arms held down while giving a handjob will no longer continue the handjob.
You can no longer straddle a penis, or push yours against an orifice while wearing a chastity belt.
Fixed an issue during encounters where beasts would be referred to as just "The".
A second pair of underwear will no longer appear beneath your first should you show the beach pervert your genitals after asking to measure theirs.
Fixed a bug causing teenagers to appear at the lake during rain.
The "Rub" action when a penis rubs against your ass or pussy will should now be auto-selected if you picked it last turn and the NPC refrained from penetrating you.
Being attacked in the school toilets after having your clothes taken will now correctly lower control.


  1. Great! You're awesome!
    Now, personally, the next thing i'm waiting (except cheats) is the glory hole to earn some money, can't wait!

  2. AWESOME ! :D thanks a bunch !!

  3. Alrighty this was a faster update than I thought it would

    1. I'm glad I could surprise you. Updates have been taking longer than I'd like for a while now.

  4. Thanks for the new release, look forward to playing it!

  5. Really nice job!
    May I make a suggestion? You should add a nudist beach, would be a nice place to practice exhibitionism and other events. Do you have any planes to give the player the ability to initiate sex with strangers by its own will?

  6. I don't want to nitpick; but.

    'Baily the caretaker' only shows up as 'Baily' in the NPC options while every other named NPC has their own titles after their name.

  7. Will there be futa MC content soon?

  8. Hello, when I was trying to test the new mock feature with the boy on the canteen, it displayed "Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: macro <> does not exist)" when I clicked "tease their penis"

  9. And also, IDK if this just me, but I seem to lose the ability to do meek acts. Even in non consensual encounters there's no scream or plead choice

    1. Is it meek or speech acts that you're losing access to?

    2. I'm not really sure, but what I acknowledged is that I wasn't able to do other acts like punch, kick, bite, plead, and scream.

  10. I like the new control system and new ways to restore it will always be welcome. By the way what do you think of a 'hard mode' that makes pulling away from potential penetrations a chance and not a guarantee? Feels like avoiding rape is way too simple.

    1. Perhaps. The idea is that orgasms would be the danger. You can't pull away if you're cumming. Panic attacks too if your trauma is high enough.

  11. I've havnt gotten too far into the game but is there erotic hypnosis? If there isnt, can you add it?

    1. There is, though not too much. More is planned.

  12. omg yes!
    I just found this game 3 days ago and have rubbed my dick raw since (Like it literally hurts. Send help).
    I don't know how you managed to make a game this great in HTML but you're awesome man!

  13. 1. How do you increase Deviancy? Currently I farm the beach squids and I have encountered some dogs at houses that had tease options but it's really slow.
    2. Will we be able to penetrate animals in you have a penis in the future.
    3. Where are all the cats?

    1. 1) There's no easy way to raise deviancy like there is promiscuity, but if you masturbate long enough in the orphanage garden you can find another option.
      2) Yes.
      3) Lurking in rich people's homes, the school after hours, and the orphanage garden.

    2. I gave a lot of footjobs in the Wolf Den. Then I started looking for Dolphins to play with while leveling my swimming.

  14. Hoorays! After four game-weeks of constant depravity, I have finally broken the 1000 Ejaculated-On limit and acquired the Cum-Dump Trait!

    Now I'm going for the 1000 Orgasm limit! Currently at 807!

    1. Well done! Careful not to hurt your character too badly.

  15. During a school restroom rape, I got this notice

    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: macro <> does not exist)

    I had the Soft Mode on.

  16. I just realized - when getting that error message I was using the "Tease" response. (BTW love that option!)

    1. I think I've narrowed down the problem. Thanks again. Glad you like it!

  17. Currently the only benefits of high Attractiveness are some negotiated fees, right? Are there any plans to make it so that high Attractiveness gives some benefit even when you aren't specifically choosing to do a related job? I know that Attractiveness (and thus Allure) increasing over time is meant to ramp up the challenge if you aren't getting traumatized, but it feels a bit weird for there to be such a strong incentive to "ugly yourself up" most of the time.

    1. Plan is for the advantages to remain mostly money-focused. That's not set in stone though.

      Is there anything you'd like to see?

    2. Lust gain over time for NPCs that track lust? Also, does attractiveness factor in ask/beg/entice kind of actions during an encounter? A good way to balance increased sexual assault rate due to attractiveness would be to make it enhance some of the pain-, stress- and trauma-mitigating actions.

