
Wednesday 20 June 2018

Version 0.1.3

A more content heavy release meant to help balance some gameplay issues. Many bug fixes didn't make it in this one, and will be the focus of the next release.

Patch Notes
Added new actions to a few states that would previously incapacitate the player character. Some of these actions can help the pc recover.
Added new promiscuity actions and encounters in the pub.
Added a new potential event occuring when you pass out on the streets or in alleyways.

Balance Changes

Lowered the promiscuity requirement for whoring at the brothel and club.
Worked out some kinks in the breast growth system, and made low purity have a much bigger impact. Needs testing.
Greatly lowered the chance of encounters on the beach at night by adding the benign "wind blows in from the ocean" event to the pool.
Lowered the chance of the dog event occuring on the beach during the day.
Greatly lowered the chance of waking up in the industrial district if you pass out on a street. Increased the chance when passing out in an alleyway.

Bug Fixes
Sealed some more herm portals that would open if you walked the streets bound, wearing a collar or wearing towels.
Fixed an issue preventing npcs from generating properly if you wander the streets naked at night.
The bartending job now lasts an hour per shift as intended.
Fixed a promiscuous option in the club that wasn't labeled correctly.
Covering your genitals should now correctly prevent them being licked directly.
Tentacles now decrease your purity when they cum inside you as intended.
Fixed an issue with emperor's sundresses.
Orgasm and other states should now correctly interrupt frotting with your backside.
The penis parasite should now be removed by the hospital procedure.
Fixed an issue with actions from one encounter carrying over to the next.


  1. Already ran into a herm. Right out of the gate, the first person I ran into. I am male, I have no men, bestiality, or anal (I don't like dick). Got into combat and have only pleaded the first... 4 or 5 turns? I haven't used my arms or legs to do anything. Then all my options turn from "grope pussy" to "grab penis." Imagine my surprise. She also can't figure out what she wants to do. She has moved to kiss me then moved away and moved her lip[s near my crotch each turn without doing anything.

    1. It's worth mentioning that the change is only in my action choices. In the combat description she is still playing with her labia.

    2. She can also both kiss me and press her clit against my face, all while I am covering it with both arms. Her dick has now also appeared in the action texts and is being pressed against my backside with her ass about to ride my dick. Clearly I have encountered some non-euclidian being and will now restart my game in the hopes that things return to normal.

      Not trying to be nitpicky here. I'm just doing bug reports.

    3. Game breaking bug. I am in the sewers late at night and I got and event that says I was hit by onrushing water which pushed me into the canal. Not all the screen says is "You are within the storm drain system, being pulled along by the rushing water." with no options to select or do anything to progress.

    4. Thanks. Don't worry about being nitpicky, this is exactly what I need.

  2. Couple of other things I've noticed.

    First, whenever you select "Dress Casually" or "Dress for school" in the morning, you always forget your underwear.

    Second, if you do nothing during combat and are fully clothed (just plead and cross arms/ legs) your opponents will generally masturbate themselves into submission before they managed to get your clothes off or figure out if they want to kiss you or not. This only goes for people attackers obviously.

    Also, I played a lot of this in your last release and I have yet to ever have anyone blow me or give me a handjob or anything. The moment the pants are off they try to hop on my dick. Which I appreciate mind, but would like some more variety. Maybe if you fight or act meekly they'll force you to cum a couple times to shut you up first?

    1. Thanks for you thoughts. Npc behaviour is in clear need of improvement, I'll see what I can do.

  3. The issue from last version - the one where the first "combat" turn describes an action from much further down the line, impossible due to clothes in the way - recurred. This time, in the classroom picking up things. The offending girl pressed her pussy against MC's lips, despite her pussy not being exposed.

    1. On second thought, that one might be intentional. Triggered the event again, don't see any mention of her removing her panties in "combat", appears to already have no panties on at the start.

    2. Even if it's not a bug, that the scene isn't being presented to the player clearly is itself an issue. Cheers.

    3. If we're talking clarity, one thing that seems to get lost on the "combat" screen is the description of the humans MC is interacting with. Even the two-word phrase with which they are described (muscular girl, for example) would help ground the scenes, especially when there are multiple attackers.

      (I understand that may not be currently possible if the game does not store the descriptions of randomly generated NPCs.)

    4. It may also help to have the giant explanation of how combat works vanish if we deselect "Hints and tips" from the options screen. That thing get's annoying and is pointless after the first fight or two.

    5. DrPill - That should be possible, the descriptions aren't cleared until the encounter ends. Thanks for the feedback.

      Anon - The combat explanation should only exist for that very first encounter.
      Unless you mean for new games?

    6. No the combat descriptions always stick around for the whole game. They're always there, every time I get into a fight.

  4. Is there any reason to go wandering in the woods, swim in the sea, or go in the sewers other than to fuck up your life? Seems like there should be a reward for exploration. Right now it seems pointless. Or do I just never get far enough? Maybe someone will pay me if I come back with a slime in my ass or an eel on my dick?

    I like the idea of this as an "innocent" way to get more cash. Rather than fucking old men they tell me to go swimming and catch them an eel or something and I innocently go and do it with no idea what that involves. I think this game could do with some more innocently lewd ways to make money like that. Ways were they don't know they are going to get fucked by something. Most of the good ways to make money involve you knowingly showing off whereas it could also be fun to play where you are just manipulated into lewd situations."We'll give you $100 to put your dick in this hole in the wall." "Help! I'm stuck!" And then the fun begins. As opposed to you knowingly putting yourself in a glory hole with your ass flapping in the wind.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts. You're right, the sea and forest need reasons for people to want to go there. Right now they're mostly just trials when falling foul of certain events. New content is planned.

  5. A couple of oddities about the club:

    - There are two links to leave the dressing room;
    - Bartending says it takes 1 hour but advances incorrectly (+30 minutes on first click to start the job, +1 hour on next to finish it).

  6. Thanks. Should have them fixed in 0.1.4
