
Tuesday 13 August 2019


This update adds another school project, which begins three to four weeks into the game. It involves several events and scenarios, including a kidnapping scene. The update also adds another job opportunity on Danube Street, improves performance, and makes other additions and improvements. Thanks to everyone who helped, and thank you for playing!

Check the most recent update for download links.

Edit: There's an issue with the Android version failing to install. Some people have had success using Google Files, though it doesn't work for everyone. Working on a solution. Sorry for the bother.

Edit2: Updated links to, which fixes several bugs. Notes at bottom of post.

Edit3: I've been unable to find a way to get the new Android version to install over the old. The previous version will need to be uninstalled first.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I know the game is in alpha and problems like this are unavoidable to an extent, but I think this one could have been avoided if I knew my stuff better.

Patch notes
A second school project will begin three to four weeks into the game. Your character can work towards victory in their bedroom or the school library.
The player character needs to work hard if they want a good chance of winning, but some students know of a faster way. Written in collaboration with Corrupted Savior.
Added a kidnapping scenario. It can be found by antagonising the people that appear on Oxford Street while the new project is ongoing.
Added a "Tan on the beach" option to the beach. The PC will also gain a tan passively while out in the sun, though it is not yet represented visually. Thanks to NG.
Added another job opportunity when knocking on Danube street doors. Written in collaboration with Shiranui. Requires breastfeeding be enabled.
Made some adjustments that should improve performance. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
The Close button at the top of the sidebar sub-menus now sticks to the top of the screen. Also thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
Sped up the fade in on page transition.
The Try On feature at the clothing shop will now remember the most recently selected colour. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
Added a Save/Export feature to enable moving saves to and from Android devices. Courtesy of Lollipop Scythe.
The clothing shop now sells sandals.
Added a tailor to the shopping centre. They can repair your clothes. Thanks to Taiwansmurf.
Added a couple of lines for NPCs receiving footjobs.
Added missionary sprites for dogs, dolphins, bears, boars, pigs, and lizards. Art courtesy of sseshess.
Added towel tops and bottoms to the idle doggy sprite. Art courtesy of doc.
You can now pass 1, 6 and 24 hours in the cheat menu.

Balance Changes

The tutorial NPC will no longer have a chance to gag you with their breasts.
Harper will now send you to the asylum if you have the Visibly Disturbed trait when sent to the hospital after passing out.
You can now speak while your mouth is pressed against someone's chest, though not while pressed against a nipple.
Screaming while under the influence of an aphrodisiac will now sound like a lewd moan, and will fail to attract help.

Bug Fixes

Rounded up the escaped tentacles that were helping the townsfolk bind your limbs.
Fixed a bug causing undercover police to refer to the PC as a girl, even if they appeared as a boy.
Fixed a bug causing NPCs to know that you had bit a previous NPC's nipple, and therefore refuse to allow you to suck or lick their breasts.
Fixed an error message that could appear while your head is pressed against small to medium sized breasts.
Fixed a bug causing the PC's left arm to appear in front of their body, and their right arm behind it, while jerking tentacles in the missionary position.
Fixed a bug causing NPCs to respond to a colleague having their chest interacted with as if it were happening to them.
Fixed a bug causing Leighton to remark that an apparently female PC has nice breasts "for a boy" during the breast inspection scene.
Fixed a bug causing NPCs to force your head away from their nipple while sucking.
Removed NPCs ability to rub your face with their clit and breasts at the same time.
Removed the superfluous radiobuttons that would appear when buying a cap.
Fixed an error message found when modelling clothes for Leighton at the brothel.
Your mouth action will now default to "keep mouth closed" when someone pushes your head against their breasts.
Fixed a bug preventing tentacles grappling your right leg from showing up on the missionary sprite.
Fixed a bug preventing the gold bars on the characteristics page from appearing properly in Chrome.
Fixed a bug causing a colour mismatch between the upper and lower halves of under outfits.
Fixed a bug causing newly worn under outfits to lose their lower halves once sent to the wardrobe.
Fixed a bug causing NPCs to behave as if your head is still pressed against their chest after pulling away.
Water soaking through your bra should now longer be described as exposing your genitals.
The help option available when witnessing an assault at night is now correctly marked as taking 10 minutes.
Fixed a number of errors found when NPCs orgasm. Thanks to NG.
Fixed a bug causing the PC to be referred to as a girl by a police officer regardless of their actual gender. Thanks to NG.
Fixed a bug causing the pig in the dungeon, and the black wolf, to orgasm like humans. Also thanks to NG.
Fixed a bug preventing interaction between creampies and body size increase/reduction pills, resulting in a weaker than intended effect. Thanks to Lollipop Scythe.
Vore encounters should no longer begin with the PC in a missionary position, with no art to represent the monster.
Angry beasts should no longer be described as slapping your hand away when you fail to stroke their clit.
Fixed a bug causing cheat menu changes to under top integrity to appear to change under bottom integrity instead.
Fixed an issue causing a missing pronoun during encounters with monster girls and boys.
Fixed a bug preventing you from selling your crotchless panties to people on the street.
Fixed a bug causing your clothes to be wrongly described as "falling to tatters" during beach volleyball while wearing just a swimsuit or bra on your chest.
Fixed a bug causing the bottom half of outfits to remain hidden after the top half is discarded, while still taking up a wardrobe slot.
Fixed an issue causing NPCs to be misassigned breasts.
Fixed a bug preventing breasts from shrinking when appropriate.
Fixed a bug causing Robin's pronouns to vanish when they admit their troubles to you.
All bras and bikini tops now leave your midriff exposed.
Fixed a bug causing bikini tops to be described as being "pulled down to your midriff", regardless of whether they actually are.
Fixed an error found when leaving dock work early.
Fixed a broken image link found when rubbing a penis between your cheeks in missionary position.
Fixed a bug preventing an action that caused a large decrease in delinquency from being marked properly.
Chatter and laughter should no longer emerge from the school while the school is empty.
Balance Changes
The stimulant dealers can now be unlocked by entering Oxford Street during dawn and dusk, as well as day.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an error message that would appear when giving footjobs to aroused penises.
The drugged student should now only appear during the maths project, after you've discovered the source of stimulants.
The student working on their maths project in the school library should now only appear while the project is ongoing.
You should now only be able to attempt a seduction on the library student once per day, and they should no longer appear after a successful seduction.
Fixed a bug causing male PCs to be described as having a vagina when performing cunnilingus.
Fixed some strange grammar when goading someone to switch from imminent anal to imminent vaginal.