    3. The idea would be to make it so that staying attractive all the time is a viable (but not mandatory) choice. It could be a playstyle-dependent thing. Maybe have some random encounters with +Status for when your fellow students notice you out on the town being stylish? Or make it so that you have a chance of turning some encounters consensual if your attractiveness is high enough? (The idea being that if your allure comes from attractiveness rather than vulnerability, then people might notice you without assuming that you're an easy victim.)

      It's not an easy thing to solve. I imagine that making attractiveness give "easier encounters" in general is not something you want, since "more encounters" should still serve as a penalty to balance out the money bonuses.

    4. Lust increases over time only for Eden at the moment.

      Attractiveness has no impact on actions during an encounter, though NPCs start with higher arousal if you begin an encounter with higher allure.

      I like the idea of attractiveness enabling +Status events.

  18. Is it normal that it becomes impossible to fuck the head teacher when the PC leves their sex skills high enough? They just cum after spanking the char a few times and conclude the event before it can escalate.

    1. That event can't currently escalate too far, as they won't get their genitals out. The ability for the PC to take the initiative there is planned.

  19. Any chance you could add showers at the home, beach and school? It could take less time but give no/very small stress relief.
    Also add a peep hole between the changing rooms that you can peep through or flaunt when the other side is looking (or trauma/stress lowered if you haven't got enough exhib points.)

    1. I want to keep the number of safe washing spots limited. That said, I can think of a few ways to make school showers unsafe.

      Thanks for the ideas.

    2. Well yeah. The chances to get oogled or molested in the public showers should be quite high. Maybe you should be able to masturbate there too. Is there a chance to get molested in the changing room right now?

  20. Firstly I just want to let you know how amazing I think this game is. It's does so many things really well and it's clear that you're doing your best working on it. I love that you give us the option to disable/enable content that we might not like.

    I do have one question/suggestion though; Are there any plans to allow the player to become a bully? Instead of you being harassed and raped by the whole school/town maybe you could go around doing that to NPCs. This would also allow for you to expand upon the crime system in the game.

    Just a thought but either way I have to thank you for working on this as it's an amazing game and concept.

    1. Thank you!

      I've some loose ideas around bullying, but it's not planned exactly. Such a thing would take a lot of work to integrate into the rest of the game properly. That said, it's in the maybe pile.

      You can kinda be a bully in some situations already, but usually in retaliation. Thanks for your thoughts, and kind words.

    2. The only bulli option's that come to mind are: Refusing one of the student's when you are at the lake (but they are sort of already being coaxed into approaching you; you just have the option of laughing and refusing) and perhaps one of the scenes where you are caught masturbating by another student in class; and with high enough skills (I think rank 4 in exhibitionist?) turn the tables on them.

      Either of these you aren't really the instigator and there are multiple options of resolving things. But I still can't resist the urge to help the poor girl out at the lake and give her a kiss at the cost of my own drop in status.

      You can sort of be mean to Robin; but only villains do that. I might not use it; but I'm just glad that there are the options there. And like I said before; I wouldn't mind if Robin was a little mean sometimes. Just to round them out a bit. I'm pretty sure she already has full Angel status anyways and I doubt it would hit her morality that bad if she was snarky now and then. I know it's not the exact same as what other character dish out to you on regular basis. But I do sort of like rounding out the characters a little more; and just having a (slightly) mean option for the main character would be neat. Perhaps something that is tied to the bratty options and a reason to be a bit of a pouty butt now and then.

    3. You're not wrong; only villains are mean to Robin.

      That said, even the nicest person is selfish at times. Robin does have a more aggressive side, but you don't get to see it much. They'll kick the intruder away from you if you scream while sharing a bed. They probably won't remember doing it though.

      I agree Robin could be more well rounded. Applies to the other characters too.

  21. Same with wolfs. Probably all animals.

  22. Are female animals going to be added? The lack of any female dogs/wolves when playing a male is a bit disappointing. Poor guy must be so frustrated constantly taking it up the ass by wolves while not being able to turn the tables... being able to have some fun with 'their' females would be a suitable form of vengeance. :)

    That aside, this game is absolutely amazing. I just discovered it today and will eagerly await the next update.

    1. Thank you! Female animals are on the to-do list.

    2. No, please no... at least add an option to disable them...

  23. This game pretty amazing, thanks for taking your time to make it, but I have one question. Is stockholm syndrome only obtainable through blackwolves and eden, or is it obtainable through dogs and people?

