
Saturday 23 June 2018

Version 0.1.4

More improvements and fixes. Touched a lot of code so hopefully haven't broken anything.

Edit: The NPC behaviour changes are not working right for male PCs interacting with female NPCs. Working on a fix.

Patch Notes
You can now press the enter, z or n keys instead of clicking "Next" to end the turn during encounters. Should work for all encounters and dancing.
Made rescue mechanics a bit clearer.
Added incapacity actions to encounters with tentacles and other strange creatures.
You can now start with a higher awareness stat, skipping some more innocent dialogue.

Balance Changes

Many changes to NPC behaviour with the goal of making them more decisive and focused on getting what they want.
Swarms are now less dangerous to clothing.
Wearing a chastity belt now impacts NPC moods more severely.
Being exhausted is now more dangerous.
The swimming skill now increases more quickly.

Bug Fixes
Made the seduction skill increase at the intended rate.
Seducing people in the pub now properly increases your promiscuity.
Losing the bottom of an outfit with clothing rebuy enabled should now replace the item.
Switched the submissiveness increase and decrease to their proper places during the Danube party.
Fixed a bug stopping submissiveness changes in some situations.
Fixed a discrepancy in the colour of an NPC action based on the hand they used.
Fixed a bug preventing some player character's breasts from behaving as they should.
Fixed a bug that would trap players in the drain system.
Fixed a bug causing swarms to get your arms muddled.
Fixed a bug causing male PCs to grow vaginas.
Fixed a bug that made the image for skirts disappear at certain levels of damage.
Fixed a bug that made dancing seductively not be the default action for the following turn.
Fixed some more PC and NPC gender confusion.
Fixed a bug causing the club dressing room to have two links out.
Fixed an issue preventing chastity belts being damaged as they should.
Removed NPC's ability to warp space to slap their genitals on your face. This may not be the end of it, but it'll help.


  1. You know, I generally don't bother when People add pictures to twine games, since it's practically always stolen art/Real life porn. But no, you went ahead and made a full animated sprite. Good on you man, can't wait for futa.

    1. I know, it's a very nice little touch. I'm personally waiting to see when the male sprite will be on his ass when attacked by women, rather than on all fours.

      Any chance of us getting female dogs and stuff to fuck with? I turned off men hoping to avoid the dick but I like the idea of being attacked by bitches in heat and was disappointed when male dogs showed up. I just want female versions of all the content because I am a prima donna who doesn't like taking dick. I can understand if that's asking too much.

      Either way a great game, even if I turn a bunch of the content off whenever I play.

    2. Thanks. I wasn't going to make my own sprites at first, but I'm glad i did.

      Anon - Female animals are something I'm interested in adding but I don't know when. Possibly after I've created a new sprite that would fit it better.

  2. Alright, I'll look into it. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. This game needs pregnancy desperately badly. It fits with the degree of realism you're attempting and it also has a ton of degradation/humiliation themes you can explore.
    "He's fucking me unprotected and I can't stop him"
    "I'm letting a guy fuck me unprotected, I'm such a slut"
    "I could get pregnant and I don't even know his name"
    "Now everyone can see what a slut I am" (even better since you're still going to school and that's going to look really bad to the faculty and students)
    "He just asked me who the father is and I don't know, what should I say?"
    You get the idea. Way too much potential to pass up.

  4. A couple of oddities are still present in this version:

    - For some reason, mousing over Arousal in the side bar shows an [arousal] pop-up window, lowercase like that. Does not happen with any others.

    - I noticed that the first stage of damage for the girl's swimsuit doesn't show up, but there is a "broken image" icon in the top left corner of the image screen, over the weather display. Inspecting element shows that the game is trying to pull a file titled "swimsuitlowerrfrayedred.png", which has an extra R in the middle compared to the actual file with the image (swimsuitlowerfrayedred.png).

    1. "Overcome by sensation, a surge of cum erupts from your penis."

      I noticed the first part of the sentence is the same for male MC orgasms, but it doesn't always play well with the second. It might be better to reword this:

      "(You are)/(Your body is) overcome by the sensations. (Second sentence here.)"