  1. Are you secretly a titty streamer?

  2. Is 0 Man a bug or a feature?

    1. I'll get the net to see if I can catch him for questioning.

  3. but when can we have vrel replace bailey?

    1. I applied for the job, but Bailey has connections.

  4. Cowboy hat when? I
    wanna be a rootin tootin orphan danmit

  5. Love it Vrel, Are you going to take a break? Get some rest, love you.

    1. I'm glad. I'll make sure to rest up soon!

  6. Ill put it here just to inform people, Android version may or may not work. Installing fails for some people

    1. Thanks for informing people. Last time this happened I could find no solution. Clean installs still worked, but people lost their save files. Hopefully we'll have more luck this time.

    2. I'm also getting the "App not installed" error.

      PackageManager(754): Package com.vrelnir.DegreesOfLewdity signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!

    3. Unfortunately i am also getting this "app not installed"

    4. You have to do a fresh install. You'll lose your saves, but it will work.

    5. That's helped narrow down the problem, cheers.

    6. Will you be able to fix the android version? I would like to keep my characters D:

    7. I'll do my best. I was unable to protect save files last time though :(

    8. Another solution i have found to work is just download it in a diffrent engien like instead of firefox use safari

  7. Why no futa ? It will be really cool when i can be a futa or a vampire or werwolf

    1. It's planned. Thanks for the suggestions.

  8. "Screaming while under the influence of an aphrodisiac will now sound like a lewd moan, and will fail to attract help."
    Wouldn't it be cool if instead of not attracting anyone, there would be the chance of attracting another rapist? It would kinda make sense to me.

    1. Aye, it would be cool. It will probably be included for specific encounters, at least.

  9. Tanning does not work(
    The variable does not seem to increase.
    Also no prompts about math project on older saves, it is just there when you load

    1. Thanks, I'll look into them. The maths project just being there when you load is strange.

  10. >Screaming while under the influence of an aphrodisiac will now sound like a lewd moan, and will fail to attract help.
    Amazing. Something I didn't know I wanted.

  11. Thank you for the update V.

  12. Footjobs seem to cause trouble now:
    Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: macro <> does not exist))

    Happened twice while having sex with 2 guys

    1. Seems to happen as soon as they're approaching orgasm

  13. Thanks for another great update, although its a shame to loose all those wild tenticles :P

    1. You're welcome.

      I have plans for those tentacles.

  14. Look at the patch notes: everything was made by someone else. Again. Many times now. He doesn't work on the game but earns $1k/month. I also don't work on the game, where is my thousand dollar? Realize the truth guys: he just chats with people while waiting for the community to send him the content for free then slaps his name on it and collects the big cash. He no longer deserves the patreon money. So everyone go there and cancel the payment (and spend that money on yourself instead).

    1. Writing and coding a game of this size is a massive undertaking (not to mention the testing, patches and revision which also takes place.)

      I am glad there are additional contributors who help with the game because it would be overwhelming for a single person. Hell, even with the extra help it is still a huge task!

      You make it sound like Vrel does nothing which is rude and utter B.S. Vrel is one of the most involved and active content creators of a lewd game I have ever encountered.

      If you don't want to be a patron, that's totally fine-- it's free to play. But, the reality is that DOL would be/is incredibly time-consuming to programme and by supporting content creators, it not only shows our appreciation, but often enables makers to dedicate more time to work on their respective projects. I think DOL is a great game and thankfully there are other fans, contributors and patrons who agree with me.

    2. This update was focused on the second school project (which was mentioned weeks ago). That isn't a small event, honestly the user made content is essentially a bonus.

