
Monday, 11 December 2023

Degrees of Lewdity version

This update adds a soft bad end out at sea. It also includes a bog area that connects the forest and moor, and improves parasites, among other additions and improvements.

The new soft bad end involves Zephyr and the pirates, who were introduced a couple of updates ago. Passing out at sea can now cause the PC to be "rescued" by the merry band, instead of washing up directly on the island. PCs of appropriate rank and grace can now be sent on a quest to the island by Jordan, unlocking a drier way to reach it.

The sea was always planned to have bad ends analogous to the forest's Eden and the wolf pack. The majority of sea content is still a ways off, but I'm glad to have more involved dangers out there.

The forest and moor are connected, but until now this wasn't represented in the game. The bog adds an alternative, potentially faster way to travel from the town to the deepest parts of the moor, but has dangers of its own. There are a few ways to discover it, one of which requires the PC build the field office during the hookah questline.

The ear slime now has more mundane commands for infected PCs, that they use to subtly increase their influence, softening the PC up ready for the gangbangs.

I'm hoping to release a small Christmas update soon. I hope you have a merry season!

Edit: Updated to, cleaning up debug code and fixing a bug.
Edit 2: Updated to, fixing bugs.
Edit 3: Updated to, fixing further bugs.
  • The PC can now embark on the pirate ship for a drier, more consistent way to reach the island.
  • Jordan can now give a quest to monks/nuns with maximum grace. This quest leads to the pirate ship, and the island.
  • Added a Added a new school hallways harassment scene for Whitney that makes use of the analingus toggle. Written by Meat Glacier and coded by Cutiland.
  • The "mock" combat action now becomes the "disparage" action for forgiven fallen angels, which has a 100% chance of correctly guessing the target's insecurity. Thanks to Charlie Studio.
  • Added the possibility to the player explore the market at Connudatus Street, where the PC can set up their stall. Upon choosing the option, the player will then receive a random event from the pool of events. Written by Kinky_One and coded by Cutiland.
  • Added an option for the PC to show their ultrasound pictures to Alex. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Added pregnancy variations to four Alex scenes. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Added a great hawk event. Written by embracethevoid and coded by AiHoshino.
  • The PC will now recognise the antique cucumber as "an old medical aid", if it had been described as such by Winter. Thanks to Isari.
  • You can now merge all feats earned in all local saves into a new game. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
  • Added ticket icon for visiting the cinema. Thanks to Kuma.
  • Adjusted the position of the link in the tattoo removal passage. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Adjusted work at the pound to flow better. Thanks to Tanny78.
  • Added icons to the women's toilet and beach icons. Thanks to Tanny78.
  • Added seasonal flavour variants for walks with Sydney on the beach. Thanks to numbersir.
  • Modified regular expressions to support Chinese characters. Thanks to numbersir.
  • Thanks to Lollipop Scythe, majou, Sn1waR, and Khaos423 for code improvements.
Thanks to Kirsty for the following additions and improvements:
  • Added the scorpion tails hairstyle and the gym shorts to the clothing shop. Thanks to Beta.
  • Added the school sweater vest, bowtie, and ribbon tie to the clothing shop, as well as breast sprites for the cheerleader top and damage states for the cheerleader skirt. Thanks to KG.
  • Added the shortalls to the clothing shop, as a lowerwear item so it can be worn with shirts. Sprites by Cyd, with some modifications by Kirsty.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following additions and improvements:
  • Added additional sources of pregnancy fame.
  • Added the All category link to the sex shop clothing links.
  • Added the ability to save the theme settings as global defaults.
  • The ear slime will now change its commands based on how the player first reacts to it, any lewd actions they do and how deep its influence on the player it has
  • Moved and adjusted the corruption characteristics display, so that both corruption and growth are displayed at the same time
  • Early on, the slime may now try to "ask" the player to do more mundane actions such as skip a class, cheat in exams, buy a specific item from the cafe, take a stroll by the lake, or even relax in a meadow.
  • Ivory wraith ear slime text additions.
  • The temple will now direct the player to the hospital if they have a chastity parasite.
  • Harper will now mention that the pc needs to remove the parasite on their penis when trying to change their penis size.
  • Added more complex orgasm support to Alex's farm and the underground farm.
  • Added additional chastity lines to masturbating in a Leighton scene.
  • Added the ear slime pod event to the tentacle plains.
  • Added a couple of simple ear slime events to the asylum.
  • Added the Parasite Chastity, breasts and genitals ear slime parasites side bar images, designed by Hyomi.
  • Added the Parasite Chastity and genitals ear slime parasites combat images, designed by Hyomi.
  • Forced commando details are now added to the Journal.
  • Started tracking how the player learned about their pregnancy.
  • Added alternate reveal text when Alex learns of your pregnancy.
  • Minor text changes when the player gives birth at Alex's Cottage.
  • Minor update to the pregnancy doc.
  • Minor changes to the info displayed when asking Alex to have a baby.
  • A Confessor at the temple may now weaken the ear slime and potentially remove parts of its external parasites.
Thanks to PurityGuy for the following additions and improvements:
  • Added the bog, which serves as a one-way shortcut between the deep forest and deep moor. It can be discovered in a few different ways, either by a player with high history and moderate science and tending while passing by the lake waterfall, by asking Winter about the lake at the field office built during the hookah questline, or by being swept down the forest's river in a random event and failing the swimming check while deep enough in the forest.
  • Art for the bog location by Kuma.
  • River and bog icons by Kuma.
  • Removes the background colour of all location, weather, and time of day images, switching them to be handled by .css. This is temporary and will be replaced by Xao's work in the near future.
  • Added Medicinal traits, to show what pills are currently active on the pc.
  • Adjustments to the world map image. Thanks to Hyomi and Alulu.
Thanks to Midnight for the following additions and improvements:
  • Added ears slime interactions at the market. Thanks to arairon.
  • Clarified phrasing for displaying stats and clock when sidebar was closed.
  • In the OPTIONS menu, the sidebar stats and clock display now suggests its use when on mobile.
  • Stalking images are now responsive to screen size, and will no longer cause horizontal scrolling on thinner screens.
  • The journal overlay and journal map should now fit without scrolling on smaller screens.
  • Wardrobe is now responsive to screen size.
Balance Changes
  • Eden can no longer rescue the PC from Remy's farm. Thanks to Crimson Tide.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following balance changes:
  • Made the gym shirt gender neutral.
  • Raised the limit on how much pregnancy fame you can increase to in the pub.
  • Forced commando will now block all lower underwear, unless in specific locations such as the school changing room or beach.
  • Being pregnant or having high pregnancy fame will now allow male pc's in the girls changing room when they appear female even with high crossdressing fame.