    1. Thanks and you're welcome. Stockholm sydrome is only obtainable through those wolves and Eden. There'll be more of it in the future though.

  24. Just want to report a small bug in soft mode. Sometimes, the 'storming the stage' event seems to count as rape (trauma and stress go up during the event and it increases your rape fame) despite playing soft mode. As far as I can tell, the event counts as rape if the audience doesn't cop a feel before the event triggers and counts as consensual if they do.

    Also, some thought on bestiality and prostitution fame. These two are really slow to increase, so maybe you could add some events where getting recognized for those things give you an opportunity to raise it further. Like, if you're a bit famous for prostitution, people might start offering you money to have sex with them in the park or at the beach, where you might attract an audience to further increase your prostitution fame. And maybe once you do at least one bestiality show at the brothel, people can recognize you when you're looking for work on danube street and offer you money to come in and fuck their pets to entertain their party guests.

    1. That's an interesting bug, thank you.

      You're right that they're too slow to increase. More opportunities to be filmed in the act would make sense.

  25. While working, a save file accidentally fell into the Save Editor and i got a look at the values.

    Just out of curiosity, what does the value labeled "libertine" control?

    And the value labeled "Motherwake" - does that imply that at some point incest elements will be entered into the game?

    Just curious.

    1. Libertine is set to 1 if you're in an area where wearing skimpy clothing is considered acceptable. Like the beach. It's part of determining whether your character is considered exposed.

      Motherwake is left over from early in development. The orphanage used to be a house, and the PC had two parents. When Bailey took over I didn't rename it.

    2. That's super interesting. And I've only been playing for a few version numbers. I wouldn't mind hearing about the conception and progression of the game.

    3. In early versions the PC had a fairly good home life. Rape was a lot more devastating though; just one encounter could max your trauma bar. The dissociation trait would trigger your parents to send you to the hospital. Plan was they would then send you to the asylum, but I didn't get round to making it (it's coming).

      There was a bit of a disconnect between pleasant home and brutal town, though the very first encounter involved being assaulted in your bed by an intruder. There was no reason for the PC to do anything but hide in their bedroom all day. Even with occasional intruders, it was still safer than outside. So I replaced the home with the orphanage, parents with Bailey, and added increasing weekly payments to drive the PC to take risks. And made the PC more resilient.

      The intruder was removed, but returned recently in the form of Bailey whoring you out if you avoid paying them.

    4. It's a big ask but is there any chance you would implement different starts for the game. You mention that you initially had the game starting at your parents house. I think it would be amazing if that was an optional start. (would also allow for incest content which is a seemingly popular kink these days) You could end up being the family's rapeslave or cumdump or a golden child depending on how you played it.
      Probably not a realistic ask from me but it would be amazing if something like this was possible. All of the other content would be available to use in the game aswell, it would just be the home that's different and a few new relationships too.

    5. Different starts might be added in the distant future, when the game is more fleshed out.

  26. It's not a bug, it's just that some animated sprites are still missing.

  27. Hi there!
    I want to say that I am really impressed with your game.
    It's your decision but I would love to hear your thoughts on some of the stuff that I would like to see added at one point or another:

    - a Combat stat. It would be nice if the MC could train to not only defeat but also utterly trash their attackers and maybe even get a reward for turning them in. And keep their panties as a souvenir since that seems to be an old and respected tradition in this town...
    - more clothes. I am sure this is a given but what are your plans on new clothing options? Also more durable stuff. Maybe a more expensive but all around better option for clothes which don't tear as easily once the money is rolling.
    - sprites for different body models. The Chibi style character is cute but maybe the stature could be more emphasized on. Speaking of body size, I didn't really notice much difference between the four.
    Really loving to see more RPG elements by including pre-allocated stats.

    These are the ones of the top of my head. I am really looking forward to more updates.

    1. Almost forgot:

      Teacher Relationships. What can we expect?

      Much love!

    2. Thanks!

      - Another combat stat is planned, but the town will remain dangerous for the PC. You might be able to get back at them in other, sneakier ways.
      I need to add panty stealing now.
      - The clothing system is being rebuilt. Once finished, adding new clothing will be much easier and flexible. Expensive and durable clothing will be a thing.
      - I'm not against sprites for different body models, but producing all the art required will take a long time, and will slow down future clothing additions. Maybe in the distant future.
      Body types only affect your physique cap, so how much damage you can inflict in combat.
      - Relationships are planned with a couple of the teachers.