      As much as I suspect the OP wears a tinfoil hat, the fact that Vrelnir generally only checks the bitbucket 1-2 days before an update kinda makes me see where they're coming from (I do feel safe saying they're wrong though). Not checking the listed bug/suggestion place until right before an update could understandably give people the wrong idea, given how many scam through patreon.

      I've did a few indie projects the the gettng-to-be-distant past (sfw stuff), and taking content from others actually takes longer to add in that writing it yourself, unless the person submitting content knows the language and gives you code (perfect code specifically, bug checking others code can be a massive headache), or if the stuff is 'just a block of text' simple. Can't speak for others, but I just tossed Vrelnir a revised event that I suspect will take 1.5-3 hours of trying to light me on fire with their mind to get it into the game. User submitted content doesn't mean no work.


    3. Thanks for the kind words guys. Maybe I'm donning my own tinfoil, but I suspect OP is the person who wanted 90% of the patreon, who I turned down. They've sent me angry messages on Discord. I'm not sure who else I've upset so much.

      ThatPersonOverThere, sorry I'm not faster to respond to the bitbucket. Between replying to comments elsewhere and working on new content, it often gets pushed to the side. It's silly, as there's no reason not to stay on top of it. I'll try to prioritise it higher in the future.

    4. No worries, if there's something that needs to be addressed quickly I'm aware that posting here is generally better. The intent of that comment was just to ensure you were aware of the possibility of people drawing incorrect conclusions based on the limited bitbucket activity.

    5. See? He admits he doesn't pay the workers. I'm right. And I'm upset because I have to work in that shitty factory 40h/week to get the same money you earn but doing nothing. And it's not your work, read the patch notes. You can't argue with the facts. It's written up there. At least I'm getting payed for my own work honest and fair, and you not. Rascal! I never helped you and I never will. You can exploit others but not me!

    6. Well, doubt there's any point, but I'll try to make this simple for you.

      When people donate images, features, etc, it's because they want it in the game and are being proactive about it (we're not workers, we're just adding in stuff we want). The majority (all?) of us who do that have no issue with the amount of content that Vrelnir's producing. My guess is that most/all of us have some idea of how long it takes to write, edit, and/or debug code (in my case it's old Basic stuff and G-code rather then html, but it still gives me a baseline). If we thought we were being exploited, we'd stop donating things. Between the new event, adding in created content, and bug fixing, I'd say it's likely that Vrelnir spent 30-40hrs or so on this update (give or take a bit based on speed). That's better than most patreon creators manage over a 3 week period, and as far as I know Vrelnir's not even claiming this is a full time thing (combine that with the only pledge tier being $3, essentially a tip jar, I've got no issues). Quit trying to drive people off. You're not 'helping the deceived masses' or whatever, your just another misinformed SJW. Or possibly a troll.

    7. Wow. Sounds like Vrelnir's tinfoiling was right on the money, lmao. Take your resentment and frustrations elsewhere. If you are unhappy with your job or life, why don't you do something about it instead of projecting your bullshit onto other people? And on a lewd game blog of all places, WTF? Lol. This really isn't the place for it. Make your own game and set up a patreon. If you have such a problem with the way you perceive things to be done here, then why don't you go and find something you do enjoy instead of bitching here? It's evident you are bitter about something and have an agenda for this behaviour rather than genuinely looking out for people, or being outraged by how DOL is made. Rapscallion! Lmao!

    8. I think he's just trolling

  15. Would it be possible to add sliders for "Percentage of males attracted to femininity", and vice versa? I think it'd make a bit more sense than a percentage of males will always find you attractive regardless of how you're currently presenting and opens up some more options for roleplay. For example, crossdressing as a male while your character is female could prevent harassment from males and protect your virginity, but adds the risk of females becoming enraged or more eager when they harass you and find you out. I suppose it would make it easier from a balance perspective, so maybe as an optional setting?

    1. That's a good idea as an optional setting. It should be doable.

  16. If this is only version Version and you've added so much content what are you envisioning the end product as?

    1. I have a vision of what the town and its surroundings look like, the stories that will take place there, and what fetishes and activities I want to be included. It's hard to talk about without being specific, but version 1.0 should have enough content to last an in-game year.

      Easier said than done of course, but that's the plan.

  17. How can I get my character to have aphrodisiac?

    1. They come up in some events. There isn't yet a reliable way to acquire them.

  18. there is still the problem of Glitch during sex scenes in the Android version

  19. When is new version com...
    Oh wait, wrong comment XD
    Great update. I love this game.

  20. i made a couple microskirts and a fishnet top if youre interested, hope it good enough to make it in the next update. its not perfect, so feel free to improve on them

    1. Thank you! If I do include them, what name would you like to be credited as?

    2. TheH34then666 for some damn reason blogspot decided to leave me anonymous lol. also posted the link here, where my name is visible

  21. Avisa cuando esté disponible la versión Android

    1. La versión de Android está disponible. Asegúrate de leer Edit3 en la publicación. Puede ser relevante.

      Si tiene otros problemas con la versión de Android, avíseme.