  • Re-balanced what clothes the slime allows the player to wear.
  • Re-balanced all the Sleep Events, and they may now occur at the temple bed.
  • Allowed ear slime Sleep Events to occur regardless of pc willpower.
  • Corruption will now never go below half of the slime's total growth.
  • Disabled some of the ear slimes forced masturbation actions when it requests the PC do something during it.
  • The ear slime may now encourage the player to play with their breasts with the pregnancy focus.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that allowed anything to be worn on non-school days. Thanks to arairon.
  • The player will no longer have a collar attached to their naked at the prison. Thanks to PurityGuy.
  • Typos and line break issues. Thanks to PurityGuy.
  • The fixed an issue with the pillory and time. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a Kylar scene triggering when intended. Thanks to Sommo.
  • Fixed a bug that broke the willpower difficulty display when meeting a group in the moor. Thanks to Edward.
  • Fixed some code confusion between sex toys in the left versus right hand. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed a bug that confused deviant and exhibitionist antics when confessing in the temple. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed confessing impurity not actually increasing the player's purity. Thanks to PurityGuy.
  • Fixed some instances of prison guard suspicion increasing when it was supposed to decrease. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed an encounter sprite bug involving the PC's contact lenses. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed an issue with the clock escaping the closed sidebar. Thanks to Midnight.
  • Fixed an issue where modifying $player.vaginaExist using cheaters would cause Chastity Vow to not be restored. Thanks to Sn1waR.
  • Fixed some stray pixels on the missionary sex sprites. Thanks to Hyomi and Kirsty.
  • Fixed incorrectly named variables for some hairstyles. Thanks to Kirsty.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the beast variant of the meeting notes event at the office.
  • Fixed a bug with the vending machine. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Robin's introduction occurring on the bach. Thanks to salagadoola.
  • Fixed issues with the capitalisations of museum descriptions. Thanks to Isari.
  • Fixed a pronoun issue at the park. Thanks to Isari.
  • Fixed issues with numbered link navigation. Thanks to majou.
  • Fixed a formatting issue at the wardrobe. Thanks to Midnight.
  • Save descriptions should no longer overflow into several lines.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented + Attention from displaying in all the locations its supposed to. Thanks to Ybyx.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally broke the passage of time. Thanks to Xao and Ybyx.
  • Fixed an issue with the brothel. Thanks to Zingzing.
  • Thanks to PurityGuy, Lollipop Scythe, and Khaos423 for typo fixes.
Thanks to Cutiland for the following fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the PC's children.
  • Fixed one of the markets events not printing moneyGain correctly.
  • Fixed the journal displaying the wrong school start date.
  • Fixed a bug where PC could build a nursery in the Alex's cottage even if the child they're carrying is not from Alex.
  • Alex will no longer throw hay bales on pregnant PCs. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Fixed a bug where PC could gain access to the orphanage ward by just having Alex's children.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following fixes:
  • Fixed issue preventing the player from taking their collar leash on or off.
  • Fixes issue preventing the player from automatically taking their pills in the temple.
  • Disabled re-buy for rag items worn during the museum bdsm events.
  • Fixed Leighton not unbinding the player when their right arm isn't bound.
  • Fixed an issue with dressing before the farm assault.
  • Fixed an issue with certain outfits being broken incorrectly. Special thanks to Khaos423 for reporting due to how difficult it was to trace.
  • Pregnancy fame no longer requires giving birth to first gain some.
  • Fixed an issue with the display skin colour for the Wraith's children.
  • Fixed an issue with the Masturbation stop link leading to non-existent passages.
  • Fixed an issue for the Winter Jacket having a lower maximum integrity than starting integrity
  • Fixed an issue with the funiture price factor resetting when starting a new game.
  • Fixed issues with the PC model in the characteristics menu related to breast parasites.
  • Fixed an issue with penis shrinkage/growth statistics.
  • Allowed the PC to masturbate on their bed when the slime prevents them from sleeping.
  • Fixed an issue with the dance skill not using the correct skill value.
  • Fixed an issue with willpower not returning the correct skill value.
  • Fixed an issue with the dance skill config.
  • Fixed an outfit issue with the All shop category.
  • Characteristics display fix for smaller devices.
  • Fixed an issue with missionary image code trying to load a doggy position image.
  • The blackjack dealer will no longer draw extra cards when you get a natural blackjack.
  • Fixed an issue with normal sizes penises being easier to choke on compared to larger penises.
  • Minor text change to the notes overlay.
  • Fixed incorrect title text from the options menu.
  • Fixed an issue with Housekeeping skill modifiers not being applied.
  • Fixed an issue with the gender cheat that would keep your non-existant penis covered in semen and other fluids.
  • Pregnancy reaction check adjustments for Sydney and Alex.
  • Added missing pregnancy dialog when leaving the school pool while pregnant.
  • Alex will no longer forget they told you about their pregnancy, when you give birth to another.
  • Fixed another case of being able to drink while pregnant in the pub.
  • Fixes to the variables being set for a pregnancy related to Alex.
  • Minor fix to skulduggery currentSkillValue, as it did not match the overlay math.
  • Fix for tentacles being unable to reach the smaller chastity cages.
  • Added the missing ear slime trait.
  • Fixed an issue with Diversity of Life being given to fathers when it shouldn't have.
  • Fixed a minor issue with My Timeless Collection of Feats being checked for hourly when it wasn't needed.
  • Fixes for the player becoming bald on hair being updated.
  • Fix for layers being able to access the Nursery while refusing to pay Bailey outside the orphanage.
  • Minor fix to the shop grouping buttons disappearing.
  • Re-balance to reduce how much heat/rut increases the skills relating to pregnancy.
  • Whitney will no longer grind into the pc's non-existent clit when bypassing your strap-on and added support for the new chastity item.
  • Minor pregnancy fix for older saves.
  • Minor fix for older saves.
  • Minor text fixes and code cleanup for the ear slime.
  • Fixed an issue found when escaping the dungeon with a good history grade.
  • Maths skill will now clamp as intended.
  • Added missing export warning controls.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the PC to take endless Penis Blocker pills.
  • Fixed a minor bug with social fame.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented ironman mode being disabled on the start parge.
  • Fixed a bug that cause ear slime events to occur when not intended.
  • Removed some debug code.
  • Formatting fixes.
Thanks to KnotLikeThis for the following fixes:
  • Fixed a cheat menu error when fixing or destroying all clothes.
  • Fixed incorrect message being displayed when losing guilty masochist or sadist traits.
  • Fixed an incorrect link at an event in the orphanage office.
  • Fixed the Radiant trait not displaying properly.
  • Fixed demon harpy wings being displayed when they shouldn't in combat.