      I'm happy to hear you like the game, and I hope you enjoy future updates.

    3. In addition to the panty stealing, having stacks of clothes would be more realistic i think. eg owning 5 pairs of panties rather than just one.

    4. That's planned as part of the clothing update.

  28. Found a typo when looting a mansion.
    "You find a nice-looking brooch in a draw[er]"

  29. When you have low rep and delinquency and the three students push you against the locker is the only thing they do strip you? Or can they rape you too? If they only strip you are there plans for them to rape you in the hallways or maybe drag you off outside or somewhere else if there's a risk of getting caught?

    Also I think it would be a good idea to have a bit more audience focus. Just things like adding a few lines of dialogue here and there to keep it fresh. And it would be nice to see some bold people from the audience maybe step forward and participate in the rapes. (E.g in the pillory in the history class you are at the mercy of the entire room but only one person is bold enough to do anything) Just an idea. Loving the game so far.

    1. That particular event won't escalate like that, but there's a similar one in maths that will. Has a chance of happening if you deliver the note with low status.

      Audience members potentially joining in is a cool idea. Right now the way NPCs are generated and interact with encounters is inflexible, but there are plans to improve things.

      Glad you like it.

  30. Will NPCs and Audience ever react to you walking around covered in cum?

    1. I wonder that myself. No one seems to react to a PC who's covered in cum, has their arms tied behind their back, or sports nonhuman body parts.

      What does it take to get a reaction?

    2. I agree NPCs don't react to cum, and other things, enough.

    3. It's worse than you think.

      PC goes into the girl's toilet in boy's clothes, and during the "Seduce" sequence, she undoes her top and her "gigantic breasts flop out". But they don't notice she's female until they remove her shorts and see her pussy! Apparently the "Gigantic Breasts" weren't enough of a clue.

    4. It's *even worse*, often assailants will tell a crossdressing PC they will be careful with her pussy before finding out she's female (or careful with his penis in case of crossdressing male PC).

    5. There are some events; but they are few and far between. There is one 'owning it' about being covered in semen that gives you a boost if you have high enough stats. Sort of like some of the Whitney events and having high enough Exhibition to get the better options.

      There is a dog ear'd one where you have the option of biting a teacher and earning a detention or just enduring it and taking a hit to your stress. I'm unsure about the 'Who let you out of the kennel' street taunts; or the NPC asking you to be her dog's bitch comes from either. I've not had it happen that often to really see a cause.

      There is another one about trying to explain your collar and leash to a teacher with more negative results. I'm not sure if there is anyone mentioning arm binders; I tend to take them off as quickly as possible. I'll have to keep my eyes open.

      I think that is of the top of my head. There might be something tied to the Fallen Angel at the church but I honestly didn't have the 10,000$ for contrition.

      To be honest I've never done a lot of cross dressing outside of running out clothes and being forced into a boy's uniform or swimsuit. So I wouldn't even know where to start there. I would just assume that is a quirk with the combat system.

    6. Oh! I forgot about one of the Eden after breakfast options involves ear scritching. They seem to be pretty good at dealing with puppy boys/girls.

  31. I really (really) like how many options that single changing room scene has, and don't usually like throwing ideas or asking for stuff... yet I have one request:
    Would you ever make it so, after bending over, the students actually go further than just slaps? Maybe tying it to status, or rape fame.
    Could even be the first scene to have humans taking turns on you, instead of a plain ol' gangbang.

    Anyways, thanks a lot for the continued updates, really looking forward to that revamped clothing system, and whatever may be added or modded in through it.

    1. You're welcome. Glad you like it. I ended up making that scene more involved than I'd intended.

      Adding to it isn't off the cards, and you give a good idea of how it could escalate.

  32. Is it possible to add to the "Blackmail Headmaster" menu the option "Demand Sexual Favors"?

    1. Maybe. Sounds lewd though.

    2. Related; I much preferred being blackmailed by the headmaster, but after failing to show up there was just one humiliating scene and then the blackmail was entirely gone. It would imho be better if the headmaster leaked the pics around the school one by one or in small sets, maybe alternated with simply treating failure to show up for the photoshoot as a count of delinquency. Maybe there could be other scenes tying into some schoolkids (or even Whitney) making you re-enact some vile acts seen in the pictures. The blackmail imho just shouldn't stop unless the PC takes action to blackmail the headmaster back.