    2. Ok gracias, veré si me sirve

  22. Nice work! Ive been waiting for more school content for a while. Maybe things like simple testing every so often could be added in with there being ways to bypass those tests besides just showing up with a high score in the subject. Also a maid/butler job could be neat!

    1. Oh yeah before I forget this train of thought you could tie that content with Whitney or Kylar. I think it'd be neat to see another side of Whitney personally.

    2. I'm glad to hear that, and thanks for the ideas!

      If the tests take place in class then Kylar will need to be involved at least. Whitney too if they're added to a different class, which I'm considering.

    3. Sounds like a good idea to me. It's all up to you boss!

  23. Replies
    1. They're images for the tentacle plains, which you can access via the asylum.

  24. i found a bug when an npc takes part of your clothes as a souvenir it doesn't sends a replacement signal

  25. Yay! Vrelnir. You're the best, I don't know how you do it but this game is a very addictive game

  26. Replies
    1. I don't think I have the artistic skill to pull it off.

  27. Would it be reasonable to ask for a way to find out the Mock weakness of an NPC? Maybe the highest levels of English or Skulduggery could give us a tip. As it is, guesswork just isn't my idea of a fun system.

    Also,a herm portal opened up during the boat rape encounter that happens when working at the Docks.

    And thanks for the update, of course. The performance improvement, seemingly minor as it is, really makes a huge difference to the feel of the game.

    1. I think a way to judge an NPC's insecurity is reasonable. I agree that the current system isn't ideal.

      Thanks for the heads up on the herm portal.

      You're very welcome.

  28. Wandering if any genderbending transformations were planned for the future? Also could you add an option to disable missionary or doggy poses?

    1. Genderbending is planned, though I'm unsure about the specifics.

      I may add a way to disable specific poses if I don't think I can get the missing images in soon enough.

  29. Hey I love your game. Keep up the good work and have fun doing it. Don't forget to take a break if you feel like you need one. And thanks to all your supporters too.

    1. Thank you, I will!

      I second your thanks to my supporters. They're amazing.

  30. Another comment mentioned having separate attraction sliders for crossdressing and I also want to put my support of that idea here.

    Also, interactions between named characters gets weird when crossdressing. Surely your friends, teachers and classmates would recognize your face and possibly ridicule and harass you? Even Robin should show some concern/interest.

    1. You're right, people would recognise your crossdressing. Currently named NPCs are supposed to remember your actual gender, but it's incomplete, and not used much. I'd like to give the school an impression of your gender, and appropriate reactions should you dress or behave in a way that opposes that.

    2. What does 'appropriate reactions' mean? I think my little boy should be allowed to wear a dress if he wants to.
      Whitney should definitely ridicule the player, but Robin should just be like "Oh, you're dressed up cute today!"

  31. So what kind of roadmap are we looking at over the next 6 months or so? I'm curious.

    1. Not sure about six months, but coming up we have the parasite overhaul, another "wild" location, another way to prostitute yourself, and the asylum revisit. Beyond that we have the farm and prison.

  32. not sure how much of a bug this is, using the current android link gives me a file, but when i open the app it says installed it fresh cuz i had to do that savefile thing from edit3

    1. happy to add that the save was transferred perfectly

    2. That's strange. I've forgotten to change the version number in game in the past. If that's the problem, then it's just a UI thing.

      I'm glad to hear the save transferred perfecty.

  33. found a bug where the black wolf is referred to as a wolfboy during combat/sex even though the setting is turned off

  34. I'm getting the "app not installed" error even when trying to update from to so there is definitely something wonky going on with your signatures.
    I know signature verification can be bypassed entirely with root so it's not that much of a problem but it still sounds very weird.

    1. That's unfortunate. Thanks for letting me know.

      I think I know what the problem is. I need to wrap my head around app signing.

    2. Anon, if you have any previous versions of the game ( v2.1, v 2.0) the game will not install on Android. You'll need to uninstall and delete any previous versions from your files (File Manager -> APPS) then delete any previous versions you may have. If you are still playing any previous version of the game you will NOT have your save files.

      Thankfully, Vrelnir added Import/Export saves in v2.20 so any updates he makes to the game you'll be able to continue your save if you choose to export.

  35. Hi, Vrelnir...

    It's a amazing work that you are doing in this game, really. Do you have plans to make another sex positions, lime "cowgirl" or positions stand up ones?
    (Sorry for my bad English...)

    1. Hi. Thanks for the kind words. I do plan to add more sex sprites, but I'd like to get the current ones up to scratch first. Missionary in particular has a lot of adjustments I'd like to make, and missing images.

  36. Hi Vrelnir! Good update.
    I found something odd (but it makes me laugh):
    "Your catgirl bra has dried, concealing your penis. " It's a new way to protect PC's modesty? I'm not sure it's helpful...

    Thanks everybody for the good work, take care!