Thanks to PurityGuy for the following fixes:
  • Fixed days as a monk resetting each time the game was loaded.
  • Fixed inconsistency with the Stockholm Syndrome: Great Hawk trait.
  • Fixed a reversed check for monsterperson Great Hawk.
  • Fixed a missing control widget when taking an exhibitionist action at the adult shop.
  • Fixed a crime error when breaking into the elk street compound.
  • Fixed an event with Sydney at the beach that was only taking 2 minutes instead of 20 minutes.
  • Fixed an error with the night monster while checking if it was a monsterperson.
  • Adjusted some text and descriptions in the Schism scene (and made the final encounter of it slightly easier)
  • Removed condoms from the Schism scene.
  • Fixed more pronoun errors in the temple, adult shop, and orphanage.
  • Fixed an error that occurs after failing to fight off the police officers that catch the player streaking in the park.
  • Fixed the attitudes menu misbehaving in the temple quarters.
  • Filled a plot hole in one of the confessional events. So many holes.
  • Fixed a few misleading grace displays.
  • Added more events to the pirate ship, and some antiques. The pirate ship is now accessible by passing out at sea instead of the island.
  • Added a Wraith interaction with the PC's children. Written by void and coded by PurityGuy.
  • Slightly increased the chance of stealing food on the island with almost max skulduggery. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
  • Added leave and other link icons to several places. Thanks to Tanny78.
  • Added flavour text for Niki's studio that changes with fame. Can also reduce stress and trauma once a day. Written by WildUntammedFluffy and Tanny78.
  • Added a variation of the family talk with Alex for when neither they or the PC are on birth control. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Added the "Lost Heirloom" feat.
  • Added more events involving the PC stripping at the beach. Coded by AiHoshino and written by Zortinga.
  • Thanks to AiHoshino and Ybyx for code improvements.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following additions and improvements:
  • Added Chastity alternatives for the Temple Vow tests.
  • Added some missing ear slime text. 
  • Added an ear slime scene alternative for when Sirris inspects the chastity parasite.
  • Added an English class event alternative when the chastity parasite is touched.
  • Highlighted some text when praying in the Moor.
Balance Changes
  • Makes exams easier for players with low delinquency, and harder for drunk or aroused players. Thanks to Crimson Tide.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed red screen of death when certain blackjack sets fail to revive. Thanks to majou.
  • Fixed some Kylar pronouns being displayed incorrectly. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Fixed money value in the brothel escort job scene. Thanks to Cutiland.
  • Adjusted linebreaksThanks to Khaos423.
  • Added a missing english skill up. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed an issue with a pregnancy check. Thanks to Khaos423.
  • Fixed a bug with the banish action. Thanks to Khaos423.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following fixes:
  • Ear Slime text fixes.
  • Fixed an issue with a Robin crossdressing scene not breaking the temple vow.
  • Span fix.
  • Gave the mannequin their own penis back.
  • Fixes to the Pirate bedroom and wardrobe.
  • Fixed and rounded several stats in Statistics.
  • Fixed a bloodmoon type.
  • Fixed a link for first class transit incorrectly advertising the amount of money it costs.
  • Fixed one of the ear slime masturbation events.
  • Removed an incorrect npc call to Zephyr.
  • Allowed the ear slime masturbation event when sleeping on the pirate ship.
  • Fixed an issue with Eden.
  • Fixed an issue with chastity checks being incorrect when Whitney returns the favour.
  • Removed the Skin Colour tooltip as it is inaccurate and no longer required.
  • Ear slime text fixes.
  • Fixed an issues when removing the ear slimes.
  • Fixed a layer issue with the ear slime in the sidebar character.
  • Fixed an issue with the penis escaping chastity belts in the sidebar character.
  • Fix to some sleep events occurring when they should not.
  • Fix to make sure nightmares cant destroy saves and become yet another nightmare.
  • Minor fix to the ear slime control during masturbation.
  • Fixed an issue with the PC's penis not being adequately accounted for during the ear slime check.
  • Fixed issues with some of the parasite penis and added several missed images.
  • Combat chastity option text adjustment.
  • Fixed issue that prevented the ear slime from increasing the pc's micro penis size.
  • Minor text fixes to Jordan talking about removing a chastity device.
  • Fixed an incorrectly named feat. Thanks to PurityGuy.
  • Fixed a broken link.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that made start screen sidebar buttons inaccessible in certain cases.
  • Fixed some loose NPCs on the island.
  • Added pregnancy checks to pirate drinking scene.
  • Fixed an issue with pirate settings.
  • Fixed an issue with tiredness on the pirate ship.
  • Fixed misdirected links during a Sydney scene..
  • Fixed a minor issue with ear slimes on older saves.
  • Fixed an issue with a chef masturbation scene.
  • Fixed an issue with the antique wooden figuring going missing from the museum.
  • Fixed a typo.
  • Cleaned up some debug code.
  • Fixed a broken link at the pub.
  • Added missing text found when asking Zephyr to return to the mainland as a mate, and when shoved against the bulkhead in the cabin.
  • Fixed an error found aboard the cruise ship during the pirate sequence.
  • Fixed some errors found during the pirate introduction sequence.
  • Fixed a bug that made Zephyr speak in code.
  • Fixed an error found when spanked by a pirate.
  • Fixed a Robin pronoun issue at the field office.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the PC getting their clothes back from the photographing pirate.
  • Fixed a bug that made a pirate event send the PC to the deck instead of the cabin.
  • NPCs heckling from passing cars will now take the PC's upper underwear into account.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following fixes:
  • Added error message for when a plant type isn't found during harvesting.
  • Fixed an issue with the ear slime scene in the cafe.
  • Fixed an issue with time not passing when building the islander mask.
  • Fixed some smaller issues with the new pirate content.
  • Fixed an issue when stealing clothes and being caught.
  • The Wraith will no longer take your daily pills.
  • Removed a mention of a penis in a Wraith scene when the pc doesnt have one.
  • Fix to being able to spar in the temple while bound.
  • Fix to being able to start with 2 ear slimes while not having both ear slime feats.
  • Purity boost trait text fix.
  • Fixed an error found during an encounter.
  • Ear slime lake fixes for exiting the lake.
  • Added missing xray parasite penis images.
  • The school trait will now be given from the start of a new game if the requirement to have it is met.
  • Removed an unintended old sewer exit.
  • The Whitney analingus even should no longer have such a disproportionate influence on Whitney's dominance.
  • Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for code improvements.
Thanks to Lollipop Scythe for the following fixes:
  • Moved the ruined orgasms setting toggle to the fetish tab.
  • Fixed error found in combat when holding someone's penis.
  • Fixed penis parasites not being removed by the free procedure at the Hospital.
  • Fixes for lewd clothes prices being too high.
  • Fix to being able to repeatly tell Jordan about the stolen spear.
  • Prevented the removal of ear slimes in the cheat menu when pregnant.
  • Minor fix to earslime commando checks when wearing crotchless panties.
  • Typo fixes.