  33. What is the threshold for unlocking the "Orgasm Addict" trait? I racked up over 1000 orgasms and it didn't activate, so I was wondering of there was some extra qualification.

    1. That's it. You won't gain the trait until midnight however.

    2. Time to spend a weekend in the bathroom spamming enter XD

  34. would you change the platform which the game uses? from html twine to for example java...?
    or is twine just go to platform for you...? i just feel like there are too many limitations for twine....

    1. There are no plans to change. It uses JavaScript as well as HTML, and is a fair bit more flexible than you might think. I'm not great at programming outside it either.

  35. i just havee option in brothel flirt and fuck. how to have another 2?

    1. You need to unlock level 5 promiscuity and deviancy actions.

  36. Not sure if this is a bug or a conscious balance decision, but since physique decay is based on your absolute physique (rather than your physique relative to your cap based on character size), a tiny character pretty much never decays down to the lower physique levels even with essentially no exercise. You might want to consider scaling the physique decay (in addition to the physique cap) with character size.

    1. It's intentional, though I know it doesn't make much sense. I'm going to look at physique at some point and make adjustments.

  37. How does one increase awareness?

    1. Just entering an encounter increases it. Humans will only increase it so far before the rate slows. You'll need to find something more exotic at that point.

    2. Ooooh. That explains it. Thanks.

  38. Did I just get my ass slapped by a pool noodle? Game of the year.

  39. Just a little idea, and I have no idea if it would even be possible or easy for you to implement but it would be cool if the audience and encounters would acknowledge your hair color. Like the way they do for breast size. Just something like "Fuck that Blonde bitch" etc.

    Really enjoying the game so far and hoping that it doesn't become abandoned like so many other promising projects.

    1. That would be a nice detail. Should be possible too.

      I'm glad you're enjoying the game. Short of a catastrophe, I can't see myself abandoning it.

    2. Thanks for replying and I'm glad to see you're devoted to this game. You're doing wonders, keep it up!

    3. Thank you, you're very kind!

  40. Quick question. When you start the game there is the slider for rate that events are triggered by allure. If I lowe that down to 0.5 would that mean it's half as likely for allure to matter? What if I lower it all the way down? Do events then only get triggered by things like status/delinquency/coolness?

    1. Almost all lewd events are triggered by allure. In some places, like classes and the forest, it detemines whether you get a "dangerous" or "safe" event. Basically higher allure means more lewd events, and more events in general. It's usually only rolled against rng. Status/delinquency/coolness determine the events that can happen, but not whether or not one will.

  41. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but do you have any plans on adding pregnancy to the game?
    Thank you.

  42. Just wanna know, how does one trigger the changing room scene?

    1. Just enter the wrong changing room twice in a row.

  43. I hope you're planning some more stuff relating to the teachers, especially Doren. Doren is such a great person, one of the few adults with a well-developed sense of right and wrong, one of the few who seem to be aware of how fucked up the City can be. Finding an adult who had a shoulder my PC could cry on was a small, yet kinda amazing moment.

    Which is exactly why it would be great to be able to seduce them. It would be a really cool change to have an adult character who doesn't want to violently pork the PC to begin with, but would have to be won over, as the inhibitions and basic moral values that prevent them from fucking a student are painstakingly eroded away. Moreover, they deserve some loving too, but I digress.

    On an unrelated note, please implement enveloping for assholes and mouths. Thanks for your time and hard work.

    1. I do want to add something like that for Doren, for reasons you mention.

      I've been meaning to get more enveloping actions in for a month now, but keep running out of time. I've made it a priority for the next update.

    2. Different anon, I'd prefer if Doren was more of a careful but manipulative pervert. One who progressively escalates the sexual interactions with the PC despite the original displays of concern and caretaking. I could imagine things like the towel and PC's clothes not being there after the shower, forcing the player to pick between facing Doren naked or to climb out through the bathroom window. Or Doren, rather than protecting the PC from the perv during the run, staying away a bit longer on purpose so that he/she can comfort the PC after. Maybe even dropping some hints that Doren arranged for it to happen.

  44. As an idea, I think the arousal stat world be more immersive if the boy gets hard when is high (or the girl get stiffer nipples).

    Is a bit weird that the boy is always hard.

    Thanks for the game.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, and you're welcome.