    1. Hi, and thanks! Sorry about the bug. I'll teach the PC how to dress properly.

  37. What size does your breast have to be able to get the new Breastfeeding job?

    1. The PC is paid to receive milk, rather than give.

      PC lactation is planned for the future, and is unlikely to be directly tied to breast size. I haven't worked out the details yet though.

  38. Yes! More boob content! My most prized after Vore Content!

  39. Thank you so much for giving us the ability to keep our android saves. You the best. :D

    1. You're welcome, and thank you! Lollipop Scythe is responsible for the export/import feature that made preserving saves possible. It came just in time.

  40. "Screaming while under the influence of an aphrodisiac will now sound like a lewd moan, and will fail to attract help."

    1. I wanted to make aphrodisiacs a bit more dangerous, and add more reason for that NPC to try and give you one before assaulting you.

  41. This just random question how frequently do you release new content or updates I'm just curious how often to download new stuff.

    1. I think updates are up about every month, sometimes twice a month.

    2. It's been 3 - 4 weeks these last few updates. Going to try to get closer to 2 weeks, as I prefer a shorter cycle, but it can be hard to find a good stopping point sometimes.

  42. Great work on the new update, Vrelnir!

    I'm loving to see how this game is progressing, you've definitely put in lots of work and it shows! I can't wait to see where this game goes!

  43. Pig show: on all fours trying to move mouth to penis, pig sprite is a grey dog sprite instead, thought you might wanna know.

    Been playing this on and off for a while, great work!

    1. Thanks for the heads up, and the kind words! I'm glad you like it.

  44. One minor thing I’ve found annoying is if you have multiple sets of a full set of clothing (like sundresses), and wear a preset of clothing that uses those clothes, it will randomly use different, non matching parts of that set of clothing.

    An example will make so much more sense: I have a saved clothing preset with a sundress and own 3 colors of sundresses. When I pick that clothing preset, I will sometimes get tops and bottoms of different colors.

    Having presets randomly give you colors of clothing is fine, but not if the clothing is part of a set and it gives you different colors of that same set.

    Did that make sense?

    Obligatory thanks for the fun game btw.

    1. You're welcome.

      Aye, that makes sense. Presets not saving colours isn't ideal, but is at least acceptable. Presets mixing and matching different outfits is not though. Thanks for the heads up.

    2. Noticed the same thing with female swimsuits. Guessing it applies to all clothes that uses both top and bottom slots.

    3. I think the presets not saving color would be a good optional thing since in my opinion it adds a good realism thing u would not want to where the same bra and panty set all-day every day right and for people like me that change clothing often it's an interesting option.

  45. Another great update (android save shenanigans forgiven), but I'm not sure if this is working as intended or not, the breastfeeding job on Domus street does not give progress towards the cat transformation.

    Also, wondering if you have plans to make your virginity worth more than the angel transformation. Maybe the ability to sell it at the brothel once your fame is high enough to do scheduled shows.

    1. Thank you. The breastfeeding job not giving progress towards the cat transformation is not intended. Thanks for letting me know.

      I do have plans to make your virginity worth something in a financial sense. It will likely involve the brothel.

  46. Do you intend to let the protagonist violate others?

    1. Maybe in the distant future. There are other things I want to focus on first.

    I draw fanart for you (still think about colour).(人*´∀`)。*゚+
    It's amazing work. Will you have more wolf/cat transform event like have random npc grab/step on their tail or some dog/catlover npc pat on their head and give them some treat(?) or some random in heat?.And will it have more traits like some sadistic and masochist?
    U^ェ^U *.✧(sorry i bad at English)

    1. That's awesome to see. Thank you!

      I do want to involve the transformations more during encounters, and make them more unique from each other in general.

  48. Yo! Really nice update! Are there any plans on pregnancy in the recent future?

    1. Thanks! Pregnancy is planned, but not for the near future. The farm will come first.

  49. Is Robin a wingless angel? I think they're too nice to be in this cruel world.
    And I'm really curious about Whitney's family history.
    They're cute, but shock and awe too, haha.
    Probably one of the craziest NPCs in the game, including Harper.

    1. I think you're right about Robin.

      I want to explore Whitney's life outside school. I know some people expect them to be from a rich family, and others expect them to have grown up in poverty.

    2. Our community is guessing Whitney as a rich young gentleman/lady! Their own mansion must have a lot to write about. Hmm, interesting.

    3. So consider it, please. Of course, choice is yours. ㅇㅂㅇb

    4. Ironically given the preceding comments, I had assumed Whitney was from a fairly generic non-descript family. From what I remember from growing up, outside of kiddie TV shows most bullies (myself included) didn't appear to have any specific family reason, they just enjoyed being bullies. Some people are just deuchebags, or go through an deuchebaggy phase.

  50. And always thanks for the update, it's so good to see new project for school.

  51. It seems that female NPCs are no longer capable of muffling your mouth from the first round onwards.
    Is that a bug or the "fix" of a "feature"? I really liked that it could happen in the previous version, made day-time encounters much more suspenseful.

    1. Sounds like a bug. I'll check it out. Only the tutorial NPC is supposed to be unable to perform that act. Thanks for the heads up.