  1. Thanks for the update Vrel!

  2. I think it must have been hard work. Thank you for your hard work! Get some rest now 💖

    1. It's no problem at all! I'll do my best <3

  3. Thanks for the update, I enjoy soft bad ends and new locations.

    1. Just finished reading all the changes, can't wait to see everything that's new with the ear slimes.

  4. Vrel, your team has worked really hard this time! Please get some rest!
    Congratulations on the game version update!

    1. Thank you!
      I'll get back to the prison at some point.

  5. Improve the prison

  6. Thank you Vrelnir for this meal.

  7. And about the Kimono, have you already fixed it or has there been no progress yet? :/

    1. I'm having trouble replicating it. If it's no bother, could you send an afflicted save?

  8. A Christmas update would be great, but don't push yourself please, you're all always doing a great job with the game. :3
    Hey Vrel, if I invited Whitney to my Christmas dinner how would he react? Would he come to my house or not? ^^

    1. Thank you!
      Whitney would could to your Christmas dinner, but they might bring friends.

  9. Thanks for your hard work I LOVE YOU VREL

  10. OMG its heeere! I can't wait to enjoy this new update, u guys are amazing!

  11. WOW!The new update!I appreciate all the work you and your team have put into this.I'm so excited.I love you,vrel!

  12. Thanks for the update! It's really amazing!
    Btw I have a problem that when I upgrade all the farm and character abillity, and data disapear and not saveable in I think when I accomplish the feats or birth more than 5 babys, data is deleted and returned to day i applied Ver. Is this problem solveable in this update?

    1. No problem!
      That bug sounds troublesome. I'll ask one of the contributors involved with the save system and pregnancy if they can help. Sorry for the bother.

    2. They say they need more information! If you want to help, join the Discord server and give me a message!

  13. Are there any plans on making trans male character a viable option in creating a character? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see a way to create a male character with a vagina right now. It seems like a missed opportunity considering how detailed the character creator is.

    1. In the character creation there is literally an opition to choose hermaphrodite, that means to have both...

    2. It sounds more like they want to cross dress as a female so they are recognized as male to other npcs not actually be a male with a vagina right now I believe that is the closest you can get to trans in this game

    3. er adding to that comment you can choose to have a flat chest and make other npcs will view you based on clothing as long as you are wearing mostly male clothes they won't be any the wiser with the only exception being the early even where you can avoid showing your vagina to the class by either swapping gender specific clothes that day or running out of class and if you build enough class fame you can make it so that event doesn't appear again

    4. 1st: Being a hermaphrodite and being transgender are two separate things. Furthermore, the hermaphrodite option STILL doesn't allow for the character to have a vagina so your comment doesn't even make sense.
      2nd: That's so complicated, all I'm asking is if the game can be started as a male character that is regarded as male but have a vagina. Transgenderism is not crossdressing. Once again, this feels like an oversight and a missed opportunity after so many updates and such a detailed character creator.

    5. I agree, a trans update would be nice. You can use the trans mod on DOL mods as a substitute though, thats what I do!!

    6. for the herm you start with both vagina and penis so not sure why you are saying you don't have an option to have a vagina but second I just said that is the closest they have currently I know transgenderism isn't just crossdressing they have talked about potentially adding more in that regard in the past but they have a lot on their plate so haven't gotten around to it yet

    7. its possible that they meant just a vagina when being a herm but I do agree while not perfect crossdressing if you start with male presenting clothes using vrel coins and change into them before leaving it mostly makes it seem like you are a boy in the game as all the npcs treat you as one until they remove your clothes which can kinda be true for real life as well as if some one notices your vagina/boobs even if you are trans they very well may call you a girl

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Everyone, they mean a trans male... meaning a male top and a female bottom... not the same as an hermaphrodite.

    10. thats why I said you can just do a flat chest female cross dressing as that is currently the closest to a trans male...

  14. Hey! So I heard there's a Q&A or DoL that Vrel answers, Anyone know how to submit a question to them? 'Cause I DO have two questions. But I 'dunno is this is where to submit them.

    1. Will we be able to customize the Transformations further? I think it'd be neat to be able to be a Calico themed cat Transformation. Will there be different fur patterns, I guess, Is my question.

    2. Will there be an option to customize hair colors? Like how you can adjust the color wheel on the clothes or eye contacts. I think it'd be better than just having certain, Straight to the point colors for hair.

    1. I answer questions here usually!
      1. There are no hard plans, but it would be good. Thanks for the Calico idea.
      2. This isn't also not planned, but would be a fun addition.

  15. if you already meet the conditions prior to the update are you unable to get the quest or are there conditions I'm missing? cus I have max grace already did the island quest and upgrade my temple rank but approaching jordan doesn't seem to do anything and I have passed multiple days and have yet to receive the quest

    1. I even tried lowering grace a little then bringing it back up to max

    2. The quest is complete if you've already retrieved the spear! You should still be able to access the smuggler's pub, and find Zephyr there though. It's attached to the old sewers.

  16. Great! Thanks a lot to you and the team for all your hard work!

  17. Thank you all! I'm from Taiwan. This game is now somewhat famous in Taiwan, and we also have a community on Facebook. I really like the freedom of this game, how different people can play different stories. My best friend plays with me, she is a devil, she does a lot of promiscuous things and all kinds of crimes, she loves everyone, she has many things to do, and I am an angel, I only Love Sydney, my life is very simple and happy,healthy, we are so opposite!This is so fun! Enjoyed it very much! Thank you very much! I’m very touched to see that you all put so much effort into creating this game! Finally, I want to make a wish, hoping that some Sydney stories can be added to the festival. I also want to spend the festival with my lover,and hope there will be more new clothes to wear, oh, I love changes clothes.Sorry my english is poor,but I love you ,and your game♡

    1. No problem. I'm very glad the game is popular in Taiwan, and that you and your friend are enjoying it!
      Involving Sydney in more festivals would be good. There are more clothes to come!

  18. Alex enjoyers stayed winning in 2023

    1. We have Cutiland to thank for leading the charge on a lot of the Alex content.

  19. "You can now merge all feats earned in all local saves into a new game." FINALLY, PRAISE BE TO LOLLIPOP SCYTHE!
    also, update looks great overall, can't wait to see the new stuff

  20. I am really excited to see the update. Thanks for all your hard work.

    HARD WORK ❤️❤️

  22. Ocean content my beloved. Still really pulling for a mermaid tf in the future. Something tells me the pirates would REALLY like having a mermaid on their ship, just sayin'.