  45. I had some ideas occur to me about improvements to the vore encounters. There's a lot of them though, so bear with me.

    After adding the diving system I thought about adding a sort of stamina/willpower bar for vore encounters that decreases each turn and ends the encounter as being swallowed when it reaches 0. This would make sure encounters with the whale and frog don't drag on so long and inflict as much trauma, and make the snake encounter not end the moment you reach the stomach. Certain actions could also increase the bar depending on which stat you end up going with: Escaping towards freedom might raise willpower, while resting could allow you to recover stamina at the cost of being swallowed deeper and dragging the encounter on for more stress/trauma.

    I also wanted to suggest improvements to losing vore encounters. Normally, passing out takes 2 hours, so I would think that instead you'd be trapped in the monster's stomach for 6 hours before it throws you up because it can't digest you. Your clothing would either be completely destroyed or heavily damaged such that everything save for the chastity belt would be destroyed. Instead of being forced into another encounter that's also stacked against you, you'd be left naked and vulnerable wherever you had your initial encounter. Since time and care was clearly put into the older after-vore encounters, perhaps they could be kept in if you pass out from stress like normal.

    Additionally, I thought of lewd actions that you could choose during vore encounters for deviancy 6 (To do something lewd while being eaten alive would be pretty obscene, after all). There could be options to grind your crotch against the monster's tongue or the walls of its throat/stomach. When trapped in its stomach after losing an encounter you could masturbate to pass the time. When you add the forgive option to vore encounters, you could also add all the standard dialogue choices though I don't know how they could affect the gameplay. For plead, you could have phrases along the lines of "Please don't eat me!" For defiance, "This is disgusting!" "Spit me out right now!" For moan, "It's rubbing against me so lewdly..." "Everything feels so slimy!" I don't really like vore dialogue like "I'm your food" or "I can't wait to be a part of you", but that's just personal preference.

    Lastly, I wanted to suggest a trait to reduce stress/trauma from vore encounters with a name like Voreaphile, Prey, Masochist: Vore or something along those lines. It would be gotten after being swallowed X number of times, maybe because the player realizes that despite being swallowed whole so many times, they're never in danger of being digested.

    Whew, that's a lot of text. Please let me know what you think.

    1. Ah, crap I forgot to add one last thing. Obviously, getting thrown up out of a monster would leave you covered from head to toe in slime. If being naked in the forest/ocean/lake wasn't risky enough.

    2. Thanks for the ideas. I've known vore encounters need work. I think you've given me a better sense of how they can be improved.

      Having some separate metre to control when the encouter is over is a good idea. Would make things less devastating when the encounter is lost, and could be something that's influenced by the player's actions.

      As for traits, there is "tasty" that makes vore encounters easier to escape from, though that's not really the same thing as you suggest.

    3. I haven't actually gotten any of the traits that relate to being molested or anything a large number of times, so I don't actually know what traits exist yet. All I have is angel, defiant, and robin's protector.

    4. The requirements are a bit high. Originally they were so high I didn't expect anyone to find them through normal play. They did, of course.

  46. Butts! I don't know if I'm missing it or not paying attention. But is there any increase in its size?

    I know that you can get breast implants and there are parasites and slimes and stuff for your chest. But what about backside? It doesn't need to have the same sort of levels as breast implants; but something from perky little rear, to a bodacious pornstar ass. Just something that makes an npc say 'damn those cheeks can't be real' or 'I can't wait to see that in motion.'

    Or even something like slime's drugs or an injection from the compound that causes 'Your school skirt's hem doesn't seem to cover as much as it used too.' Or; 'Your shorts feel tighter then usual; making you feel self conscious about your backside. Did it really get bigger?'

    And of course; the corresponding increase in thigh/butt job effectiveness. Come to think of it; dick sucking lips. Actually; this might be going too far down the body modification rabbit hole. Could be a good place to blow money in the hospital by getting lip/butt enhancements.

    1. Different sizes aren't a thing, but I've been building the game with the possibility of adding them in mind.

      Thanks for the ideas. I wonder what sort of parasite would be suitable for stimulating butt growth.

    2. Oh that is easy! The (totally not evil) compound scientist is dumping the waste from their pink tentacle monster in the ocean; which mutates the jellyfish. So they have two very lewd and very butt-like Bells. So they sting the player character on the thighs/backside which causes them to slowly swell. Taking roughly as long as it does to increase bust size.