  52. I've got an idea about something new to add sometime what if u added a bondage club in and made it with a high enough defiance the PC can become the dominatrix or some thing along those lines it would be good to go with a toy update.

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I'd like to add more varied prostitution scenarios like that.

  53. Are you planning on doing anything else with Harper? They're my favorite character by far.

  54. Hi Vrelman, please consider the following:

    - Allow the PC to be more sexually assertive with Avery, such as letting the PC attempt to initiate sex when Avery's satisfied just taking a look at the PC naked.
    Some new actions during the dinner scene would be great, too. Maybe subtle lewd acts, like teasing them with a foot (like Avery does to the PC), or riskier acts, like an undertable blowjob, as Avery gets hornier and less careful. Of course, his receptiveness to the PC's actions could be determined with a Lust bar, like other NPCs have: Trying a move on an unroused Avery during a date would most likely just embarrass him and reduce his Endearment, for example.

    - A non-submissive dirty talk option. I understand that the Moan action is a reward for submissiveness, but the fact that my Defiant boy can only switch between being deathly quiet or straight-up bullying his partner feels a bit awkward. I'd love to see some kind of nerfed "dirty talk" option for consensual encounters, determined not by Submissiveness, but by Promiscuity.
    --Still in the topic of Moans, this is a more ambitious suggestion, ye be warned: How about types of Moans? Just like how there are different "flavours" of Mocking, there could be different "flavours" of dirty talk, with NPCs having preferences (in lieu of Mocking's weaknesses), with some preferring loud and obscene dirty talk, some preferring inarticulate moans and gasps, and some preferring sweet and lovey-dovey words (like Robin <3).

    - A slider for controlling the proportion of male NPCs that are tops or bottoms. The amount of randos and rapists I've met that want to be penetrated instead of penetrating strikes me as a bit weird. But maybe the residents of the Town are just -that- kinky.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions. Being more sexually assertive with Avery would make sense as an option.

      I really like the idea of different types of moans. It would be a lot to write, but it might be worthwhile. I'll think about it for the future. I've been thinking of mock as the non-submissive dirty talk option, at least during consensual encounters. That's kinda specific too though.

      I reduced the chance of NPCs with penises going for the envelop during non consensual encounters to 0, due to feedback. It seems to have crept back in.

  55. Got a question about the breast size cheat when u increase size it's supposed to be instant at midnight right or did a previous update make it that over time they increase now or is it still the same on android it can take up to a week for a size increase if it does at all

    1. And when it does increase it still refers to them as pert.

    2. Sounds like something's wrong, I'll look into it. It's supposed to take until midnight for the full change to occur.

    3. If you want a workaround, you can cheat cash, go to the hospital, then get implants/reductions.

  56. Spoiler alert for a new scene:

    Wonderful update, love your game, love you. Now that that's outta the way, I've gotta say the stimulant/aphrodisiac overdose scene was somewhat disappointing. The classic "too horny to stop yourself from fucking a random stranger" is sexy and all, but not being able to crawl to Robin's room and beg for their help feels like such a wasted opportunity.

    1. Thank you!

      I don't disagree with you, a Robin scene would fit perfectly. I wanted to get the basic options in first though.

    2. Could also be interesting to have a chance of Baily finding you (and profiting naturally).

  57. how i get the winter scene?

    1. Collect 10 unique antiques and deliver them to the museum. Once you've asked Winter about them a new option will appear.

  58. How long does it take for robin to leave u the note after u take on his debt? I've taken on his debt and I haven't seen the note in my bedroom yet. I thought it was fairly quick that u receive it.

    I had to uninstall the previous version because I'm on android and I started over from the beginning. Idk if I haven't waited long enough, though it's been days and I already paid the increased amount once, or if it's a bug of some sort.

    Thank u for all the work u do.

    1. You're welcome.

      Robin needs at least two jars of lust, and low trauma before they'll leave the note. You shouldn't need to wait once the requirements are met.

    2. Ah ok. He doesn't have 2 jars yet.

      Thank u for the help and all that u do.

  59. "Added a Save/Export feature to enable moving saves to and from Android devices. Courtesy of Lollipop Scythe."

    Thank you so much, Vrelnir!!!

    1. You're welcome! It's thanks to Lollipop Scythe. I wouldn't have been able to work it out alone.

  60. Re: the new kidnapping scenario, what does "while the new project is ongoing" mean? I've been on Oxford Street a lot after receiving the project and never saw anyone new. Does it have to be on the date the project is due?

    1. Failed to steal from the dealer many times would lead you to the kidnapping.

    2. Anon is right. Stimulant dealers should appear on Oxford Street during the day, after the maths competition is added to your journal.

      Let me know if they are missing.

    3. Yeah stimulant dealers never appeared for me. Not sure why, it's a new game and everything. :<

      OOh, let me rephrase: they don't appear in version, but I loaded up the same save file in and they actually do appear when I go to Oxford street. Then, if I save the game again and load it back up in, they're still there. Again, no idea why.