  23. Thank you and the contributors for the updates!
    I used a translator, so apologies in advance for any possible mistakes.

    1. Are Winter’s children still in this town? If so, is he a known named npc?

    2.Have Winter’s children or exes ever entered Winter’s private dungeon?

    3. Is Winter’s child from his previous partner?

    4.How old are Winter’s children? (If there are no unexpected circumstances)

    Thank you for your willingness to answer, please don't let yourself be too tired!

    1. 1. I shan't say, as I might explore it in the future.
      2. Aye.
      3. Aye.
      4. They're middle aged.
      No problem. I'll do my best!

  24. The ear slime is still something I need to even check out so this is exciting. Thank you for the update!! Also can't wait to see more Zephyr 🫶

  25. Replies
    1. Sorry I've been so quiet in the comments recently <3

  26. Hello everyone, I am from Taiwan and I am also a friend (devil) of the angel in the previous comment. My English is not very good, but I want to express that I really like this game. Thanks to my angel friend for telling me. I love every character you create, professional or non-professional (I absolutely love the prison guard). I love them all, so my friends call me crazy, but I really love them and I‘m addicted. Thank you for the game, really! ! Then I am really busy every day and love this game! !

    1. It's nice to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying the game. It's no problem at all!

  27. AHH a new update. Thanks, Vrelnir. ٩( 'ω' )و
    The game is getting better and better now. Last year I comment on LTs lacking of flexible but now they are more like real people and have different reactions to many of PC's conditions. Also more details are added to the game, making the world more immersive. Thats the reason why I love this game.
    It occurs to me when I see the pregnancy content in this update that when can Mpreg be implanted to the game so my male PC can enjoy some content I've missed early. Also like last year, I still wish LTs can become more vivid. Maybe make them available to invite to certain place and stay there or even live with pc for a while, which may give PC more chance to interact with them. (Or maybe make them really go as a companion with PC so they look more like a boyfriend/girlfriend than a event with some variations. I know its difficult to do, I just want to suggest and make myself look thoughtful. )
    Oh my old save in 4.2 can't be loaded, maybe because its a legacy save. However, its not a big matter because I want to get a new beginning long ago and it get rid of my hesitation. I just want you know there may have a problem for other people.
    Not a English speaker so sorry for my long and broken English. Have followed the game since 2.6. Hope game can become better and development can become easier in the future.

    1. You're welcome!
      I'm glad you like the way things are developing. There's still lots of room for improvement!
      I'm sorry to hear your old save can't be loaded. I try to keep saves compatible going forward, and there's no intended change that would cause an issue there.
      Thanks for your thoughts, and the kind words. I'm glad you've been playing since back then!

  28. New update. Nice.

    Still feels like being able to give my first kiss to the black wolf and hand-holdy virginity to them is missing, though.

  29. Thank you team for the early Christmas present!

  30. Still no Robin Sydney Kylar pregnancy :v

  31. i guess i got new Whitney's event - partially, at least (i have analingus disabled - not really my thing). slamming MC into lockers, being generally rude and angry - i suppose it's in character for Whitney...
    but at this point of my game the romance is already triggered, his love is at 100% and dom is at 0%... he is usually chiller with my MC by now >< ^^;. is Whitney being even more of an asshole intended?

    i'm sorry if it seems like i'm complaining >< ^^;. i'm just confused >< ^^.

    but anyway, thank you and all the contributors for all of your hard work ^^

    1. Perhaps that scene could use a softer variant. Thanks for the feedback. It's no problem!

  32. I really love this update Vrel!!!!!!! OMG Wren in this update!!!!! I LOVE YOU VREL😭😭😭😭

    And I have some questions to ask😭😭😭😭Thank you Vrel😭😭😭😭

    1. Suppose the PC plays blackjack and wins £1,000 every day, uses the money to pay off all their debts, and, with Bailey's consent, leaves town completely.
    Before leaving town, how would Wren's reaction be different if the PC told Wren that they were leaving versus not telling Wren that they were leaving?

    2. Is Wren's drawback that they will engage in consensual sex trade with the PC? This is abusive to the PC in some way.

    3. Does Wren know why the town is weird?

    Have a great day!

    1. I found this part story is from Puri!!!!! Thank you Puri❤️❤️

    2. I'm glad you like it! <3

      1. Wren wouldn't hold it against the PC if they left town without telling them, but they would be saddened. They'd be saddened either way though, and keep track of the PC's new whereabouts.
      2. They put the PC in a compromising position.
      3. Not quite, but they've a better idea than most.
      I hope you have a great idea as well! I'll tell Puri you said thanks!

  33. Thank you Vrel for this update!! I just came back to the game and am very excited to explore the recently added island content. I have some questions if you don't mind :3
    0. Will Robin go to university? If yes, what would they major in?
    1. What would Robin work as in the future? I think they'd be good with kids
    2. What is Robin's fashion style?
    3. What is Robin's favourite book? Which genre do they like most?
    4. Robin's favourite song?
    5. Please rate those from most to least important to Robin: friends, family, money, career, power.
    6. What is Kylar's and Sydney's favourite book?
    7. Will it be possible to matchmake Kylar and Sydney in the future? (Please say yes)
    Once again, thank you Vrel for creating this game (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ The way you answer every single comment is very kind; we players appreciate that a lot.

    1. Vrel nailed in the last question that there would be no romance between Li and any other NPC I hope you liked the answer

    2. last question -> other question

    3. No problem!
      0. Aye, as long as they're not too traumatised, but they haven't decided what they'll major in.
      1. You're right that they'd be good with kids.
      2. They dress similarly to most others of their age, though I've left the specifics vague.
      3. I'm not well-read enough myself to give a good answer!
      4. Ditto, but for music!
      5. Family > friends > power > money > career.
      6. Kylar's would be a manga, but I'm not sure what. I'd need to ask Puri what Sydney's favourite book is!
      7. It's not planned. Thanks for the answer Anon.
      It's no problem. Thank you for the kind words!

  34. I'm early for once in an update, thanks and I hope you have a blessed day Vrelnir. I might not be the type to play the game consistently but I still come here to see if there is an update every single day tbh.

    1. Thank you, and no problem. I'm glad you're interested in the project.

  35. Another amazing update!
    Vrel, Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy it with your family and friends.
    I found this game a few years ago and I haven't been able to stop playing it.
    I hope you read this, because I have a small petition to do:
    I'm one of the human trash that play using cheats, can you please make available to get all the seed in the cheats menu?

    1. Thank you. Merry Christmas!
      I'm glad you've been enjoying the game since back then.
      You're not human trash! The option to get all the seeds in the cheat menu would be good. Thanks for the suggestion.