      Afterwards; you can get it treated the same way as getting parasites removed or a breast reduction; with an optional lewd scene here; like say; some sort of anti-venom leaving you at near max arousal for a few days; or as in theme with the electroshock therapy; multiple orgasms in a row that knock you out. Or perhaps you can pay Harper; who we already know isn't very ethical; at all; for ass enhacments; maybe something like 3000-4000$; the price isn't really important. Just the option to go from a cute petite butt, to eye catching, too a soft and doughy ultra porn star rear.

      Other then the ascetic and 'oh my god look at that butt' comments; it could give a (small) starting lust to the other partner. Or; it could make thigh and butt jobs more effective. Or; perhaps making the opponent lean slightly towards anal.

  47. Great game, always enjoy playing it and the updates are consistent unlike some other games.

    I have a few questions about future content, that admittedly I’d love to see added.
    Will there be more accessories added to the accessory shop in the future? Items like high heels that increase allure or ribbons and hair clips to style your hair? Or even maybe sex toys?

    Clothing can feel a little limited, so are there plans to add new clothing items for both character sexes, and if so will there be more salacious items added like crotchless or backless panties? Of course I believe such items would need a level of promiscuity needs to wear them.

    Are there any plans to add seduction scenes for the teachers at school, or the dance teacher at the studio?

    In the pub, would you ever consider adding glory holes?

    What about adding a livestream that your character can use to make money, depending on promiscuity and exhibitionism, with the chance for a fan to set up a real life meet-up for a very large amount of money?

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

      I agree clothes are limited at the moment. The clothing system is being reworked. Once done, adding new items will be much easier. Crotchless and backless panties are planned, as are new accessories.

      Seduction scenes for the teachers, including the dance teacher are also planned. I haven't really considered glory holes for the pub specifically, but I intend to add them elsewhere.

      Livestreaming for money would be pretty cool. I want the game to include it, but I haven't worked out many details and it's a way off.

  48. How about making you more teased by boys when flat-chested, and by girls when your tits are huge?

    1. I think both boys and girls will find a reason to tease you regardless of breast size. Though maybe they'll fixate on different attributes.

  49. Is it a bug that you can't give thighjobs as a male or is it intended? I can't tell anymore.

  50. Recently found this game and I'm really enjoying it.

    Also are there any plans for some school excursions/field trips? Maybe going to the museum, zoo, or having a sports day?

    Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work! :)

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Field trips are planned.

  51. Vrelnir-

    Great game! Thank you for all the hard work and continued support of this project, it's a lot of fun.

    My only suggestion is for the "pantiless" allure modifier. Have you thought about changing it to being hidden until an event (wind, flashing, a student flicking the skirt) uncovers it? The area youre in then would be notified and increase your allure until you enter another area, and then it would be a "secret" again.
    Also, have you thought about a FAQ or Roadmap section of the site? It seems like a lot of people have the same questions and suggestions.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you and you're welcome!

      Nopan will work similar to how you suggest in the new clothing system. As for a Roadmap section of the site, I do intend to add one. You're right that people share many of the same questions.

  52. My awareness, promiscuity, exhibitionism and deviancy progress bars stopped filling. Awareness got to (pink) bad/risky, just barely fills then stops. Prom, exhi, devi get to (red) terrible/dangerous fill about 1/3 then stops. Didn't know if that was a bug or the upper limit.

    Thoughts about parasites; parasites on nips, clit/(penis? idk play as fem) when the character interacts with them the first time or Doctor removes them, they cause extreme arousal. Have it so when a NPC or tentacle touches an area with parasites it should produce a (+Arousal Parasitic Stimulation). Which would cause you to orgasm faster and leave you more vulnerable.
    Or Science teacher could notice them when doing Anatomy scene and then ask to see you after class, to study them... for Science!

    Great game tho!

    1. That's the upper limit to exhi, prom and devi. For the time being. Awareness can go higher, but it will require tentacles. There's no content yet for a higher awareness though.

      Parasites are pretty bare bones right now. I want to revisit and improve them at some point.

      Thanks for the ideas and kind words!

  53. The android version forces portrait mode which is a bit of a pain, any words on a fix to allow auto-rotate?

  54. I would enjoy if we had the option do the same as the npcs in the city you know go around raping them and maybe a seduction of a married wife from husband would be good along with female animals.

    1. There are no plans to let the PC be a marauding rapist like many of the townsfolk. If a more aggressive PC becomes a thing it'll work differently. Female animals are planned.