  61. The game is great and is greeting even better with the time and the new tings added

  62. Great work Vrelnir! enjoying the game so much.

  63. Can the game register a chastity belt as panties? Because I went out of my way to go to the Temple the day the head teacher takes your panties, maybe have him disappointed when he finds out you wear a chastity belt? Because I don't like how he just assumes you can't give him your panties, that you don't have any on. Just a suggestion.

    1. Some events are set to consider chastity belts the same way they do nakedness. Other events do have unique lines for when you're found to be in chastity. It would be ideal for more events to work the latter way, I agree.

  64. Your work Vrelnir is amazing i check for updates since i found this game when it was ver. and since i played it

  65. Great game. Have a small idea for you though I noticed while playing. A recent patch removed the hair options from the changing room and added it to the mirror which was fine. Until I made a character that ran away from home to live in the woods to avoid Baily indefinitely. This was when I noticed it is not possible to change hair or get any of the mirror options unless you go home. You cannot even change your hair at the hair shop as that is only for color and length. Would it be possible to add a mirror to the changing rooms? The wolf den could even have a reflection in the water for this option if you wanted. Either way game is still a lot of fun.

    1. Bathroom mirrors at the school/park could be an option as well.

    2. Thanks for the suggestion. Mirrors in changing rooms is a good idea.

  66. I mentioned this in the last update post near this updates release and it didn't get a response due to that. There's an extremely exploitable set of bugs that have to do with dancing. Cleaning yourself with the cat transformation takes no fatigue and that's fine, but you don't go back to dancing so you can get free safe tips by standing there with no hit to fatigue. Another thing is that under outfits don't count as exhibitionism 5 when stripped. It's easy to get high awe by wearing clothes over a swimsuit and stripping it all, only going to exhibitionism 4 even if you're totally naked. Making use of these two bugs in a cycle can make for some serious bank with no effort, no danger, and little time investment.

    1. That's pretty powerful. Thanks for letting me know.

  67. Hey vre do you accept any other type of donation like a one off donations. I have a bad reputation with memberships I.e patron. But I'd like to support your work.

    1. It's kind of you to consider donating. I don't have anything other than Patreon at the moment, but I might set something up for one-off donations in the future.

    2. Unless something changes recently, you can do one-off donation with patreon. Click the button for signing up for a monthly donation, then on the pledge amount page choose a custom amount and choose the non-recurring option.

  68. Do you have any plans for peeing or more aphrodisiac stuff? I would love some other area like the tentacle plains where you get hornier and hornier the longer you're there, but without having to have maxed out trauma to get there and potentially getting trapped there long term. Maybe some pink, bulb flower that shoots arousing pollin in your face.
    Also, I've noticed a few time that I would get stuck in infinite loops and could only solve them by cheating my stress and trauma down to 0. Like in the forest. I would run from Eden, get raped by a tree, and then immediately attacked by Eden again. And reloading never helped because the exact same events would invariably happen in the exact same order. It also happened in the park a few times while I was in underwear. I couldn't leave because I was too embarrassed to walk anywhere and would get raped in the bushes until I passed out and woke up in the hospital.
    One last suggestion. Can we have a bathroom in every building?

    1. Watersports and scat are definitely love or 'how the hell is that erotic' kinks. If Vrelnir decides to add that stuff, my guess is that it would be behind a toggle. May also need to be something that users write if it turns out that they're kinks that Vrelnir doesn't get. Even if willing to try, it can be difficult/impossible to write if one has difficulty comprehending how a specific kink can be erotic. I certainly wouldn't have any idea how to write that kind of stuff.

      As for your loop issue. The park as additional exits, even when embarassed (crate, secret passage if history is high enough, and a manhole). The woods are harder, but they're also supposed to be harder to get out of. Save-scumming doesn't change anything, the RNG seed is doesn't get reset by doing that. If you want to cheat your way out of situations like that, entering and confirming in the cheat menu (no changes need to be made) resets the RNG seed.

    2. I do have plans for more aphrodisiacs, and there will be more ways to enter the tentacle plains. Flowers with arousing pollen would fit.

      Most events are supposed to give you some breathing space by not triggering another event immediately after. That said, getting passed around between events is in some cases possible. It sounds like something is amiss though.

      Watersports are a maybe. It's not a kink of mine, but I appreciate how it could add mechanical depth. It would be behind a toggle.

  69. *le gasp* it's me again and I love the new update and the new scenes are amazing thus far. Will tanning later contribute to skin tones?

    1. Guessing it will (or contribute to tanlines). Either way though, kinda hoping that those are optional. Tan's tend to be ridiculously overdone in games, and well, my character's gonna need to do a LOT of streaking to avoid tanlines if they go that route, since you can't willingly go nude outside when it's light out.

    2. The plan is to involve tanning in skin tones, aye.

      I know some people would like extreme tans, while others would prefer it to be more realistic. If all goes well we'll be able to control tan intensity with a slider.

  70. Great update, as always. I know we just had a clothing update, but what about a robe? Also... watersports?

    1. I have art for a robe, but it needs fixing up.

      Watersports are a maybe.