  36. Why was the Eden farm rescue removed?

    1. Didn't make sense story-wise. Eden has no reason to go to the moor, and wouldn't know where the player is when they're at the farm. Iirc a Great Hawk or Alex rescue would make more sense and is planned

    2. Thanks for the response Anon. I'd like to add another Eden scene that shows off their heroism.

  37. Well done for the update! Thanks to you, I can have fun playing!

  38. Thankyou so much for your hard work !! I’ve been playing this game since before update 3 and I can see all the hard work and changes you’ve made, so congrats !! And hope you continue the great work
    Have a nice Christmas and happy new year !!
    P.S. Will there be Mpreg? But not parasite preg, human/wolf preg ?
    P.S.2. Will there be preg with other creatures or our Tf ? Horses, dolphins, pigs, foxes, cats, demons, angels ?

    1. No problem! I'm glad you've been enjoying it all this time!
      I hope you have a nice Christmas and happy new year too!
      Mpreg is planned, as is preg involving other creatures.

  39. what is the chastity parasite and how do you get it

    1. I'm not sure actually. Scythe led the charge on it. That type of chastity stuff isn't my thing.

  40. Wh-wh-what?! Why cant Eden rescue me from Remy anymore?! The only time he was useful to me 😭😭

    1. It was a contributed scene, and other contributors wanted it removed! The great hawk or Alex should be the one to rescue the PC from the farm. I'd like to add another scene to demonstrate Eden's heroism though.

  41. Been following this game for 4 years now. Love seeing it still going strong

  42. ya the sewers had the event I was looking for but it was a bit disappointing not having any frame of reference about it for people who had already did the island it might be nice having something or some one mention the ship because I would have never went into the sewers or cave again with out some kind of prompt and might have assumed the only way on was the soft bad end you mentioned by being kidnaped by the pirates (if you already did the island that is)

    1. Thanks for the feedback. It shouldn't be so hard for characters who have already completed the island to find the new content.

  43. Hi Vrel! Thank you for the update! I really enjoyed the sneaky way to the pirate ship and the island. I have some questions. 1. Is the little bird Zephyr mentioned in the smuggler's pub Wren? Or is that just an annonymous generic npc? 2. I wonder if Wren's events in the smuggler's pub would be added later on. I'm looking forward to the Christmas update! Merry Christmas🎄🎁

    1. No problem, I'm glad you're enjoying it! The "little bird" is indeed referring to Wren.
      I plan to add Wren to the smuggler's den, as well as making it a place to work like the brothel and strip club. Merry Christmas!

  44. A nice update and a fun addition to my December holiday time! Wunderbar.
    I'm wondering if there will be scenes of Zephyr and Remy interacting in the future? They seem to know each other well or have an identical goal.

    1. Enjoy. Zephyr and Remy will interact in the future.

  45. If the PC calls in the middle of the night to look at the stars together, which of the Li will come out?

  46. So this is the last update of 2023?

  47. Is the flickering on Android ever going to get addressed?

    1. Aye, but it'll either require help from code wizards, or I'll need to sit down and learn to do wizardry myself.

  48. Thanks for your hard work!
    I come from Taiwan
    I want to ask about it later Wren will enter Love Interests ?
    How long will it take to wait?
    like him very much...
    Sorry for bad English🙏

    1. No problem! I'm glad you like Wren. They're not planned to become a love interest, but it's requested a lot. I'd need to work out how a relationship with them would work!

  49. Wren tracks the location of the PC? Why?

  50. Hey again, thank you for the wonderful updates, and both your and your team's continued hard work. I really hate to sound like a whiny, broken record but I must once again plead that we maybe get Mpreg soon? I feel like it'd also work great with the new Ear slime content - and on that note, well done on that because it's great!

    1. No problem. Sorry for the mpreg wait! I agree it would work well with the new ear slime content. Scythe lead the charge on it. I agree they did a good job.

  51. Wraith taking our pills? .... *Snicker* .... guess even a ghost can be afraid of not being big enough. 😏

    1. They need to take extra for each tentacle.

  52. Awesome, regular updates, love it!

    Big, huge ask, but can you do something to fix the image sprites on Android? No matter how many times I reinstalled the game, as soon as I try turning them on I see a horrifying mess of overlapping, disemboweled body parts and I am forced to turn them off. I suppose I'm not the only one with the problem like that. The phone is Samsung a72 2021, latest Android version and app version. Thanks!

    1. I'm glad!
      Sorry about the Android sprite issues. The code involved is beyond me, so I either need to wait and hope a code wizard helps me, or I become a wizard myself.

  53. Thank you for this blessing. The flock will be pleased!
    I am particularly excited for ocean exploration and will wait with baited breath for it to be fleshed out further.

    1. No problem, that's good to hear Pope!
      I'm looking forward to working on ocean exploration content.

  54. Ironman mode save was gone when i reloaded. On mobile.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for the trouble.

  55. I love you Vrelnir, amazing work as always uwu <3

  56. Thanks for the update Vrelnir ♥️

  57. As per the comment above, I think hair color customization is a good idea! I hope to add white hair color to character creation, but before that, your health comes first. Thank you for always working on great updates!

    1. No problem. Thanks for the vote, and the kind words!

  58. Let's goooooooo thanks Vrel & team <3 <3 love y'all

  59. any plans on mpreg and/or new love interests (or upgrading wren or landry or jordan)

    1. Mpreg and another love interest are planned. A number of existing NPCs are on the maybe pile for becoming love interests, including Wren.

  60. Does the new mockery action work for players who were forgiven before this update? Cause in my run through when Sydney was added I did her pure route and forked up the money to be forgiven

    1. I believe the disparage ability should be available for fallen angels that have reached the next tier of the transformation. Sorry the language isn't clear.

  61. theres a problem that sometimes happens that I don't understand what causes it but a couple time when going to buy resources for the brothel vending machine and being low/out of one or both when I go to buy new stuff it only offers me a low quantity tops in this case I was out of both and it only allowed me to buy 56 max for one and 40 something for the other and then I had to wait until sunday for them to restock

  62. if you get shackles while on the pirate ship there is no way to remove them until you return home or get to the island it seems

  63. Hello! I’m so excited for the update. Thanks for all the work Vrel and contributors!

    I just wanted to ask since I see lots of discussions on this but is NTR planned? I really hope not because I can tolerate a lot of k i n k s and f e t i s h e s (sorry idk what to censor lol) but NTR gives me the biggest ick and it would change my views on LIs and such and not in a good way. I mean what’s the point in building the relationship if they’ll go cheat on PC with someone else? (Unless PC did something that attributed to this like cheat first)

    Either way, I just really hope it isn’t planned especially because Whitney is my main LI and I know if NTR is planned, he’d probably not be above it or something as well as Avery

    Sorry for this! Thanks again for the wonderful work! This game is my blood at this point

    1. Vrel has said before that no LIs would ever cheat, and neither would Whitney. Although they wouldn't mind cheating if they wanted to, they just no longer fancy anyone else after PC.