    2. Thanks. The arousal pop-up window is something I experimented with and forgot I left in. I'll fix that broken image, you've made it very easy for me.

      I agree the wording gets a bit clumsy there. I'll take a look at it.

  5. Any possibility for weight gain elements down the line? Doesn't have to have a related sprite just some dialog around getting plush/plump etc?

    1. Something like that was planned way back, but I ended up removing the eating system altogether. It might be revived in some form, but there's no plan to do so.

  6. Hey, looking great so far
    but one issue i noticed was that dancing on the beach uses the same dialog as dancing in other places but some of the dialog doesnt make sence in context

    1. Alright, I'll see if I can improve things. Thanks.

  7. Hi.
    I'm enjoying the game, also I found a bug. When people take towels as souvenirs they also take the pyjama bottoms even if you are not wearing them.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to fix it for 0.1.5

  8. Hi,
    I love your game and I'm glad I've found it by chance!
    The amount of content is really impressive, the writing is good and the animated sprites are a nice touch.

    I'm impatient to play the next versions!
    Thank you for your hard work.

  9. game severely needs a way to play with keyboard alone, and if there already is a way, the buttons need to be labeled.

  10. First of all, I love this game. Like others have said, it's very refreshing to see a Twine game with original art. The sprites work very well with this type of game, and my only real issue is that all beast characters use a dog sprite (but I assume that's something you're working on).

    I find myself wondering if the map uses the correct icons for the Mansion and the Cafe. The icons for those places seem to be more appropriate for the other location. I haven't noticed any other bugs - certainly nothing gamebreaking.

    I agree with the anon who suggested adding pregnancy. Even if you don't plan for the game to last more than a few months (September to December), something like pregnancy would be an issue that lasts far beyond the end of the game. Maybe have an epilogue where the player gets kicked out of both school and the orphanage because of her pregnancy, and has to resort to whoring herself out to support herself and her unborn child. Mostly I just think it provides a lot of humiliation and degradation opportunities, like anon mentioned.

    I was a little surprised to learn that dogs and wolves didn't knot whenever they came inside one of your holes. I think it would be supremely degrading and humiliating for your character to not only be fucked by a beast, but to have them stuck inside you for some time afterwards. It would be fun to have random NPCs come along and take pictures of that, or maybe decide to use you after the beast is able to withdraw its cock. I'll understand if you don't want to include something like this, because it would cause issues with scenes where you take multiple beasts one after another, but I think it could be a fun addition.

    Either way, I love your game a ton and I can't wait for the next update.

    1. I do intend to add more sprites for animals, just need to find the time. You're right about the icons being odd for those two streets. They represent currently unimplemented content. Not sure if I should change them.

      Pregnancy may be a thing in the future, but it'd take a lot of work to get it done right.

      Thanks for the compliments and your thoughts.

  11. Not sure if this is the same for anyone else; the game is completely broken for me. All the stats have the following errors attached:

    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause (#6): tagName is undefined)

    Not sure what this means as a coder but this game looks fantastic and I want to try it.

    1. This is peculiar.

      What browser do you use? Sorry for the bother.

  12. One weird thing I've noticed is if you're wearing your school uniform and pass out due to stress you wake up in the hospital wearing your normal clothes. This is kinda annoying because you have to go by your home to put your uniform back on before going back to school, otherwise they won't let you go to your classes.

    1. You're right, that's less than ideal. I'll look into improving it.

  13. Has anyone made a wiki for the actions you can take?

  14. One thing that buggs me is that the sprite is always covered up when nude even with exhibitionism maxed out.

  15. Hey, playing version and I noticed something that I think is a bug. As the girl, when you get caught masturbating in class, it automatically changes your clothes to towels, and you can't switch back to the school uniform without going to a full-on dressing room and manually picking them. I've since seen the chemical accident scene and I'm guessing that some wires got crossed so that ALL caught mast in class events cause it.

    1. Also, has anybody made any kind of wiki or guide to this? Cause I can tell that the girl's chest size increased outside of the hospital, but I have no bloody idea how it happened. It was only to the next size so I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a bug, but I'd like to know if there's a cheaper way to increase her cup size.