  71. will there be a chance in the future that named NPCs other then Robin could start the game with breast milk available for all times? it would be nice if we did have a named NPC with breast milk so we can have a more constant source of milk to get the milk trait.

    1. I'm still working out the best way to implement breast milk for named NPCs. Morgan should have it, at least.

  72. 'teacher rapes and blackmail student'
    Police do nothing.
    Cake goes missing
    Police: now this is a avengers level threat

    1. Window broken at the local doughnut shop. State of Emergency declared.

  73. I'm curious, do you have any plans on when you'll potentially work on the game's "combat" and add some sort of dojo to improve at it?

    1. Not sure when exactly. It'll be after the farm, and probably after the prison. Plans change though.

  74. Gotta say vrelnir that you've produced the makings of a really great game and I know there's a few bugs like if a female dog is licking your ass or cunt the sprite kinda messes around a bit with its front leg also is there any way to change the attacks by tree roots to be tree roots and not mentioned as tentacles and maybe coloured brown also when I've adjusted my characters hair length to long and want different fringes it resets the length of hair to the default length yet character spite in menu shows the fringe hair without length change yet character screen sprite shows it perfectly fine also sometimes the dialogue repeats itself during encounters also would love to see female sprites as well as fingers which shouldn't be too hard to change the cock sprite to a finger by shaving a few lines off either side and maybe a slight colour change also would love more locations and is there anything going on with elk Street as it seems to be producing arousing smoke that could be infecting the town also would love more ruins underneath with maybe an encounter with the heart or the tentacle beast also with the harper story where he hypnotises you and you hear the car horn it should affect your character more than stats like your character should jump the people to fuck em also maybe some options during encounters to play with your self cause I've had a few times where my characters had mouths forced to breasts and they play with themselves leaving me to just keep hitting nxt till an option opens up also it seems the characters can't seem to be dominant too much or able to tie up others also think the school should have a teachers lounge and maybe a quest line or two that takes you there or to be able to actually visit the caretakers shack on the school grounds also I know you're already working on the pregnancy side but also maybe a property you could get for yourself and maybe have to get help with rent by moving others in too also more named npc characters also I don't think the player really should be able to control who has what genitals I think it should really be set by yourself with working percentages also maybe have students or people considering sex change operations maybe an option to have your own store also maybe items you can buy for example a mobile or communication crystal. Also a shovel or metal detector or a bike for quicker travel n maybe something like people mess with it either cumming on the seat or adding dildos or taking the seat also more of a shoe collection n leaving the pole n if your adding a cowboy hat maybe a farm or ranch also horses centaurs sayters also another thought instead of 2 separate pictures for ass n genitals maybe one picture for both across the bottom of your character sprite which leads me to my next point if that can't happen then could you sort it so the pictures represent your position eg do 180 for them if they're lying on the floor also maybe adding a dynamic for if you get cummed in too much and it actually starts to hurt and reduces fatigue and speed of movement would love to have more of a family element like the sewerd dweller but maybe could be a named npc that you date and also have to deal with there family too and it cud either be a bit light or quite dark in story then also makes dating that character harder as you have to please they're family and could make for a few interesting moments storyline wise I would also maybe add fairys/fey could also have a commune with a queen also if your promiscuity and exhibitionism are high enough I think you should be able to walk round the town without having to dive for stuff with people and maybe a naturism perk like the more people see you the more enfigerated you feel Sorry if it's too much info just loving the game sooo much keep up the great work your doing also would love to know when more content and updates are coming out.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, the suggestions, and the kind words. Not sure when to expect the next update, but it's hopefully not too far away.

      There is indeed something going on at the compound on Elk Street. It will be explored more in the future, and may involve the ruins in the lake.

      A cowboy hat is planned.

  75. I think the android version is not up-to-date to

    Please refer my screenshot with Bluestack android emulator:!F49V2awS!LOdAY2snoij43fCv0yQzBg

    - The version in the welcome screen is (img 01)
    - Students for the maths comp come out in day 1 (img 02,03,04)
    - An error occurs on footjob (img 05)
    - A man (or woman)'s nipple comes when having sex with an animal (img 06)

    Also, I found some other bugs (in android, not sure for normal version) without screenshots:
    - You get nothing for taking note or rob a stimulant from drugged student.
    - In sex with dolphins (3 sequential sex), the penis remains in your breast when you finish first one with boobjob.

    Lastly, some suggestions:
    - It would be better if the game supports landscape mode. I used a rotate lock app to make it landscape, but just one button in the game or auto-change with the device's current state would be handy.
    - The math comp is good, but it seems virtually impossible to finish with the "good" way. 2 hrs per 1% (200 hrs for 100%) is too hard - you have to work more than 6 hrs per day. How about 1 hrs per 1%?

    Thank you for your amusing game. I really enjoying it.

    1. There are installation issues with updating the android version. Read the release info (specifically edit3) and follow the instructions.

    2. Sorry, I didn't mention that I fully uninstalled old version and reinstalled android version.
      Moreover, the one I installed on the android emulator was a fresh install. I doubt that updating is not an issue of this.