      You can already seduce a married man or woman at the pub.

  55. Need knot and group bestiality scenes soooooo bad

    1. How beasts are generated by the game is being looked at, and more than one beast getting involved at a time may become a thing. I'm not happy with how human gangbangs work currently though, so it'll be a bit different.

      Knotting is already in the game, but pretty much only as flavour text.

  56. Just wondering ...

    There are points in the Eden subplot where the PC is awake and free and Eden is asleep. Will there be an option to tie up and abuse Eden? Or just take the gun and shoot Eden?

    1. There are no plans to allow tieing up and abusing Eden. It's a fun idea though.

  57. when entering sex scene with whitney most of it is just errored out and you cant do anything just pressing next. until he finishes, when you become the pack leader of the wolfs by chalenging the black wolf then going on a hunt it gets stuck with no way out i am playing the cheat version and it could be the cheats version problem, but reporting it just in case.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. Do you remember which Whitney event caused the problem?

    2. i am unsure but it wasnt just whitney it was Robin also when he says its his bed time and you in turn ask to stay, initiating the sex scene i am 100% that this scene is errored out till the end for me, and with witney there is 1 scene certain but could be 2

    3. Okay, thanks for the information.

    4. i didnt dig around the scenes them selves i just used the cheats to max out the stats i wanted fix clothes when needed defeat enemies instantly, change time, add money etc. no cheats were used when the scene started or during. i also have never encountered these scenes before in non cheated version so i wouldnt know if this was before this version...

    5. acctually most of the encounters are like this except the wolf encounters... and some other exceptions

  58. I just confirmed that the hairy transformation toggle no longer works. It is disabled in my settings and I just got that on top of my full succubus transformation.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. There's a problem with transformations stacking in the current build. I hope to have it fixed soon.

    2. Its not just that toggle, either. I temporarily disabled the bestiality and tentacle scenes to get the mushrooms for the science project since I had a hard enough time getting that scene to trigger in the first place. The mushroom scenes triggered, they were just really spread out and it took three in game days of straight hunting with some console work on the fatigue stat to get them. On top of that, despite bestiality and tentacles being disabled, I got them pretty often and had to duck into either Eden's cabin or the wolf cave every other turn to get the black wolf off my back.

  59. Tiny bug report: Yesterday, I noticed that my guy's tangerine bikini (fashion!) was turning into a couple broken image links during encounters. Going into img/sex/doggy/idle/bikini[top/bottom] and changing all instances of "orange" in the folder/file names to "tangerine" fixed it quite handily. That might be an issue with the other doggy/idle clothes as well, but I haven't tested those.

    Also, sorry to add to the massive pile of suggestions you've surely accumulated by now, but it'd be great to either be able to sleep more than 8 hours at a time (without being traumatized), or to have some other options for killing time in the evening/early morning. It's just that it's slightly annoying having my guy climb back in bed for another 2 hours every morning because he couldn't sleep past 5AM the first time.

    1. Thanks for tracking down the cause of that bug. You've made things very easy for me.

      The sleep options aren't working as I'd like. I'll see about improving them.

  60. First of all, I wanted to say that I LOVE THIS GAME, like seriously, is so good. You are amazing! <3
    Also, I don't know if there's already in game, but I think adding weapons like a pocket knife or similar, would be great since when someone assaults you is a bit hard to escape (at least for me lol) and the use of weapons would make it a bit easier :3
    (btw, sorry for my horrible english :'v)

    1. Thank you!

      There are no weapons yet, but it's something I'm thinking about.

      Your English is fine.

  61. I have a question if you are a girl mc cant you not get defiants perk, i am trying to get the perk but only meekness. I am hoping that i dont have reset my game for this to happen.

    1. You can get the defiant trait as a girl. That and brat are hard to get though.

  62. Hoping the asylum won't be defunct. Would be nice to get bound up in a straightjacket there.

  63. So no encounters actually have graphics or options to choose until it gets to the point where it's animated and everything is unlocked. Using cheats for everything because I'm a terrible person. It's not a huge deal for me considering I'm being a bastard but it is a bit annoying. If this helps, there's an error. <<>> replaced with parentheses because otherwise website wouldn't allow it. Error: ((actionsman)): error within widget contents (Error: ((speak)): errors within widget contents (Error: macro ((listbox)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro ((option)) does not exist; Error: macro )((/listbox)) does not exist))