    2. No problem!
      Thanks for the response Anon. NTR isn't planned, as it doesn't resonate with me. There's no need to apologise!

  64. Will the difficulty be addressed in future? coz atm solo encounter's are super easy regardless of setting.
    Like if ur willing to win sexually by oral, it takes 3 turns with lowest stats on hard.
    handjobs around 6 and acting sexy 12 and all penetrative sex just immediately ends the encounter.
    the trauma and stress feels caped by the encounter rate so it's a painless mechanic as you will never encounter enough for it to raise to levels that could effect gameplay.

    1. Aye, the game is too easy right now. It's a hard balance to strike. Thanks for the feedback.

  65. How would the LIs react to a PC that somehow doesn’t understand British slang (ex that one scene with Whit where he asks for cigs/fags and for example that PC just stares at him in utter shock)

    Thanks for answering my ridiculous question (I like to think of funny things with the LIs) and have a nice day <3

    1. Whitney would find it hilarious, and use more slang. Robin and Kylar would try to avoid using slang in the future. Alex would too, but would forget themselves and use it anyway all the time.

      I hope you have a nice day as well <3

  66. Hello, I'm also enjoying playing games overseas!
    I have a suggestion. It's a pity that most people, except Kayla, feel disappointed when they play cross-dressing as a female character.
    I want to see the pc that men found out to be women and play what they like more
    I'm sad that even if I set my sexual preference because men prefer women, women are twisted and I don't play the way I want
    I'd be so happy if I could set the gender and sexual preferences I could encounter together!

    You're probably hearing this a lot, but thank you so much for making this game. It's a new stimulus to my life. I was surprised by the great detail of the game. I love you!

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
      Thank you for the feedback. It's wonderful to hear you're enjoying the game, and it's no problem at all!

  67. I have no idea why it posted the comment under wrong post, but let me copy the comment here:

    Well done, Vrelnir. Maybe the features introduced (and changed) are not something I anticipated, I still welcome it with open hands. They say that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and I'm neither stomatologist nor orthodontist. Alex might say something else, but I don't care.

    I'm looking forward to the game version with the number in 2024 or 2025 (more likely). I hope it will be something to look forward to. ]:->

    Do you have a list of planned features by any chance posted somewhere? Besides adding more love interests' pregnancies?

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you like the changes.
      I'm afraid there's no list of planned features anywhere, aside from a messy to-do list I haven't shared with anyone.

    2. Okay, good luck and (early) Merry Christmas. I wish you as little bugs as possible and a some free time. 🎄

  68. Vrelnir you and your team are amazing. Thank you for the new update <3.

  69. Great update as always. I'd like to suggest some things to the maybe pile:
    - Could we get an alternative way of obtaining fallen angel transformation ? Personally I liked how the rite with Sydney allowed me to transform without losing my virginity when it was a bug. Usually I just cheat a bit by editing that part so it works like the version before fix but I'd like to have some official alternative way of gaining it without virginity loss.
    - It would be nice if when reaching forced impregnation for the first time the player would gain pubic tattoo as a reward <3
    - An option to let the slime guide you when choosing ear slime's focus (random selection) with extra growth boost as a result.
    Those are my little wishes. Again thanks for the update!

    1. I'm glad you like it.
      A way to gain the fallen angel transformation without losing your virginity isn't planned, but I'm not against it. I shall think about how that could be included.
      Thanks for your thoughts. It's no problem!

  70. You're not bothering me!
    None of them would expect the PC to eat food they were allergic to. Avery wouldn't even get angry.

  71. 1. None often.
    2. This might be developed in the future.
    3. Darryl knows. They dislike Briar following them, but haven't blocked them or anything.
    4. They're competitors.
    5. Briar is indirectly related to Bailey's business. Remy isn't really, except maybe distantly.
    6. Briar wasn't a delinquent, but they did bully other students.
    7. Briar has trusted in the past.

  72. Love you Vrel <3

  73. If you put background music in the game, What kind of music do you want to put in? You don't have to tell me the exact genre! Please tell me the atmosphere you think. For example, dreamy, rough, or something like that.

    1. I'm not sure what would be most appropriate! I have no experience with sound design, and wouldn't know where to begin.

  74. hey vreeel. can we have a pregnancy slider please for the stomach I like being pregnant but I don't like having fat characters

    1. That sounds reasonable. Thanks for the suggestion.

  75. Can you give us a little spoiler about the Christmas update? 🥺

  76. Oh my thank you for the wonderful update! Just to make sure: after leaving the smugglers pub through the old sewer, I can't go back there directly from the resident hallway. Is this as expected? It's a one-way route, and we can only enter the smugglers' pub by diving in the pool near the rock?

  77. Yippee! Thanks for all your hard work Vrel and co.
    1. Will the small Christmas update be related to Christmas or unrelated?
    2. I saw the british slang

  78. OOPS i accidentally published too early fuck LMAOO, please bare with me.
    2. I saw the British slang question above and i want to extend on it for shits and giggles. How would the LI's (especially Whitney) react if PC somehow knew Australian slang and replied to them with it? OOH or, what if PC for some reason just had an Australian accent rather than British?
    3. How'd Whitney react if he was looking for PC outside of school and found them babysitting a kid
    4. In the previous blog I saw an interesting question that was never answered and I'm super curious about it - how would Bailey react if they were stuck in a 'can't get out without sex' room with PC?
    5. Can we have a small fun fact about Whitney and Bailey that hasn't been disclosed before? Not relating to their deal, I just mean the characters individually.
    6. Would Whitney engage in aftercare with PC if they were to have sex in Whitney's bedroom? What would he do?

  79. Back in 4.1.3, this anon reported a bug involving animal transformations that he observed while attempting to grind for the Fox TF - that points gained in the TF build would be randomly reassigned to the Cat TF without doing anything at all that would earn the player Cat TF points, or would be erroneously assigned to the Cat TF while performing actions that are supposed to give Fox TF points.

    Anon is here to report that this bug is still present in 4.4.4 and also affects the Harpy TF, but anon is unable to make any reliable guesses as to what could be causing it to happen.

  80. Hi,Vrel!! Sorry to bother you, but I have a few questions to ask!

    1. If the PC committed suicide and LIS+ Bailey found their bodies, how would LIS and Bailey react?

    2. Well, I saw someone ask the question "can't get out without sex", so I also want to ask too(^_^) .How will Lis and Bailey react when Bailey and PC are trapped in the "can't get out without sex" room?

    3. If Lis and Bailey,Wren discovered the existence of Player, how would they react? Will Lis prefer PC or Player?

    And thank you for making such an interesting game! Thank you and your team for your efforts!Love u!<3

    (English is not my mother tongue, so I used a translator! I hope you can understand what I want to say><)

    1. :O... I found something wrong with the second question! I modified it.

      How will Lis (and Bailey) react when Lis(and Bailey) and PC are trapped in the "can't get out without sex" room?

    2. :O... I found something wrong with the second question! I modified it.

      How will Lis (and Bailey) react when Lis(and Bailey) and PC are trapped in the "can't get out without sex" room?

  81. Thank you for the update!!

    Are you considering the transition of Wren to LI?
    I really like him, and I want to see more events..

  82. I find the game incredible and very fun, I have known it for less than a year and it has become one of my favorites. They have done a great job, I congratulate them very much. One question, will different body types ever become chubby, for example?

  83. Hi Vrel and team, great update as always.
    Just one question: are there plans to add in different animations/sprites during combat and sex?

  84. ive jammed it into syd's ass so many times but he keeps saying he's never done it before
    please let them say something different after theyve lost their virginity someplace the prayer room cant restore

  85. I saw the question on the last blog post or before it of someone asking how Whitney would react if their child was a victim of bullying and it didn’t get an answer so I’ll as here cause I’m curious! It’ll be pretty ironic if the bully’s child got bullied.

    Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to take breaks! <33

  86. Anyone know how to get rid of the ear slimes? I’ve tried everything and I can’t get rid of the 💀

  87. Hello Vrel, I'm a little confused about Kylar.

    I have to say I have conflicting feelings about Kylar, I don't really want a romantic relationship with them in game, but always have to for the pepper spray.
    I think I've always been a bit cruel and cold to them... Especially after seeing you say that the owl toy is something they used to hold very dear, it makes me feel so bad of me. I got the owl back from Bailey's office, but that means the PC will be under constant surveillance.
    If the PC couldn't give it back to Kylar, is there any way to remove the camera from the owl toy? Would you like to add this option? Poor Kylar, if only there was a chance for a healthier relationship with them.

    1. How do they feel about a PC who sold her body? How would Kylar react if a PC asked them for money?
      How does Kylar get their living expenses? Did their parents leave them some property? Or do they steal for living?
      Kylar's lifestyle is worrisome, I don't know how they are going to cope with such a hard life. I mean, they have to take care of their parents, go to school, earn a living, and be obsessed with PC…
      If comparing PC's life to Kylar's, who do you think is harder?

      I think these questions have probably been asked before and I apologise for making you repeat the answers.
      I'm sorry I had to split this comment into several, for some reason this paragraph never publishes correctly… I really want to sigh. Oh, and I also wanted to ask, you wouldn't have seen several similar comments, would you? That's too bad.

    2. [hope my comments show up properly, it's really tiring to edit them over and over again😞]
      I understand why others like them and I hope that in the future I will be able to like them too! Thank you for creating these lovely characters <3 It's getting colder now, keep warm!
      What I want to say today is you are really very sweet and adorable <3 (don't know if it's offensive to call someone adorable? 🤔)

  88. Hey Vrelnir, I just wanted to thank you for the amazing game. It really shows the hard work put into it. Thank you and happy christmas.

  89. There’s a bunch of questions in my head…sorry if you find it disturbing…
    1. So far, which character do you think has the most comprehensive content?
    2. What do LIs usually call their parents?
    3. How often do LIs masturbate?
    4. May I know the awareness and willpower level of school LIs?
    5. Was Avery ever bullied in school/college?
    6. The town seems to be a tourist attraction, how famous is this town in the game world?
    7. How many students are there in one grade of the school?
    8. How would school LIs react if they heard the students talking about the crush being PC(assume they are dating)?
    9. I want to make my PC more mysterious. Can you please add a mesh veil hat to the clothing shop?
    10. When my PC was wearing a plaid school pinafore and getting soaked, I noticed that the plaid school pinafore layer blocked the hand layer, I guess this should be a bug?
    Thanks for your patience, and the update as well!

  90. Thanks for the update! Love you...I have some questions for you! Hope it's not too much trouble for you!
    1. How is Robin’s painting skills?
    2. Can Robin also touch other conversions of PC? I want to hold them with angel wings or wrap their arms with devil tail.
    3. I’m curious about what reasons Robin would use to refuse PC’s more sexual requests. I'd also like to think that they have sexual dysfunction to trigger the situation, but I feel like that should just make Robin sad and embarrassed rather than angry enough to lead to more sex in bed.
    4. Maybe we can use Robin's liquid to water the flower beds!
    Like knock them down and...oh, we'll get a sticky, wet garland.
    5.Have you ever played Plants vs. Zombies 1? I'm curious what plants everyone would like (zombies would work too)!
    I suspect only Kylar and Robin have played this game, if that's too much trouble for you you could just say what Kylar and Robin like!
    6. Like you said, can I expect you to include a scene in the cafeteria with a high-confidence Robin leading the PC trying to stay away from Whitney? You mentioned before that I was really looking forward to more protective scenes with Robin, even though my PC is already powerful enough.
    7. If we put a chastity belt on Robin (just curious), would they be less harmed by the trauma storyline? Maybe Robin will become a pure punchline.
    8. What would happen if I wore a collar with Robin's name on it and walked around school shouting "I am Robin's puppy and Robin is my master"? Will Robin accept it if they finds out?
    9. I have a little immature suggestion that you could just listen to... maybe you could increase the negative effects of trauma (I wish there was more content about this) and make Robin more useful by the way.
    10. If we suddenly and inexplicably say to Robin, "I am willing to dedicate everything to you, and I hope you can always be this cute", how will Robin react? This is a PC who is in debt for them.
    11. Are Robin’s parents and relatives related to the temple?
    12.Has Wren known Robin for some time?
    13.Are Robin's parents still alive?
    Thank you! Hope you are happy every day!

    1. There is a translator issue here, and 3 should be: "I want to tell them if you have sexual dysfunction, which is why you are not satisfied with me" to provoke Robin.

  91. not sure if it is just this situation but the last 2 times I went to the tentacle plains on a red moon sever hallucinations gets momentarily removed until I recover a full bar of control and then it just pops back in like nothing happened

    1. so testing it a bit more its not just the plains I will randomly just gain and lose the trait even at max control

  92. Hey Vrel. What if before the update my school term starts in august, then after the update it started immediately the next day (end of april)? It is bug?

  93. Who among the NPCs and li will spend money on the game (such as recharge or purchase the game, etc.)? In fact, both Kylar and Robin, who love to play games, don’t seem to be very wealthy, right?
